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Underground coal mine explosions is perhaps the most hazardous danger in the coal mining industries. Efforts have been made to abate the coal dust explosion by applying rock dust either dry or wet. Dry dust has the best lift characteristic which efficiently quenches the flame propagation of a potential explosion. As a trade-off, undesired respirable dust particles are thereby generated imposing a severe health hazard on coal miners. Wet dusting is an alternative to dry dusting which significantly reduces the exposure to respirable dust particles. However, wet dust is subject to adverse caking issues which lead to a drastic reduction in the dispersibility of the particles. The present work summarizes the studies conducted to date regarding the surface modification of rock dust particles for the purpose of eliminating or alleviating the problems accompanying coal mine dusting applications, meanwhile improving the dispersive properties of dust particles and the ability to suppress the coal dust explosion.  相似文献   
: Chemical quality characteristics of the Illinois waterway covering a stretch of 270 river miles were monitored at approximately 10 mile intervals, during the period June to September of 1978 and 1979. A statistical method was used to define the interstation relationships for the chemical parameters. These mathematical models were used to predict the effects of Lake Michigan diversion. The mineral content of the mixed flow resulting from increased diversions are not likely to be altered drastically.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: A number of criteria can be used in the selection of an area for the irrigation disposal of secondary treated waste water. The inherent capacity of the surface soil to retain, or at least detain, the various nutrient ions passing through the profile in the percolating waters becomes the prime consideration in regions with shallow water tables or in Karst areas such as the Missouri Ozarks where the risk of ground water supply contamination is high. A comprehensive study of the nutrient renovation potential of several soils was undertaken at a proposed effluent irrigation site along the Ozark National Scenic Riverways in south central Missouri. The surface soil hydrology was evaluated employing selected soil water parameters. Exchange equilibria studies determined the retention capacity for Ca and Mg while the concentrations of other selected ions were analyzed in the soil water to measure their retention time and net removal. The movement of a bromine tracer was monitored as an index of the renovation capacity of these soils for the more mobile anions such as nitrate. Neutron activation analysis proved to be a useful tool in the water quality analyses. All surface soil profiles demonstrated some degree of nutrient renovation for the various nutrients studied.  相似文献   
在国内外研究的基础上通过实验以MAA、AA、BuAc、MMAc为原料,采用乳液聚合的方法合成了一种新型的不含烷氧基的水溶性W/O原油破乳剂SYL-01。反应条件与反应物的用量研究表明:反应物最佳配比为AA:MAA:BuAc:MMAC=0.75:0.25:10:4。对原油乳液的破乳实验说明:SYL-01与目前使用的9901破乳剂性能相当,脱水率较高。SYL-01原料价廉易得,不使用易燃易爆的气体原料,工艺简单,有较好的开发应用前景。  相似文献   
The water from 34 strip mine and 9 livestock water impoundments on the Northern Great Plains was analyzed. In all areas the water was classified as slightly brackish or saline. The dominant ion sequence for the study ponds was Na>Ca>Mg>K and SO4HCO3CO3Cl, which differs from most freshwater by the transposition of Na and SO4. Even though mean concentrations of total filterable residue were consistently greater in strip mine ponds, statistically significant differences were not found at the p ≤ 0.05 level between strip ponds and livestock ponds. The macronutrients of nitrogen and phosphorus found in the ponds were neither limiting to primary productivity nor excessive for fresh water. Many ponds contain turbid water. Turbidity restricts light penetration and limits photosynthesis besides making the ponds visually unattractive. The source of water for the pond, whether surface runoff or groundwater, seems to have important bearing on turbidity. The most appropriate use of these strip mine ponds is for waterfowl, warm-water fisheries, and other wildlife associated with prairie wetlands. However, even these uses are jeopardized by detrimental concentrations of trace elements in the water (Anderson and Hawkes, 1984).  