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CRH_1型动车组一等座车厢火源热释放速率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了得到不同通风条件和旅客行李条件下CRH1动车组一等座车厢的火源热释放速率的合理取值范围,以CRH1型动车组一等座车厢为研究对象,以锥形量热仪和大型量热仪测定的高速客车车体内材料和行李的燃烧性能为输入参数,运用FDS软件模拟6种火灾场景下车厢的火源热释放速率随时间的变化规律,分析了通风条件、火灾荷载密度、可燃物间距和行李重量对车厢火源热释放速率的影响。研究结果表明:在不考虑旅客行李时,各种通风条件下车厢最大火灾热释放速率在1.86-4.34MW之间;在车门与车窗开启条件下,与不考虑旅客行李的情况比较,人均携带10、20kg行李时,火源热释放速率分别增加了12.84、15.38MW,增加的幅度分别为570%和684%。  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了膜式水冷壁管屏制作工艺过程和珠光体耐热钢水冷壁管屏制造过程中易产生的缺陷分析,通过改进优化成排弯曲模具,焊前清理、预热,避免外侧管椭圆度、焊接气孔、咬边等缺陷。结合工艺试验分析了珠光体耐热钢管屏热矫正后不恰当的冷却方式引起延迟裂纹的原因,从而总结出珠光体耐热钢水冷管屏焊后热矫正时需特别注意的加热方法、加热温度及冷却方式,确保产品质量。  相似文献   
聚合物包膜肥料研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
控释肥料具有重要的经济效益和生态效益,目前世界上应用最多的控释肥料是聚合物包膜肥料。简要阐述了聚合物包膜肥料的研究现状和聚合物模型膜,并对养分释放的模拟进行了探讨。影响聚合物包膜肥料养分释放的因素主要有:膜厚、颗粒半径、扩散系数、养分组成及其溶解特性。国内聚合物包膜肥料的应用还处于起步阶段,随着经济的发展,聚合物包膜肥料在国内具有巨大的应用潜力。中国有关聚合物包膜肥料的研究取得了较好进展,但与发达国家相比,仍然处于较低水平。因此,推出具有中国独立知识产权的商品化聚合物包膜肥料要求加强理论基础研究,并加快产业化进程。  相似文献   
During the years 1983–1986, a program aiming at monitoring water quality of the most crowded beaches, as well as assessing and minimizing pollution from certain land based sources was carried out in Rhodes and Cos. The program was directed towards inspections of treatment plants as well as laboratory analyses of treated effluents from large hotels. As a result, almost one in four hotels was obliged to construct a new treatment plant. In order to help personnel to improve plant efficiency through day‐to‐day maintenance a three day seminar was held in June 1985. Sea water quality parameters (total coliforms and E. coli) were found to be well below the limits set by E.E.C. directives.  相似文献   
Metallurgical production is the largest polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/F) emission source in China. However, PCDD/F monitoring and research are rarely conducted on primary metallurgical production. In this study, a demonstration primary copper smelter in China was selected to investigate PCDD/F characteristics and control. Samples were collected from major PCDD/F release points in the smelter process (fly ashes and waste water sludge). Specific analysis of PCDD/F congeners was carried out using a high resolution gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry method. The results showed that PCDD/Fs might be unintentionally produced in the primary copper smelter processes, with sample concentrations of 180–6110 pg/g dry wt; highly chlorinated PCDD/F homologues were predominant. The toxicity of all the samples was calculated to be 120 pg WHO TEQ/g, fly ashes from the refining process furnaces air pollution control device and sludge were hazardous waste with higher PCDD/F toxicity. Both precursor formation and de novo synthesis were found to contribute to PCDD/F formation in the smelter process. PCDD/F characteristics and formation were compared with reported secondary copper smelters. Life-cycle control of PCDD/F was proposed for retrofitting of this smelter and for similar plants in China's primary copper production sector, including control at the PCDD/F formation, removal and disposal stages.  相似文献   
