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Wang F  Goulet RR  Chapman PM 《Chemosphere》2004,57(11):1713-1724
The freshwater amphipod, Hyalella azteca, is widely used in laboratory sediment toxicity and bioaccumulation tests. However, its responses in the laboratory are probably very different from those in the field. A review of the literature indicates that in its natural habitat this species complex is primarily epibenthic, derives little nutrition from the sediments, and responds primarily to contaminants in the overlying water column (including water and food), not sediment or porewater. In laboratory sediment toxicity tests H. azteca is deprived of natural food sources such as algal communities on or above the sediments, and is subjected to constant light without any cover except that afforded by burial into the sediments. Under these constraining laboratory conditions, H. azteca has been reported to respond to sediment or porewater contamination. In nature, contamination of overlying water from sediment is less likely than in the laboratory because of the large, generally non-static sink of natural surface water. H. azteca does not appear to be the most appropriate test species for direct assessments of the bioavailability and toxicity of sediment contaminants, though it is probably appropriate for testing the toxicity of surface waters. Toxic and non-toxic responses will be highly conservative, though the latter are probably the most persuasive given the exposure constraints. Thus H. azteca is probably a suitable surrogate species for determining sediments that are likely not toxic to field populations; however, it is not suitable for determining sediments that are likely toxic to field populations.  相似文献   
通过对SDS浓度、孵育温度和孵育时间3种提取条件的研究,建立了一种基于SDS溶液的提取土壤中残留Bt蛋白的方法(简称SDS法).在ρ(SDS)为2 g·L-1、孵育温度为50℃、孵育时间≥4 h条件下,采用SDS法可有效地从不同类型土壤样品中提取残留Bt蛋白,提取效果明显好于碳酸盐法、人造蠕虫肠道蛋白提取液法和PBST(phosphate buffer solution with Tween-20)法.  相似文献   
上海世博园后滩湿地底栖动物群落特征与水质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年9月-2011年1月对上海世博园后滩湿地底栖动物群落进行了调查.结果发现,在后滩湿地共采集到53个物种,隶属4门,8纲.节肢动物门物种数最多为32种,占60.4%.底栖动物密度为(256.7 ±37.9) ind·m-2,生物量为(15.2±3.5) g·m-2.聚类分析表明,后滩湿地存在两类底栖动物群落:纹沼螺群落(未受投螺影响的群落,群落Ⅰ)和铜锈环棱螺群落(受投螺影响的群落,群落Ⅱ).双因素方差分析表明,群落Ⅱ的生物量显著高于群落Ⅰ,密度、多样性指数在群落类型间均无显著差异.对未受投螺影响水域的底栖动物而言,前后期群落优势类群均为软体动物,优势种为纹沼螺,但后期软体动物优势度(重要值)较前期下降28.6%,节肢动物优势度急剧增加260.0%,仅低于软体动物;后期群落的密度、物种数(S)、香农-威纳多样性指数(H’)、Margalef丰富度指数(R)及Pielou均匀度指数(J)较前期均有不同程度的增加,生物量及Simpson优势度指数(λ)前期高于后期,但除J外其它指标在两者间均无显著差异;Jaccard指数指示前后期群落极不相似.5种生物指数中,Carlander生物量指数、Hilsenhoff生物指数(BI)、H’与营养状态指数的水质评价结果最为接近,4个指标显示后滩湿地水质处于轻-中污染水平或中-富营养状态.  相似文献   
PCDDs and PCDFs were analyzed by high resolution GC MS in several invertebrate animals collected from a rural beach in Japan. PCDDs and PCDFs were detected in all samples. Total concentration of PCDDs and PCDFs ranged 8.8–120 pg g−1 wet and 3.5–38 pg g−1 wet, respectively. TEQs of invertebrate animals examined ranged from 0.048 pg g−1 wet in sea slug to 0.91 pg g−1 wet in mussel. Isomer profiles in all samples were similar to each other despite of variety of species. Their major sources are estimated to be herbicides such as CNP and PCP, and combustion by using a statistical analysis of isomer profiles.  相似文献   
Illegal transfer of wildlife has 2 main purposes: trade and scientific research. Trade is the most common, whereas scientific research is much less common and unprofitable, yet still important. Biopiracy in science is often neglected despite that many researchers encounter it during their careers. The use of illegally acquired specimens is detected in different research fields, from scientists bioprospecting for new pharmacological substances, to taxonomists working on natural history collections, to researchers working in zoos, aquariums, and botanical gardens. The practice can be due to a lack of knowledge about the permit requirements in different countries or, probably most often, to