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澳门是我国人口密度最大的城市.选择澳门特别行政区不同功能区绿地土壤为研究对象,首先,通过野外布点采样,调查分析了表层土壤中9种重金属元素(Cr、Ni、Cu、Cd、Pb、Cr、Zn、As、Hg)和16种优先控制多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布特征;其次,利用累积频率分布曲线法估算了土壤重金属和PAHs的土壤污染背景;最后,基于...  相似文献   
湖库富营养化和有害藻华是全球性生态环境问题,藻华预测与早期预警是保障湖库水源地供水安全的关键技术.如何基于高频水生态在线监测数据进行藻华的实时动态预测成为水生态管理领域的重大需求.本研究以福建省九龙江江东库区(水源地)为例,利用3年连续观测的逐时平均总叶绿素a浓度数据,对比研究了SARIMA、Prophet和LSTM(长短期记忆神经网络)3种时间序列模型在藻华(日平均叶绿素a大于15μg·L-1)预测方面的效果.结果表明:(1)时间序列模型要求参数少,灵活性强,能清晰反映水质特征和未来变化趋势,可弥补传统藻类监测预警方法的局限性;(2)基于深度学习框架的LSTM模型,具有独特的迭代优化算法,对藻类非线性变化特征的识别和预测能力较强,其总叶绿素a逐日预测和7日预测效果均显著优于SARIMA模型和Prophet模型;(3)输入数据长度会在一定程度上影响模型预测效果,最优的输入数据时间长度为7 d;输入数据频率对预测效果也有影响,在预测非藻华日时,小时数据的预测效果优于日频率数据;在预测藻华日时,两种频率数据无显著差异,但日频率数据能更准确识别藻华日特征.总结起来,基于...  相似文献   
了解陇中地区干湿状况,对进一步研究植被与气候变化和农业水资源管理有重要意义。基于陇中地区1961—2015年的地面气候资料日值数据集,应用彭曼蒙特斯模型(P-M模型)、滑动t检验、Morlet小波、主成分分析和薄盘样条插值等方法,对陇中地区近55 a潜在蒸散量(ET_0)和干旱指数(AI,aridity index)的变化趋势进行了研究。结果表明:年际分布上ET_0以上升趋势为主,AI整体上升趋势不显著,表明陇中地区近55 a气候趋于干旱;年内分布上ET_0呈单峰型分布,AI则呈谷状分布;空间分布上陇中地区ET_0和AI都呈有规律的从南向北依次增加的趋势,越往北气候越干;ET_0在1975年、1983年和1997年发生了突变,AI则在1983年、1986年和2012年发生突变,ET_0和AI的序列周期不尽相同。近55 a陇中地区气候趋于干旱。  相似文献   
将复合地基加固区视为均质体,采用课题组提出的基于Davidenkov骨架曲线的土体动弹塑性模型描述复合地基加固区和非加固区土体的动应力-应变关系,基于大型有限元软件ABAQUS的操作平台,开发了土体动粘弹塑性模型的子程序。选择南京某典型软弱场地为研究对象,采用ABAQUS软件进行了复合地基二维弹塑性地震反应分析,研究了输入地震动强度和频谱特性、水泥土桩加固宽度和深度、复合地基模量对复合地基场地地震效应的影响。结果表明:输入地震动强度和频谱特性对复合地基地震效应影响较大;复合地基加固区地表的峰值加速度反应较自由场的反应明显减小,而加固体区外侧地表的峰值加速度反应较之自由场的反应可能增大;复合地基地表的峰值加速度反应随着水泥土桩加固深度和复合模量的增加而减小,而与加固宽度无关。  相似文献   
罗欢  陈秀洪  吴琼  罗娜  黄徐 《自然资源学报》2020,35(12):3018-3028
随着点源污染逐步得到有效控制,面源与截排溢流污染对水环境的胁迫日益突出。基于土地遥感数据、城市排水管网等资料,构建流域—海湾一体化水环境模型,探讨深圳湾流域面源与截排溢流污染特征及其对水环境的影响,研究表明:(1)雨季COD、NH3-N和TP单位面积面源与截排溢流污染负荷分别为17.21 t/km2与10.21 t/km2、0.17 t/km2与0.69 t/km2、0.04 t/km2与0.07 t/km2;(2)面源与截排溢流污染时间上主要集中于大雨及以上等级降水较多的5月和8月,空间上主要分布在截排工程集中、下垫面面积较大且坡度较陡的深圳河、大沙河和新洲河流域;(3)面源与截排溢流水体COD、NH3-N和TP浓度可达地表水V类标准的3.7倍、18.2倍和8.5倍;(4)雨季COD、NH3-N和TP浓度高于旱季的区域分别超过深圳湾总面积的40%、60%和65%。  相似文献   
根据DNDC模型能较好地拟合贵州省玉米-油菜轮作田、大豆-冬小麦轮作田和休耕地的N2O释放通量及其影响因子的季节变化模式,采用DNDC模型估算了以县为空间分辨尺度的贵州省农业土壤1995 年N2O释放通量和释放量;定量评估了施肥和耕作农业活动对该地区N2O释放量的贡献. 本工作将为准确估算我国农业土壤的N2O释放量和提出科学的减排措施提供研究基础和方法参考.  相似文献   
A QWASI model dependent on temperature is parameterized to describe the long-term fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the Liao River. The model parameters, namely fugacity capacity, degradation rate, and transfer coefficient, are profoundly affected by temperature. This model is used to simulate the fate of γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (γ-HCH) in the lower reaches of the Liao River from 1998 to 2008. Modeling results show that γ-HCH fugacity capacities in air, water, and sediment increase as temperature decreases, and the transfer and transformation rate coefficients increase as temperature increases. The variations of transfer and transformation parameter D values depend on fugacity capacities, and transfer and transformation coefficients simultaneously. The performance of the model is evaluated by comparing the predicted and observed concentrations in the water and sediment of the Liao River. The predicted values agree well with the observed value in the order of magnitude, in most cases within the factor of 3. It is believed that the model is appropriate for simulating the long term fate of POPs in the Liao River. Translated from Environmental Science, 2006, 27(1): 121–125 [译自: 环境科学]  相似文献   
