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Oviposition by butterflies on young leaves: Investigation of leaf volatiles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bergström  Gunnar  Rothschild  Miriam  Groth  Inga  Crighton  Cathy 《Chemoecology》1994,5(3-4):147-158
Summary Various butterflies select young foliage on which to lay their eggs; volatiles emitted by young and old leaves have been compared (by sorption enrichment, followed by GC-MS) to gauge possible qualitative and quantitative differences between the two age groups. The plants investigated are cabbage (Brassica oleracea), two milkweeds (Asclepias syriaca andA. curassavica), the bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) and the lime (C. aurantiifolia). The chemical compounds identified belong to three classes, isoprenoids, fatty acid derivatives and benzenoids. Quantitative differences were found between young and old leaves, of which a few may be characteristic of young leaves only. Thirty-four single trials withDanaus plexippus exposed to volatiles from young and old leaves are recorded.  相似文献   
Summary Measurement of tropane alkaloid content in leaves ofAtropa acuminata after mechanical damage showed a maximum increase to 153% of the control 8 days later. There were no changes in the root or stem after similar damage. The plant responded to repeated mechanical damage by doubling its alkaloid content at 11 days after the initial wounding. But on further treatments, there was a slight decrease in alkaloid content with time. Mollusc feeding produced an increase of 164% in alkaloid content after 4 days. These results indicate that induced defence systems in angiosperms can vary considerably from plant species to plant species and that the effects of mechanical damage may differ in different parts of the same plant.  相似文献   
Summary. Sequestration and processing of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) by leaf beetles of the genus Platyphora were investigated. Tracer experiments with labeled alkaloids were performed with P. eucosma feeding on Koanophyllon panamense (Asteraceae, tribe Eupatorieae). P. eucosma catalyzes the same reactions previously demonstrated for P. boucardi specialized to Prestonia portobellensis (Apocynaceae): (i) epimerization of rinderine to intermedine; (ii) esterification of retronecine yielding insect-specific PAs; (iii) efficient transport of the PAs as free bases into the defensive secretions. P. bella feeding on Tournefortia cuspidata (Boraginaceae) shows the same sequestration