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Palut JM Montarnal P Gautschi A Tevissen E Mouche E 《Journal of contaminant hydrology》2003,61(1-4):203-218
A long-term single borehole diffusion experiment using tritiated water as tracer was carried out in Opalinus clay, an argillaceous rock formation that is accessible at the Mont Terri Underground Research Laboratory, situated in the Swiss Jura. The tracer was diluted in reconstituted formation water and introduced into a packed-off section of a borehole located in saturated rock. Pressure in this interval was maintained equal to the pore pressure of the surrounding rock in order to prevent any hydraulic gradient around the borehole and to avoid advective transport processes. The evolution of the tracer concentration in the injection system was monitored over time. After 1 year of diffusion, the claystone surrounding the interval was retrieved by overcoring the whole borehole and packer system, and by an adjacent oblique borehole. Compressed air was used as drilling fluid to reduce rock disturbances. The recovered overcore was sampled along profiles perpendicular to the borehole wall with a view to determining the tracer-concentration profiles in the rock. To avoid further evaporation of tritiated water, subsamples were immediately transferred into polyethylene bottles and disaggregated by adding a known amount of tracer-free water. Fifteen profiles were determined and showed a decreasing tracer concentration with distance into the rock. The pore-water contents were constant along those profiles, confirming that only very little water was lost during overcoring operations. The evolution of tritium-tracer concentration in the injection system over time and in situ profiles were interpreted with a 3-D numerical simulation of the experiment. That allowed for the identification of the transport parameters (orthotropic diffusion tensor and porosity) by minimising the relative quadratic error between the experimental and simulated data. The fitting is good and the results are consistent with data obtained on drill-core samples. The result of tritiated water is discussed regarding (1) the potential effect of mechanical and/or chemical disturbances around the injection borehole and (2) the specific behaviour of tritiated water. 相似文献
针对再生水回用的景观水体容易发生富营养化的问题,分别以再生水和径流雨水为主要补水水源的某城市湿地不同区域景观水体为研究对象,通过水体TN、TP、COD、SS、Chla、DO等水质指标检测分析,研究了污染物的空间变化和季节变化规律,评价了湿地水体富营养化程度并探讨其机理。结果表明,以再生水为主要补水水源的湿地水体全部呈现中度富营养,而以径流雨水为主要补水水源的湿地水体则整体呈现中营养。湿地生态系统对再生水输入的高浓度氮磷污染物有一定的净化效果,但净化效率有限且受季节因素影响明显,藻类的季节性增殖引起水体中TN、TP浓度降低、SS降低、透明度下降和COD浓度升高,高浓度氮磷营养盐输入是湿地水体藻类增殖并呈现富营养化的主要原因。提出了再生水补水的水质和水量控制、景观水体健康生态系统的构建和水体长期的维护管理是综合治理水体富营养化的有效对策。 相似文献
小型景观水体中病原微生物的分布特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了研究病原微生物在景观水体中的分布特性,采用定量PCR方法,监测了校园景观湖水中指示微生物(粪大肠菌群和大肠杆菌),病原性细菌(沙门氏菌和志贺氏菌)和病毒(肠道病毒、轮状病毒和诺如病毒)等典型肠道微生物的分布及变化情况.结果显示,粪大肠菌群未在景观水体中检出,而其他微生物均可检出,表明该水体未受到来自粪便源的污染,其他病原微生物来源于非粪便来源的面源污染.大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌和肠道病毒的检出率(>50%)比其他病原微生物的高;细菌和病毒的浓度分别分布在10-2~101 copies/mL和100~102 copies/mL.统计学分析结果表明,各病原微生物的浓度均服从对数正态分布,大肠杆菌与沙门氏菌和志贺氏菌无显著相关性.而肠道病毒与轮状病毒和诺如病毒在0.05置信水平上显著相关,相关系数分别为0.744和0.609.进一步分析病原微生物在景观水体中一年的变化,结果表明,随着降雨的汇入病原微生物的浓度明显增大,在高温和日光照射可致使病原微生物检出率和浓度明显降低. 相似文献
Geoff Lunn David Crowhurst Michael Hey 《Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries》1988,1(4):182-196
An investigation into the effects of vent ducts on reduced explosion pressures is described. Experiments were made using an 18.5m3 explosion vessel and a modified 20 1 sphere, with dusts having Kst values ranging from 144 bar ms−1 to 630 bar ms−1. The vent area/vessel volume ratio bursting pressure of the vent cover, and the length to diameter ratio of the vent duct have been varied. Straight vent ducts, and ducts containing sharp 45° and 90° bends have been used.A simple model to describe the effect of vent ducts on the reduced explosion pressure has been derived and compared with the experimental results. Agreement is shown to be satisfactory in nearly all cases. A comparison between the experimental results and guidance on the effect of vent ducts already available in the literature is discussed. 相似文献
针对目前城市污水处理厂污水回用作为城市景观水,存在细菌超标的问题,提出采用微波/紫外杀菌后做为城市景观水,研究表明微波功率越大,杀菌效果越好,但功率达到450W时,再增加微波功率杀菌效果增加不明显。在微波功率一定的情况下,紫外灯根数越多,吸收的微波总能量越大,杀菌效果越好。但随着无极紫外灯根数的增加,每根灯管吸收的微波能量相对越少,就不能将其很好地激发,且会增加成本。因此,在实际应用中应根据实际情况确定紫外灯根数。 相似文献
《International Journal of Sustainable Engineering》2013,6(1):31-47
The role of energy in the present world is critical in terms of both economical development and environmental impact. Renewable energy sources are considered essential in addressing these challenges. As a result, a growing number of organisations have been adopting hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) to reduce their environmental impact and sometimes take advantage of various incentives. When a HRES is being planned, the ability to model a HRES can provide an organisation with numerous benefits including the capability of optimising sub-systems, predicting performances and carrying out sensitivity analysis. In this paper, we present a comprehensive system dynamics model of HRES and combined heating and power (CHP) generator. Data from a manufacturing company using HRES and CHP generator are used to validate the model and discuss important findings. The results illustrate that the components of a HRES can have conflicting effects on cost and environmental benefits; thus, there is a need for an organisation to make trade-off decisions. The model can be a platform to further simulate and study the composition and operating strategies of organisations that are venturing to adopt new or additional HRESs. 相似文献
Christine Schleupner 《Journal of Coastal Conservation》2007,11(2):91-103
Accelerated sea level rise and hurricanes are increasingly influencing human coastal activities. With respect to the projected
continuation of accelerated sea level rise and global warming one must count with additional expenses for adaptation strategies
along the coasts. On the mountainous island Martinique the majority of settlements are situated along the coast almost at
sea level. But potential rises in sea level and its impacts are not addressed in coastal management, even though saltwater
intrusion and coastal erosion with increasing offshore loss of sediment are locally already a severe problem. At a sea level
rise of 50 cm, one fourth of Martinique’s coastline will be affected by erosion and one fifth of the islands surface will
have high probability to get flooded during coastal hazards. This is a growth of 5% of the impact area in comparison to present
conditions. This article analyses potential adaptation strategies and argues that the development of a coastal zone management
plan considering sea level rise and its impact area is of utmost importance. Empirical assessment models in combination with
spatial analysis are useful in obtaining statements about coastal impacts concerning sea level rise. This paper sees itself
as recommendation of action not only for Martinique.
Christine SchleupnerEmail: |