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Reservoirs are important for various purposes including flood control, water supply, power generation, and recreation. The aging of America's reservoirs and progressive loss of water storage capacity resulting from ongoing sedimentation, coupled with increasing societal needs, will cause the social, economic, environmental, and political importance of reservoirs to continually increase. The short‐ and medium‐term (<50 years) environmental consequences of reservoir construction and operation are well known and include an altered flow regime, lost connectivity (longitudinal, floodplain), an altered sediment regime, substrate compositional change, and downstream channel degradation. In general, reservoir‐related changes have had adverse consequences for the natural ecosystem. Longer term (>50 years) environmental changes as reservoirs enter “old” age are less understood. Additional research is needed to help guide the future management of aging reservoir systems and support the difficult decisions that will have to be made. Important research directions include assessment of climate change effects on aging and determination of ecosystem response to ongoing aging and various management actions that may be taken with the intent of minimizing or reversing the physical effects of aging.  相似文献   
Streamside management zone (SMZ) breakthroughs were identified and characterized to determine frequency and potential causes, in order to provide enhanced guidance for future water quality protection. Ten kilometers of SMZs were carefully examined for partial or complete breakthroughs. With partial breakthroughs the SMZ trapped sediment before it reached the stream, while complete breakthroughs appeared to have allowed sediment to have passed through with minimal restriction. A total of 41 breakthroughs occurred (33 complete, 8 partial) across 16 sites, averaging 1 complete breakthrough per 0.3 km of SMZ length. The most common complete breakthroughs were caused by stream crossings (42%), reactivation of legacy agricultural gullies (27%), and harvest related soil disturbances near/within SMZs (24%). Pearson correlations of site characteristics at breakthroughs indicated no strong relationships between breakthrough sites, representing the variable nature of these unique circumstances. Stream crossings are an intentional breakthrough for access purposes, but resulting environmental impacts can be reduced with best management practice implementation. Current recommendations for SMZs tend to work in most situations, yet further research is needed to identify causal factors and quantify breakthrough severity.  相似文献   
为弄清水库沉积物间隙水中汞及甲基汞的分布及扩散特征,于2009年春、夏两季对东风水库进行了采样,分别采用两次金汞齐-CVAFS法和蒸馏-乙基化结合GC-CVAFS法测定沉积物间隙水中溶解态(DHg)和甲基汞(DMeHg)浓度。结果表明夏季沉积物间隙水DHg浓度远高于春季,而DMeHg浓度却略低于春季;沉积物间隙水中DHg和DMeHg均有向上覆水体扩散的趋势,其夏季扩散通量高于春季;间隙水中DMeHg对上覆水体的贡献率大于DHg,最高可达30%,再次证明了沉积物间隙水中的DMeHg是其上覆水体的重要来源。  相似文献   
药品和个人护理用品(Pharmaceuticals and personal care products,PPCPs)在环境中广泛存在,威胁生态环境和人类健康,受到越来越多的关注.本文综述了固体基底中PPCPs的检测方法,总结了国内外污泥、土壤、沉积物等基底中PPCPs的污染现状,并对PPCPs的进一步研究进行了展望.结果表明,PPCPs的检测方法朝多样化和趋优化的方向发展.污泥样品中PPCPs种类多、浓度高(μg·kg-1—mg·kg-1),土壤和沉积物中虽然浓度不高,但是总量不可小觑.目前,固体基底中的PPCPs还需要更全面和更广泛的研究.  相似文献   
宿州市护城河沉积物重金属污染程度及来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对宿州市护城河沉积物12个采样点重金属含量测试的基础上,运用沉积物富集系数法和内梅罗指数法对该水域沉积物中V、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As及Pb 7种重金属污染程度进行分析,并运用聚类分析法和因子分析法对重金属来源进行识别.结果表明:Cu和Zn处于较强污染状态,Ni、As和Pb处于中等污染状态,Cr处于轻微至中等污染状态,V处于无污染状态;护城河沉积物12个采样点7种重金属的综合污染程度由大到小依次为H7、H10、H3、H9、H1、H11、H6、H5、H12、H8、H2和H4,其中位于工业区附近的H7点污染程度最高,而位于居民区和护城河汇流处附近的H4点最低;聚类分析将7种重金属分为Ⅰ类(Cu、Zn、As和Pb)、Ⅱ类(Cr和Ni)和Ⅲ类(V),每类元素自身具有相似的地球化学过程;旋转成分矩阵后的因子分析从重金属元素变量中提取出3个主成分(PC1、PC2和PC3),与聚类分析结果相对应,可解释总变量的90.97%.PCI(Cu、Zn、As和Pb)表示交通运输和煤炭工业污染,PC2(Cr和Ni)表示机械制造业,PC3(V)表示自然作用.  相似文献   