Summary Ips duplicatus withI. typographus co-inhabiting Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) would benefit from a pheromone blend distinct from that of the larger competitorI. typographus. GC-MS analysis showed thatI. duplicatus males feeding in the host produced ipsdienol (Id),cis-verbenol (cV),trans-verbenol (tV), myrtenol (Mt), andE-myrcenol (EM) and traces of 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MB).I. duplicatus produced Id in approximately racemic form (48.9-54.5% (+)-(S)-isomer). The amounts of Id and EM released over a 9 day period had a maximum of 250 and 5 ng/h/male, respectively, on day 2. Exposure ofI. duplicatus males to myrcene and -pinene resulted in the production of small amounts of Id, cV, tV, Mt, andtrans-pinocarveol, but not of EM. In laboratory bioassays with walking beetles, the pheromone component Id alone was weakly attractive while EM was inactive, but in binary combination with Id strongly synergized attraction. A combination of EM and Id at a release rate equivalent to 100–200 males was more attractive in the field than 70 unmated males in a spruce log. The addition of myrcene ( a suggested pheromone precursor of Id) to Id did not enhance trap caches, while addition of EM increased catches > 10-fold. Subtracting EM from a blend of Id, EM, cV and MB drastically reduced trap catches while subtraction of cV or MB or both had no significant effect. Addition of EM over a wide concentration range to the synthetic pheromone ofI. typographus did not reduce the attraction of females of this species in the laboratory. A two-species pheromone interaction field test releasingI. typographus pheromone components (MB + cV) at 10–1000 male equivalents (ME) andI. duplicatus pheromone (Id + EM) at 0, 10–1000 ME in all possible combinations showed both positive intraspecific dose-response effects and an interspecific inhibition. Higher release rates of EM appeared to inhibitI. typographus, especially males. In a tree colonization model, the response of the two competing species to their respective pheromones show a good separation during the mass-attack with a small initial cross-attraction. It remains to be shown whether either of the two pheromone systems have in fact evolved in the present sympatry, or if they are an incidental effect of ancestry of these phylogenetically distantIps.  相似文献   
为了更好地解决包装行业中电力拖动设备的机械性能和调速问题,选用了矢量控制型变频器.介绍了变频器矢量控制的基本原理,并且建立了异步电动机在不同坐标系下的数学模型.最后采用磁场定向控制方法,导出了异步电动机的矢量控制数学模型,方便了变频器矢量控制的实现.图1,参4.  相似文献   
流域系统动力学模型的全耦合问题研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从系统分析的视角出发,对流域系统动力学建模过程、方法进行总结。综述了国内外系统动力学模型(简称SD模型)在社会经济发展与流域水资源承载力、流域水环境承载和流域水生态承载力耦合关系的研究。从简单的零维模型发展到复杂的社会经济综合模型和OO-SD模型(即Objective-Optimization SD模型),国内SD模型耦合关系研究主要集中在叶尔羌河、洱海、滇池等流域,SD模型在监测、数据共享和模型结构、参数选取和不确定性分析等方面还存在不足,有待改进。  相似文献   
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