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Nearly 130 years ago Holtzwart and von Meyer (1891) demonstrated by experiments that explosible dust clouds could be ignited by inductive electric sparks. Then more than half a century passed before the publication of the important quantitative research of Boyle and Llewellyn (1950) and Line et al. (1959). They worked with capacitive electric sparks and found that the minimum capacitor energies ½CU2 required for ignition of various dust clouds in air decreased substantially when a large series resistance, in the range 104–107 Ω, was introduced in the discharge circuit. When considering that the net energies of the sparks themselves were only of the order of 10% of the ½CU2 discharged, the minimum net spark energies required for ignition with a large series resistance were only a few per cent of the net energies required without such a resistance.Line et al. observed that the essential effect of increasing the series resistance, and hence increasing the discharge time of the sparks, was to reduce the disturbance of the dust cloud by the blast wave from the spark. This phenomenon was explored further by Eckhoff (1970, 2017), and subsequently by some simple experiments by Eckhoff and Enstad (1976). Franke (1974, 1977) and Laar (1980) confirmed the additional finding of Line et al. (1959) that the minimum ½CU2 for ignition is also substantially reduced by including a series inductance in the discharge circuit, rather than a series resistance. The basic reason is the same as with a large series resistance, viz. increased spark discharge time and hence decreased disturbance of the dust cloud by blast wave from the spark. For this reason inclusion of an appreciable series inductance in the spark discharge circuit is an essential element in current standard MIE test methods.In experiments with spark ignition of transient dust clouds produced by a blast of air in a closed vessel, it is necessary to synchronize the occurrence of the spark with the formation of the dust cloud. The precision required from this type of synchronization is typically of the order of 10 ms, which can be obtained even by mechanical arrangements, such as rapid change of spark gap length, or of the distance between two capacitor plates. The present paper reviews some methods that have been/are being used for achieving adequate synchronization of dust cloud appearance and spark discharge. Some current standard experimental methods for determining MIEs of dust clouds experimentally have also been reviewed. The same applies to some theories of electric-spark ignition of dust clouds.At the end of paper some suggestions for possible future modifications of current standard methods for measuring MIEs of explosible dust clouds are presented. With regard to justifying significant modifications of existing standard methods, the “bottom line” is, as quite often in many connections, that any modifications should be based on realistic cost/benefit evaluations. 相似文献
