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有机肥施用对盐渍土富里酸荧光特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨有机肥长期培肥盐渍土后土壤富里酸(FA)结构组成及土壤环境的变化特征,对黑龙江西北部盐渍土壤连续5 a采取不同施肥处理,设置CK(对照)和TR1(处理1,施用有机肥8 000 kg/hm2)、TR2(处理2,施用有机肥4 000 kg/hm2及化肥N 80 kg/hm2、P2O5 50 kg/hm2、K2O 35 kg/hm2)、TR3(处理3,施用化肥N 160 kg/hm2、P2O5 100 kg/hm2、K2O 70 kg/hm2) 4个处理组,分析土壤中富里酸荧光光谱特征的变化情况. 结果表明:与CK比较,TR1、TR2处理可明显增加土壤中ρ(富里酸),增幅分别为98.24%、72.16%;二维荧光参数分析显示,各处理下富里酸腐殖化程度均表现为TR1>TR2>TR3>CK;三维荧光光谱区域积分比值分析结果进一步证实,TR1、TR2处理通过增加可见区类富里酸的荧光响应比值和减少紫外区类富里酸的荧光响应比值来提高富里酸的腐殖化程度. 根据三维荧光光谱结合平行因子分析结果,可将富里酸分为C1组分(生物可利用富里酸组分)、C2组分(陆生来源富里酸组分)及C3组分(类蛋白组分);施用有机肥主要增加C1组分的比例,其次为增加C2组分的比例,说明施用有机肥可提高盐渍土供肥能力,对盐渍土生态环境改善具有积极作用. 传统荧光图谱解析手段结合统计分析结果显示,施用有机肥可明显提高盐渍土富里酸含量并增加其腐殖化程度.   相似文献   
旨在通过生物酶调节(碱性蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶和α-淀粉酶)提高初沉污泥的厌氧发酵效率,并通过微生物群落结构解析,SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids,SCFAs)组分分析等揭示其调控机理.结果表明,3种生物酶均可增强初沉污泥水解和产酸作用,碱性蛋白酶调控系统对初沉污泥厌氧发酵的促进效果最为明显,发酵第4d SCFAs的产量和产率分别达到1508mg COD/L和0.174g COD/g VSS.对比控制组,SCFAs的产量和产率分别增加了1129mg COD/L和0.13g COD/g VSS.微生物群落结构分析表明,在碱性蛋白酶调控发酵系统中,LentimicrobiumProteiniphilumBacteroides等发酵相关菌群的相对丰度得到了改善,MethanosaetaMethanospirillum等产甲烷古菌的活性受到了抑制.同时,生物酶调控对促进发酵过程乙酸占比也有促进作用.  相似文献   
A survey was conducted at eight U.S. drinking water plants, that spanned a wide range of water qualities and treatment/disinfection practices. Plants that treated heavily-wastewater-impacted source waters had lower trihalomethane to dihaloacetonitrile ratios due to the presence of more organic nitrogen and HAN precursors. As the bromide to total organic carbon ratio increased, there was more bromine incorporation into DBPs. This has been shown in other studies for THMs and selected emerging DBPs (HANs), whereas this study examined bromine incorporation for a wider group of emerging DBPs (haloacetaldehydes, halonitromethanes). Moreover, bromine incorporation into the emerging DBPs was, in general, similar to that of the THMs. Epidemiology studies that show an association between adverse health effects and brominated THMs may be due to the formation of brominated emerging DBPs of heath concern. Plants with higher free chlorine contact times before ammonia addition to form chloramines had less iodinated DBP formation in chloraminated distribution systems, where there was more oxidation of the iodide to iodate (a sink for the iodide) by the chlorine. This has been shown in many bench-scale studies (primarily for iodinated THMs), but seldom in full-scale studies (where this study also showed the impact on total organic iodine. Collectively, the THMs, haloacetic acids, and emerging DBPs accounted for a significant portion of the TOCl, TOBr, and TOI; however, ∼50% of the TOCl and TOBr is still unknown. The correlation of the sum of detected DBPs with the TOCl and TOBr suggests that they can be used as reliable surrogates.  相似文献   
Dissolved organic nitrogen(DON)extracted from Lake Shankou sediments using KCl was isolated into hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions.The bioavailabilities of the hydrophobic and hydrophilic fractions to three types of bacterial communities collected from sediments,activated sludge and compost products were examined.The DON recoveries obtained by DAX-8 and cation exchange resins treatment were 96.17% ± 1.58% and 98.14% ±0% for the samples obtained from N4 and N14 stations,respectively.After 25 days of incubation at 25°C,most DON(59% to 96%)was degraded.Hydrophilic DON exhibited a higher reduction rate than hydrophobic DON during the growth phase.Untreated wastewater from Changshuihe town was the main degradable DON source to station N4,and 93% of hydrophilic DON and 80% of hydrophobic DON were degraded.Station N14 received a large amount of refractory DON from forest soils and exhibited DON degradation rates of 82% and 71% for the hydrophilic and hydrophobic fractions,respectively.Amino acid contents and fluorescence intensities were also analyzed.Approximately 27% to 74% of amino acids were taken up by day 5,and their concentration gradually increased in the following days due to the decomposition of dissolved proteins.Parallel factor analysis resulted in identification of tryptophan-like proteins,tyrosine-like proteins and FA-like substances.During the growth phase,40%–51% of the tryptophan-like proteins were taken up by bacteria,and the accumulation of tyrosine-like proteins was attributed to the release of biotic substances.The concentration of the FA-like substances decreased due to microbial decomposition.  相似文献   
