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2016年《巴黎协定》的正式生效是全球环境治理的重要里程碑,是国际社会在应对气候变化的艰难进程中迈出的重要一步,标志着全球环境治理从此进入履约阶段。本文基于宾夕法尼亚大学智库与公民社会项目(TTCSP)公布的《2015年全球智库指数报告》,选取其中排名前十位的国际环境智库的研究报告和环境领域中代表性学者的相关论文,对国外学术界有关《巴黎协定》履约前景的分析进行了系统梳理,并对此做出简要评述。文章在肯定《巴黎协定》有力推进国际气候治理进程的同时,也指出在新的国际形势之下,尤其是在英国正式启动脱欧进程和特朗普新任美国总统后,其履约过程中更是存在着协定之内和协定之外的众多挑战和不确定性,本文的基本结论如下:首先,协定之内面临着协定缔约方国内批准程序上的挑战;国家自主贡献的实现与发展中国家能力建设;2℃温升目标的实现前景;审评和盘点的效力评估;碳市场机制能否有效运行。其次,协定之外面临着英国脱欧的潜在气候政策变化及影响;美国气候政策的可能变化及其影响。基于对以上智库报告和相关研究论文的分析,笔者对《巴黎协定》的履约前景得出几点看法:(1)正视国际气候合作的机遇与挑战;(2)对具体议题的落实需充满信心;(3)理性冷静看待英美气候政策的可能变化;(4)鼓励环境类国际组织之外的非国家行为体展开通力合作。对此,我们应正视履约中的挑战与不确定性,做好充分的应对之策,确保履约进程的顺利完成。总之,《巴黎协定》的履约前景不容乐观,国际社会任重道远。  相似文献   
A large international watershed, the St. Clair‐Detroit River System, containing both extensive urban and agricultural areas, was modeled using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The watershed, located in southeastern Michigan, United States, and southwestern Ontario, Canada, encompasses the St. Clair, Clinton, Detroit (DT), Sydenham (SY), Upper, and Lower Thames subwatersheds. The SWAT input data and model resolution (i.e., hydrologic response units, HRUs), were established to mimic farm boundaries, the first time this has been done for a watershed of this size. The model was calibrated (2007–2015) and validated (2001–2006) with a mix of manual and automatic methods at six locations for flow and water quality at various time scales. The model was evaluated using Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency and percent bias and was used to explore major water quality issues. We showed the importance of allowing key parameters to vary among subwatersheds to improve goodness of fit, and the resulting parameters were consistent with subwatershed characteristics. Agricultural sources in the Thames and SY subwatersheds and point sources from DT subwatershed were major contributors of phosphorus. Spatial distribution of phosphorus yields at HRU and subbasin levels identified locations for potential management targeting for both point and nonpoint sources and revealed that in some subwatersheds nonpoint sources are dominated by urban sources.  相似文献   
分析了炼化企业闭路循环水系统腐蚀的原因,并以大庆石化公司所属化工一厂为试点,筛选了合适的缓蚀药剂,并经现场应用,达到了实用、经济、环保的目的。  相似文献   
Natural circulation driven boiling systems are extensively used for passive heat removal, such as in nuclear power plants. The flashing phenomenon and the associated flow instabilities in a natural circulation loop are reported here. An experimental facility is constructed with a heater, an adiabatic riser, a condenser and an adiabatic down comer to study the instability regions. The experimental geometry is modeled using RELAP5. At high power (i.e., at 6 kW) flashing instability is observed when the inlet sub cooling is within the range of 7° C to 12° C. It is also found that the presence of an inlet restriction does not help to suppress the flashing induced flow oscillation. A good comparison between the experimental and numerical results is observed and this loop can be used for validation exercises of commercial codes.  相似文献   