The zinc, cadmium, copper and lead release from the uncontaminated and contaminated coastal sediments with aerated sea water was studied. the metals transfer to the dissolved forms was monitored during one-two months by differential pulse anodic voltammetry (DPASV). the sediments with different initial degree of contamination were sampled in the Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan around Vladivostok-the biggest city in Russian Far East. Sediment contamination by metals led to increased release to solution of zinc due to sulphide oxidation and cadmium on account of organic matter decomposition. the copper behaviour was complicated by strong binding with organic matter and enhancements of copper release can only be seen in sediment with a low organic matter content. Significant lead transfer to dissolved forms was not observed regardless of sediment contamination. the temperature affected the release of cadmium and copper through enhanced organic matter destruction. the dissolved metal fluxes from the sediment transformation are compared with metal fluxes towards bottom. Such comparisons show that second contamination by dissolved metals of the studied coastal environment may be important for cadmium only.  相似文献   
以聚合硫酸铁(PFS)为絮凝剂,单宁酸为助凝剂回收污泥溶解液中的磷。研究结果表明:在铁盐投加量为160mg/L,pH为8,单宁酸投加量为10 mg/L条件下,磷酸盐的回收率可达到97.0%。单宁酸促进了混凝沉淀物中磷的释放,表明利用该方法回收磷作为缓释肥的可行性。将沉淀物作为缓释磷肥施用于土壤中能够明显促进黑麦草的生长。  相似文献   
为研发酸化土壤的生物修复技术,采用水培试验和自动电位滴定装置研究酸性条件下氮素形态对小麦幼苗根系释放氢氧根及培养液pH变化的影响。结果表明,小麦幼苗在初始pH值为4.0,n(NO3-)∶n(NH4+)比值(以下简称硝/铵比)分别为15∶1、3∶1和1∶1的营养液中培养6 d后营养液pH升高,且增幅随硝/铵比的增加而增大,小麦对硝态氮的吸收量和氢氧根释放量呈相同的变化趋势,说明小麦对硝态氮的吸收偏好导致根系释放氢氧根,进而使得培养液pH升高。小麦幼苗在硝/铵比为3∶1,初始pH值分别为4.0、4.5和5.0的营养液中培养6d后,培养液pH和氢氧根释放量的增幅随初始pH的升高而降低,说明低pH条件有利于小麦幼苗对硝态氮的吸收,可促进小麦根系释放更多的氢氧根。10 h的恒定pH试验结果表明,恒定pH条件下小麦根系释放的氢氧根数量大于非恒定pH条件,且硝态氮比例越大,差值越大。因此,可以根据小麦在酸性条件下对硝态氮的吸收偏好建立酸化土壤的生物修复方法,即调节硝态氮含量以加大小麦根系的氢氧根释放量,进而提高土壤pH。  相似文献   
研究砖红壤对F-的吸附反应尤其是随后Al3+的释放过程,有助于增进对土壤酸化过程及其环境影响的理解. 在初步揭示出F-吸附反应以及Al3+释放反应的动力学特征基础上,重点考察了pH和有机酸对上述反应的影响. 结果表明:土壤对F-的吸附反应十分迅速,2 min内吸附量即可达到24 h内总吸附量95%,而土壤中不同含铝矿物的溶解度差异使Al3+的释放过程在前15 min十分迅速,释放量可达24 h内总释放量的80%,随后则逐渐减缓. 降低反应体系pH可促进Al3+释放,但会使F-吸附量减少,这是因为伴随Al3+的释放,部分F-又可以AlF络合物的形态重新进入溶液,尽管在低pH条件下,土壤表面以带正电荷为主而有利于F-吸附. 草酸和抗坏血酸对土壤吸附F-均有抑制作用,但对F-溶出土壤Al3+有促进作用. 此外,草酸对土壤铁氧化物的选择性溶解作用,可使更多F-吸附在土壤铝氧化物位点,并导致Al3+释放量增加.   相似文献   
有机质对三峡库区消落区沉积物磷释放的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以三峡库区丰都消落区沉积物为研究对象,通过分析沉积物中磷的赋存形态,以及去除轻组有机质沉积物和沉积物矿物质对磷的吸附等温曲线,揭示了磷的赋存形态及释放与有机质的关系. 结果表明:消落区本底土壤较沉积物w(总磷),w(有机磷)及w(活性磷)更高,首次覆水时更具潜在释磷风险,夏季出露期有利于沉积物有机质和有机磷积累,沉积物有机质矿化分解对磷释放起促进作用,沉积物中w(有机质)与w(有机磷)呈显著正相关,与w(无机磷)呈负相关.   相似文献   
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