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U和Th是放射性元素,K、Fe、Mo、Mg和Zn是植物生长需要的必要营养元素。粉煤灰中U、Th、Fe和Mo的含量略高于空白土壤中Fe和Mo的含量,K、Mg和Zn的含量低于空白土壤中K、Mg和Zn的含量。掺施粉煤灰并没有引起施灰土壤及所产蔬菜中各元素含量的明显变化。与国家土壤环境质量标准及食品、卫生标准的限值相比,施灰土壤及所产蔬菜的U、Th、K、Fe、Mo、Mg和Zn的含量均在正常范围内波动。  相似文献   
外源稀土在土壤中各形态的动态变化   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
在小麦整个生长期内定期测定外源稀土进入土壤后各形态稀土随时间的变化,结果为:外源稀土进入土壤后可交换态稀土含量随时间的延长显著降低,减少的可交换态稀土一部分被小麦吸收,一部分被土壤所吸附,其中在分蘖期减少得最快;根系的分泌活动明显影响土壤中稀土元素的存在形态,铁锰氧化物结合态稀土含量在拔节期前逐渐增加,拔节期后略有下降;碳酸盐结合态稀土含量随时间的延长而降低,但下降幅度较小;有机物结合态与残渣态稀土含量随时间的延长没有发现明显的变化.  相似文献   
沈阳张士污灌区土壤重金属元素形态分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
选取沈阳张士污灌区土攘样品,采用欧共体标准局的三步提取法研究土壤中5种重金属元素的形态分布.研究结果表明,在该污灌区土壤中,Cd和zn主要以B1(水溶态、可交换态与碳酸盐结合态)和B2(铁-锰氧化物结合态)为主,分别占总量的49.4%、26.4%和43.9%、44.3%.Cu、Pb主要以B2(铁-锰氧化物结合态)和B3(有机物与硫化物结合态)为主分别占总量的43.4%、66.6%和29.1%、25.3%.Cr以B3(有机物与硫化物结合态)和残渣态为主,分别占总量的40.4%和42.5%.元素总量和形态分析的结果表明该地区土壤污染为单一的镉污染土壤,且镉的可迁移性强,易被植物吸收.  相似文献   
长江铜陵段表层水中重金属含量及存在形态分布研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过测定长江铜陵段枯、丰水期江水中cu、Pb、Zn和cd不同形态的含量,分析了4种金属在江水中的存在形态分布,不同水期含量变化,水中悬浮物对金属吸附能力大小,以及近20年来含量的变化情况。结果表明,长江铜陵段江水中各重金属总量丰水期时大于枯水期,重金属各形态含量之间均有差异:丰水期时,各金属会被悬浮物以不同的方式携带进入水体中,cu、zn、Pb以活跃态和稳定态为主,Cd以活跃态为主;枯水期时,Zn主要以溶解态和稳定态为主,Pb以稳定态方式被携带,而80%的Cu、Cd是以溶解态形式存于水中。悬浮物(丰水期)对重金属的吸附能力大小顺序为Pb>Cu>Zn>Cd。与近20年江水中的重金属背景值比较,长江铜陵段重金属含量有普遍升高的趋势。  相似文献   
Antarctica is often considered as one of the last pristine regions, but it could be affected by pollution at global and local scale. Concentrations of Al, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Cd and Pb were determinated by ICP-MS in feathers (n = 207 individuals) of gentoo, chinstrap and Adélie penguin collected in 8 locations throughout the Antarctic Peninsula (2006-2007). The highest levels of several elements were found in samples from King George Island (8.08, 20.29 and 1.76 μg g−1 dw for Cr, Cu and Pb, respectively) and Deception Island (203.13, 3.26 and 164.26 μg g−1 dw for Al, Mn and Fe, respectively), where probably human activities and large-scale transport of pollutants contribute to increase metal levels. Concentrations of Cr, Mn, Cu, Se or Pb, which are similar to others found in different regions of the world, show that some areas in Antarctica are not utterly pristine.  相似文献   
武汉市某区域大气颗粒物的测定与分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法对TSP环境样品和尘源样品中的S、Si、Ti、Al、As、Ca、Pb、V等30余个元素组份进行分析并计算出各元素的含量,得到本区域大气环境TSP和污染尘源元素特征谱,并通过比较微波消解与加热消解两种方法的优劣,确定出较适应消解方法.结果表明,该区域中的A区污染源主要来自道路交通尘源和土壤尘源,B区污染源来自土壤尘源和建筑尘源.  相似文献   
2014年夏季在鞍山市的6个站点进行了PM2.5的样品采集,对其载带的15种元素进行了检测。通过地累积指数、相关分析和聚类分析等方法分析了鞍山市夏季PM2.5中15种元素的污染来源。结果表明:Ca、Zn、Pb、Ni和Cd这5种元素的质量分数在各站点之间存在较大的差异;地累积指数结果显示,Cd为极强污染程度,可能的来源是钢铁冶炼和刹车及轮胎磨损,Pb和Zn污染程度在强污染以上,Pb可能的主要人为来源是钢铁冶炼和窖炉煤的燃烧,Zn可能主要来自钢铁冶炼和机动车,Cu、Ni、Cr和Ca中到强污染以下;聚类分析将中度污染及以上元素分为Zn-Cd-Pb,Ni-Cu-Cr和Ca 3类,分别指示钢铁冶炼、机动车尾气及刹车、轮胎磨损,建筑尘;相关性分析显示,Cr与Ni、Cu可能来自同一污染源,Zn、Cd和Pb可能来自同一种源。  相似文献   
One hundred and twelve soil samples were collected from residential areas surrounding a coal-fired power plant at Huainan City, Anhui Province, China. The concentrations of environmentally sensitive elements (ESEs As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn) in soil samples were determined, and their potential ecological and health risks were assessed. Mean concentrations of ESEs in the downwind soils of the power plant are relatively higher than those in the upwind soils, pointing to a potential ESEs input from coal combustion. The calculated ecological risk of ESEs in soils indicates a relatively low ecological risk. Hazard quotient (HQ) of ESEs in downwind soils is 1.5, suggesting a potential health risk for children. However, the carcinogenic risk values of ESEs in soils are within the acceptable non-hazardous range of 1E−06–1E−04.  相似文献   
