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Sucralose is a food additive used as a substitute for sugar. Although the risk of negative effects in organisms exposed to sucralose in the natural environment is low, it is expected that the water concentrations of sucralose will continue to increase in the near future. Temperature in the aquatic ecosystem is also expected to increase, and this needs to be considered in ecotoxicological studies. Herein, we investigated if the water flea Daphnia magna could be affected by sucralose exposure both at optimal and elevated temperatures. No increased mortality or effects on mobility and fecundity were observed after sucralose exposure at any exposure temperature during the course of the experiment. An increase in temperature to 26°С reduced the time required to produce four generations of offspring. However, this result was observed across treatments; hence speeding up of life processes was caused by an increased temperature only and not sucralose exposure. A lack of deleterious effects on the acute and chronic endpoints, even at elevated temperatures, suggests a relative robustness of this species to sucralose. However, due to the extensive use of sucralose in combination with rising water temperatures, further investigations on possible long-term effects should be studied to evaluate potential early warning signals.  相似文献   
通过对湖南省绥宁县黄桑坪自然保护区长苞铁杉的种群结构、特定时间生命表、生殖价分析、分布数量与环境因子的关系进行分析.结果表明:(1)种群结构数量具有"中间大,两头小"的特点,为衰退型种群,虽然种群有一定的幼龄个体,但死亡率高,35 a内长苞铁杉的年龄结构模型为:Age(a)=0.002 765(DBH)3-0.128 756(DBH)2+4.120 978(DBH)+13.439 846(R=0.991 2,F=2 654.48);(2)长苞铁杉种群既有r对策特征,又有K对策特征,该种群处于r对策→K对策的过渡阶段;(3)长苞铁杉的累积剩余生殖价(SRRV)和整个生活史的总生殖价(TRV)呈现出逐渐递减的趋势,而生殖投资策略(OREx)在整个生长过程中具有"n"型变化特征,说明长苞铁杉种群有实现生殖与恢复的可能,但能力有限.  相似文献   
改性活性焦的制备及吸附性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研制出了以普通煤为主要原料的活性焦,并对其机械强度和碘吸附率进行了测试.为了考察活性焦对烟气中SO2和NOx的脱除性能,在自行设计组装的吸附塔上,进行了模拟烟气脱硫脱氮的实验.结果表明: 1) 改性活性焦碘吸附率能达到59%,转鼓强度达到98%; 2) 在一定条件下,脱硫率达到98%,脱氮率达到86%; 3) 改性活性焦可用水蒸气进行再生,且再生效果较好.4) 金属氧化物的加入在一定程度上可以提高活性焦的脱硫脱氮性能及再生性能.  相似文献   
With the advent of modern sanitary landfill closure techniques, the opportunity exists for transforming municipal landfills into urban woodlands. While costs of fullscale reforestation are generally prohibitive, a modest planting of clusters of trees and shrubs could initiate or accelerate population expansions and natural plant succession from open field to diverse