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施肥对华北高产区土壤NO-3-N淋失与作物NO-3-N含量及产量的影响 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
利用4a的平衡施肥定位试验,研究太行山山前平原高产区冬小麦、夏玉米轮作制度下施肥对潮褐土中硝态氮的分布、移动、积累、植株吸收以及作物产量的影响。结果表明,土壤剖面中硝态氮含量与施肥量直接相关,过量施用氮肥使硝态氮在土壤中大量积累并向下层快速移动;氮磷对作物的养分供应存在着既相互促进又相互竞争的关系,施用适量磷肥可以促进小麦、玉米对氮素的吸收,提高作物产量,减少氮素在土壤中积累和淋失,但施磷量太高,由于氮磷之间的竞争作用,作物吸氮量反而下降,从而导致土壤中硝态氮的积累和淋失加剧,施用钾肥抑制了土壤硝态氮积累,促进了两季作物植株对氮素的吸收,从减少土壤硝态氮积累和淋失的角度,提出该区合理的施肥配比为组合N2P2K2,即ρA(N)=200kg hm^-2,ρA(P)=32.5kg hm^-2,ρA(K)=150kg hm^-2。图6参13。 相似文献
我国是发展中的国家,农业在国民经济中占有十分重要的地位,环境污染和生态破坏是农业潜伏着的生态危机,也是农业发展过程中亟待解决的重大问题。如何从我国农业环境问题的特点和农业经济现状出发,制定出与农业经济发展相适应遥农业环境保护战略,是我国农业发展和环境保护工作中的一项重要任务。本文就我国农业环境保护的战略地位和作用、指导思想和方针、目标和重点、措施等一系列战略问题,进行初步探讨。 相似文献
Objective: Motor vehicle accidents, which are among the main causes of child mortality in Iran and the Middle East, impose staggering costs for the community. Ignoring use of safety devices for children in most motor vehicle crashes will lead to death or serious injury. Because few studies have been performed on effective and predictive factors regarding use of child safety seats, the purpose of this study was to examine the factors affecting the use and nonuse of child safety seats, along with the factors that can facilitate how a child safety seat is used.Method: This study was conducted in the urban area of Gorgan using a questionnaire. Through random selection, 204 parents with at least one child, aged 8?years or younger, reported their knowledge about the benefits of using a child safety seat.Results: The results showed that 80% of parents never use a child safety seat, and 13% always use a child safety seat. More than 93% thought that it was necessary to make usage of the child safety seat obligatory. In addition, 80% of parents believed that a child safety seat prevents children from injury in crashes. In addition, 38% of parents were not aware of child safety devices and child safety, less than 20% said that they did not use a child safety seat because their spouse did not support its use, and 28% of them thought that a child safety seat does not affect the safety of the child. In general, 91% of parents reported that if child safety seat use were mandated, the frequency of use would increase. A law on the use of child safety seats is a very important variable in their use, which can enhance the chance of using a child safety seat by 6.5 times.Conclusion: Special instructions should be developed to create incentive strategies for using a child safety seat. Mandating the use of a child safety seat, equipping cars with a child safety seat, encouraging children to use it, and providing continuous education and training are important factors for increasing the use of child safety seats. 相似文献
城市消防规划作为城市消防安全体系建设的重要依据,是助力城市现代化进程、推动城市综合安全智慧网络形成的重要基石。通过对凉山州各地貌地区消防现状存在问题的分析,结合凉山州的实际情况及全州建设发展多种形式综合性消防应急救援队伍的需要,提出了能满足全州消防安全需求且能够有效指导城市消防建设的相应对策。 相似文献
废荧光灯管中的有害物质如果处置不当,会对人体健康和环境造成危害.目前国内大部分废荧光灯管未得到无害化处置,主要在指定的法规、有效的政策以及完善的运营机制方面存在很多弊端,应引起社会各界的关注和政府部门的重视.本文结合国内外废荧光灯管回收处置现状,针对存在的问题,提出源头控制、分类收集、多渠道回收、建立资金及资金补贴机制... 相似文献
应对挑战的中国环境政策 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
舒庆 《中国人口.资源与环境》2005,15(5):76-78
中国的发展正处在机遇和挑战并存的时代.要在发展中实现人与自然的和谐.必须要以科学的环境政策作为保障。该文探讨了环境工作面临的巨大挑战和需要研究的问题.并对应对挑战的中国环境政策进行了总结。 相似文献
党的十八大以来,江苏自然生态保护工作取得长足进步,为保障江苏生态安全、提升生态环境管理现代化水平提供了重要基础支撑。介绍了2018年以来,江苏在顶层设计、生态空间保护、生物多样性保护和生态保护制度创新等方面实施的一系列自然生态保护政策;指出了江苏还面临着生态空间挤占、生态破碎化、物种栖息地丧失等方面的严峻挑战,高强度开发的省情短期内难以有效改善,需要统筹好“高强度开发、高质量发展、高水平保护”三者矛盾;提出了全面提升生态环境质量,严格生态保护监管,加强生物多样性保护水平,健全完善工作保障机制等工作建议。 相似文献
随着公路、铁路、城市立交桥的大量建设,跨线桥数量剧增,桥墩被汽车撞击的可能性大大增加。因此,针对目前铁路桥墩防车撞防护装置的不足,提出了一款泡沫铝基组合耗能装置的结构型式。该研究结合了静力压缩试验、落锤冲击试验以及有限元数值模拟,研究了防撞装置缓冲材料的物理力学性能及车辆撞击防撞装置的冲击动力学响应。结果表明,泡沫铝-聚氨酯-泡沫铝三层组合结构型式中工况3~4 吸能效果最佳,其吸能密度(EA)、比吸能(SEA)以及吸能效率(EEA)值分别为3×103 kJ/m3、12.21 kJ/kg、28.57 %。在数值模拟中,无防撞装置工况下,车辆撞击力最大值为5 332.99 kN,桥墩吸收的能量为22.05 kJ,最大应力为124.46 MPa,墩身产生明显损伤;在有防撞装置工况下,车辆撞击力最大值为2 674.41 kN,降低了49.85 %;桥墩最大应力为6.96 MPa,降低了94.41 %。结果表明该防撞装置组合结构对桥墩起到了良好的防护效果。 相似文献