behavior and ability to synthesize the specific retronecine esters. P. ligata, a species phylogenetically closely related to the PA adapted species and clustering in the same clade, but feeding on a host plant devoid of PAs, feeds easily on PA treated host-plant leaves, but does not sequester or metabolize PAs. P. kollari a species clustering outside the PA clade refused to feed on its food-plant leaves painted with PAs. The results are discussed in relation to host-plant selection of the PA adapted species and the role of PAs in chemical defense. Received 20 September 2002; accepted 18 November 2002.  相似文献   
王博  陈红  夏敦胜  李刚  马珊  刘慧 《中国环境科学》2019,39(8):3178-3185
通过采集兰州市不同功能区小叶黄杨和刺柏叶片样品,对叶片表面滞尘量、叶表颗粒物磁性特征和黑碳(EC)浓度进行系统分析,探究其对周围大气污染的响应.结果显示,小叶黄杨和刺柏叶表颗粒物磁性特征以低矫顽力的亚铁磁性矿物为主导,磁晶体粒径以假单畴(PSD)颗粒为主.交通区小叶黄杨和刺柏饱和等温剩磁(SIRM)(489.40×10-6A,290.73×10-5A·m2/kg)显著高于公园(99.56×10-6A,74.00×10-5A·m2/kg)和生活区(61.91×10-6A,209.79×10-5A·m2/kg),表明SIRM明显受到周围环境中污染物浓度的影响.小叶黄杨和刺柏叶表颗粒物亚铁磁性矿物浓度与黑碳浓度的高值分布区域在空间上具有一致性,并且二者高度相关(r=0.94,0.94;P<0.0001),表明二者来源具有一致性.同时,不同采样高度不同树种叶片磁性对叶表颗粒物中黑碳浓度均有稳定的指示性,进一步表明叶表颗粒物SIRM可以作为指示叶表颗粒物黑碳污染的重要磁学参数.以城市绿化植物叶片为载体的环境磁学研究可实现颗粒物污染高空间分辨率的环境友好型监测.  相似文献   
光化学指数PRI(Photochemical Reflectance Index)是估算光能利用率LUE(Light Use Efficiency)的一种快速监测的有效指标,分析各种因素对二者的影响是提高估算精度的前提.论文针对三种杭州湾典型湿地植物 [旱柳(Salix matsudana),柽柳(Tamarix chinensis)和芦苇(Phragm itescommunis)],实地观测了其光合作用及日变化,叶面积指数以及同步植被光谱.同时采用PROSPECT-SAIL模型模拟叶面积指数LAI(Leaf Area Index)从小到大变化时植被冠层反射率,分析LAI的变化对冠层PRI的影响.结果表明:1)三种植被在日变化上,芦苇,旱柳和柽柳的PRI和LUE的相关性较好,R2分别为0.581 6,0.524 6和0.514 6;而对同一种植被在不考虑时间变化的条件下,PRI和LUE的相关性会有所减弱,对于LAI较小的冠层,PRI不能精确反映LUE;2)当LAI < 5时,冠层下土壤背景对冠层PRI影响较大,在不同土壤背景下,土壤亮度低的对冠层PRI影响较小;3)当LAI > 5时,土壤背景对冠层PRI影响较小,冠层自身的LAI才是影响PRI和LUE相关性的决定因素.因此,PRI和LUE关系模型还需要进一步探索和完善,引入更精确的模型和参数,不断提高LUE估算的准确度.  相似文献   
郑仲  何品晶  邵立明 《环境化学》2007,26(2):245-248
采集上海市杨浦区部分交通道路两侧行道树悬铃木叶片样品,对邻苯二甲酸酯(PAEs)的分布特征进行分析.结果表明,叶片组织和表面附着物中均含有邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)和邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯(DEHP);叶片组织易于吸收主要以气相存在于大气中的DBP,质量面积比范围高于表面附着物8倍以上;而主要存在于大气悬浮颗粒中的DEHP在叶片表面附着物中的质量面积比高于DBP.行道树悬铃木叶片中的PAEs质量面积比与机动车流量有一定的相关性.  相似文献   
酸雨对水稻不同生育期叶片叶绿体ATP酶的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酸雨对植物生长发育具有显著影响。然而,不同生长阶段植物对逆境胁迫的响应存在差异。以模拟酸雨胁迫水稻(Oryza sativa)(孕穗期、灌浆期),利用植物生理生化方法测定了水稻叶肉细胞叶绿体Mg2+-ATPase活性及其基因表达量、光合磷酸化活性、ATP含量、植株相对生长速率(RGR)和叶片净光合速率(Pn),研究酸雨胁迫下孕穗期、灌浆期水稻叶绿体ATP酶的变化及其对植物光合作用影响的机理。结果表明,p H=4.5酸雨使孕穗期水稻RGR、Pn、叶片ATP质量比和光合磷酸化活性均显著提高,灌浆期上述指标变化不明显;p H=3.5和p H=2.5酸雨使上述指标均下降,且随酸雨p H值降低,变幅增加。p H=4.5酸雨使孕穗期、灌浆期水稻ATP合酶基因表达量及Mg2+-ATPase活性升高;p H=3.5和p H=2.5的酸雨使孕穗期、灌浆期水稻ATP酶基因表达量减少,造成Mg2+-ATPase活性降低,且随酸雨p H值降低变幅增加。可以认为,酸雨通过影响ATP酶转录水平,改变Mg2+-ATPase活性、光合磷酸化活性和叶片ATP质量比,进而影响Pn,并最终影响植物生长发育。酸雨胁迫对孕穗期水稻生长发育及光合作用有低促高抑的剂量效应,而低强度酸雨对灌浆期水稻影响不明显。与灌浆期相比,孕穗期对酸雨胁迫较敏感,表明植物不同生长发育阶段对酸雨胁迫响应存在差异,此发现应成为评价酸雨影响植物的一个因素。  相似文献   
