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不同来源腐殖酸的光解及过氧化氢对其影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为探讨腐殖酸在环境中的行为及光解除去腐殖酸的可能性,利用大于290nm的模拟日光辐照,探讨了大骨节病病区、非病区腐殖酸和泥炭腐殖酸的光解过程和光解机理及过氧化氢对其光解的影响,发现随着光照时间的延长,腐殖酸水体系的总有机碳(TOC)含量降低,pH值下降,过氧化氢可以促进腐殖酸的光解,其光解过程遵循一级动力学规律。计算了不同来源腐殖酸光解的速率及光解半衰期,发现土壤和泥炭腐殖酸比大骨节病病区饮水中腐  相似文献   
在模拟太阳光照射下,4氯苯酚(4CP)浓度迅速降低,反应过程对应着产生大量的单线态氧和自由基.金属离子Fe2+、Fe3+、Al3+能够加速这一过程,尤以Fe2+、Fe3+的影响更明显;在模拟太阳光照射下,向4CP体系加入的富里酸(FA),对4CP浓度降低略起抑制作用,这表明二者之间存在相互作用.但当再加入金属离子Fe2+、Fe3+、Al3+后,能够加速4CP浓度降低,尤以Fe2+、Fe3+的影响更显著.  相似文献   
The degradation of fulvic acid(FA) by nanoparticle TiO2 in a submerged membrane photocatalysis(SMPC) reactor was studied. In this reactor, photocatalytic oxidation and membrane separation co-occured. The continuous air supplier provided O2 for the photocatalytical reaction and mixed the solution through an airflow controller. The particle TiO2 could automatically settle due to gravity without particle agglomeration so it could be easily separated by microfiltration(MF) membrane. It was efficient to maintain high flux of membranes. The effects of operational parameters on the photocatalytic oxidation rate of FA were investigated. Results indicated that photocatalyst at 0.5 g/L and airflow at 0.06 m^3/h were the optimum condition for the removal of fulvic acid, the removal efficiency was higher in acid media than that in alkaline media. The effects of different filtration duration on permeate flux rate of MF with P25 powder and with nanoparticle TiO2 were compared. Experimental results indicated that the permeate flux rate of MF was improved and the membrane fouling phenomenon was reduced with the addition of nanoparticle TiO2 catalyst compared with conventional P25 powder. Therefore, this submerged membrane photocatalysis reactor can faciliate potential application of photocatalytic oxidation process in drinking water treatment.  相似文献   
以天然河流水作为微生物源 ,采用碘量法测定了 2 0种苯甲酸类化合物的 5日生化需氧量 ,并以其占理论需氧量的百分数作为表征生物降解性的参数 ,得出各类取代苯甲酸类化合物的生物降解能力为 :羟基 >氨基 >羧基 >甲氧基 >氯基 >硝基 ;对于同一种取代基 ,对位取代基化合物生物降解能力最大 ,而邻位、间位取代基化合物生物降解能力大体相同。计算了苯甲酸类化合物的分子连接性指数 ,并以 5日生化需氧量占理论需氧量的百分数为参数建立了 QSBR模型。分析结果表明 ,分子连接性指数5Xvpc、5Xp- 5Xvp 能较好地反映取代苯甲酸的生物降解性  相似文献   
This study investigated a combined low-thermal and CaO2 pretreatment to enhance the volatile fatty acid (VFA) production from waste activated sludge (WAS). The fermentative product was added to a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) as an external carbon source to enhance nitrogen removal. The results showed that the combined pretreatment improved WAS solubilization, releasing more biodegradable substrates, such as proteins and polysaccharides, from TB-EPS to LB-EPS and S-EPS. The maximum VFA production of 3529 ± 188 mg COD/L was obtained in the combined pretreatment (0.2 g CaO2/g VS + 70 °C for 60 min), which was 2.1 and 1.4-fold of that obtained from the sole low-thermal pretreatment and the control test, respectively. Consequently, when the fermentative liquid was added as an external denitrification carbon source, the effluent total nitrogen decreased to Class A of the discharge standard for pollutants in rural wastewater treatment plants in most areas of China.  相似文献   
