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为研究转子系统耦合故障特性,采用有限元方法建立了含有横向裂纹、转静碰摩的非线性转子动力学模型。首先研究了不同转速下裂纹、碰摩单一故障下转子系统的振动响应,其次研究了两种故障耦合情况下系统的振动响应特征。采用波形图、FFT谱图、瞬时频率和Hilbert-Huang时频谱(HHS)相结合的方法对故障转子振动信号进行了分析。分析结果表明:运用多种时频分析相结合的方法可以较为全面地了解转子的故障特征,裂纹转子在1/5、1/3临界转速时会发生较为明显的5X、3X谐波,且裂纹的产生会导致响应幅值增大,从而引起更为严重的碰摩。 相似文献
三江源地区生态系统生态功能分析及其价值评估 总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16
在地理信息系统的支持下,将相关地图数字化并利用已有的地形数据库等资料,研究了三江源地区生态系统土壤保持、涵养水源、固定CO2和释放O2等4项生态功能,并利用市场价值法、机会成本法和影子工程法等评估了其生态功能的价值.研究结果表明:三江源地区生态系统土壤保持总量为1.0383×109t·a-1,其价值总计为1.2528×109元·a-1;植被凋落物和土壤涵养水源能力为1.6469×1010t·a-1,涵养水源能力价值为1.1034×1010元·a-1;生态系统固定CO2为1.4128×108t·a-1,价值为1.0053×1010~4.7798×1010元·a-1;释放O2为1.0401×108t·a-1,价值为3.6709×1010~4.1605×1010元·a-1;4项生态功能合计总价值为5.9049×1010~1.0169×1011元·a-1.由此可见,三江源地区生态系统生态功能价值巨大,保护其生态系统结构和功能对我国江河中下游地区和东南亚国家生态环境安全和区域可持续发展具有重大意义. 相似文献
针对我国摆锤法下放安装风险分析研究空白的现状,基于工作安全分析与作业条件危险性评估法对水下分离器下放过程进行风险分析,考虑重力、海流力、浮力、阻力等多种复杂载荷,依据摆锤法下放步骤,分析水下分离器摆锤法下放过程受力情况,建立水下分离器下放过程受力关系。分析摆动过程中缆绳动张力随下放深度变化情况,为风险分析提出的有关水下分离器所受浮力、安装绳的动张力等参数的确定提供理论依据。最终建立水下分离器摆锤法下放风险评估体系,为我国摆锤安装法的工程应用提供技术支持与安全保障。 相似文献
采用盐析分相微萃取—高效液相色谱法同时测定水中3种含氯除草剂,建立并优化了反相离子对液相色谱条件,考察了萃取剂种类、盐析剂的种类和加入量及试样pH对萃取效果的影响。对氯苯氧乙酸、2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸和2,4-滴丁酯的质量浓度在0.1~100.0mg/L内与色谱峰面积呈良好的线性关系,相关系数不低于0.9992。平均回收率分别为96.29%、79.16%和70.21%,相对标准偏差小于5.3%。该方法操作简便、绿色环保,适合于水中含氯除草剂的测定。 相似文献
三峡水库主要入库河流氮营养盐特征及其来源分析 总被引:18,自引:29,他引:18
以2004~2005年的三峡水库3条主要入库河流(长江、嘉陵江、乌江)中的水文、水质的调查数据为依据,研究了三峡水库入库河流中主要的水文变化特征、氮营养盐的季节性分布规律及其形态组成.结果表明,3条入库河流的流量、流速呈现季节性变化,三峡水库入库河流的主要水文特征值已处于水华暴发的危险范围内,很容易发生水华.3条入库河流中总氮含量年均值都在1.55~2.15 mg/L之间,总体偏高,乌江武隆断面的总氮浓度最高,嘉陵江北碚断面次之,长江朱沱断面最低,并且3条河流丰水期水体中总氮含量均高于枯水期,说明非点源对氮污染影响较大;溶解态无机氮(DIN)是总氮的主要存在形式,而其中又以硝酸盐氮(NO3--N)为主,平均占到DIN的70%以上.氮素污染多以还原态氨氮(NH4 -N)的形式排入水体,经过硝化作用,NH4 -N氧化成亚硝酸盐氮(NO2--N),然后再氧化成稳定的NO3--N,并且消耗掉水体中大量的氧.入库河流水体中的NO3--N主要来自农田径流、城市污水、城市径流以及淹没土壤的释放,NH4 -N的来源主要是城市污水、工业废水以及少量的生活垃圾和船舶废水. 相似文献
Concentrations and chemical forms of potentially toxic metals in road-deposited sediments from different zones of Hangzhou, China 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The 25 road-deposited sediments were collected from five different land-use zones (industrial, residential, commercial, park, and countryside) in Hangzhou, China. The concentrations of metals (Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in these samples were determined using the ICP-AES after digestion with the mixture of HNO3-HF-HCl (aqua regia), and chemically fractionated using the modified BCR (the European Community Bureau of Reference) sequential extraction procedure. The highest metal concentration level was detected in the sample from industrial zone and commercial zone having heavy traffic. While the lowest metal level was noted in the street dust sample from residential zone, park, and countryside zone. The mobility sequence based on the sum of the BCR sequential extraction stages was: Zn (80.28%), Pb (78.68%), Cd (77.66%) > Cu (73.34%) > Mn (67.92%) > Co (41.66%) > Ni (30.36%) > Cr (21.56%), Fe (20.86%). Correlation analysis and principal component analysis were applied to the data matrix to evaluate the analytical results and to identify the possible pollution sources of metals. Factor analysis showed that these areas were mainly contaminated by three sources, namely lithology, traffic, and industry. 相似文献