Expansion of irrigation in the Yellow River (Huang He in Chinese) Basin of China is a major accomplishment of the post-revolutionary period in China. Irrigation reliance on the Yellow River was anticipated to not only supply greater reliability of water for crops, but also to improve the productivity of aeolian, saline and alkali soils because of the high sediment loads in the river. Irrigation expansion also was a significant factor in affecting human modification of the landscape ecosystem in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Based on field investigation and sampling of the amount and distribution of used suspended sediment load in irrigated areas, this paper analyzes the impact of the suspended sediment on soil texture, fertility and salinity and the consequences to the landscape ecosystem. Results indicate that soil quality has indeed been improved through irrigation and related deposition of sediment, but some local problems created by long periods of irrigation should not be ignored in the future.  相似文献   
张建华  殷鹏  张雷  尹洪斌 《环境科学》2023,44(2):828-838
底泥疏浚对湖泊内源削减具有重要的作用,是富营养化湖泊内源治理的重要技术之一.以太湖疏浚区为对象,估算了近十余年疏浚对内源负荷的削减量,并评估了太湖北部竺山湖和梅梁湖的底泥疏浚效果.结果表明,太湖累计疏浚的4 200万m3底泥,共计清除了底泥中氮约6.26万t,总磷约1.83万t,有机质约117万t,相当于清除了蓄积于底泥中二十余年的外源污染物输入量.对于外源控制较好的梅梁湖,底泥疏浚后5 a内水质改善明显,随后出现反弹,但仍有效削减了表层底泥总氮和总磷含量.相反,对于外源输入仍较大的竺山湖,疏浚十余年后,底泥内源又回复到浚前水平.对竺山湖疏浚区开展了长达6 a的底栖生物群落跟踪评估,发现疏浚初期对底栖生物群落具有一定的影响,但浚后2 a,底栖生物密度与生物量等指标已接近浚前水平. 6 a后,疏浚区与未疏浚区的底栖生物群落多样性指数已无差别.结果也表明,底泥疏浚对湖体内源具有较好的控制效果,且疏浚效果维持程度与外源输入强度密切相关.此外,长期来看,疏浚区底栖生物群落依靠自恢复能力可达到浚前水平,疏浚不会对底栖生物群落结构造成影响.  相似文献   
大坝蓄水显著改变了河流的水文情势,进而影响着河流沉积物的颗粒组成和重金属形态.2019年6~7月,从长江上游金沙江攀枝花市至长江中游湖口县,沿长江干流调查了26个断面,采用欧共体BCR 3步提取法分析了沉积物中8种重金属(As、 Cd、 Co、 Cr、 Cu、 Ni、 Pb和Zn)的含量及其赋存形态,并用重金属地累积指数法、沉积物质量基准法和风险评价编码法(RAC)对沉积物重金属污染程度和生物有效性进行风险评价.结果表明,长江上游库区段(金沙江梯级水库段和三峡库区段)从上游至下游沉积物的粒径均值呈减小趋势,沉积物As和Zn全量呈增加趋势,中游段变化规律不明显.沉积物黏粒含量与弱酸提取态Cd和Ni含量呈显著正相关.Cd以残渣态(59.26%)和弱酸提取态(24.67%)为主,Cr(92.41%)和Ni(83.41%)以残渣态为主,As、 Co、 Cu、 Pb和Zn以残渣态和可还原态为主.As、 Cd、 Co、 Cr、 Ni和Zn污染程度大小为:金沙江段>长江中游段>三峡库区段.Cd、 Co、 Cr、 Cu、 Ni和Zn的生物有效性(RAC均值)大小:上游三峡段>中游段&...  相似文献   
Sedimentation is emerging as a key issue in sustainable reservoir management. One approach to controlling reservoir sedimentation is to trap sediment in hydraulic structures upstream of the reservoir. In the 1,163‐km2 catchment of the Dahan River (Taiwan) over 120 “sabo” dams were built to reduce sediment yield to Shihmen Reservoir. Built in 1963 for water supply, Shihmen has lost over 40% of its 290‐Mm3 storage capacity to sedimentation. Most of these upstream structures were small, but three had capacities >9 Mm3. Field measurements and historical data from the Water Resources Agency show most smaller dams had filled with sediment by 1976. The three largest were full or nearly so by 2007, when one (Barlin Dam) failed, releasing a pulse of 7.5 Mm3, most of its 10.4 Mm3 stored sediment downstream. The Central Range of Taiwan is rapidly eroding (denudation rates 3‐6 mm/yr), so geologically high loads make sediment problems manifest sooner. Even in other environments, however, eventually small dams built upstream of large reservoirs are likely to fill themselves, creating multiple small sediment‐filled reservoirs, some located in sites inaccessible to mechanical removal. Our analysis suggests sabo dams do not offer a long‐term basis for controlling reservoir sedimentation in such a high‐sediment yield environment. Sustainable solutions must somehow pass sediment downstream, as would be accomplished by a sediment bypass around Shihmen Reservoir, as now being studied.  相似文献   
《Environmental Forensics》2013,14(4):305-312
The distribution of metal contaminants between different size fractions of marine sediments is well known. However, the use of size normalization techniques may alter the ability or usefulness in identifying potential sources in complex environments. In a reassessment of metal data from the shelf area of Sydney, Australia, the mud and sand fractions were investigated separately by PCA and PLS methodologies. The analyses were able to produce clear distinctions between industrial/urban sources when based on a suite of metals rather than individual (single-element) concentrations. Signature analysis by PLS with copper, lead, zinc, manganese, chromium, cobalt, nickel, and cadmium demonstrated the dispersion of the fine-grained contaminated material to the south in the East Australian Current. However, due to the commonality between many of the metals, a subset of four metals was used to define the signature. This significantly improved separation, showing clear plumes extending ~30 km from the source rivers.  相似文献   
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