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为了解天津市采暖季PM2.5中重金属的污染特征及健康风险,使用Xact-625重金属在线分析仪于2020年11月至2021年3月对PM2.5中的重金属元素进行连续采样,分析10种重金属元素(Pb、 Cd、 Cr、 As、 Zn、 Mn、 Co、 Ni、 Cu和V)的污染特征,利用HYSPLIT模型分析重金属元素的时空分布特征,并结合美国EPA健康风险评价模型对重金属健康风险展开研究.结果表明,采样期间天津市10种重金属元素的总浓度平均值为(261.56±241.74)ng·m-3,Cr[折算Cr(Ⅵ)]和As元素高于《环境空气质量标准》(GB 3095-2012)的年平均限值.后向轨迹分析表明,天津市主要受到来自西北部中距离气团(1号)、西北部长距离气团(2号)、西南部气团(3号)和东北部气团(4号)的影响.不同气团来向重金属元素呈现不同的污染特征和健康风险,3号气团PM2.5浓度、10种重金属元素总浓度和5种重金属元素经呼吸途径暴露的终身致癌风险值之和均最高,2号气团10种重金属元素经呼吸途径暴露...  相似文献   
Recent targets for reduced amounts of waste to landfills in Sweden will result in a large increase in waste incineration with recovery of energy, used primarily for district heating. The aim of this study is to investigate what changes in the usage of other fuels and technologies for district heat production would be caused by this increase. A questionnaire was sent out to the largest district heating companies, and simulations in an energy systems model were carried out. The analysis shows that increased waste incineration reduces the demand for other fuels, especially biomass, for district heat production. The effects include reductions in operating hours as well as the avoidance or postponement of investments in new plants for district heat production. Increased waste incineration will also lead to a greater use of district heating in Sweden.  相似文献   
广西春旱的时空分布特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用广西具有气候代表性的32个站点1961-2007年逐日降水量资料,引入季节无雨日作为划分干旱的标准,采用EOF分析等方法,分析了广西春旱的时空分布特征;并用NCEP再分析资料、NOAA海温资料、国家气候中心的74项环流特征量资料等,对广西春旱的成因进行了分析。结果表明:从时间变化看,广西春旱的趋势变化不明显,主要以年际、年代际变化为主,从空间分布看,广西春旱以全区一致性型为主要空间分布型;在春旱年,广西上空对流层低层出现偏南-西南气流距平强辐散异常,伴随有明显的水汽通量辐散异常,同时东亚大槽偏弱,阿留申低压明显减弱,中纬度大陆高压减弱,中高纬环流平直,不利于冷空气南下华南;广西春旱年前冬阿留申低压明显增强,大陆高压也增强,冷空气活动频繁,当前冬印缅槽偏弱时,广西春季发生干旱的可能性较大。  相似文献   
目的在不采用防热涂层的前提下,为满足远程火箭弹高弹道飞行的防热需求,提出增加壳体厚度的设计思路。方法通过弹道耦合的气动加热计算,分析不同材料、不同厚度壳体的弹头壁面在飞行过程中的温度变化情况。结果壳体厚度达到20 mm以上时,铝、钢、铜三种材料壳体的外壁面温度均低于150℃,而相同厚度的壳体,钢壳的降温能力最强。结论增加壳体厚度可以有效降低弹头壳体壁面温度。  相似文献   
利用线性回归、聚类分析及相关分析等统计方法对华南地区57个地面气象站的观测资料进行分析,探究近54年华南地区霾日数的时空变化特征及其气候成因.结果表明,年平均霾日数大值区主要分布在广东珠江三角洲(珠三角)地区和广西中东部.54年来霾日数呈现显著的上升趋势,而2008年后有所下降.霾日数的季节变化表现为冬季最多,其次是秋季和春季,夏季最少.2008年以后春、夏、秋3季霾日数有所下降,而冬季仍维持在较高水平.不同等级霾日数在近54年来均有不同程度的上升,霾污染不仅在日数上有明显的增加趋势,而且污染强度在加强.不同地区霾日数的快速增长时期不一样,污染严重和正常污染地区发生在20世纪90年代,而相对清洁地区发生在2000年以后.另外近10年污染严重和正常污染地区霾日数有所下降,但相对清洁地区仍维持快速的增长趋势.近54年华南地区年降水日数、年平均风速、大风日数和年小风日数等气候因子变化结果致使气溶胶粒子的湿沉降减弱,污染物扩散能力下降,霾天气生成概率增加.  相似文献   
Energy for water heating accounts for an increasing part in residential energy demand in China. An extensive survey was conducted to analyze the determinants of household energy choices for water heaters among residents in Nanjing, China. Two sets of variables were examined as potential influences: building features and household socio-economic characteristics. Results suggest that building features such as gas availability and building structures, and household characteristics such as household head's education degree and energy-conserving sense are crucial determinants in choosing natural gas as water heater energy. Installation permission for solar water heater, building stories, and residential location serve as determining factors in choosing solar water heaters. Based on these, barriers and opportunities are discussed for transitions toward cleaner water heating energies, and suggestions are given for local governments to promote cleaner energy replacement in China.  相似文献   
研究开发了变压器认证标准GB19212.1(IEC 61558-1)中发热试验项目的自动测试平台,详细叙述了试验操作过程、自动测试平台的软硬件结构,继电器控制模块组成与硬件设计,以及虚拟仪器软件实现流程。该平台可显著减少检测人员的在线工作时间,并行测试可提高设备使用率,同时相比之前的手动测试,可明显降低人工测量部分的不确定度。  相似文献   
炼化浓盐水处理与资源化工艺探讨*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
炼化污水深度处理回用是各炼化企业节水减排的主要措施之一。炼化企业反渗透(简称RO)污水脱盐回用装置在运行中暴露出末端高含盐污水的处置难题,影响了污水回用生产的连续运行。文章阐述近年来炼化企业高含盐污水处置现状、存在问题、国内外处理技术及发展趋势,在此基础上针对炼化企业特点,提出以热法、膜法为核心技术的浓盐水处理工艺耦合方案,为炼化企业解决污水回用瓶颈技术难题、实施污水"零排放"与发展循环经济提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
A combined photovoltaic–thermal (PV/t) panel is proposed to produce simultaneously electricity and heat from one integrated unit. The unit utilizes effectively the solar energy through achieving higher PV electrical efficiency and using the thermal energy for heating applications. To predict the performance of the PV/t at a given environmental conditions, a transient mathematical model was developed. The model was integrated in a heating application for a typical office space in the city of Beirut to provide the office needs for electricity, heating during winter season, and dehumidification and evaporative cooling during the summer season. To minimize the yearly office energy (electrical and heat) needs, the PV/t panel cooling air flow rate and the dehumidification regeneration temperature were determined for opimal unit operation. Thermal energy savings of up to 85% in winter and 71% in summer were achived compared to conventional systems at a payback period of 8 years for the panels.  相似文献   
曹佳红  黄铭  林军平 《四川环境》2003,22(5):30-31,44
本文针对GB/T7488-1987《水质五日生化需氧量(BOD5)稀释与接种法》中BOD5的测定和计算时接种稀释水的空白扣除方法,提出了直接测接种液的BOD5值,按接种液的比例在水样中进行扣除的方法,提高了BOD5值的准确性。更能反应BOD5的真实性。  相似文献   
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