the generally high level of bureaucracy associated with rule compliance. Significant regulatory filters to avoid biopiracy can be provided by different stakeholders. Natural history collection hosts should adopt strict codes of conduct; editors of scientific publications should require authors to declare that all studied specimens were acquired legally and to cite museum catalog numbers as guarantee of best practices. Scientific societies should actively encourage publication in peer-reviewed journals of work in which specimens collected from the wild were used. The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature could require newly designated types based on recently collected specimens to be accompanied by statements of deposition in recognized scientific or educational institutions. We also propose the creation of an online platform that gathers information about environmental regulations and permits required for scientific activities in different countries and respective responsible governmental agencies and the simplification of the bureaucracy related to regulating scientific activities. This would make regulations more agile and easier to comply with. The global biodiversity crisis means data need to be collected ever faster, but biopiracy is not the answer and undermines the credibility of science and researchers. It is critical to find a modus vivendi that promotes compliance with regulations and scientific progress.  相似文献   
Scientists strive to develop efficient sampling protocols, reducing both the number of samples and processing time required, which can be adapted for use in a broad range of ecosystems. We investigated the accuracy and usefulness of artificial substrates in monitoring the impact of rising salinity on freshwater macroinvertebrate communities. We sampled seven sites along a salinity gradient (from 0.2gL-1 to 2.6gL-1) over a 19-km stretch of the Meurthe River, in northeastern France. All other parameters remained stable in this section of the river. Artificial substrate samples, each consisting of six liters of pebbles, were removed from the river at one-month intervals and examined. Results obtained indicated the same qualitative impairments as those found in samples collected using a Surber net. The use of artificial substrates was found to be a viable alternative method for assessing biological changes in river quality due to increasing salinity disturbance when Surber sampling cannot be performed.  相似文献   
Abstract:  In large parts of North America and Europe, deer overabundance threatens forest plant diversity. Few researchers have examined its effects on invertebrate assemblages. In a natural experiment on Haida Gwaii (British Columbia, Canada), where Sitka black-tailed deer ( Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis ) were introduced, we compared islands with no deer, with deer for fewer than 20 years, and with deer for more than 50 years. We sampled invertebrates in three habitat categories: forest edge vegetation below the browse line, forest interior vegetation below the browse line, and forest interior litter. In forest edge vegetation, invertebrate abundance and species density decreased with increasing length of browsing history. In forest interior vegetation, decrease was significant only on islands with more than 50 years of browsing. Insect abundance in the vegetation decreased eightfold and species density sixfold on islands browsed for more than 50 years compared with islands without deer. Primary consumers were most affected. Invertebrates from the litter showed little or no variation related to browsing history. We attributed the difference between vegetation-dwelling and litter-dwelling invertebrates to differences in the effect of browsing on their habitat. In the layer below the browse line deer progressively removed the habitat. The extent of litter habitat was not affected, but its quality changed. We recommend more attention be given to the effect of overabundant ungulates on forest invertebrate conservation with a focus on edge and understory vegetation in addition to litter habitat.  相似文献   
