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武夷山风景名胜区景观生态评价   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
以武夷山风景名胜区为研究对象 ,在景观类型划分的基础上 ,首次提出了适合风景名胜区景观生态评价的指标体系 ,该体系包含代表性、稳定性、协调性、奇特性、观赏性、社会性和梯度性等 7个指标 .然后 ,运用层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标的权重 ,进而得到各景观类型的综合评价指数 .根据综合评价指数 ,将风景区划分为 3种景观生态等级 ,即理想景观、正常景观和危急景观 .研究结果表明 :在组成武夷山风景名胜区的 10种景观类型中 ,河流与马尾松林属于理想景观 ,居住地与农田属危急景观 ,其余 6类景观皆为正常景观 ,正常景观 (含理想景观 )面积占整个景区面积的 85 %以上 ,表明了作为世界自然与文化遗产的武夷山风景名胜区总体景观生态现状良好 ,确实受到较为积极有效的保护 .图 1表 4参 35  相似文献   
Theory suggests that maternal effects are especially important in organisms with environmentally-sensitive sex-determining mechanisms. However, there is no substantive body of empirical evidence to confirm this conjecture. We integrated field and laboratory studies to jointly evaluate the significance of behavioral (nest-site choice) and physiological (yolk hormone allocation) maternal effects on offspring sex ratio in the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina), a species with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). Of the 16 microhabitat variables measured, only three (south, east, and total overstory vegetation cover) were significantly correlated with nest temperature: cooler nests were located under more vegetation cover. In turn, these microhabitat predictors of nest temperature, and nest temperature itself, may influence nest sex ratio: shadier, cooler nests were more likely to produce a higher proportion of male offspring than less shady, warmer nests. Analysis of eggs from these same nests incubated in a common garden design in the laboratory revealed that clutch sex ratio was unaffected by levels of yolk estradiol, yolk testosterone, or their interaction. Examination of both behavioral and physiological maternal effects revealed no concordant impact on offspring sex ratio. However, eggs from nests that produced male-biased sex ratios in the field yielded higher proportions of males under constant-temperature conditions in the laboratory. Our study confirms the importance of behavioral maternal effects in nature on offspring sex ratios in species with TSD, while also revealing the potential presence of a predisposition for sex-ratio production underlying TSD in this system.Communicated by S. Krackow  相似文献   
There is accumulating evidence that maternal hormones may play a role in offspring sex adjustment, but little is known about the costs of such hormone-mediated mechanisms. Recent studies have reported sex-specific effects of hormones on offspring viability. Specifically, we previously found that elevating the plasma androgen level in mothers results in a male-biased offspring primary sex ratio, but it affects the viability of sons negatively and daughters positively in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata; Rutkowska and Cichoń, Anim Behav, 71:1283–1288, 2006). In this study, we studied further fitness consequences of exposure to elevated yolk androgen levels in zebra finches. We measured growth rate and cellular immune response of nestlings that hatched from eggs laid by females injected with testosterone during egg laying and nestlings of unaffected control females. We found that sons of testosterone-treated females grew slower in comparison to sons of control females. The significant interaction between experimental group and offspring sex indicates that sons of testosterone-treated mothers suffered impaired immune responsiveness while daughters seemed to benefit from elevated androgen level in terms of enhanced immune responsiveness. We found no effects of androgens on offspring performance at adulthood—neither fecundity of females nor attractiveness of males was affected. We conclude that the benefits of biasing sex ratio towards males by increasing androgen level in the yolk may be limited due to negative effects on male offspring performance early in life.  相似文献   
