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采用絮凝沉淀-ClO2脱色-砂滤-微波无极紫外光催化氧化工艺对青岛凤凰印染有限公司蜡染印花水洗废水进行处理,详细论述了该工艺的运行特点、处理及回用效果。结果表明,在进水COD及色度波动很大的情况下,处理后废水水质长期稳定达到COD100 mg/L,色度10倍,其他各项水质指标均可满足蜡染水洗工序的生产回用要求,并回收了水中的热能。废水回用率达80%,日节水200 t,节约热能折合成标准煤约为1 t,为印染行业完成节能20%,减排20%的总体目标提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
Waste printed circuit boards contain valuable metals such as Au, Pd, Ag, and Cu that can be reutilized and harmful elements such as Pb, Br, and Cr that must be removed from the viewpoint of environmental conservation. In this research, we examined a method that separates the materials from printed circuit boards contained in discarded personal computers. After cutting the printed circuit boards to a size of 20 × 20 mm, they were heated at 873 K under an Ar atmosphere to remove organic resins containing elements such as C, H, and N. After heat treatment, the printed circuit boards were crushed using a planetary ball mill and the pulverized powders were filtered. The fraction with a granularity of greater than 250 μm was separated into magnetic and nonmagnetic materials by a magnetic field. Because the fraction with a granularity of less than 250 μm contained 39 mass% of C, it was heated at 1273 K in an atmosphere of 95% Ar and 5% O2 to allow carbon combustion to take place, followed by metal reduction processing at the same temperature in an atmosphere of 97% Ar and 3% H2. The basicity of the resulting powder was adjusted and the powder was heated at 1773 K under an Ar atmosphere. The proposed method separated the slag and metal, and 80% of the valuable metals contained in printed circuit boards could be collected.  相似文献   
In rural Nigeria, food processing is mostly engaged in by women and children. Most of these processes are done using outdated technologies that make use of traditional woodstoves. This article presents the health and environmental implications of the rural female entrepreneurs involved in food processing and proffer means of bettering the lot of these women to handle these hazards. A partially structured questionnaire and focus group discussion was used to capture data from respondents. The study revealed that about 73 % of women involved in direct production of garri and palm oil processing could be at risk of early death or disability-adjusted life years from the mentioned diseases. The article concludes that the rural female entrepreneur needs to be better positioned to handle these hazards, for her health, that of her children, as well as for the environment.  相似文献   
朱毅  李晓霞  王俊  李春 《环境工程学报》2012,6(9):2995-3000
针对大豆深加工高浓度有机废水厌氧出水的特点,采用移动床生物膜反应器-沉淀池-厌氧池(MBBR-SA)工艺进行处理,重点考察了其COD去除、脱氮以及污泥减量化的性能。处理前厌氧出水水质参数为COD 1 350~1 851 mg/L、TN 45~73 mg/L和TP 35~55 mg/L。结果表明,经过70 d的运行,在最佳水力停留时间(HRT)1.68 d与最佳回流比0.75条件下,出水平均COD、TN和NH4+-N浓度分别为91.5、12.4和11.4 mg/L,分别达到了《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》二级标准、二级标准和一级B标准,其平均去除率分别为96.0%、87.4%和88.3%;该工艺未排放剩余污泥,其表观污泥产率为0.13,比MBBR降低了43.5%,具有明显的污泥减量化特性。  相似文献   
Aiming at facilitating the research of urban tourism im- age positioning, this paper summarizes the domestic and abroad theories on urban tourism image and analyzes its significance for cities. With De...  相似文献   
一次雷暴天气发生发展的水汽图和红外云图特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过MTSAT的水汽图和红外云图,结合天气图、NCEP资料、地闪实况资料和探空数据对在高空急流影响下的暗区雷暴实例进行了对比分析。结果表明:暗区雷暴在卫星云图上表现为经过白天太阳辐射对晴空区(水汽图暗区)近地面的加热作用,大气不稳定能量增加,在一定条件下,午后强雷暴时常发生发展于高空急流左侧的晴空区中;而在水汽图上,高空急流与水汽图上的干区、湿区间有明显的联系,而这些联系又与强雷暴的发生发展有密切的关系,是雷暴发生发展的重要条件;在雷暴云发展过程中,地闪时空分布在卫星云图上有着明显的对应。  相似文献   
一种基于混沌和魔方的数字图像置乱算法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在现有数字图像置乱算法的基础上,分别分析了这些算法存在的不足,详细介绍了混沌序列及其优点。在介绍魔方玩法的基础上,指出可以把对魔方的初始置乱理解成加密过程,并分析魔方的加密原理在数字图像置乱中应用的可能性。并设计了一种结合混沌和魔方优点的数字图像置乱算法。该方法将图像的行列和对角线定义成魔方变换的旋转面,将对魔方的旋转定义成旋转面的循环移动。置乱过程先根据密钥产生混沌序列,再由混沌序列控制魔方变换进行图像置乱。通过与其他算法的实验对比,表明该算法有较好的图像置乱效果,达到了对图像进行置乱的目的。分析表明,该算法的时间复杂度较低,安全性较高,满足实际的应用需要。  相似文献   
伊犁河谷生态旅游形象定位及产品设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态旅游资源是生态旅游开发的基础,但拥有旅游资源并不等于就拥有旅游产品,旅游资源要成为旅游产品,还必须根据市场需求进行形象设计、加工和再创造。伊犁河谷具有得天独厚的生态环境和世所罕见的生物多样性特征,是开发生态旅游产品、发展生态旅游的理想之地。以伊犁河谷生态旅游源为基础,塑造伊犁河谷生态旅游形象,设计开发特色生态旅游产品。  相似文献   
亚热带低山丘陵区土壤遥感监测图像处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用TM图像对亚热带低山丘陵地区进行土壤遥感监测时,根据该地区的环境特点,采用线性光谱混合分解、缨帽变换、纹理提取等多种图像处理方法来突出土壤信息,消除噪声。研究结果表明,仅用TM遥感图像进行土壤分类,经过去噪处理的TM6可以使土壤分类精度提高5%以上;经过其它图像处理提取的一些图像特征对某些土壤类型表现出较强的区分能力,经线性光谱混合分解处理消除植被光谱的特征图像及其纹理对水稻土的识别精度较原图像普遍提高,缨帽变换对潴育型水稻土和测渗型水稻土有最好的分类精度,但在提高总分类精度上并没有优势,除了线性光谱混合分解图像处理方法外,其它的图像处理方法得到的特征图像加入原始图像信息能起到提高总分类精度的作用。  相似文献   
遥感技术在城市建筑震害预测中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,在城市的震害预测研究工作中,建筑物属性信息的主要获取方法是基于人工调查的传统方式。近年来,随着遥感技术的发展,尤其是高分辨率民用遥感卫星的成功发射,使得利用遥感技术进行城市震害预测成为可能。鉴于传统的信息获取方式存在的费时费力,数据获取周期长,数据信息时效性差等缺点,以郑州市中牟县的部分住宅区为例,对高分辨率遥感影像在城市震害预测中的应用做了相应研究。  相似文献   
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