Abstract: In many areas of the developing world, the establishment of permanent marine reserves is inhibited by cultural norms or socioeconomic pressures. Community conserved areas that are periodically harvested are increasingly being implemented as fisheries management tools, but few researchers have empirically compared them with permanently closed reserves. We used a hierarchal control‐impact experimental design to compare the abundance and biomass of reef fishes, invertebrates, and substrate composition in periodically harvested and permanent reserves and in openly fished (control sites) of the South Pacific island country of Vanuatu. Fished species had significantly higher biomass in periodically harvested reserves than in adjacent openly fished areas. We did not detect differences in substratum composition between permanent reserves and openly fished areas or between permanent reserves and periodically harvested reserves. Giant clams (tridacnids) and top shells (Trochus niloticus) were vulnerable to periodic harvest, and we suggest that for adequate management of these species, periodically harvested community conservation areas be used in conjunction with other management strategies. Periodic harvest within reserves is an example of adaptive and flexible management that may meet conservation goals and that is suited to the social, economic, and cultural contexts of many coastal communities in the developing world.  相似文献   
底栖动物对维持和稳定湖泊生态系统结构与功能具有重要作用.为了探明长期强人为干扰条件下底栖动物群落结构特征及其主要环境影响因子,本研究分别于2009年和2018年的4月和8月采集和分析了白洋淀8个区水体、沉积物和底栖动物样品.根据人为干扰程度的不同,将白洋淀分为重度干扰区(HD)、中度干扰区(MD)和轻度干扰区(LD),同时分析了3类生境的理化参数和底栖动物群落结构与多样性指数.研究结果表明:1就水体和沉积物理化参数而言,总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH4+)、硝酸盐(NO3-)、磷酸盐(PO43-)和沉积物总氮(TNs)、总磷(TPs)等理化参数在重度干扰区呈最高值;2就底栖动物群落组成而言,在重度干扰区底栖动物群落物种丰度、生物量、密度均最低,且优势种大多以水生昆虫为主;3就底栖动物群落多样性指数而言,2009年,白洋淀底栖动物群落Margalef丰富度指数D值(0.84)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数H''值(1.13)均在中度干扰区最高,而Pielou均匀度指数J值(0.53)在轻度干扰区最高,这些指数均与沉积物总氮(TNs)呈显著负相关;2018年,D值(2.02)和H''值(2.21)在轻度干扰区中最高,而J值(0.84)在重度干扰区中最高,D值和H''值与水深(Water depth,WD)呈正相关关系,而与硝酸盐(NO3-)和总磷(TP)等呈负相关关系;4RDA分析结果表明,白洋淀底栖动物群落组成的主要环境影响因子在2009年为WD和pH,而在2018年为沉积物中总磷(TPs).2009-2018年,白洋淀底栖动物群落(主要影响因子从WD和pH变为沉积物总磷)和多样性指数(主要影响因子从TNs变为WD、TN、TP、NO3-、TNs等)的主要环境影响因子发生了显著变化.因此,针对主要环境影响因子的时间变化,在不同时期底栖动物群落的恢复需采取不同措施,本研究结果可为白洋淀生态修复提供理论和数据基础.  相似文献   
We examined changes in certain structural and functional aspects of the benthic invertebrate community in the Penobscot River, Maine, between 1974 and 1981. During this period, two pulp and paper manufacturers and three municipalities spent an estimated $33 million to reduce point source effluents harmful to aquatic life. We developed a biotic index based on objectively derived pollution tolerance values for resident taxa. Analysis of the benthic invertebrate community indicated that substantial improvement in water quality had resulted from pollution abatement. We established a four-group water quality classification scheme based on biotic index ranges, and showed that every site that was not in the best water quality classification in 1974 improved its classification to a better water quality group in 1981, and that the sites in the best group did not change. Relative abundances of functional feeding groups also changed, as were predicted by the river continuum theory. The effluents had acted as a “reset mechanism” that shifted polluted areas from autotrophic to more heterotrophic conditions. The direction of the shift was reversed in response to abatement efforts. Functional analyses of energy dynamics could lead to a more ecologically sound classification of water quality.  相似文献   
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