High-resolution modeling approach is increasingly being considered as a necessary step for improving the monitoring and predictions of regional air quality.This is especially true for highly urbanized region with complex terrain and land-use.This study uses Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model coupled with MM5 mesoscale model for a comprehensive analysis to assess the suitability of such high-resolution modeling system in predicting ozone air quality in the complex terrains of Osaka,Japan.The 1-km and 3-km grid domains were nested inside a 9-km domain and the domain with 1-km grid covered the Osaka region.High-resolution Grid Point Value-Mesoscale Model μgPV-MSM) data were used after suitable validation.The simulated ozone concentrations were validated and evaluated using statistical metrics using performance criteria set for ozone.Daily maxima of ozone were found better simulated by the 1-km grid domain than the coarser 9-km and 3-km domains,with the maximum improvement in the mean absolute gross error about 3 ppbv.In addition,1-km grid results fared better than other grids at most of the observation stations that showed noticeable differences in gross error as well as correlation.These results amply justify the use of the integrated high-resolution MM5-CMAQ modeling system in the highly urbanized region,such as the Osaka region,which has complex terrain and land-use. 相似文献
Characterizing spatial distribution and sources of heavy metals in the soilsfrom mining-smelting activities in Shuikoushan,Hunan Province, China 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
The spatial variation of heavy metals in the soils in Shuikoushan mining-smelting area, Hunan Province, China, was investigatedusing multivariate and geo-statistic analysis. A total of 106 composite soil samples were collected in an area of about 100 km2.Concentrations of total As, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cr were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).Arsenic and Pb were found to have a common source, indicating the same sources and spreading processes, such as aerosols andairborne particulates from smelting chimneys. Airborne sources from smelting chimneys contributed greatly to Cd in the area, whichdemonstrated the same dispersion pattern as As and Pb. However, two hot spots of Cd around smelters were possibly enlarged bywastewaters, demonstrating another important source of Cd in Shuikouhsan. Geo-statistic interpolated mapping demonstrated that hotspotsof Zn were only found proximal to the large smelters, suggesting that Zn primarily came from the chimneys of larger smelters.The major Cu hot-spots appeared closely to the tailing dam, indicating that weathering and leaching of tailings were the major sourcesof Cu contamination in Shuikoushan. Our findings indicated that airborne volatile particles and aerosols contributed the most to As,Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu contamination, while Cd and Cu may also derive from the discharge of wastewater from smelters and the leachingof tailings, respectively. 相似文献
京津冀地区气溶胶季节变化及与云量的关系 总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5
利用2000年3月—2008年2月中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的卫星资料,分析了京津冀平原地区大气气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)和气溶胶细粒子组分比率(FMF)的时空分布特征. 结果表明:通过AOD与FMF的组合特征可判别气溶胶季节变化特征.冬、春季以粗粒子为主,但冬季AOD偏小,而在春季急剧增大;夏、秋季均以细粒子为主,但夏季AOD达到最大,秋季较小. 大气环流和气流后向轨迹分析表明,冬季到达北京的气流以西北冷空气为主,西北路径的气流轨迹占冬季气流轨迹总数的67%;春季主要受偏西、西北及偏北气流影响,这3类对沙尘天气有贡献的气流轨迹占春季气流轨迹总数比例之和达到60%;夏季主要以偏南气流和局地环流占优,这2类气流轨迹分别占夏季气流轨迹总数的52%和34%;秋季气流轨迹与春季的相似,但途经沙源的气流传输速度较春季慢.京津冀平原地区夏季AOD与云量(CF)呈正相关,AOD增加,特别是细粒子增加可能导致局地云量增多. 相似文献