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While fossil fuels greatly contribute to human society,they pose great challenges to natural resources,the environment,and climate change.Developed countries,like the United States,formulated strategic measures to ensure their sustainable development and leading positions in the world.These measures include new green policies,development of shale gas,revitalization of nuclear power,energy independence,reindustrialization,and new low-carbon development based on a combination of Internet technology and renewable energy.Developing countries are also trying to introduce balanced strategies of poverty alleviation and sustainable development.Globally,industrial civilization is being transformed to ecological civilization and green,low-carbon development is a global trend.Addressing climate change provides new strategic factors to further this development.China should take substantial actions to realize sustainable development in a new road:China is in the critical stage of changing its development mode,so it is vital to choose an appropriate development path.This extensive development comes at the high price of consuming too much resources and scarring the environment.Mitigation and adaptation strategies for addressing climate change can help the transition of development.Based on the analysis of the development data of developed countries,the author introduces the concept of"two-type developed countries"with an understanding that not all developed countries must take the same development mode.He also holds the view that China should achieve modernization in a more energy-saving and more carbon-efficient manner compared with that of two-type developed countries.An analysis of"two competitions"that China is facing shows that changing the developing mode is urgent and China should grasp this opportunity in the next five to ten years,which is a key period for this transition.This paper discusses the low-carbon development goals and the three-step process.Low-carbon development does not necessarily restrict economic development.It,however,can expedite the transition of the development mode and this is a low-carbon and green development path.Transition of the development mode includes implementation of China’s green and low-carbon energy strategies,low-carbon society construction,development of agriculture and forestry,garbage sorting and utilization,innovation of urbanization,etc.Improvement of national infrastructure construction includes water safety,environment and climate monitoring system,intelligent energy web,basic database,etc.Addressing climate change can significantly improve the nation’s basic research level.In summary,it mitigates backward production capability,extensive development,and environmental damage while promoting technological advancement,scientific development,and ecological civilization.  相似文献   
本文阐述了高等院校教育技术的发展现状,分析了高等院校教育技术发展的特点,对高等院校教育技术的发展进行理性思考。认为高等院校应该在重视教育技术实践性和支持性研究的基础上,立足现实,更全面审视机构整合、教育信息化、信息资源库建设和教师培训这些热点问题。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Techniques were developed using vector and raster data in a geographic information system (GIS) to define the spatial variability of watershed characteristics in the north-central Sierra Nevada of California and Nevada and to assist in computing model input parameters. The U.S. Geological Survey's Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System, a physically based, distributed-parameter watershed model, simulates runoff for a basin by partitioning a watershed into areas that each have a homogeneous hydrologic response to precipitation or snowmelt. These land