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对地面风场的研究表明,厦门存在局地和海陆风环流,自1955年以来年平均风速、混合层厚度均呈现下降趋势,大气污染物的水平和垂直扩散能力也呈下降趋势。降水酸度随海拔高度的变化情况表明,海陆风环流有利于酸性污染物的积累,且锋面降水过程中的光化学污染加重了降水的酸化程度。  相似文献   
对常州某农药生产场地土壤中挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染状况以及健康风险和生态风险进行了调查评价。结果表明,该场地土壤中挥发性有机物污染以苯系物和卤代烃为主。苯系物质量浓度为0~56.6 mg/kg,卤代烃质量浓度为0~1.14 mg/kg。健康风险评价结果均在可接受范围内,而生态风险评价显示生产车间内的土壤VOCs生态风险较大,存在着对生物的危害。  相似文献   
为合理利用多智能体算法解决城市扩张动态模拟问题,基于地理学理论和社会学规律对粒子群算法进行有针对性的改进,提出分段式粒子群算法(SPSO),并结合元胞自动机模拟复杂时空过程的能力,构建出适用于城市扩张模拟的地理元胞自动机SPSO-CA。在SPSO-CA中我们利用多时像的土地利用数据、交通路网数据和地形数据,挖掘出1995~2000年南京城市扩张的土地转换规则。再由此规则实现1995~2008年的南京市城市扩张过程的动态模拟。最后对比SPSO-CA、PSOCA及NULL模型结果得:SPSO-CA总精度86.3%,Kappa系数为0.792,Moran’s I为0.078,PSO-CA总精度83.6%,Kappa系数为0.755,Moran’s I为0.054,NULL模型总精度81.9%,Kappa系数为0.741,真实的Moran’s I为0.072。这表明无论是总精度还是空间一致性,SPSO-CA都优于PSO-CA和NULL模型,即用SPSO-CA模拟城市扩张是可行的。  相似文献   
Land use/land cover (LULC) change affects the provision of ecosystem services for humans and habitat for wildlife. Hence, it is crucial to monitor LULC particularly adjacent to protected areas. In this study, we measured LULC change in Rombo, Tanzania, an area with high-potential agro-ecological zones that is dominated by human–elephant conflicts (HECs). We used remote sensing and geographical information system techniques, questionnaires and village meetings to assess spatio-temporal patterns of the LULC changes in the study area. Using Landsat imagery, digital elevation model (DEM) and ground truthing, we classified and monitored changes in LULC from the years 1987 to 2015. We found that within Rombo, settlements were increasing, while agricultural and agroforestry lands were decreasing and respondents’ perceptions varied along the altitudinal gradient. Patterns of HEC and LULC were observed to change along the gradient and the later threatened the agricultural land and ecological integrity for elephant habitat, leading to high tension and competition between elephants and people. This research offers baseline information for land use planning to balance wildlife conservation with livelihood development in Rombo and highlights that managing the impacts of LULC changes on HEC and elephant habitat loss is a matter of urgency.  相似文献   
近年来,农村居民点整理被作为城乡统筹发展的重要措施,在各地广泛开展。其在改善农民居住环境、为工业化和城镇化发展置换建设用地空间的同时,也对区域农地资源可持续利用产生了巨大冲击,其中,土地投入变化是农户响应这些冲击的重要表现。本研究沿着"农村居民点整理-区域土地利用条件变化-农户土地利用行为响应"的逻辑思路,形成了农村居民点整理对农户土地投入影响的分析框架,并在此基础上,从总体效应和不同政策影响两个层次,构建了农村居民点整理对农户土地投入影响的两个模型。依据江苏省调研数据,从资金和劳动力两个方面,实证分析农村居民点整理项目对农户土地投入的净效应,以及不同居民点整理政策对农户土地投入的影响方向和大小。结果表明,农村居民点整理促进了农户的土地资金投入,但对农户的土地劳动力投入具有负向影响。不同居民点整理政策对农户土地投入的影响具有显著差异,其中,置换住房的宅基地补偿政策和农地产权稳定政策对农户的土地资金投入具有较好的积极作用,而安置公寓房政策则更可能带来农户土地资金投入减少;农地产权稳定政策和安置公寓房政策显著负向影响农户土地劳动投入,但宅基地补偿政策对农户土地劳动投入影响不显著。本研究对这些结果进行了合理解释,同时也估算了户主年龄、户主受教育程度、农业收入比例、非农就业水平、农业补贴收入、耕作距离和土地经营面积等控制变量对农户土地投入的影响情况。最后从强化规划引导、内涵拓展、宅基地补偿策略优化、土地流转制度完善等方面,提出农村居民点整理政策调整和合理引导农户土地投入行为的对策建议。  相似文献   
土地利用总体规划需要统筹区域发展多元目标以增强对区域发展的指导力和约束性,因此全面了解我国土地利用总体规划的政策目标偏好,能为优化规划技术方法和改革规划管理体制提供政策参考。鉴于此,本文在分析我国土地利用总体规划多元目标及其关系的基础上,采用内容分析法基于全国土地利用总体规划纲要进行词频挖掘构建目标偏好测量维度及体系,进而对两轮省级土地利用总体规划文本进行目标偏好的定量测度,结果表明:(1)土地利用总体规划是多目标规划,通过内容分析法可以构建由经济、社会、生态三大目标构成的目标偏好测量体系;(2)从目标偏好排序来看,三大目标中社会目标始终是两轮土地利用总体规划的首要偏好目标,生态目标是土地利用总体规划的次要偏好目标,经济目标排在最后;同时相比上轮规划,本轮规划耕地保护子目标次序提前,土地整治子目标次序推后;(3)从目标偏好程度来看,社会目标的首位偏好程度有所下降,但其中耕地保护子目标的首位偏好度明显上升;生态目标和经济目标的首位偏好程度基本不变,总体而言本轮规划三大目标偏好程度的差异缩小。研究结果说明,我国土地利用总体规划始终坚持以耕地保护为核心的社会目标偏好,符合其是国土资源管理部门主导的部门规划的定位;虽然土地利用总体规划对经济、社会、生态三大目标的偏好程度差异缩小,但其若要在空间规划体系中发挥更大的作用,还需要通过优化规划技术和改革规划管理体制进一步均衡经济、社会、生态目标,以承担起统领全区域空间发展的要求。  相似文献   