forest. However, among woody species that have been screened for use on landfills, these ecological potentials have not yet been investigated. We examined a 14-yr-old landfill plantation in New Jersey, USA, established to test tolerance of 19 species of trees and shrubs to landfill environments. We measured survivorship, reproduction, and recruitment within and around the experimental installation. Half of the original 190 plants were present, although survival and growth rates varied widely among species. An additional 752 trees and shrubs had colonized the plantation and its perimeter, as well as 2955 stems of vines. However, the great majority (>95%) of woody plants that had colonized were not progeny of the planted cohort, but instead belonged to 18 invading species, mostly native, bird-dispersed, and associated with intermediate stages of secondary plant succession. Based on this evidence, we recommend that several ecological criteria be applied to choices of woody species for the restoration of municipal landfills and similar degraded sites, in order to maximize rapid and economical establishment of diverse, productive woodlands.  相似文献   
沉水植物对于湖泊生态系统有着重要的作用,它们不仅是水生环境食物链中重要的生产者,同时还对湖泊的营养物沉积和循环有着重要的作用,从而影响着湖泊的富营养化进程。本文以黄河内蒙古段河套灌区湖泊中常见的三种沉水植物篦齿眼子菜(Potamogeton pectinatus)、穿叶眼子菜(Potamogeton perfoliatus Linn)和狐尾藻(Myriophyllum verticillatum)为研究对象,对其无性繁殖方式和能力进行了初步研究。观察了这三种植物的营养繁殖结构,并利用茎节切段进行了人工培养试验。结果表明:三种植物均具有很高的营养繁殖潜力。由茎节处萌发新芽和新根并逐渐形成完整的植物体。植株地上部分截断后扦插及漂浮水中处理的成活率较高。而截断后的地下根茎及匍匐茎埋入淤泥后成活率极低。根据三种植物的营养繁殖潜力,探讨了人为收获这些植物的可能性以及其利用潜力。同时,评估了收获这些植物可能对湖泊水生植物群系改变以及湖泊富营养化转型的风险。  相似文献   
混酸微波辅助萃取ICP-MS测定不同性质土壤中的重金属元素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了硝酸(HNO3)、硝酸-盐酸(HNO3∶HCl=3∶1)、硝酸-盐酸-双氧水(HNO3∶HCl∶H2O2=3∶1∶1)和硝酸-盐酸-高氯酸(HNO3∶HCl∶HCl O4=3∶1∶1)等4种消解液对土壤中铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、砷(As)、铬(Cr)、镍(Ni)、铜(Cu)和锌(Zn)等7种重金属元素的萃取效率.结果表明,硝酸-盐酸-高氯酸混合液的萃取效果最好,硝酸-盐酸混合液次之.通过对6种土壤标准物质的分析发现,除了Cr之外,其他重金属元素在土壤中的混酸微波可提取态含量与总含量接近.土壤中的Cr有一部分是以铬铁矿的形式存在,在环境中相对较为稳定,采用混酸微波可提取态的Cr来评估其对环境的危害能够获得更加准确的结果.重金属与土壤的结合强弱与成土母质相关,冲积母质的土壤中Pb、Zn和Cu的结合较强,萃取相对较难,Cd、Ni和As与土壤的结合强弱则与成土母质关系不大.采用最优的消解液萃取矿区河流底泥和土壤中的重金属,ICP-MS分析结果表明,底泥中重金属含量较高,应为尾砂冲积而成,矿区周边的土壤也受到不同程度重金属的污染.  相似文献   
调查了青藏高原东部川西云杉原始林下优势灌木银露梅及其在皆伐7 a后迹地上的种群结构、生长与繁殖状况,并进行了对比研究.发现(1)皆伐迹地生境中的银露梅灌丛年龄结构、萌生株年龄结构、萌生株数大小结构和冠幅结构与原始林下相比均存在着较大的差异;(2)在皆伐生境中,与林下同龄的银露梅丛冠幅、基径总和以及株高总和均显著增加,皆伐显著促进了银露梅的无性萌生能力和结实数量的增加.综合分析表明,银露梅能有效适应迹地退化形成的阳性生境,因此可作为高海拔地区皆伐迹地植被恢复中先锋灌木种.图2表1参21  相似文献   
