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基于当前可获得的与该课题相关的资料 ,本文综述了陆地生态系统产生挥发性含硫气体的微观和宏观机理过程。讨论了控制生物硫气体产生的环境因素。阐述了含硫气体释放进入大气后的环境归趋  相似文献   
由于城市水资源严重紧缺,再生水作为补给城市河湖景观水体的重要水源,用量逐年加大,随之带来的水环境问题也引起关注,往往需要采用适宜的技术和工程改善水质。然而对于现有的生态修复技术和工程,缺少相应的评价方法和指标体系对其修复效果和工程技术进行综合有效的评估。通过大量的文献及实地调研,结合再生水补给型城市河湖的特点,构建了包含环境效益、技术管理与维护及社会经济功能3个系统、7个准则和19个指标的再生水补给型城市河湖水生态修复技术评价指标体系,采用群组决策的层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标的权重,重要性排序前5位的指标依次是:藻类多样性、水生植物覆盖度、DO、TLI、PI(COD)。以北京市陶然亭湖水生态修复工程为例进行综合评价,研究结果表明,现阶段陶然亭湖水生态修复工程综合评分为3.35分,评价结果属于良。陶然亭湖经过水体生态修复后,水生态系统结构较好恢复;所选工程技术适宜;人员及经济投入适中;对周边环境产生较大正面影响;工程可优后进行推广  相似文献   
生态用地在维持区域生态平衡和保障区域生态安全具有重要意义。以云南星云湖流域为研究区,运用层次分析法和GIS技术,从水土保持、地质灾害规避与防护、生物多样性保护和水资源安全4个方面,构建了流域重要生态用地识别指标及其识别方法,并识别出流域重要生态用地空间分布。结果表明:(1)加权叠加模型更适用于高原湖泊流域重要生态用地识别;(2)根据生态用地重要性分为核心型、辅助型、过渡型和非重要生态用地,面积分别为75.98 km~2、105.05 km~2、89.47 km~2和65.11 km~2,分别占流域生态用地总面积的22.64%、31.30%、26.66%和19.40%。识别结果能较好地反映重要生态用地维护流域的生态安全。以星云湖流域作为高原湖泊流域的典型,为高原湖泊生态保护提供科学方向,以期协调流域经济发展与生态保护的矛盾,促进可持续发展。  相似文献   
山区农业转型对于我国山区耕地可持续利用效率、土地整治方向以及生态建设方向具有一定的指导意义,渝东北生态涵养发展区是重庆市农用地整治项目的主要分区,通过定义作为农业转型产物的"规模农地"相关概念及其判读标准,旨在提出一种新的研究路径对重庆市典型山区地貌的耕地利用现状给予指导和改善意见。首先选取三峡库区腹地5个区县为研究区,并结合研究区实际对"规模农地"进行等级划分,利用Arc GIS10.2等软件通过景观格局指数、核密度测算、空间自相关等方法从斑块特征、数量分布、空间格局三方面对研究区内规模农地的空间分布规律进行探讨。研究表明:(1)不同类型规模农地斑块特征呈现一定的规律性,小规模农地斑块密度最大为6.004,大规模农地平均最近指数MNN值最低为643.401,且农地规模越大,面积加权平均斑块分维数AWMPFD值和聚集度AI值越高;(2)中、大规模农地数量多集中在奉节县,微、小规模则多集中在巫山县,且规模农地自身及其相互之间存在固定的邻接性规律,即同类斑块之间的邻接性与其斑块大小成反比,不同类型斑块之间则与之相反;(3)研究区规模农地整体空间分布主要集中在奉节县中部以及巫溪县东部,沿江流域的平坝地区分布相对密集,且不同类型规模农地在空间上存在明显的自相关性。  相似文献   
水源水体富营养化及造成的藻类水华是淡水生态系统面临的主要问题之一,严重威胁城市供水。以华南地区赤水水库为例,基于2019年5月暴发的蓝藻水华事件,开展了水库水质、蓝藻密度的监测分析及壳聚糖改性高岭土复合聚合氯化铝的应急除藻技术研究,确定了絮凝剂的最佳投加量并评估了除藻效果。结果表明: 水华暴发时取水口表层TN、TP浓度超过地表水III标准且水体主要限制性元素为磷,若集水区内磷的浓度继续增大,则水华暴发的频率继续增加;此次蓝藻水华的优势种为铜绿微囊藻,且垂向主要聚集在表层及水下5 m处,随水深的增加藻细胞密度逐渐降低,表层藻细胞密度高达6.87×108 cells·L−1;采用壳聚糖改性高岭土复合聚合氯化铝去除蓝藻效果较好,在改性黏土投加100 mg·L−1,聚合氯化铝投加10 mg·L−1时,1 h去除率约60%,且随着时间延长,去除率持续提高。改性黏土复合聚合氯化铝能在短期内使藻类沉降至水库底部,可应用于湖库型饮用水源蓝藻水华的应急处置。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Water from the Missouri River Basin is used for multiple purposes. The climatic change of doubling the atmospheric carbon dioxide may produce dramatic water yield changes across the basin. Estimated changes in basin water yield from doubled CO2 climate were simulated using a Regional Climate Model (RegCM) and a physically based rainfall‐runoff model. RegCM output from a five‐year, equilibrium climate simulation at twice present CO2 levels was compared to a similar present‐day climate run to extract monthly changes in meteorologic variables needed by the hydrologic model. These changes, simulated on a 50‐km grid, were matched at a commensurate scale to the 310 subbasin in the rainfall‐runoff model climate change impact analysis. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) rainfall‐runoff model was used in this study. The climate changes were applied to the 1965 to 1989 historic period. Overall water yield at the mouth of the Basin decreased by 10 to 20 percent during spring and summer months, but increased during fall and winter. Yields generally decreased in the southern portions of the basin but increased in the northern reaches. Northern subbasin yields increased up to 80 percent: equivalent to 1.3 cm of runoff on an annual basis.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Snow, one of Nature's greatest reservoirs, supplies most of the usable water in the Western United States. Reliable predictions of the quantity and timing of the release of this water are used in making management decisions involving irrigation, stock water and municipal water supplies, hydro-power generation, recreation, navigation, and pollution control Practically oriented research is vital for the proper development and management of this resource. In southwestern Idaho, the Northwest Watershed Research Center, ARS, USDA, is conducting intensive investigations for assessing snow Volumes, snow water content, and snow-melt over a watershed. Application of these research findings will result in better development and management of the water stored as snow in Nature's reservoir.