任书杰  于贵瑞  陶波  王绍强 《环境科学》2007,28(12):2665-2673
大尺度的叶片的氮(N)和磷(P)的化学计量学特征是植物对环境条件的长期适应的结果, 并能为大尺度模型的发展提供数据基础. 通过对文献数据的搜集整理, 对中国东部南北样带168个采样点的654种植物的N和P的化学计量学特征、空间格局及其与气候因子(年均温度)的关系进行了研究. 结果表明, 中国东部南北样带654种植物叶片的N和P的化学计量学特征存在很大的变异性. 叶片N的变化范围为2.17~52.61 mg·g-1, 几何平均数为17.55 mg·g-1, 叶片P的变化范围为0.10~10.27 mg·g-1, 几何平均数为1.28 mg·g-1, 叶片N/P的变化范围为1.7~74.6, 几何平均数为13.5. 中国东部南北样带乃至中国区域叶片P的含量显著低于全球尺度的其它研究结果, 这说明与全球尺度相比, 中国区域植被生长更易受到P的限制. 在所研究的不同功能群间, 以叶片N含量的差异最大, P次之, N/P的差异最小, 这与在多数的功能群内, 其叶片N和P含量间存在显著相关性有关. 另外在系统发育上亲缘越远的功能群N和P含量差异越大(蕨类植物与种子植物), 亲缘越近的差异越小(双子叶植物与单子叶植物). 叶片的N和P含量与纬度和年均温度间存在极显著的相关关系, 随着纬度升高和年均温度的降低, 叶片N和P含量极显著地增加(P<0.001). 可是N/P与纬度和年均温度的相关性较弱(P=0.386和P=0.342), 这可能是由于N和P含量随纬度和年均温度的变化趋势相同且变异性较大, 并且相对于全球尺度而言本研究的区域范围相对较小等多种因素共同导致的.  相似文献   
秦聪丽  傅吉全 《化工环保》2016,36(3):312-316
采用银杏叶和桑叶提取液制备了改性类Fenton反应催化剂并进行了表征分析,研究了溶液初始p H、反应温度、催化剂加入量、甲基橙初始质量浓度等因素对甲基橙降解率的影响,同时考察了催化剂的重复使用效果。表征结果表明:制备出的催化剂为Fe_2O_3和Fe OOH的混合物;桑叶改性催化剂的粒径分布较银杏叶改性催化剂均匀,粒径较小,比表面积较大。实验结果表明:在初始p H为6.23、反应温度60℃、催化剂用量1 g/L、甲基橙初始质量浓度100 mg/L的条件下,银杏叶改性催化剂的甲基橙降解率为99.40%,桑叶改性催化剂的甲基橙降解率为99.96%;碱性条件下,甲基橙降解率仍接近100%,扩宽了反应的p H适用范围,为碱性条件下处理偶氮染料提供了新思路;催化剂重复使用6次之后,甲基橙降解率仍可达到99%。根据反应前后溶液的紫外-可见吸收光谱,初步探讨了降解机理。  相似文献   
This study investigated antioxidant status of animals given aqueous extract of Morinda morindoides leaves using the levels of reduced glutathione, total-thiol, vitamin C, and vitamin E as well as malondialdehyde concentrations as indices, and its in vitro antioxidant capacity. Thirty rats divided into five groups were used. Group A served as control and were administered distilled water while groups B, C, D, and E were given 100, 200, 400, and 800 mg per kilogram body weight of water-extracted constituents of M. morindoides for 28 days. Total phenolic compounds amounted to 83.6 ± 5.9 mg g?1 gallic acid equivalent, while total flavonoid content was 9.5 ± 0.9 mg g?1 pyrocathecol equivalent. Malondialdehyde in plasma was significantly decreased in a dose-dependent manner, ranging from 21% in groups B and C to 84% in groups D and E. Vitamins C and E were significantly increased, in group E by 91% and 17% compared with control. Total thiols and glutathione in plasma were significantly increased, with group E having 2.5-fold and 4.2-fold higher values than control.  相似文献   
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