Biodissolution experiments on cinnabar ore(mercury sulphide and other sulphide minerals,such as pyrite) were performed with microorganisms extracted directly from soil. These experiments were carried out in closed systems under aerobic and anaerobic conditions with 2 different soils sampled in French Guyana. The two main objectives of this study were(1) to quantify the ability of microorganisms to mobilize metals(Fe, Al, Hg) during the dissolution of cinnabar ore, and(2) to identify the links between the type and chemical properties of soils, environmental parameters such as season and the strategies developed by indigenous microorganisms extracted from tropical natural soils to mobilize metals.Results indicate that microbial communities extracted directly from various soils are able to(1) survive in the presence of cinnabar ore, as indicated by consumption of carbon sources and,(2) leach Hg from cinnabar in oxic and anoxic dissolution experiments via the acidification of the medium and the production of low molecular mass organic acids(LMMOAs). The dissolution rate of cinnabar in aerobic conditions with microbial communities ranged from 4.8 × 10~(-4) to 2.6 × 10~(-3) μmol/m~2/day and was independent of the metabolites released by the microorganisms. In addition, these results suggest an indirect action by the microorganisms in the cinnabar dissolution. Additionally, because iron is a key element in the dynamics of Hg, microbes were stimulated by the presence of this metal,and microbes released LMMOAs that leached iron from iron-bearing minerals, such as pyrite and oxy-hydroxide of iron, in the mixed cinnabar ore.  相似文献   
为了研究餐厨垃圾固态发酵过程中挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)与产气的变化关系,采用中温(37.0±0.2)℃连续式发酵,在完全混合CSTR反应器中连续运行100 d,分析餐厨垃圾固态发酵过程的启动、运行、失衡、失衡后恢复及实现固态发酵全过程各参数的变化趋势,重点研究VFAs各成分与产气、pH等的关系.结果表明,餐厨垃圾固态发酵实验过程可划分为4个时期:适应期(0~13 d)、启动期(14~30 d)、抑制期(31~50d)、恢复及稳定期(51~100 d).不同时期的容积产气率、VFAs及各参数均表现出不同的阶段性变化.在餐厨垃圾固态发酵全过程中,pH保持在5~7之间,正丁酸比例一直处于较高水平;VFAs与pH和容积产气率在初期基本保持反比关系,最终在稳定期达到平衡,均稳定在一定范围内波动.在恢复及稳定阶段以NaOH稀碱液调节当日回流渗滤液的pH值,在第63 d时pH值上升至6.76,VFAs含量稳定在20~22 g·L~(-1)之间,产气量明显提高;在81 d时TS达到20%以上,系统容积产气量和生物降解率均保持相对稳定.  相似文献   
土壤砷污染是我国乃至世界范围内比较严重的环境问题.有关砷污染的生态毒理效应有很多研究,但对砷污染土壤中微生物群落的关注相对较少.本文以我国湖南省石门县雄黄矿地区长期砷污染土壤为例,采用PLFA及BIOLOG微平板技术考察了7个砷(As)污染程度不同的样点以及一个对照样点土壤微生物群落结构及碳源利用特征.结果发现,雄黄矿区存在多种重金属复合污染,除As含量较高以外,镉(Cd)和镍(Ni)的含量也超过了国家土壤环境质量三级标准.雄黄矿区土壤微生物的群落结构受到土壤有机碳(SOC)、有效磷(AP)、p H以及镁(Mg)、Cd、铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)含量的显著影响.各样点土壤微生物群落均以细菌为主,占微生物总量的71.54%~80.66%,真菌次之,放线菌最少.雄黄矿区土壤中的有效砷对微生物造成了较严重的胁迫.严重砷污染降低了微生物对于碳源利用的多样性以及均匀度.各样点微生物对于碳源的利用也表现出明显的差异.31种碳源中微生物利用较多的只有7类,分别属于糖类、胺类、羧酸类与多聚物,并且以糖类为主.  相似文献   
研究砖红壤对F-的吸附反应尤其是随后Al3+的释放过程,有助于增进对土壤酸化过程及其环境影响的理解. 在初步揭示出F-吸附反应以及Al3+释放反应的动力学特征基础上,重点考察了pH和有机酸对上述反应的影响. 结果表明:土壤对F-的吸附反应十分迅速,2 min内吸附量即可达到24 h内总吸附量95%,而土壤中不同含铝矿物的溶解度差异使Al3+的释放过程在前15 min十分迅速,释放量可达24 h内总释放量的80%,随后则逐渐减缓. 降低反应体系pH可促进Al3+释放,但会使F-吸附量减少,这是因为伴随Al3+的释放,部分F-又可以AlF络合物的形态重新进入溶液,尽管在低pH条件下,土壤表面以带正电荷为主而有利于F-吸附. 草酸和抗坏血酸对土壤吸附F-均有抑制作用,但对F-溶出土壤Al3+有促进作用. 此外,草酸对土壤铁氧化物的选择性溶解作用,可使更多F-吸附在土壤铝氧化物位点,并导致Al3+释放量增加.   相似文献   
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