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玉龙雪山冰川公园的旅游资源特色及其保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文总结了云南省玉龙雪山以现代冰川和古冰川遗迹为主的旅游资源特色,探讨了现代冰川和古冰川遗迹的旅游观赏价值,并结合全球气候变化的趋势,提出了保护冰雪旅游资源和建立国家冰川公园的建议  相似文献   
本文以中国东北松原黄土为研究对象,通过光释光测年建立其末次冰期年代标尺,并探讨磁化率和平均粒径这两个黄土研究中常用的气候替代性指标的可能指示意义。采用成熟的细颗粒石英单片再生(SAR)光释光(OSL)测年技术获得了松原剖面顶部5.5 m年代6个,并获得了2 cm间距的低频磁化率和平均粒径这两个常规参数。石英OSL测年相关检验证实了该技术测量松原黄土的可靠性。测年结果表明,松原剖面顶部5.5 m主要沉积于末次冰期的中晚期,即约5.5—1.8 m((52.18±3.47)—(27.76±1.77)ka)主要堆积于深海氧同位素阶段(MIS)3中晚期,而顶部1.8—0.4 m((27.76±1.77)—(20.61±1.31)ka)堆积于MIS2早期。磁化率自52.18±3.47 ka到27.76±1.77 ka经历了先小幅降低又小幅升高,波动幅度较小,而自27.76±1.77 ka以后,磁化率值呈整体下降并呈现大幅度摆动。平均粒径则自52.18±3.47 ka到46.80±3.13 ka呈明显变小趋势,自46.80±3.13 ka到约20 ka变化不大,自约20 ka以后,平均粒径由约40μm陡然增加至约140μm,并在之后稳定在这一水平。测试结果对比显示,磁化率和粒度的变化不具有明显的相位关系,且同黄土高原渭南剖面末次冰期磁化率和平均粒径的变化也表现出明显的不一致现象。因此,在对松原黄土剖面的研究中,将磁化率和平均粒径分别作为东亚夏季风和冬季风的替代性指标使用时要慎重。  相似文献   
电子自旋共振(ESR)法是一种用于直接测量和研究含有未成对电子的顺磁性物质的分析方法。ESR测年是应用这种分析方法对沉积物最后一次埋藏以来的年代进行测定。相比于其他方法,它具有测年范围广,测试的样品种类多,样品可以重复测量,测量周期短等优势。20世纪80年代以来我国开始进行沉积物ESR测年与研究,但是在冰碛物ESR测年的制样和测量过程中存在一些问题。本文介绍冰碛物ESR测年的过程:样品野外采集时剖面的选取及其注意事项;详细描述提纯冰碛物中石英颗粒的前处理过程;石英颗粒经过人工辐照后在顺磁波谱仪上测试ESR信号并拟合古剂量过程中的具体方法和需要注意的问题。从实验中得到,用0.063 —0.125 mm粒径的组分提纯石英砂比较困难,前处理过程中试剂和时间消耗量大,因此建议ESR测年时:在样品充足的情况下选用细颗粒组分(0.063—0.125 mm),样品不充足的情况下选用中颗粒部分(0.125—0.25 mm)。待测样品中存在其他矿物会对石英的ESR信号有影响,因此在提纯石英过程中用重液分选提高石英纯度并可以增强测量的ESR信号的稳定性。经过氢氟酸刻蚀后的样品,石英的纯度要达到95%—99%或以上。对于冰碛物ESR测年过程中ESR信号的选择需要参照样品自身的特点,综合考虑多次尝试才能确定用常温Ge心信号还是低温的Al心、Ti心作为样品中石英的ESR测年信号。通过规范的采样、制样和ESR信号测量流程,使样品的定年能够被不同的人重复,并能够进行不同区域之间的对比。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a methodology for preparing a static water level map using a sample of water level measurements obtained from the well log records of private wells that are finished in glacial drift. The test was conducted in Tyrone Township, located in east central Michigan. A variety of selection criteria were examined and the resulting maps were compared with a ground truth map that was prepared from water level measurements obtained in the field. The map prepared from a random sample of wells at a density of two points per section best approximates the ground truth map. Using a sample of records from the Michigan Statewide Groundwater Database to create static water levels that are used in community ground water vulnerability analyses will provide a more accurate map than using the complete dataset or other selection criteria based on temporal groupings or seasonality.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A pumping test on a phreatic glacial till aquifer was performed near Ames, Iowa, in November 1990. The head in a horizontal well was pumped down rapidly and then held constant for the duration of the 30-hour test. Throughout the test, the flow rate at the pumped well and the head at an adjacent vertical observation well were recorded. The pumping test data were used to determine the hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of the aquifer. The results indicate a hydraulic conductivity of 2.23 × 10?5 cm/s and a representative specific yield of 0.03. Hydraulic conductivity was calculated by a simple integration of Darcy's Law after extrapolating the data to steady state. Specific yield was determined by use of several methods from the literature and a new method proposed by the author. The results show that specific yield increases with time, and that each method is within an order of magnitude of the others.  相似文献   
