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Vogel, Richard M., Chad Yaindl, and Meghan Walter, 2011. Nonstationarity: Flood Magnification and Recurrence Reduction Factors in the United States. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(3):464‐474. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00541.x Abstract: It may no longer be reasonable to model streamflow as a stationary process, yet nearly all existing water resource planning methods assume that historical streamflows will remain unchanged in the future. In the few instances when trends in extreme events have been considered, most recent work has focused on the influence of climate change, alone. This study takes a different approach by exploring trends in floods in watersheds which are subject to a very broad range of anthropogenic influences, not limited to climate change. A simple statistical model is developed which can both mimic observed flood trends as well as the frequency of floods in a nonstationary world. This model is used to explore a range of flood planning issues in a nonstationary world. A decadal flood magnification factor is defined as the ratio of the T‐year flood in a decade to the T‐year flood today. Using historical flood data across the United States we obtain flood magnification factors in excess of 2‐5 for many regions of the United States, particularly those regions with higher population densities. Similarly, we compute recurrence reduction factors which indicate that what is now considered the 100‐year flood, may become much more common in many watersheds. Nonstationarity in floods can result from a variety of anthropogenic processes including changes in land use, climate, and water use, with likely interactions among those processes making it very difficult to attribute trends to a particular cause.  相似文献   
通过对新疆湖库“十一五”期间水质变化趋势的分析,结合五年间地方政府采取的综合污染防治措施,分析了水质变化的原因,并提出相应对策建议,以便更好地推进新疆湖库水污染防治工作。  相似文献   
2008年以来德化县在城区推动陶瓷企业使用清洁能源,淘汰了污染较严重的燃料。本文通过建立变权欧式距离模型,分析德化县2005年至2009年改用清洁能源前后城区环境空气变化趋势。变权欧式距离模型评价结果表明,这5年的德化县城区大气环境质量较好,PM10是城区大气环境的主要污染物。自2008年德化县城区陶瓷企业改用清洁能源后,PM10的权重系数略有降低,大气环境质量级别R也变小,城区大气环境质量得到改善。  相似文献   
根据“十一五”期间老边区环境空气质量监测情况,采用环境空气污染负荷系数法综合指数法,通过污染物负荷系数的计算,确定老边区环境空气主要污染物和次要污染物,并对老边区环境空气质量进行简评与分析。  相似文献   
简单介绍了炼油碱渣废水的来源及特点,综述了近年来炼油碱渣废水中硫化物的去除技术(包括沉淀技术、氧化技术、生物技术、超声波技术、电化学技术等)的研究进展。结合各技术的特点分析指出:以催化氧化为核心,以高效、经济、条件缓和为主要目标的组合工艺的优化与集成以及新型催化剂的研发,是炼油碱渣废水中硫化物去除技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   
In the Appalachian region of the eastern United States, mountaintop removal mining (MTM) is a dominant driver of land‐cover change, impacting 6.8% of the largely forested 4.86 million ha coal fields region. Recent catastrophic flooding and documented biological impairment downstream of MTM has drawn sharp criticism to this practice. Despite its extent, scale, and use since the 1970s, the impact of MTM on hydrology is poorly understood. Therefore, the goal of this study was a multiscale evaluation to establish the nature of hydrologic impacts associated with