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Drought affects the quality of ground water in certain aquifers used by municipalities in Kansas. Water quality changes occur as a function of the amount of water available for recharge and hence to dilute more mineralized ground waters. Several measures of meteorological drought, including the Palmer Index and Eagleman Aridity Index, were correlated with water quality data to determine the degree of association. Several locations showed sharp delinces in water quality as the drought progressed. These relationships can be used to predict possible variations in present and future well-water supplies in locations subject to drought induced water quality deterioration.  相似文献   
Measurements of electrical conductivity and discharge ofmeltwaters in the Gornera, which drains from the 83%glacierised basin containing Gornergletscher, PennineAlps, Switzerland, were undertaken between May andSeptember in both 1979 and 1998. Discharge in theGornera was 43% higher in 1998, average air temperatureduring the ablation season being 2.1 °C warmer andpreceding winter precipitation 28% lower than in 1979. Mean electrical conductivity of meltwater in 1998 wasreduced by 40%. In the same 60 day period in 1998,however, solute flux was augmented by only 2% bycomparison with 1979. Year-to-year climatic variations,reflected in discharge variability, strongly affectsolute concentration in glacial meltwaters, but havelimited impact on solute flux. Climatic conditionstranslate into meltwater quality through inter-relationships between mineral reaction rates, subglacialresidence time in contact with sediment, and discharge. Annual variability in solute flux depends on the extentto which volume of flow can offset decline in soluteconcentration brought about by reducing residence time.  相似文献   
本文将酸化模型分为指标评价模型、经验酸化模型和以湖泊-流域为基础的机理模型三大类。概述了几个典型的酸化模型的结构、对参数和过程的处理方法、存在的问题和应用范围并介绍了它们的一些具体应用。还以MAGIC模型为例说明了酸化模型的发展及其趋势。作为模型的一个有机组成部分,本文还阐述了酸化模型的不确定性分析。  相似文献   
Streamwater chemistry and spatial flow dynamics from a subalpine Abies fabri forest in an experimental watershed located in the east slope of Gongga Mountain were analyzed to gain insights into the gradient effect of primary community succession on the stream biogeochemical process. Results showed that high sand content (exceeding 80%) and porosity in the soil(exceeding 20% in A horizon and 35% in B horizon), as well as a thick humus layer on the soil surface, made the water exchange quickly in the Huangbengliu (HBL) watershed. Consequently, no surface runoff was observed, and the stream discharge changed rapidly with the daily precipitation. The flow trends of base ions in the stream water were influenced by the Abies fabri succession gradient. Ca^2 , HCO3^- and SO4^2,- were the dominant anions in the streamwater in this region. A significant difference of Ca^2 , HCO3^- and SO4^2- concentration exported between the succession stages in the watershed can be found. But they had the similar temporal change in the stream flow. Ca^2 , HCO3^- and SO4^2- showed significantly negative correlations with the daily precipitation and the stream discharge. Concentrations of Cl^- , Na^ , K^ , and Mg^2 were low in all streamwaters monitored and we observed no differences along the Abies fabri succession gradient. Low ratios of Na. (Na Ca) (range from 0.1 to 0.2) implied cations were from bedrock weathering (internal source process in the soil system) in this region. But, a variance analysis showed there were almost no differences between rainwater and streamwaters for Mg^2 , Na^ , K^ , and Cl^- concentrations. This indicated that they might be come from rainfall inputs(external source). The highly mobile capacity, rapid water exchange between precipitation and discharge, and long-term export lead to this observed pattern were suggested.  相似文献   
太原煤化工区有毒气体泄漏环境风险分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对太原煤化工区氯气、氨气和光气这3种泄漏风险最高的有毒气体的事故条件,采用非定常的CALPUFF大气扩散模式进行了一整年的事故扩散模拟.获得逐时次事故扩散浓度场并分析3种污染物泄漏的全年平均风险及各季变化.结果定量描述了氯气、氨气和光气的致死浓度、中毒浓度和刺激浓度的全年及各季平均风险范围,并分析了不同有毒气体风险范围的差异及四季变化的原因.  相似文献   
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