Inspired by the phenomenon of heavy reduction in the area of cultivated land following the entry of Korea and Japan to the WTO,countries with a large population and inadequate amount of cultivated land similar to China,this paper raises the problem of the potential effects on cultivated land in China following its entry to the WTO.The paper attempts analysis,using economic principles,of the effects of Chinese WTO membership on cultivated land from four aspects;tariff concessions,quota increment,comparative advantage,and the substitution principle.And the conclusion is mat China's entry to WTO may lead to a reduction in cultivated land.Finally,some countermeasures are proposed to resolve the problem.  相似文献   
综合调查分析大连市炮台开发区土地集约利用现状,建立土地集约利用评价指标体系,利用特尔斐法确定指标权重,进而计算土地集约利用度,并分别从扩展潜力、结构潜力、强度潜力、管理潜力四个方面计算土地集约利用强度。综合分析土地集约利用度与土地集约利用潜力强度计算结果表明,炮台开发区土地集约度分值达到86.16%,土地集约利用水平较高,土地利用强度潜力较小。未来土地利用潜力主要为扩展潜力,不存在管理潜力,从而对炮台开发区未来发展土地集约利用提出相应建议与措施。  相似文献   
Angradi, Ted R., David W. Bolgrien, Matt A. Starry, and Brian H. Hill, 2012. Modeled Summer Background Concentration of Nutrients and Suspended Sediment in the Mid‐Continent (USA) Great Rivers. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 1054‐1070. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00669.x Abstract: We used regression models to predict summer background concentration of total nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), and total suspended solids (TSS), in the mid‐continent great rivers: the Upper Mississippi, the Lower Missouri, and the Ohio. From multiple linear regressions of water quality indicators with land use and other stressor variables, we determined the concentration of the indicators when the predictor variables were all set to zero — the y‐intercept. Except for total P on the Upper Mississippi River, we could predict background concentration using regression models. Predicted background concentration of total N was about the same on the Upper Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers (430 μg l?1), which was lower than percentile‐based values, but was similar to concentrations derived from the response of sestonic chlorophyll a to great river total N concentration. Background concentration of total P on the Lower Missouri (65 μg l?1) was also lower than published and percentile‐based concentrations. Background TSS concentration was higher on the Lower Missouri (40 mg l?1) than the other rivers. Background TSS concentration on the Upper Mississippi (16 mg l?1) was below a threshold (30 mg l?1) designed to protect aquatic vegetation. Our model‐predicted concentrations for the great rivers are an attempt to estimate background concentrations for water quality indicators independent from thresholds based on percentiles or derived from stressor‐response relationships.  相似文献   
Academic discussion where the adequacy of positions within theory of science is illustrated by means of examples from empirical research studies seems to be an area of neglect. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to such a debate, using examples from investigations into the relationship between urban structure and travel behaviour. The main research question of these investigations was whether, and to what extent, urban structural conditions are influencing residents' transportation activity. In other words, is there a causal relationship between urban structure and travel behaviour? Furthermore, we asked whether results from studies of the relationship between land use and transport can provide a basis for predictions about the likely consequences of alternative land-use strategies. The methodology and empirical findings of the studies are discussed in the light of the theory of science position labelled ‘critical realism’, in an attempt to relate theory of science to empirical research, but also in order to contribute to the discussion of the usefulness of this specific approach. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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