Objective: Active safety devices such as automatic emergency brake (AEB) and precrash seat belt have the potential to accomplish further reduction in the number of the fatalities due to automotive accidents. However, their effectiveness should be investigated by more accurate estimations of their interaction with human bodies. Computational human body models are suitable for investigation, especially considering muscular tone effects on occupant motions and injury outcomes. However, the conventional modeling approaches such as multibody models and detailed finite element (FE) models have advantages and disadvantages in computational costs and injury predictions considering muscular tone effects. The objective of this study is to develop and validate a human body FE model with whole body muscles, which can be used for the detailed investigation of interaction between human bodies and vehicular structures including some safety devices precrash and during a crash with relatively low computational costs.

Methods: In this study, we developed a human body FE model called THUMS (Total HUman Model for Safety) with a body size of 50th percentile adult male (AM50) and a sitting posture. The model has anatomical structures of bones, ligaments, muscles, brain, and internal organs. The total number of elements is 281,260, which would realize relatively low computational costs. Deformable material models were assigned to all body parts. The muscle–tendon complexes were modeled by truss elements with Hill-type muscle material and seat belt elements with tension-only material. The THUMS was validated against 35 series of cadaver or volunteer test data on frontal, lateral, and rear impacts. Model validations for 15 series of cadaver test data associated with frontal impacts are presented in this article. The THUMS with a vehicle sled model was applied to investigate effects of muscle activations on occupant kinematics and injury outcomes in specific frontal impact situations with AEB.

Results and Conclusions: In the validations using 5 series of cadaver test data, force–time curves predicted by the THUMS were quantitatively evaluated using correlation and analysis (CORA), which showed good or acceptable agreement with cadaver test data in most cases. The investigation of muscular effects showed that muscle activation levels and timing had significant effects on occupant kinematics and injury outcomes. Although further studies on accident injury reconstruction are needed, the THUMS has the potential for predictions of occupant kinematics and injury outcomes considering muscular tone effects with relatively low computational costs.  相似文献   
随着全球范围对环境问题的日益重视,R290,R32等新型制冷剂因优良的环保性能和节能效果被广泛应用于空调行业,但其属于IIA级爆炸性气体,为了进一步分析其运行过程中的防爆安全性能。通过文献数据和测试分析,可燃制冷剂空调电气元件的点燃源主要来自其工作过程中产生的电气火花。其中空调开关元件最容易产生电火花、电弧,且通过试验验证这些火花或电弧能点爆(6.5±0.5)%乙烯/空气混合物。综合IEC 60335-2-40,GB 4706.32标准要求和空调开关元件的结构特征,分析确定其应符合“nC”型防爆技术要求,并能通过“nC”型爆炸试验。针对开关元件结构尺寸小、存在爆炸试验中爆炸性混合气体多次置换和负载通、断电操作的难点问题,提出一套合理可行的爆炸试验实施方案,并通过测试应用得到验证。  相似文献   
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