units, known as hydrologic-response units (HRU's), are characterized according to physical properties, such as altitude, slope, aspect, land cover, soils, and geology, and climate patterns. Digital data were used to develop a GIS data base and HRIJ classification for the American River and Carson River basins. The following criteria are used in delineating HRU's: (1) Data layers are hydrologically significant and have a resolution appropriate to the watershed's natural spatial variability, (2) the technique for delineating HRU's accommodates different classification criteria and is reproducible, and (3) HRU's are not limited by hydrographic-subbasin boundaries. HRU's so defined are spatially noncontiguous. The result is an objective, efficient methodology for characterizing a watershed and for delineating HRU's. Also, digital data can be analyzed and transformed to assist in defining parameters and in calibrating the model.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: This paper presents an integrated optimal control model that optimizes economic performance of reservoir management in watersheds in which there are significant economic and hydrologic interdependencies. The model is solved using the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). Results show that application of this model to New Mexico's Rio Chama basin can increase total system benefits over historical benefits by exploiting complementarities between hydroelectricity production, instream recreation, and downstream lake recreation.  相似文献   
污染源大数据是环保大数据的重要组成部分,然而在以环境管理制度为基础的污染源数据管理过程中,一直存在制度衔接不流畅、数据不共享等诸多问题。本文调研考察了现有各项环境管理制度的衔接情况,提出以排污许可制度为核心,通过与其他环境管理制度有效衔接,实现环境管理的各个环节的有效覆盖。通过SWOT分析法对基于"一证式"改革的环境管理制度优化方案的可行性和必要性进行了深入分析,并以排污许可证为核心,设计企业环境管理信息系统框架。试生产与竣工环保验收实效不足,可转为企业自行备案;将环评审批结论纳入排污许可证,可大幅度减轻企业相关环境管理业务人员的负担。环境管理制度的优化必须建立在部门职能转变与整合之上;同时,还必须获得国家层面的立法与行政的支持;社会舆论的关注与支持也将推动环境管理制度优化的进程。以排污许可证管理为核心的信息系统框架可以有效实现污染源排放信息整合共享。  相似文献   
作物秸秆资源的利用对提高食物安全,减轻环境污染,促进农业可持续发展具有重要意义.通过对农户的调查,分析了山西省夏县的秸秆利用途径,对该县秸秆利用现状进行了评价,并分析了造成这种现状的原因.结果表明,夏县作为典型的"小麦-玉米"二熟农作区,秸秆利用效率较高,其中小麦秸秆主要用于工业原料、饲料和还田,玉米秸秆则主要用于饲料和弃置堆放.这种利用方式与造纸业发展、传统的牲畜饲喂方式、农业机械化发展和气候特点有关.最后提出了进一步高效利用秸秆资源的建议.  相似文献   
许明军  杨子生 《自然资源学报》2016,31(10):1726-1737
资源环境承载力评价是区域资源开发利用与经济发展战略决策及其规划的基础依据。当前学界对此进行了大量评价研究,评价指标方面尽管数量众多,但往往对资源环境内涵和制约因子考虑较少或者不够全面,指标与国土规划(或区域规划)衔接较少,同时其指标处理上常常只是简单地对系统做黑箱处理,缺乏对两个系统内部作用机制、协调发展状况的研究。论文以地处我国西南边疆山区的云南省德宏州为例,对德宏州及所辖5个县(市)资源环境承载力进行评价,并对资源环境承载力9个子系统的作用机制和协调发展状况进行评价分析。结果表明:1)德宏州资源环境承载力的区域差异较大,芒市、盈江县和陇川县为高等承载力,瑞丽市为中等承载力,梁河县为低等承载力,具体而言资源承载力大小排序为芒市>盈江县>陇川县>瑞丽市>梁河县,环境承载力大小排序为芒市>盈江县>陇川县>瑞丽市>梁河县;2)限制性分析结果显示,瑞丽市为耕地-矿产资源限制型,芒市和陇川县为矿产-地质环境限制型,梁河县为耕地-城镇建设限制型,盈江县为水环境-地质环境限制型;3)资源环境系统存在较大耦合关系,尤其是城镇建设用地系统与地质环境系统、森林资源系统与大气环境系统、水资源系统与水环境系统、矿产资源系统与大气环境系统等协调度均大于0.96,且各县(市)资源环境子系统间的协调度均高于0.98。  相似文献   
GIS在城市给水排水中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了GIS在城市给水排水领域的应用和发展趋势,包括水资源管理与分析、给水排水管网设计与管理、城市污水处理厂设计与管理、管网应急预警系统分析、水质污染状况和趋势分析等,并以大庆市给水排水管网信息管理系统实例,证明GIS可以及时准确完整的提供所需信息,更好的为市政管理者辅助决策提供依据。  相似文献   
水资源定价方法的初步探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
谢标  杨永岗 《环境科学》1999,20(3):100-103
根据水资源的特点,分析了开展水资源定价研究的目的和意义,设计了水资源存在价值及其经济价值确定方法的研究思路,研究认为,探讨水资源存在价值应考虑其本身的价值和环境容量虚幻成本2方面;水资源经济价值则包括水淘汰存在价值和水资源转化为水资源商品后物化的使用价值,这里的使用价值又包含水资源污染治理及损害成本、稀缺性价值、边际运行成本和边际时间成本等4个方面,在以上分析的基础上,给出了水资源定价的计算模型,  相似文献   
刘莎 《环境科学与管理》2012,37(4):16-19,57
随着环境信息公开制度的建立和公众知情意识的觉醒,人们对环境信息公开的呼声越来越高。不仅政府基于其环境监督管理的职能需要公开环境信息,企业基于对环境产生影响也需要依法公开环境信息。而上市公司作为具有特殊地位的企业,其在环境信息披露中的重要性不可小觑。近年来屡屡发生的上市公司环境污染事件也一再提醒环境监管部门和广大社会公众,亟需对上市公司环境信息披露进行有力监管。本文试从环境保护监管部门的角度论述目前法律法规对上市公司环境信息披露在披露内容和披露方式上的不足和改进建议。期望能引起环境保护部门和上市公司相关部门的注意,从而推动上市公司环境信息披露制度的不断完善。  相似文献   
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