From a state-centric view, sub-national level of participation at the international level can be only feasible if it is an active part of national policy. In the case of Shiga prefectural government's initiative for international lake-environmental cooperation, however, sub-national actors came to see themselves as direct players in the absence of national policy. This study examines under what conditions and in what ways such sub-national level of participation takes place by conducting a case study of Shiga's collaboration with the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) over lake-environment risk reduction. The article finds that the process of Shiga's participation in transnational governance will have less chance of being duplicated effectively in other Japanese sub-national governments. Shiga's cooperation with the UNEP was primarily driven by the ad hoc bottom-up political mobilisation of the sub-national actors. In general, without institutionalised channels for sub-national governments to participate in the regional/international level, sub-national governments need to mobilise resources on such an ad hoc basis and only pioneering sub-national actors are capable of effectively engaged on unfamiliar territory with the formation process of transnational governance.  相似文献   
首次提出一种新型循环冷凝萃取(CC-SPME)方法,并以乙硫醚为研究对象进行了分析检测。实验优选条件得出CC-SPME法的萃取时间,溶液加热温度和解吸时间分别为25min,75℃,4min。该方法的重现性,检测限以及回收率分别为7.54%,0.010mg/L,97%。实验表明,此方法的线性很好,而且与传统的浸入萃取法和顶空萃取法相比,具有更高的灵敏度。故而CC-SPME法是一种简单且灵敏的分析检测方法,值得做进一步探讨。  相似文献   
利用多源遥感数据和NCEP再分析资料,从沙尘源区的地理环境和气候特征出发,对2021年中国北方首次沙尘天气事件每日的大气环流形势以及沙尘的水平,垂直分布特征进行深入的研究分析.结果表明:源区内异常增温,降水稀少的气候背景下致使大面积裸露松散的土壤含水量较低,为大范围,高强度沙尘天气的形成提供了物质基础;频繁活动的冷空气,是沙尘天气爆发的动力因子.沙尘在强风中沿东南方向向下游地区输送和扩散,中国西北,华北,黄淮,江淮,江汉地区和江南北部等地先后受到沙尘天气的影响,空气质量迅速恶化,首要污染物为PM10.此外,沙尘气溶胶东移也波及朝鲜半岛,日本等下游地区.在输送过程中,内陆地区沙尘主要分布在1~6km,而下游地区的沙尘则集中分布在2km高度附近,粒径较大的沙尘出现在近地表的频率较高,较小的颗粒主要分布在对流层中下层.  相似文献   
研究了MTBE在砂土中的静态吸附以及采用地下水循环井技术(GCW)去除砂土和地下水中MTBE的衰减规律。结果表明:MTBE在砂土中的吸附动力学符合准二级动力学方程,相关系数R2为0.99618,在砂土中的吸附平衡时间为24 h;吸附热力学符合Linear平衡吸附,吸附系数为0.00306 m3/kg。GCW运行30 h后,地下水饱和含水层中MTBE浓度由500 mg/L降至72.5 mg/L,去除率为85.5%;砂土中MTBE的吸附量由0.93 mg/g降至0.03 mg/g,去除率达96.4%。水平方向距GCW越近,MTBE的去除效率越快,垂直方向位于GCW上部的MTBE优先会被去除,最佳修复时间为运行15 h。GCW对砂土和地下水中高浓度MTBE具有良好的修复效果。  相似文献   
为了使环境应力筛选试验在有效提高电子产品的可靠性方面得以广泛应用,介绍了环境应力筛选试验的概念,针对电子产品,论述了环境应力筛选典型应力参数的确定方法、加电检测的原则、筛选度和故障率的计算、筛选中暴露的典型缺陷等。提出了环境应力筛选试验的一般程序和一些需注意的问题。  相似文献   
在中低温厌氧条件下,采用IC厌氧反应器降解BDE-209废水。结果表明:在温度为18~30℃,反应器运行62 d,第14天反应器出现颗粒污泥,随着运行时间和容积负荷的增加,颗粒污泥的粒径不断增大。当进水ρ(COD)为11 000 mg/L,控制HRT为24 h,COD容积负荷为11.7 kg/(m3.d)时,COD去除率稳定在70%以上,BDE-209降解效率达26.8%。  相似文献   
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