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For the past 20 years, the National Foundation for Agricultural Research in Crete and the School of Agricultural Technology of the Technological and Educational Institute of Crete have been involved in a number of research and development activities, related to the production and evaluation of compost derived from a variety of local solid, mainly agricultural organic wastes. Materials such as olive press cake, olive tree leaves (OTL) and branches, vine branches (VB), pressed grape skins (PGS), pig manure (PM), sewage sludge and the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) have been evaluated for their behaviour during composting, their compatibility in mixtures and the quality of the end product. The quality evaluation included both a detailed physiochemical (pH, electrical conductivity (EC), nutrients concentration, heavy metal concentration, etc.) and biological analyses (pathogenic microorganisms). It also included an agronomic evaluation, in which composts were used either as a soil amendment or as a component for substrates in open air or covered (greenhouse) cultivation mainly of local vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.). All materials were composted successfully, especially when mixed. The end products contained large amounts of organic matter, usually combined with an increased EC value. Pressed grape skins should be considered as the ideal raw material, producing a high quality compost, with the lowest EC value (1.57 mS cm(-1)) and the largest organic matter concentration (84.50%), compared to all other materials. When any of the produced compost was used in a ratio of 30% by volume (v/v), it increased plant growth, whereas in larger volumes, it presented phytotoxic behaviour, inhibiting both root and shoot development.  相似文献   
陈娴  陆金  殷燕  程洁红 《环境工程学报》2014,8(9):4012-4016
焙烧-酸浸法可有效回收电镀污泥中的有价金属,而污泥的热处理特性是决定能否采用焙烧预处理的重要因素。研究了氧化焙烧和还原焙烧对污泥成分和金属浸出性的影响,并对焙烧前后的污泥进行了金属形态分析和X射线衍射(XRD)分析。结果表明,焙烧预处理实现了污泥减量和金属富集;ES1经氧化焙烧后金属浸出率接近原泥,Cu的浸出率达99%;ES2的还原焙烧效果优于氧化焙烧,特别是Cu的浸出率超过97%,XRD分析发现,还原焙烧过程中金属Cu被还原为铁铜合金;2种焙烧均造成了ES3中目标金属Ni的浸出率的降低;金属浸出性的下降与残渣态的形成有关。  相似文献   
对污泥加热预处理给中温厌氧混合消化和污泥单独消化带来的影响进行了研究.研究结果表明,污泥加热预处理有利于提高混合消化对 COD 的去除率,尤其是 SCOD 的去除率由 77%增长到 93%,但不利于 TS 和 VS 的去除;而对污泥单独消化,预处理则不利于有机物的去除.采用加热预处理后的污泥进样,混合消化和污泥单独消化的甲烷产气量均有所提高.  相似文献   
利用正交实验确定了飞灰中重金属生物淋滤浸出的最佳条件:pH 4.0、飞灰固体浓度1%和硫粉添加量5 g·L-1。在此条件下,飞灰中Cu、Zn、Pb和Cd的去除率分别为47.3%、72.9%、12.4%和75.8%。通过氮气吹脱硫酸盐生物还原产生的H2S,在pH为2.2和4.0时可分别以硫化物沉淀形式选择回收生物淋滤产生的淋滤液中的Cu和Zn。X射线能谱分析发现,沉淀得到的铜和锌纯度分别达90.6%和99.9%。X射线衍射分析铜沉淀的晶体类型主要为靛铜矿(CuS)、蓝辉铜矿(Cu7S4)和雅硫铜矿(Cu9S8);锌沉淀主要为纤维锌矿(ZnS)。综合分析,微生物硫氧化-硫还原可以以纯净硫化物形式回收飞灰中47.3%的Cu和64.0%的Zn。  相似文献   
硫和硫化物对垃圾焚烧过程中Pb迁移分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为考察单质(S)、硫化钠(Na2S)和硫酸钠(Na2SO4)对垃圾焚烧过程中重金属铅(Pb)迁移分布的影响,采用ICP-AES测量重金属浓度,并选用HSC Chemistry软件模拟反应进程以及SEM观察反应后微观形貌。结果表明,硫和硫化物对Pb的挥发具有2个方面的影响。一方面,加入的硫和硫化物能够与Pb发生化学反应生成不易挥发的Pb硫酸盐,降低其挥发;另一方面,硫和硫化物的加入形成钠硫酸盐,具有助熔效果,能够降低灰渣的熔点,易于Pb的挥发。受这2个方面因素的综合影响,加入硫和硫化物后,重金属Pb的挥发率高低依次为Na2SO4>Na2S>单质硫。同时还发现,当温度从600 ℃升至900 ℃时,生成的Pb硫酸盐逐渐分解,助熔效果增强,硫和硫化物降低Pb挥发的效果减弱。  相似文献   
针对传统微电解填料昂贵、生产成本高的问题,利用冶金废弃粉尘制备微电解填料。分析了碳氧比(C/O)、还原时间、还原温度对微电解填料的化学成分、强度性质的影响,并对微电解填料的空隙率、表面形貌进行了实验研究。结果表明:在1 300 ℃,C/O为1.0,还原时间20 min的条件下制备的高含碳金属化球团满足微电解填料性能要求,为最佳制备工艺。同时,利用高含碳金属化球团对焦化废水处理进行了实验研究,COD去除率可达63%,B/C值明显提高,提高了废水的可生化性。  相似文献   
核算了2007—2021年重庆市生活垃圾处理碳排放量,运用LMDI模型分析了重庆市生活垃圾处理碳排放的影响因素。结果表明:2007—2021年重庆市生活垃圾处理碳排放量表现出先增后降的趋势;经济产出效应、城市化率和常驻人口规模对垃圾处理碳排放始终起正向驱动作用,经济产出效应的驱动作用最大,贡献率达866%;生活垃圾处理结构强度对碳排放具有抑制作用,贡献率达-248%。利用灰色GM(1,1)模型预测出2022—2030年重庆市的垃圾清运量和垃圾处理碳排放量将持续走高。  相似文献   
Excessive inter-contamination with heavy metals hampers the application of biological treatment products derived from mixed or mechanically-sorted municipal solid waste (MSW). In this study, we investigated fine particles of < 2 mm, which are small fractions in MSW but constitute a significant component of the total heavy metal content, using bulk detection techniques. A total of 17 individual fine particles were evaluated using synchrotron radiation-based micro-X-ray fluorescence and micro-X-ray diffraction. We also discussed the association, speciation and source apportionment of heavy metals. Metals were found to exist in a diffuse distribution with heterogeneous intensities and intense hot-spots of < 10 μm within the fine particles. Zn-Cu, Pb-Fe and Fe-Mn-Cr had significant correlations in terms of spatial distribution. The overlapped enrichment, spatial association, and the mineral phases of metals revealed the potential sources of fine particles from size-reduced waste fractions (such as scraps of organic wastes or ceramics) or from the importation of other particles. The diverse sources of heavy metal pollutants within the fine particles suggested that separate collection and treatment of the biodegradable waste fraction (such as food waste) is a preferable means of facilitating the beneficial utilization of the stabilized products.  相似文献   
石油天然气勘探开发及生产过程中会产生大量的废物,对这些废物的管理目前受到各国高度的重视。文章介绍了美国石油和天然气勘探开发中废物的监管机构、监管要求和管理实践,以期对我国油气行业勘探开发废物的环境监管有所启示。  相似文献   
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