有机过氧化物生产火灾爆炸危险性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对有机过氧化物自分解温度较低、反应过程易引发火灾爆炸等危险特性,采用危险与可操作分析(HAZOP)方法和事故树(FTA)分析对过氧化物生产过程中存在的火灾爆炸危险性进行分析.结果表明,有机过氧化物生产过程中低温的保证是关键,应对制冷系统进行故障类型及影响分析(FMEA),从而确保制冷系统安全可靠.  相似文献   
Wetlands, with their many values and important functions, are precious resources. They have, however, undergone great changes during economic development and population growth. Relying on recent advances in remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques, this paper probes changes in wetland landscapes on Yinchuan Plain during 1978–2006. A series of remote sensing images was used to identify wetland landscape types. Landscape pattern indices, such as patch number, patch density, landscape shape, and Shannon's diversity, evenness, and contagion indices were calculated with GIS and landscape analysis software. Changes in wetland landscape patterns on Yinchuan Plain were analyzed. The analysis show that the total area of wetlands on Yinchuan Plain decreased from 391,540,239 m2 in 1978 to 267,979,957 m2 in 2006, a significant change over 28 years. The area of rivers and lakes has shrunk, and the area of paddies has increased consistently, with increasing wetland fragmentation and heterogeneity. The number of patches, patch density, and landscape shape index shows that wetland landscape patterns have undergone great changes. The landscape diversity, landscape evenness, and contagion indices indicate that wetland landscapes have become less heterogeneous. We discuss the causes of these changes and the sustainable development of wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

Human activity shapes the levels of anthropogenic pressure that depend on the land management method adopted. This has a fundamental role in the transformation of traditional landscapes. This study focuses on a representative region of the Mediterranean area with the objective to analyse the landscape’s dynamics, to detect the spatial arrangement of class patches, to identify the main agroecosystem characters and to provide a framework to assess ecosystems services. In order to assess land use/land cover changes and landscape persistence, the period between 1960 and 2012 was analysed, taking into consideration the years 1960, 2000 and 2012 using comparable land use maps. Land use and land cover analysis show an urban area growth of 24% during 2000–2012 and of 523% over between 1960 and 2012. The very high levels of land abandonment up to the year 2000 (+7216%) have reversed their trend between 2000 and 2012 (?95%). The orchards showed a relevant increase, particularly after 2000, while the vineyards were linked to the highest value of surface erosion (?74%). The outcomes showed that urban settlements can damage the ecological network with negative effects on the landscape’s environmental sustainability in proximity of significant urban centres. Instead, the ecological network is well preserved and highly associated to the agricultural areas when there is the persistence of many land uses and low urban density, despite the presence of dynamic changes.  相似文献   
金莲小(Ochnaintegerrima(Lour.)Merr.)足金莲术科落叫淞小或小乔小,址潜在的优良Ⅲ林绿化树种.文章从其形态解削特,其光合生理生态特征及播种繁殖技术方面进行了系统的研究。结果表明:金莲小为rft性偏阳性树种,光合速率LI进秤星单峰曲线,尤午休现象;其光饱和点(LSP)和I光补偿点(LCP)分别在800μmol·m^-2.s^-1及52.2μmol·m^-2.s^-1左右、在高于光饱和点的光强下,其叶片的光合速率并未出现叫娃下降趋势,州时还维持了较i舟的蒸腾速率,、金莲小叶绿素荧光参数显水其具有较高的能精利用效率,叶绿素a/b比值(5.677:1)略高于理论价(3:1),表明它能有效吸收比能许传到光反应叭tl山。播种前金莲小种子宵进行浸泡处理,浸泡24h处理后足发芽率高日.发芽较早,播种住泷炭土中的种f较沙土中的种子发芽要甘H荫发周期短,但往沙土中播种的种子最终的发芽率耍相对较高。、㈧此,金莲l术适合生长存水热充沛、土壤十}1对JJ巴沃的热带亚热带地区,栽培时要尽量选择十层肥沃的壤土或砂质壤土。金莲术(Ochnaintegerrima(Lout.)Merr.)是金莲术科落叶灌本或小乔木,是潜在的优良冈林绿化树种。文章从其形态解剖特征、光合生理生态特征及播种繁殖技术方面进行了系统的研究。结果表明:金莲木为中性偏阳性树种,光合速率日进程呈单峰曲线,无午休现象;其光饱和点(LSP)和光补偿点(LCP)分别在800μmol·m^-2.s^-1及52.2μmol·m^-2.s^-1左右。在高于光饱和点的光强下,其叶片的光合速率并未出现明显下降趋势,同时还维持了较高的蒸腾速率。金莲术叶绿素荧光参数显示其具有较高的能量利用效率,叶绿素a/b比值(5.677:1)略高于理论值(3:1),表明它能有效吸收光能并传到光反应中心。播种前金莲木种子宜进行浸泡处理,浸泡24h处理后其发芽率高且发芽较早,播种在泥炭土中的种子较沙土中的种子发芽要早且萌发周期短,但在沙土中播种的种子最终的发芽率要相对较高。因此,金莲木适合生长在水热充沛、土壤相对肥沃的热带亚热带地区,栽培时要尽量选择土层肥沃的壤土或砂质壤土。  相似文献   
