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The popular microblogging service, Twitter, contains a variety of potential orientations—interpersonal, broadcast, news, advertising, public service, political, and so on—in its operation and applications. As an evolving social media platform, specificity and context are essential in understanding its significance and use-value. This paper investigates the multiple modalities of Twitter in the context of formal politics and, in particular, the Greens party in Australia. Presenting original evidence drawn from the Greens Members of Parliament and their advisers, it is shown how Twitter is mobilized in response to particular news agendas and stories, unfolding political events and processes, and an ongoing need for the Greens to speak simultaneously to committed environmentalists and the broader electorate. These uses reveal that Twitter is an important addition to the media ecology mix in the conduct of environmental politics, playing a direct role in political communication, strategies, and actions.  相似文献   
This paper examines ideologies about nature and the environment in popular, animated Hollywood films—including The Lorax, Wall-E, and Ice Age 2—through a symptomatic reading. The primary goal of the analysis is to elucidate key omissions in these texts through an assessment of the problematic—defined in this research as an a-priori answer to perceived audience concerns regarding the role of consumerism and corporate culture in environmental problems. Silences in the films revolve around: how environmental problems are defined; what the consequences are; who the responsible parties are; and what potential solutions exist to mitigate them. The significance of the research is underscored by the formation of an increasingly intimate relationship between children, consumer culture, and commercial media in the USA, as well as the increasingly dire information emerging about global environmental issues. This analysis reveals the dual, often conflicting, messages that commercial film provides for its young audiences about pivotal environmental problems and their potential resolution.  相似文献   
采用固相萃取-超高效液相色谱三重四极杆质谱联用法,建立了同时测定养殖废水中9种大环内酯及林可酰胺类抗生素的方法,并对样品pH值、保存时间、洗脱溶剂、上样流速及过滤材质等进行了优化。测定结果表明,pH值为6,过滤材质为聚丙烯(GHP),上样速度为5 mL/min时,9种抗生素的加标回收率最优,为71.4%~126%,相对标准偏差最小,为2.4%~7.1%,标准曲线的线性最好,相关系数为0.998 5~0.999 5,检出限为0.78~1.22 ng/L。该方法灵敏度高、检出限低、测定结果准确,能够广泛应用于养殖废水中大环内酯及林可酰胺类抗生素残留量的监测分析。  相似文献   
研究了顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱质谱联用测定饮用水中二甲基异冰片和土味素的方法。结果表明,当选用聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)萃取纤维萃取头,萃取温度为60℃,萃取时间为40min时,得到二甲基异冰片标准曲线方程为y=122.59+157.76x,相关系数(R)0.9998;土味素的标准曲线方程为y=14.847+180.99x,相关系数(R)0.9999;检出限为0.1ng/L,相对标准偏差在0.99%~4.05%之间,加标回收率86.4%~109.5%。  相似文献   
采用DMA-80直接测汞技术,与国标方法原子荧光法对土壤中总汞的测定进行了方法比对研究。试验结果表明,直接测汞法的检出限优于原子荧光法,精密度和准确性能够满足土壤实际样品的测定,对30个实际样品分析结果的比对表明,方法间无显著差异,该方法快速、准确、无污染。  相似文献   
根据城市轨道交通噪声时、空分布特点及污染规律,对轨道交通噪声评价量作了分析研究,提出了列车通过时的最大声级作为城市轨道交通噪声的评价量,并根据噪声时问分布特性曲线提出了与之相对应的等效声级简易计算方法.通过对上海轨道交通3号线沿线居民区的主、客观调查,得到主观烦恼度阈值和干扰睡眠阈值,提出了适用于我国城市轨道交通的环境噪声限值(建议).  相似文献   
色谱、光谱及联用技术在多农药残留检测中的应用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
介绍了国内外多农药残留检测的发展状况,综述了色谱法、光谱法、色谱-质谱联用技术、色谱-光谱联用法、多维气相色谱技术的特点及在多农药残留检测中的应用,指出多农药残留检测在今后的农药残留检测中将占据主导地位.  相似文献   
研究采用混凝沉淀+粉末活性炭吸附+高锰酸钾+浸没式微滤膜的组合工艺对太湖水进行中试试验,通过高效凝胶色谱(HPSEC-UV-TOC)和三维荧光(3DEEM)的测定方法,着重考察有机物的相对分子质量(Mr)分布和亲疏水性对膜不可逆污染的影响.凝胶色谱分析表明:预处理可几乎完全去除大分子有机物(Mr>10×103),但仅能去除部分的中等分子(10×103>Mr>1×103)和小分子(Mr<1×103)有机物.研究发现化学清洗水中的有机物相对分子质量多为中等分子和小分子,说明导致膜不可逆污染的主要是中等分子和小分子有机物.此外,洗膜水中强疏和中性亲水组分含量远高于弱疏和极性亲水,说明强疏和中性亲水组分是不可逆污染的主要物质.三维荧光分析表明,芳香族蛋白质和溶解性微生物产物是造成膜不可逆污染的主要污染物.  相似文献   
江竹莲  陈雪煜  王林 《环境化学》2022,41(4):1453-1456
本文建立了针对10种寡糖,包括甘露糖醛酸(M)和古罗糖醛酸(G)的离子色谱串联三重四极杆质谱的分析方法。优化后的离子色谱条件:Thermo Scientific Dionex IonPacTM AS19-4 μm (2 mm× 250 mm, Analytical),200 mmol·L−1氢氧化钠-水为淋洗液,流速0.3 mL·min−1,柱温30 ℃,电导检测器后连外接泵,三通阀加0.25 mL·min−1乙腈。采用ESI源,扫描方式为选择反应检测。结果表明,离子色谱对不同聚合度的甘露糖醛酸和古罗糖醛酸有很好的保留和分离效果,三重四极杆质谱相比传统检测手段具有优异的灵敏度和高选择性;稳定性良好,连续进样5针,RSD均小于6.08%;标曲线性关系良好,R2≥0.9990;方法检出限0.34 μg·L−1;加标回收率均≥90.2%,本方法可用于寡糖的定性及定量分析。  相似文献   
气象条件对上甸子地区气溶胶散射特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
赵秀娟  张小玲  蒲维维  孟伟 《环境科学》2011,32(11):3153-3159
利用北京地区上甸子站气溶胶散射系数、PM2.5质量浓度和气象要素1 a的观测资料,研究不同天气条件下上甸子地区散射系数的变化特征,并讨论了气象条件对散射系数的影响.结果表明,散射系数在雾霾天最高608.4 Mm-1,其次为雾天500.6 Mm-1和霾天423.7 Mm-1,是一般天气散射系数的6.4~9.2倍.在各类天...  相似文献   
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