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国际远洋船舶压舱水中的硅藻研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用新型压舱水采样器采集了5艘进入厦门港的国际远洋船舶14个压舱水水样,通过对样品中硅藻的分析、鉴定,共发现硅藻37属111种(包括变种和休止孢子),其中赤潮种28种,潜在有毒种1种,非本海域种6种:Stepharopyxis turris;Chaetoceros convoluts;C.crinitus;C.aurivilliis;C.neocompactum;C.subsalsum。各样品中硅藻丰度值在0.08×103/L~5.96×103/L之间,种类数(已定种)在6~36之间。结合硅藻组成和丰度可以推断压舱水的可能交换地。与前人的研究结果对比反映出压舱水可能导致新的外来有害生物入侵的潜在危害性,相关职能部门应加强压舱水的监管工作。  相似文献   
基于磷阈值的富营养化风险评价体系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
选取北京市重要的地表水源密云水库作为实例研究,在识别影响富营养化发生的主要限制因子的基础上,采用外源营养盐输入对富营养化作用的流水藻类培养试验(AGP)方法,并结合数学方法拟合富营养化水体发生的阈值.研究表明,根据富营养化水体各水质指标之间的回归关系,确定出能够反映富营养化的水质指标阈值.运用水质模型模拟富营养化过程,进行基于阈值的富营养化风险评价,构建了富营养化风险评价方法体系,提供了一种基于阈值的水体富营养化风险评价的方法.  相似文献   
药剂法去除矿井水中多种有害物质的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据某一煤矿矿井水水质特点,采用在矿井水净化处理工艺过程中投加药荆的方法,达到同时去除矿井水中的悬浮物、碳酸盐硬度和铁等多种有害物质的目的。工程试验表明,聚合氯化铝投加量100mg/L,石灰投加量120-140mg/L,二氧化氯投加量大于1.5mg/L时,可以取得较好的处理效果。  相似文献   
为维护和改善湖水、水库等大型蓄水设施的水质而寻找一种新的方法,在人工的明/暗光照射条件下,探讨了运用粉末状TiO2作为光触媒,抑制各种淡水藻类增殖的效果。粉末状的TiO2,在100mg/L的浓度下,对蓝藻的铜绿微囊藻原变种、鱼腥藻和绿藻的空星藻有明显的抑制增殖的效果;而对硅藻的钝脆杆藻,在此条件下则没有效果。  相似文献   
In order to monitor the changes of Microcystis along with temporal and spatial variations, seasonal variation of Microcystis in Lake Taihu was investigated by 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (16S-23S rRNA-ITS DGGE) and microscopic evaluation. Samples were collected quarterly at four sites (River Mouth, Meiliang Bay, Cross Area, and Lake Center) from August 2006 to April 2007. Results showed that Microcystis dominated total phytoplankton abundance at the four sites in all seasons except winter. The average annual abundance of Microcystis was relatively high at River Mouth and Meiliang Bay, reaching 81.22×106 and 61.32×106 cells/L, respectively. For temporal variations, Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H') according to DGGE profile revealed the richness of Microcystis in summer (H'=1.375±0.034) and winter (H'=1.650±0.032) was lower than that in spring (H'=2.078±0.031) and autumn (H'=2.365±0.032) (P<0.05). While for spatial variations, the richness of Microcystis at River Mouth (H'=2.015±0.074) was higher than at other sites during four seasons (P<0.01). Very few differences of Microcystis diversity in the same season were observed among the other three sites (P>0.05). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was performed to elucidate the relationships between Microcystis operational taxonomic units (OTUs) composition and the environmental factors. Results of CCA revealed that temperature was strongly positively correlated with the first axis (r=0.963), while TSS was negative correlated with the second axis (r=-0.716). Phylogenetic tree based on the sequencing results of target bands on DGGE gel indicated that samples collected in summer and winter constituted two separated clusters.  相似文献   
三峡水库支流大宁河水华特征研究   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:11  