To confirm the optimum cultivation conditions for analyzing lactic acid bacterial communities and to provide the cultivation foundation for lactic acid bacterial communities that were used to convert straw into fodder, fermented rice straw was inoculated into 13 different broths. After 48 h of cultivation, pH values, volatile products, and microbial diversity were analyzed. Except for LAB broth, the pH values of the other broths could decrease to approximately 4.5. GC/MS analysis showed that lactic acid in Tomato MRS broth, MRS broth, LAB broth, and Tomato juice broth was higher than that in the other broths. DNA concentration analysis showed that the counts of microbes in Tomato MRS broth were 2.5 times of those in other broths and that tomato juice favored the reproduction of the microbes. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis showed that the number of lactic acid bacterial species in HYA broth, Tomato juice broth, and Tomato MRS broth were higher than those in the other broths.  相似文献   
为探索双酰胺类杀虫剂对大型溞的慢性毒性,本文采用氟虫双酰胺、氯虫苯甲酰胺和溴氰虫酰胺3种双酰胺类杀虫剂制剂,测定其对大型溞生长发育和繁殖的影响,明确其对大型溞的慢性毒性以及大型溞对该类杀虫剂敏感的端点指标。结果表明,氟虫双酰胺、氯虫苯甲酰胺和溴氰虫酰胺3种制剂对大型溞的寿命、体长、蜕皮数、首胎时长、产胎数、单雌产溞数等端点指标具有不同程度的影响。3种杀虫剂显著减少大型溞蜕皮数的最低浓度分别为1.00×10-2mg·L~(-1)、1.00×10-4mg·L~(-1)、1.25×10-3mg·L~(-1);显著缩短寿命的最低浓度分别为5.00×10-3mg·L~(-1)、1.00×10~(-4)mg·L~(-1)和1.25×10-3mg·L~(-1);显著缩短体长的最低浓度分别为5.00×10-3mg·L~(-1)、8.00×10-4mg·L~(-1)和1.00×10~(-2)mg·L~(-1);显著减少产胎数的最低浓度分别为1.00×10-2mg·L~(-1)、4.00×10-4mg·L~(-1)和1.00×10-2mg·L~(-1);显著减少单雌产溞数的最低浓度分别为1.00×10~(-2)mg·L~(-1)、8.00×10-4mg·L~(-1)和5.00×10-3mg·L~(-1);但是,除溴氰虫酰胺外,其他2种杀虫剂制剂对首胎时长却没有显著影响。端点指标中对氟虫双酰胺的敏感性为寿命和体长蜕皮数、产胎数和单雌产溞数首胎时长;对氯虫苯甲酰胺为蜕皮数和寿命产胎数体长和单雌产溞数首胎时长;对溴氰虫酰胺为蜕皮数和寿命单雌产溞数体长、首胎时长和产胎数。研究结果说明,3种双酰胺类杀虫剂对大型溞的生长发育和繁殖具有不同程度的抑制作用,寿命是评价该类杀虫剂制剂对大型溞慢性毒性的最敏感端点指标。  相似文献   
于2017年在四川省宜宾市采集黑冠夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)卵样30枚(包括9枚无胚卵和21枚胚胎卵),分析了样品中有机氯农药(OCPs)的残留状况.结果表明,宜宾夜鹭卵中检出了8种OCPs残留物,总含量为4.76~97.9 ng·g~(-1)(以湿重计).其中,p,p′-滴滴伊(p,p′-DDE)含量最高((20±18) ng·g~(-1)),其次为六氯苯(HCB,(5.3±3.4) ng·g~(-1))和β-六六六(β-HCH,(1.1±0.8) ng·g~(-1));滴滴涕类(∑DDTs)中的稳定代谢物p,p′-DDE和六六六类(∑HCHs)中的稳定同分异构体β-HCH占比均在99%以上.p,p′-滴滴涕(p,p′-DDT)和p,p′-DDE在无胚卵蛋液中的残留水平比在胚胎卵蛋液中更高一些,而反式九氯则相反,其余OCPs无差别,这说明鹭卵在孵化过程中p,p′-DDT可能易于代谢,而稳定的p,p′-DDE更容易向胚胎传递.宜宾夜鹭卵中p,p′-DDE的最高含量为84 ng·g~(-1),远低于鹭科繁殖效应阈值(1000 ng·g~(-1)).总体上,夜鹭卵中OCPs的赋存状况较好地反映出长江上游地区OCPs污染水平较低,对夜鹭繁殖的影响较小.  相似文献   
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