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介绍了中原油田注入水水质特点,以前采用的处理工艺和存在的问题,并分析了问题的根源在于产出水的“四高一低”,原处理工艺难以去除。针对这一情况,中原油田与江汉石油学院合作开发研制了三组分水质调整剂,分别调整pH,破坏液体的稳定性并去除液体中的金属离子;他们对三种组分的加入时间和投加量进行了试验,结果表明:三种组分应按顺序加入,其中A、B剂应有足够的间隔,加入量根据不同水质由试验确定。通过中原油田水处理站的运行试验得出结论:该工艺简单,投资小,处理效果好,适合中原油田的水质特性;处理后的水水质稳定,有效控制了腐蚀,减少了穿孔损失和污染损失,取得了显著的社会效益和环境效益  相似文献   
文章简要论述了内蒙古包头放射性废物库现状、扩建工程及环境整治工程概况,通过对库区、库外辐射环境质量监测,放射性处于一般环境水平,废物库运行20多年来,未对周围环境造成污染,通过整治工程的建设,达到了预期治理要求,废物库运行是安全的。  相似文献   
The decomposable waste thrown into the environment can be used to produce value added bio-product which in turn reduces the production of greenhouse gas. Garbage enzyme is one such value added product produced by fermentation of organic solid waste. In the present study enzyme activity and disinfectant potential of garbage enzyme was evaluated and its influence on reduction of total solids, suspended solids and pathogens in dairy waste activated sludge were studied. The result showed the garbage enzyme possesses protease, amylase and lipase activity and reduced 37.2% of total solids, 38.6% of suspended solids and 99% of pathogens in dairy waste activated sludge. This significant result may be helpful for researchers to compare the effectiveness of earth-friendly garbage enzyme treatment of industrial sludge with various physical and chemical pre-treatment methods to improve the biogas production from the sludge digestion unit.  相似文献   
随着社会的进步和发展,农村生活方式也呈现多样化和现代化,然而,产生越来越多的生活垃圾却不容小视。农村生活垃圾污染着人们赖以生存的环境,影响了社会主义新农村的建设步伐,威胁着人们的身体健康。本文通过对河源市广大农村垃圾污染现状进行调查与分析,探讨有效处理的对策,从而使得农村垃圾的管理走向规范化和现代化。  相似文献   
通过调查贵州珍稀濒危药用植物的种类、分布、现状及用途,为该省珍稀濒危药用植物的合理开发利用提供依据。采用实地调查、资料查阅、市场调研,然后作出评估与评价。结果表明,贵州珍稀濒危药用植物种类较多,具有良好的开发应用前景。贵州珍稀濒危药用植物的开发利用应走深度开发、可持续利用模式。  相似文献   
洗涤法处理含油土壤的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
研究了用洗涤法处理含油土壤,考察了洗涤剂种类与浓度、洗涤温度、液固比、洗涤时间、表面活性剂、洗涤液直接循环使用次数对洗涤效果的影响,结果表明:当混合减浓度为10000mg/L、洗涤温度为70℃、液固比2:1、洗涤时间20min时,可将含油量为30%的土壤洗至残油率仅为0.3%左右。OP、EL型表面活性剂的加入对洗涤效果没有改善,特别有意义的是洗涤液能够直接循环使用而对洗涤效果基本无影响,这不仅能够减少用水量,还可以大大减少废水的排放量,降低操作费用及废水处理费用。该洗涤法不涉及物质的相变过程,混合碱由廉价的无机碱和无机盐组成,故能量消耗低,处理费用也低,且洗脱下来的原油可回收。  相似文献   
Present methods of disposal of today's hazardous household chemicals in the United States are frequently not acceptable because of pathways to groundwater, surface water, and the atmosphere. This report identifies potentially hazardous liquid waste in the household, notes current disposal practices, and recommends an improved management plan that utilizes consumer education, manufacturer cooperation, and governmental intervention. Laws requiring uniform disposal labeling on packaging are critical. Local, county, and state governments must be encouraged to coordinate the necessary infrastructure. Managing hazardous household wastes now will mitigate potential disposal problems.  相似文献   
生物滤池对气相与液相中污染物质的净化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过实验室研究探讨了生物滤池同时处理废水和废气的可行性。试验结果表明:在25℃-37℃条件下,甲苯废气的流量为90L/h,甲苯浓度为500mg/m^3;废水的流量为0.4L/h,CODcr浓度为400-750mg/L,甲苯与CODcr的去除率分别是70%-72%和86%-89%。  相似文献   
利用气溶胶化学气相沉积的方式转化废弃菜籽油制备炭黑。以氮气为载气,将液体废油预先转化成气溶胶颗粒输送至高温管式炉,在 800 ℃ 的条件下进行热分解,形成基于废油的炭黑。产物的形貌、组分和结构采用光学显微镜,拉曼光谱, SEM 和 XPS 等方式进行表征。结果显示,炭黑表面呈阶梯片状叠加结构,而拉曼谱上出现强烈的 D 峰、G 峰及 G' 峰(其中 ID/IG=1.09 )。根据能谱 C1S 峰显示,炭黑表面化学键主要由 sp2 CC,sp3 C—C,C—OH 和 OC—O— 组成,其中 sp2 占据 88.5%。对比分析原始单晶硅基和负载炭黑表面的润湿性,显示负载炭黑后的硅表面疏水性大幅度提高,与水的接触角从 66.4°增长到 141°,呈现超级疏水性;而油在硅基和炭黑表面的接触角分别为 21.2°和<4°。  相似文献   
In order to increase methane production efficiency, leachate recirculation is applied in landfills to increase moisture content and circulate organic matter back into the landfill cell. In the case of tropical landfills, where high temperature and evaporation occurs, leachate recirculation may not be enough to maintain the moisture content, therefore supplemental water addition into the cell is an option that could help stabilize moisture levels as well as stimulate biological activity. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of leachate recirculation and supplemental water addition on municipal solid waste decomposition and methane production in three anaerobic digestion reactors. Anaerobic digestion with leachate recirculation and supplemental water addition showed the highest performance in terms of cumulative methane production and the stabilization period time required. It produced an accumulated methane production of 54.87 l/kg dry weight of MSW at an average rate of 0.58 l/kg dry weight/d and reached the stabilization phase on day 180. The leachate recirculation reactor provided 17.04 l/kg dry weight at a rate of 0.14l/kg dry weight/d and reached the stabilization phase on day 290. The control reactor provided 9.02 l/kg dry weight at a rate of 0.10 l/kg dry weight/d, and reached the stabilization phase on day 270. Increasing the organic loading rate (OLR) after the waste had reached the stabilization phase made it possible to increase the methane content of the gas, the methane production rate, and the COD removal. Comparison of the reactors' efficiencies at maximum OLR (5 kgCOD/m(3)/d) in terms of the methane production rate showed that the reactor using leachate recirculation with supplemental water addition still gave the highest performance (1.56 l/kg dry weight/d), whereas the leachate recirculation reactor and the control reactor provided 0.69 l/kg dry weight/d and 0.43 l/kg dry weight/d, respectively. However, when considering methane composition (average 63.09%) and COD removal (average 90.60%), slight differences were found among these three reactors.  相似文献   
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