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采用溶胶凝胶法制备LixNi1-xO和ZnO粉体,利用球磨法制备ZnO/LixNi1-xO复合粉体,以紫外光为光源,通过降解甲基橙,研究了锂掺杂及n-p复合对氧化镍的光催化性能影响。结果表明:当投放量为0.1 g/L,x≤0.075(摩尔分数)的锂掺杂氧化镍均比未掺杂氧化镍的光催化活性高。当锂掺杂摩尔分数为0.025,投放量为0.4 g/L时锂掺杂氧化镍的光催化活性最佳,甲基橙最高降解率达到93.1%。当ZnO/Li0.025Ni0.975O在质量比为1∶1,投放量为0.2 g/L时光催化活性最佳,甲基橙最高降解率达到98.1%。 相似文献
Hole LR Brunner SH Hanssen JE Zhang L 《Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)》2008,154(3):473-481
The conditional time averaged gradient method was used to measure air-surface exchange of nitrogen and sulphur compounds at a semi-alpine site in Southern Norway. Dry deposition velocities were then obtained from the bi-weekly concentration gradient measurements. Annual deposition velocities were found to be 1.4, 11.8 and 4.0 mm s(-1) for NH3, HNO3 and SO2, respectively, if all data were included, and to be 10.8, 11.8 and 13.0 mm s(-1), respectively, if only positive values were included. Measured deposition velocities were compared to two sets of values estimated from a big-leaf dry deposition module applying to two different land types (short grass and forbs, and tundra), driven by measured micrometeorological parameters. The deposition module gives reasonable values for this site throughout the year, but does not reproduce the large variability as shown in the measured data. No apparent seasonal variations were found from either measurements or module estimates due to the very low productivity of the studied area. 相似文献
城市轨道交通噪声的声源特性研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了城市轨道交通噪声的主要类型、基本特性、传播规律及其影响因素;综述了国内外城市轨道交通噪声的预测及测量分析技术的研究成果,并对其进行了总结比较,阐述了各种方法的特点、主要成就和局限;最后探讨了城市轨道交通噪声领域今后的研究方向和发展趋势,为解决城市轨道交通发展中的噪声问题提供了参考. 相似文献
通过AHP(层次分析法)在决策目标、影响指标及评估方案3层要素之间,选取湖泊环境、社会因素及经济因素3个维度的25个基层指标,建立了湖泊生态补偿标准评估指标体系。采用MATLAB软件编写了2个程序,分别用于求解初始评分矩阵、计算评估方案权重和辅助PSO(粒子群优化算法)修正指标体系中不满足一致性要求的初始评分矩阵、优化层次分析结果。经计算,生态系统服务价值理论与污染治理费用法的权重分别为38.16%、61.84%。选用生态系统服务价值理论与污染治理费用法两种评估方案,并结合市场价值法、成果参照法、影子工程法、Vollenweider模型及完全混合模型,通过实证研究检验评估标准的合理性。计算得出滇池流域的生态补偿标准总额为32.630 2亿元/a,流域内单位面积的生态补偿标准为5 207元/(a·hm2)。 相似文献
萃取比色法测定水中的丁基黄原酸盐 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用萃取比色法测定水中丁基黄原酸盐的含量,发现该方法的灵敏度、准确度和稳定性都可以满足样品分析的要求,并利用不同方法对样品进行比对分析,无明显差异。 相似文献
A new and simple equation has been presented here for calculation of adsorption and desorption rate constants of Langmuir-Freundlich kinetic equation. The derivation of new equation is on the basis of extension and correction to the geometric method which has been presented by Kuan et al. [Kuan, W.-H., Lo, S.-L., Chang, C.M., Wang, M.K., 2000. A geometric approach to determine adsorption and desorption kinetic constants. Chemosphere 41, 1741-1747] for the kinetics of adsorption/desorption in aqueous solutions. The correction is to consider that the concentration of solute is not constant and changes as adsorption proceeds. The extension is that we applied Langmuir-Freundlich kinetic model instead of Langmuir kinetic model to consider the heterogeneity and therefore it is more applicable to the real systems. For solving Langmuir-Freundlich kinetic model, some geometric methods and also Taylor expansion were used and finally a simple and novel equation was derived (Eq. (20)) for calculation of adsorption rate constant. This new method was named "extended geometric method". The input data of the obtained equation can be simply derived from initial data of adsorption kinetics. Finally the adsorption of methyl orange onto granular activated carbon was carried out at dynamic and equilibrium conditions and the capabilities of extended geometric method were examined by the experimental data. 相似文献
煤矿自燃火灾治理关键技术的研究与应用 总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8
介绍了使用同位素测氡法探测煤矿自燃火源位置的原理及应用效果。实践证明,该方法是解决煤矿自燃火灾治理难题的关键技术,由于投资少,精度高,软件处理直观可靠,它有重要推广价值 相似文献
在对8# 雷管装药进行简化处理的基础上,其空中爆炸一定范围内的压力场分布可通过理论计算求得。近场参数可用自相似方法求解,而非近场参数又可用MacCorm ack 两步格式对偏微分方程进行数值求解。将获得的压力场与实测结果进行比较,两者基本一致 相似文献
探讨心理测量在安全科学中的地位和作用,提出将心理测量用于安全科学的必要性,着重论述心理测量运用于安全科学技术领域的可行性和科学性,分析和讨论了安全心理测量在安全领域中的应用前景。 相似文献