The humic acids (HAs) isolated from the sediments of the various rivers,lakes,and reservoirs in China were studied using elemental analyzer,fourier transform infrared (FT-IR),and CP/MAS 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.The results showed that the HAs were characterized by some common chemical and physicochemical properties,but they also pose some differences in the C-containing functional groups.The C/N,C/H,O/C,and O/H ratios differ widely for the various HAs,showing that the elemental comp...  相似文献   
以柠檬酸废水厌氧颗粒污泥为接种物,在不同pH值调控条件下开展柠檬酸生产废水剩余活性污泥厌氧发酵产酸研究.通过对发酵液挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)、有机质、氮磷和污泥脱水性能的分析,探讨了柠檬酸污泥厌氧产酸机制.结果表明,pH≥10的碱性条件更有利于有机质的溶出从而促进VFAs的产生.三维荧光光谱分析发现在恒定pH值下腐殖酸(HA)和富里酸(FA)会大量溶出降低VFAs的产量.初始pH=10是柠檬酸污泥厌氧产酸的最佳p H值,发酵4d的VFAs浓度最高达(6681.47±126.82)mgCOD/L,是文献报道中市政污泥产酸量的近2倍,其中乙酸占比49.8%,发酵后产酸功能菌Chloroflexi、Bacteroidota的相对丰度分别由初始的9.52%、10.87%增至16.84%、14.39%,污泥归一化毛细吸水时间(nCST)为(11.34±0.27)s·L/g,脱水性能良好,发酵液TP浓度为(20.45±0.33) mg/L.研究表明,利用柠檬酸剩余活性污泥碱性厌氧发酵产酸作为污水处理过程中的外加碳源具有较大潜力.  相似文献   
A phyllosphere bacterial strain EBL-06 was isolated from wheat leaves. The morphology, cultural characteristics, phospholipid fatty acids, physiological and antagonistic fungus activities of this strain were investigated. A phylogenetic tree was constructed by comparing with the published 16S rDNA sequences of the relevant bacteria. The results showed that the isolate EBL-06 was a strain of Paenibacillus polymyxa; this strain performed a high level of antagonistic fungus activity toward a broad spectrum of phytopathogens, such as Botrytis cinerea, Cladosporium cucumerinum, Fusarium spp. The isolate EBL-06 can grow well using monosodium glutamate wastewater (MGW) and potato wastewater (PW) as culture medium. The maximum yield of 6.5 × 10 9 CFU/mL of the isolate EBL-06 anti-fungus biocontrol agent was reached in 15 hr cultivation at 28°C, pH 6.0–7.5 using the mixture of MGW and PW (1:9).  相似文献   
This study examined concentrations of 15 perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in tissues from male Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) collected at Loskop Dam, Mpumalanga, South Africa in 2014 and 2016. Nine of the 15 PFAAs were detected frequently and were included in statistical analysis and included two of the most commonly known PFAAs, perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) (median, 41.6 ng/g) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (median, 0.0825 ng/g). Of the tissues measured, plasma (2016 and 2014 median, 22.2 ng/g) contained the highest PFAA burden followed by (in descending order): liver (median, 11.6 ng/g), kidney (median, 9.04 ng/g), spleen (median, 5.92 ng/g), adipose (median, 2.54 ng/g), and muscle (median, 1.11 ng/g). Loskop Dam tilapia have been affected by an inflammatory disease of the adipose tissue known as pansteatitis, so this study also aimed to investigate relationships between PFAA tissue concentrations and incidence of pansteatitis or fish health status. Results revealed that healthy tilapia exhibited an overall higher (p-value < 0.05) PFAA burden than pansteatitis-affected tilapia across all tissues. Further analysis showed that organs previously noted in the literature to contain the highest PFAA concentrations, such as kidney, liver, and plasma, were the organs driving the difference in PFAA burden between the two tilapia groups. Care must be taken in the interpretations we draw from not only the results of our study, but also other PFAA measurements made on populations (human and wildlife alike) under differing health status.  相似文献   
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