以三峡水库支流大宁河水华敏感期(2007年4~6月和2008年4~5月)水质和水华的调查数据为依据,研究了其水质变化、营养盐构成及水华特征.结果表明,水华敏感期大宁河自回水段以下氮磷含量较高,总氮范围为0.84~3.21 mg/L,总磷为0.011~0.531 mg/L,氮营养盐主要以TDN为主(TDN/TN为84%),而磷营养盐以TDP占优(TDP/TP为60%);N/P值均高于16,藻类生长受磷限制.高锰酸盐指数和溶解氧含量低且变化稳定.叶绿素a为1.41~219.04 mg.m-3.相关性分析表明Chl-a与TP、高锰酸盐指数、DO、pH呈显著正相关(rChla-TP=0.453、rChla-高锰酸盐指数=0.641、rChla-DO=0.584、rChla-pH=0.409,p0.01),与SD呈显著负相关(rChla-SD=-0.392,p0.01);pH受多参数影响,但受藻类生长影响较大.通过显微镜对藻类进行鉴定,发现大宁河自回水段以下水华敏感期藻类分布较广,共发现8门82属124种,其中硅藻门和绿藻门分布最多,其次为蓝藻门和甲藻门,其余藻种较少.大宁河在水华敏感期暴发了3次自回水段以下大规模水华,水华期间藻密度最高值是正常值的14~1427倍,水华优势种主要有绿藻门的波吉卵囊藻、小空星球藻、土生绿球藻、实球藻和小球藻;裸藻门的扁裸藻、矩圆囊裸藻;硅藻门的小环藻、冠盘藻和舟形藻;甲藻门的埃尔多甲藻等;发生多藻种同时水华的情况;出河口处藻类较少.  相似文献   
After the appalling “Wuxi DrinkingWater Crisis”, increasing investigations concerning the contaminations of cyanobacterial blooms and their toxins in Lake Taihu have been performed and reported in the last two years. However, information regarding these issues before the crisis in 2007 remained insu cient. To provide some background data for further comparisons, the present study reported our investigations conducted in 2004, associated with the cyanotoxin contaminations as well as the eutrophication status in Lake Taihu. Results from the one-year-study near a drinking water resource for Wuxi City indicated that, unlike the status in recent two years, cyanobacteria and chlorophyta are the co-dominance species throughout the year. The highest toxin concentration (34.2 ng/mL) in water columns occurred in August. In bloom biomass, the peak value of intracellular toxin (0.59 g/mg DW) was determined in October, which was lag behind that in water column. In addition, MC-RR was the major toxin variant throughout the year. During the study period, nutrients levels of total nitrogen and phosphorus were also recorded monthly. Results from the present study will lead to a better understanding of the eutrophication status and the potential risks before “Wuxi Drinking Water Crisis”.  相似文献   
由于有毒有害气体直接威胁着人类的生存,因此有必要认识与评估城市中有毒有害气体对城市公共安全的危害.本文从城市人口脆弱性和有毒有害气体风险性两方面入手,对由有毒有害气体引起的中毒事故进行了分析,在此基础上提出了相应的安全技术措施.  相似文献   
为解析太原市冬季街道尘土中潜在有害元素(PHEs)的关键污染来源,采集了40个街道尘土样本,使用电感耦合等离子体质谱和原子荧光光谱仪测定了尘土中As、 Cd、 Pb、 Ni、 Cr、 Cu和Zn这7种元素的含量.使用内梅罗综合危害指数法(NIRI)、美国环境保护署推荐的健康风险评估模型分别评价了尘土中PHEs造成的生态和居民健康风险;使用正定矩阵因子分解模型结合主成分分析法分析了尘土中PHEs的来源,并基于此计算了不同来源对尘土PHEs的总含量和PHEs造成风险的贡献程度;使用多属性决策方法(MADM)识别了街道尘土中PHEs的关键来源.结果表明:(1)太原市冬季尘土中ω(As)、ω(Cd)、ω(Pb)、ω(Ni)、ω(Cr)、ω(Cu)和ω(Zn)的平均值分别为17.92、0.32、69.10、30.06、107.74、73.37和268.49 mg·kg-1,均超过了太原市土壤中相应元素的背景值,说明尘土中PHEs已经出现富集现象,尘土中PHEs的NIRI平均值为63.86,属于中度风险,处在可控状态;(2)尘土中PHEs造成的致癌和非致癌风险均低于阈值,表明...  相似文献   
2013年3月、6月、9月及12月采集了洞庭湖11个断面的浮游藻类,并对所采集的藻类进行了功能群划分,结果显示,洞庭湖的浮游藻类可以分为24个功能群:A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H1、J、LO、LM、M、MP、N、P、S1、SN、T、W1、W2、X1、X2、X3、Y,所反映的生境特征主要表现为对分层敏感、频繁扰动且混合程度较高的浑浊型中-富营养型水体.不同时期调查的藻类优势功能群存在明显差异,其中,B(中营养水体、对分层敏感)、D(较浑浊的浅水水体)、J(混合型高富营养浅水水体)、MP(扰动频繁的浑浊型浅水水体)、P(混合程度较高中富营养浅水水体)、Y(广适性)在四次调查中的优势度均>0.02,成为洞庭湖的绝对优势功能群,洞庭湖藻类优势功能群不同时期的演替规律为:3月MP+P+D+B经6月MP+J+P+D+B与9月MP+J+P+D+B+LO+Y转变成12月MP+J+D+Y.CCA分析结果显示,洞庭湖藻类功能群分布受水环境因子影响较为明显.整体上,T、pH值、DO、CODCr、NH3-N及TP是影响洞庭湖藻类功能群分布格局的主要因素.  相似文献   
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