Most glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) are not closely monitored for mass balance (MB) due to their inaccessibility, which makes it difficult to better understand the dynamics of glacial advancement or retreat. Surface energy budget, MB, and the resulting melt runoff were calculated for Zhadang glacier (5,710 m above sea level) of the central TP. Energy balance was calculated on 30‐m square grids for the summers of 2007 and 2008. On average, net radiation dominated the total energy source (66%) while the residual was supplied by sensible heat flux. More than 67% of the energy sink was available for melting on the glacier. Thus, less than 33% of the total energy was consumed by latent heat flux. A large and a slightly negative summer MB were calculated for the 2007 and 2008 summers, respectively. The high sensitivity of the glacier to air temperature may indicate that the lower than average seasonal temperature was more important than the increased precipitation for the slightly negative MB in the summer of 2008. Comparisons of glacial melt runoff indicated that rainfall and snowmelt were the dominant contribution to total runoff in the glacierized basin and the ice melting is also very important. Glacial melt calculation provides a basis for quantifying glacial melt‐runoff contribution to the river streamflow in the TP.  相似文献   
近40a来中国喜马拉雅山不同流域冰湖演化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1970年代、1990、2000、2010年4个时相的冰湖编目数据,分析近40 a来中国喜马拉雅山区不同时段、不同流域和不同海拔冰湖的变化特征。近40 a来中国喜马拉雅山区冰湖变化总体呈现"数量弱减少、面积持续显著增大"的趋势,平均数量减少0.3%,面积增加53.1%±11.5%,但冰湖变化年代际差异明显。西部流域冰湖面积增速明显快于东部流域,由西至东,平均以线性递减率为2.4%/(°)的趋势减少。不同海拔高度的冰湖面积呈扩张态势,76.7%的流域冰湖面积年净增率在不同高度带上呈现出"单峰型"增长模式,其他流域呈"双峰型"甚至"多峰型"扩张模式,体现不同高程上冰湖扩张的复杂性与气候变化的垂直差异性。  相似文献   
我国冰川水资源状况及开发利用途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国是冰川水资源拥有大国之一。本文对我国冰川水资源特性、冰水化学特征及开发利用进行了综合分析论述。指出冰川水资源是以固体水库效应为基础的水资源体系,有必要重新认识冰川的水资源价值,并进一步开展冰川应用基础研究,为合理开发利用和保护冰川水资源提供依据。  相似文献   
Landscape-climatic changes are described that took place in the second half of the Late Neopleistocene and Holocene on the eastern macroslope of the Northern Urals. On the basis of geochronological and palynological data, the composition of paleocommunities in different time sections over the past 50000 years has been reconstructed in detail. Paleoclimatic parameters calculated by the zonal-formation method are presented.  相似文献   
《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(2):154-170
Previous research indicates that people's perception of risk from a particular hazard positively influences their adoption of effective mitigation strategies and responses. This research investigates the risk perceptions of people living downstream from Tsho Rolpa Glacial Lake of Nepal. Field surveys revealed that people living beneath the Tsho Rolpa glacial lake possess a low risk perception despite the probability of a glacial lake outburst at their location. Further investigation reveals that many individuals have made no adjustments in response to the potential disaster. The low risk perception on the part of the riverine population is chiefly attributed to the cry-wolf effect of the 1997 evacuation that followed an inaccurate prediction of a Tsho Rolpa outburst. Previous remediation structures were kept in place, but appear to have created a false sense of security among those at risk. This overconfidence in the rudimentary efforts employed thus far is illustrated by the fact that many residents have moved their infrastructure even closer to the river channel in recent years. Partial mitigation efforts have muted people's perceptions of the environmental risk and have therefore increased the vulnerability of the communities to a probable outburst flood.  相似文献   
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