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Two dynamic programming models — one deterministic and one stochastic — that may be used to generate reservoir operating rules are compared. The deterministic model (DPR) consists of an algorithm that cycles through three components: a dynamic program, a regression analysis, and a simulation. In this model, the correlation between the general operating rules, defined by the regression analysis and evaluated in the simulation, and the optimal deterministic operation defined by the dynamic program is increased through an iterative process. The stochastic dynamic program (SDP) describes streamflows with a discrete lag-one Markov process. To test the usefulness of both models in generating reservoir operating rules, real-time reservoir operation simulation models are constructed for three hydrologically different sites. The rules generated by DPR and SDP are then applied in the operation simulation model and their performance is evaluated. For the test cases, the DPR generated rules are more effective in the operation of medium to very large reservoirs and the SDP generated rules are more effective for the operation of small reservoirs.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The Pittsburgh District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, is responsible for operating two multipurpose reservoirs in the 7384 square mile (19198 square kilometer) Monongahela Basin. A third reservoir, presently under construction, will soon be operating. The real-time forecasting of runoff for operational purposes requires simulation of snow accumulation and snowmelt throughout the Basin during the winter season. This article describes capabilities of SNOSIM, a model being developed for performing such simulation. The application of this model as part of a comprehensive system of water control software, and some initial simulation results are presented.  相似文献   
Over the last several decades, the scientific community has replaced the ‘acts of god’ explanations for disasters with a view that disasters are actually ‘acts of nature,’ and more recently, ‘acts of human behavior and decision making.’ Despite the secular orientation of contemporary disaster research, religious beliefs still govern people’s interpretations of natural events across many continents and cultures. Using a case study of a rural Sherpa community in Nepal, this paper responds to the challenge of linking religion and disaster risk in the context of a climate change-induced glacial lake outburst flood hazard. Data collection employed ethnographic techniques including participant observation and 53 interviews with community members. Results indicate that the case study community’s religious belief system influences how they interpret and respond to the glacial lake hazard, although their beliefs co-exist with more scientific interpretations of risk. Rather than being immobilised by their belief system, we found that religious aspects like rituals and prayer can enhance social cohesion and contribute to capacities for coping with fear and uncertainty in this community. We assert that religion can yield valuable resources to glacial lake risk reduction strategies, which will benefit from incorporating social-cultural factors more profoundly.  相似文献   
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