MTM. To quantify the extent of MTM, land‐cover change over the lifetime of this practice is estimated for a mesoscale watershed in southern West Virginia. To assess hydrologic impacts, we conducted long‐term trend analyses to evaluate for systematic changes in hydrology at the mesoscale, and conducted hydrometric and response time modeling to characterize storm‐scale responses of a MTM‐impacted headwater catchment. Results show a general trend in the conversion of forests to mines, and significant decreases in maximum streamflow and variability, and increases in base‐flow ratio attributed to valley fills and deep mine drainage. Decreases in variability are shown across spatial and temporal scales having important implications for water quantity and quality. However, considerable research is necessary to understand how MTM impacts hydrology. In an effort to inform future research, we identify existing knowledge gaps and limitations of our study.  相似文献   
近50年华北地区降水量时空变化特征研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
利用华北地区(京、津、晋、冀、鲁、豫)92个气象台站近50年的逐日气象数据,采用趋势分析法和小网格法分析华北地区降水量的时空变化规律,并利用G IS工具实现空间分异表达。结果表明:华北地区降水相对较少,年均降水量为614 mm。年均降水量呈由东南向西北逐渐减少的趋势。春季降水纬向分布明显,而夏季降水经向分布更为突出,秋冬季降水与年降水分布相似。随着年降水量由多到少变化,多雨区由东部沿海向南部地区移动,少雨区呈由中西部地区向中北部地区移动的趋势。该区降水年际变异性强,年降水和夏季降水均呈明显的降低趋势,春季降水略呈升高趋势,冬季降水升高趋势更为明显。1980年为由多雨期向少雨期的转折点,降水量存在8~10 a的显著振荡周期。20世纪60年代为月降水正距平出现最多的时期,而80年代和90年代为月降水负距平出现最多的时期。华北地区降水量季节性差异明显,夏季降水集中,全年65%~85%的降水量集中在6—9月。  相似文献   
龙凤山本底站大气CO2数据筛分及浓度特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栾天  周凌晞  方双喜  姚波  王红阳  刘钊 《环境科学》2014,35(8):2864-2870
针对黑龙江龙凤山区域大气本底站2009年1月~2011年12月低层(离地10 m)和高层(离地80 m)大气CO2在线观测数据,选取低层数据重点开展研究,分析地面风向和风速等因素对观测CO2浓度的影响.结果表明,龙凤山低层大气CO2浓度明显受局地源汇影响,其与高层观测结果差异在白天08:00~17:00相对较小,小于(0.5±0.5)×10-6(物质的量比).春、夏和秋这3个季节E-ESE-SE-SSE扇区来向的地面风会明显抬升大气CO2浓度,而冬季N-NNW-NW-WNW扇区CO2浓度明显较高.该站4个季节近地面CO2浓度随着风速增大而逐渐减小,在冬季尤为明显.结合日变化及地面风的影响,对低层观测数据进行初步本底/非本底筛分,筛选出代表东北区域混合均匀CO2水平的本底数据占总数据的30.7%.本底CO2浓度季节变化显示该站大气CO2浓度呈现冬季高夏季低的趋势,季振幅约为(36.3±1.4)×10-6,明显大于同期WMO/GAW同纬度站点观测结果,2009~2011年龙凤山大气CO2平均增长率为2.4×10-6a-1.  相似文献   
中国十大流域近40多年降水量时空变化特征   总被引:32,自引:6,他引:32  
利用中国1956~2000年月降水量资料,按流域将全国划分为10个区域,分析了各流域年、季降水量的多年平均状况和年代际变化特征以及长期变化趋势。分析结果进一步证实,中国北方流域降水量少,年际变化大,水资源缺乏且不稳定;南方流域降水较多,年际变化较小,水资源相对充足且比较稳定。分析结果还表明,近45年来,北方外流河流域年降水量一般趋于减少,特别是20世纪90年代以来降水明显减少;南方流域以降水增加为主,90年代降水均较80年代增多,特别是长江流域以南地区更为明显。季节降水减少主要出现在夏秋季,冬春季降水有微弱增加趋势。近20年来,中国绝大多数流域降水的增减趋势与近45年长序列的变化趋势基本一致。北方大部分外流河流域年降水量减少,南方流域多为增加。夏、秋季,大部流域降水较前20年减少,冬春季则相反。中国西北诸河流域是十大流域中惟一四季降水均有增加的流域。  相似文献   
锡林河流域草原植被退化空间格局分析   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
利用TM遥感影像,结合地面植被调查,基于典型草原退化演替模式,绘制锡林河流域植被现状图,在地理信息系统支持下,研究了锡林河流域草原植被退化空间格局特征,得出全流域、上中下游及流域内不同地貌类型上不同草原退化等级的面积。全流域1999年放牧退化草原植被面积为7689.3km2,占总流域面积的71.86%。根据草原退化指数计算得出全流域总草原退化指数为10901.8km2草原退化单位,同时还计算了流域上中下游区域和流域内不同地貌类型的草原退化指数值。通过网格取样,绘制锡林河流域草原退化指数空间图,应用空间趋势面分析法绘制草原植被退化指数等值线图。结果表明:锡林河流域草原退化的空间格局较为复杂,首先与流域上中下游及不同地貌类型上人类放牧利用强度的差异相关,具体表现在流域中下游及河谷阶地、平原和丘陵区草原植被退化较为明显,其次,全流域有多个较为明显的草原植被严重退化中心区,均与人类高强度放牧利用有关。  相似文献   
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