针对研究开发的四边形折流式膜生物流化床,构建了气、固、液三相流可视化平台,应用取样法和激光粒子图像测速(PIV)技术剖析了不同进水流量和曝气强度组合对流化床内的填料浓度及液相流场特性的影响.结果表明,折流板上部形成的曝气死区,提高了升流区的填料浓度;折流板和导流锥形成的进水角度使流场冲击反应器底部的填料,提高了在低曝气强度下流化床的填料浓度,在实际运行过程可降低曝气能耗;四边形折流式膜生物流化床的结构特点导致填料与膜组件相互碰撞的概率增大,强化了膜污染的控制.曝气强度和进水流量的变化改变了液相的轴向返混强度和剪切力,进而改变了填料浓度,使气、固、液三相冲刷膜组件的作用增大,最终影响膜面传质系数和浓差极化边界层厚度,降低了膜污染.通过流化床结构的改变提高填料浓度和改善流场特性,为高浓度有机废水好氧生物的处理提供了一个研究方向. 相似文献
长庆油田通过对管道不停输带压封堵施工技术的探索,在改扩建工程施工中取得了良好的效果。实践证明,与常规施工方法相比可有效缩短维护抢修作业工期20%~30%。它在油气田风险管理、事故预防、环境污染治理方面是积极安全有效的。 相似文献
镉对罗非鱼鳃线粒体结构和能量代谢的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为探明水环境镉对罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)鳃线粒体结构和能量代谢的影响及其作用机理,本研究采用室内模拟方法,将罗非鱼在Cd2+浓度为0 μg/L、50 μg/L和500 μg/L的水中暴露7 d后,观察鳃线粒体超微结构并测定线粒体超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量和鳃组织中磷酸果糖激酶(PFK)、ATP酶(ATPase)活性、乳酸(LD)、ATP、ADP、AMP含量及血浆中Na+、K+、Ca2+浓度和渗透压,并计算能荷值(EC).结果表明,50 μg/L组鱼鳃线粒体结构未受损, 除SOD酶活性被显著诱导外,其余测定指标与对照组相比无显著差异(p>0.05); 而500 μg/L组鱼鳃线粒体严重受损, LD、MDA、ADP、AMP和血浆K+含量显著高于对照组, SOD和ATPase活性显著低于对照组(p<0.05), PFK和渗透压无显著变化(p>0.05),但有降低趋势.结果表明,高浓度镉短期暴露将降低鱼鳃线粒体SOD活性而导致线粒体氧化损伤,同时抑制ATPase和PFK活性,影响鳃的能量供应和利用,最终降低鳃血浆渗透压和离子浓度调节能力可能是其毒性机理之一. 相似文献
对比分析了无厌氧搅拌的异养菌系统和有厌氧搅拌的除磷系统的颗粒污泥的粒径、密度、形态等特征,得出后者较前者稳定.通过动力学参数分析发现,颗粒污泥的稳定与微生物的代谢特征有一定的关系,即慢速生长系统具有较好的颗粒稳定特征可能与能量维持代谢的比例较大有关.通过对比分析慢速生长系统不同粒径的微生物代谢特征,发现用于表征非生长代谢相关的能量维持系数m和Smin/CODinfluent与颗粒的稳定性具有密切的联系,因而可以作为表征颗粒污泥稳定性的定量指标.本研究改变了长期以来通过观察污泥形态、粒径、密度等理化参数来定性描述颗粒稳定的技术体系,从微生物能量代谢角度建立了定量描述颗粒污泥稳定的方法和指标. 相似文献
基于1953~2007年间的统计数据,根据消耗能值相等的原则,计算了中国化石能源能值消耗量及农作物残余物可替代能值量.结果表明,建国初期,化石能源资产消耗的能值量基本可以用农作物残余物来替代;随着化石能源消耗量的与日俱增,化石能源能值消耗与农作物残余物可补偿能值之间的差距越来越大,2007年,我国农作物残余物可替代能值量仅为化石能源能值消耗量的10.35%.对生物质能替代可减少的环境价值损失估算可知:1990~2007年,由于生物质能替代可以减少因煤炭开采造成的环境治理费用773.91亿元;减少因能源消费而造成的环境污染价值损失11311.76亿元,其中由于减少SO2排放而减少的环境经济损失量占环境污染经济损失量的56.93%,减少NOx和灰分排放分别占环境污染经济损失量的33.13%和9.94%. 相似文献
智慧电表基础设施(Advanced Metering Infrastructure, AMI)通过电力数据采集、分析和管理,可以优化电力供求平衡.由于AMI的建设需要巨额投资,如何评估AMI建成后节省的电量和减少的碳排放量是目前面临的一个挑战.本研究以香港为例,通过现场测量和分析不同地区不同环境条件下AMI的效能,同时基于研究区块类型、AMI的覆盖率、发电燃料组合结构、参与AMI的人口比例和相关价格激励机制等因素,建立了一套数学模式,量化评估AMI建成后节能减排的成效.结果显示,只要超过70%的人口参与,就可以实现香港政府原先制定的减少碳排放量19%~33%的目标. 相似文献
IntroductionReportedasthethirdpoleoftheearth(Zheng ,1996) ,theTibetregionisthemainbodyoftheQinghai TibetPlateau.Itcrosses 9°50′oflatitudefromsouthtonorthand2 0°30′oflongitudefromeasttowest,withavastareaof1 2millionkm2 andahighaverageelevationofover40 … 相似文献
基于IPAT模型的江苏省能源消费与碳排放情景研究 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
利用环境负荷模型与"脱钩"理论,对江苏未来中长期的经济发展、能源需求与CO2排放进行了情景分析,并结合当前的环境政策,对三种情景下主要指标的参数和结果进行了设计与分析。研究表明,资源节约型与环境友好型社会的构建,低碳情景是江苏能源-经济-社会的协调发展最合适、也是最现实的方案;通过不同情景的比较,认为低碳情景的实现一定程度上是以减缓经济增长来实现节能减排目标的;低碳情景下能源需求与CO2排放也将明显快速增加,与2007年相比,2030年能源需求总量将增加1.431倍,碳排放总量将达到15 655×104t,未来20 a能源资源的有效供应与合理利用成为制约低碳经济发展的瓶颈因素。最后给出了实现节能减排、促进低碳经济发展的相关建议。 相似文献