王丽红  陈惠茹  周青 《生态环境》2013,(11):1819-1824
为了解土壤中铜(Cu)与锌(Zn)对不同乔木抗氧化系统的复合影响及植物生态修复土壤cu和Zn复合污染的生理生化基础,以香樟(Cinnamomumcamphora)、广玉兰(Magnolia grandiflora)和榉树(Zelkovaschneideriana)3种乔木为实验材料,采用土培盆栽方法,研究单-Cu2+(75mg·L-1)溶液和单一Zn2+(210mg·L-1)溶液及两者复合溶液污灌对香樟、广玉兰和榉树叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量、脯氨酸(Pro)含量、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的动态影响。结果表明,Zn2+/t~用下3种乔木MDA含量升高,Cu2+作用下MDA含量降低,Zn2+和Cu2+复合作用下3种乔木MDA含量低于Zn2+作用,即210mg-L。Zn2+对3种乔木生长的毒害作用比75mg·L。Cu2+明显,两者复合作用使Zn2+的伤害作用减轻。随胁迫时间延长,香樟POD和CAT活性增加,MDA含量和Pro含量减少。广玉兰细胞活性氧代谢失衡,POD活性和CAT活性急剧上升,第7天时分别达到1243.89%和300.00%(单一Cu2+’)、149.22%和60.00%(单一Zn2+)、653.96%和170.00%(Cu2+和Zn2+复合作用)。榉树无法承受高浓度Cu2+和Zn2+伤害而死亡。综合考虑,Zn2+对3种乔木伤害严重,Cu2+在诱导POD和CAT活性过程中与zn2+存在拮抗作用,香樟对重金属Cu2+和zn2+的耐性最强。  相似文献   
Pollution taxes are believed to burden low-income households that spend a greater than average share of income on pollution-intensive goods. Some proposals offset that effect by returning revenue to low-income workers via reduced labor tax. We build analytical general equilibrium models with both high-skilled and low-skilled labor, and we solve for the change in real net wage of each group. Decomposition shows the separate effects of the tax rebate, higher product prices, and the changes in relative wage rates. We also include numerical examples. Even though the pollution tax injures both types of labor, in most cases we find that returning all of the revenue to low-skilled workers is still not enough to offset higher product prices. Changes in relative wage rates may further hurt low-skilled labor. Protecting low-income workers is possible in this model only if they are defined as those below a relatively low wage threshold, but we discuss many possible elaborations of this model that could affect those results.  相似文献   
We present the first community‐level study of the associations of both roads and other human disturbances with the distribution of mammals in Gabon (central Africa). Our study site was in an oil concession within a littoral mosaic landscape. We conducted surveys along 199 line transects and installed camera traps on 99 of these transects to document mammal presence and abundance. We used generalized linear mixed‐effect models to document associations between variables related to the ecosystem (land cover, topography, and hydrology), roads (coating, width of rights of way, condition, type of vehicle used on the road, traffic level, affiliation of users, and general type of road), and other human disturbances (urbanization, agriculture, hunting, logging, gathering, and industrial activities) and the abundance or presence of 17 species or groups of mammals including elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis), buffalo (Syncerus caffer), sitatunga (Tragelaphus spekei), red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus), smaller ungulates, gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), side‐striped jackal (Canis adustus), carnivores, monkeys, and large rodents. Some types of roads and other human disturbances were negatively associated with the abundance or presence of elephants, buffalos, gorillas, sitatungas, some monkeys, and duikers. The pattern of associations of mammals with roads and other human disturbances was diverse and included positive associations with road presence (red river hog, some monkeys, and duikers), agriculture (sitatunga, small carnivores, and large rodents) and industrial activities (sitatunga, red river hog, red duikers, and side‐striped jackal). Our results suggest that the community of mammals we studied was mostly affected by hunting, agriculture, and urbanization, which are facilitated by road presence. We recommend increased regulation of agriculture, hunting, and road building in the area. Distribución de una Comunidad de Mamíferos en Relación a Carreteras y Otras Perturbaciones Humanas en Gabón, Africa Central  相似文献   
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