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运用生态系统定位监测方法,于2011年在上海市奉贤区海湾国家森林公园内设置面积为100 m×100 m的样地,记录样地内的所有植物种类,定位调查高于1.3m的木本植物,分析其种类组成、区系成分、垂直结构和水平结构.结果表明,1 hm2样地内共记录有维管束植物31科68属73种,其中温带区系成分占总属数的51.8%,热带区系成分占46.4%.高于1.3m的木本植株3 094株,其中常绿树种6种,共1 670株,重要值占48.0%;落叶树种7种,共1 424株,重要值占52.0%.女贞(Ligustrum lucidum)、喜树(Camptotheca acuminata)、椤木石楠(Photinia davidsoniae)、乌桕(Sapium sebiferum)、黄山栾树(Koelreuteria integrifoliola)和香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)的重要值位居前6位,在垂直空间上呈分层结构.在0~50 m尺度范围内,女贞种群均呈集群分布,喜树种群呈均匀-随机-集群分布,椤木石楠和乌桕种群表现为集群-随机-均匀分布,黄山栾树和香樟种群表现为随机-集群-随机分布.从群落结构特征看,样地为以北温带成分、泛热带成分为主的常绿落叶阔叶混交林,表征了该地区自然植被的结构特征.建立长期固定样地可为长三角城市化地区平原地貌上城市森林的发生、发展和演替规律提供长期的数据基础.  相似文献   
The main engineering-geological hazards and their factors of the Mountain Crimea coastal region are considered. A characteristic shore line site of Cape Kikineiz and its neighboring coastal area near the Katsiveli settlement has been studied in more detail. The important characteristic of the site is a high diversity of geological conditions with numerous manifestations of dangerous engineering-geological processes: shore and hydrological network abrasion, loss of slopes and rocks stability, etc. These processes have intensified during the last decades under the influence of natural and man-induced factors. The results of preliminary study of geo-environmental situation of the area are presented. The program for further research and possible recommendations for rational coastal hazard management and area ecological state improvement are outlined.  相似文献   
The general objective of this paper is to trigger off the development of a more comprehensive approach to Hellenic coastal areas (in the perspective of territorial cohesion), at local level and especially along the non-urban areas close to the sea. Methodological issues linked to the building of an appropriate coastal database constitute the key goal of this paper (the space and time scale, the relationship to the already proposed set of indicators, the impact of driving forces and policies, the possible sources of data and their feasibility etc.). Furthermore, specific emphasis should be given to the choice of new indicators, particularly for the coastal abiotic environment and the land cover/uses along coastal areas, especially near the seafront. Those indicators should be able to aid the formation (in the near future) of an algorithm linked to the total man-made activities in coastal areas. In conclusion, this paper will be considered successful if the just above illustrated objectives could enrich the argument about the typology of coastal areas and the development of a spatial (coastal) observatory. Actually, this paper is part of a broader research of the author regarding the monitoring of coastal spatial changes in different scales (AMICA, “Appraisal of man-made interventions along the Hellenic coastal areas”). This research aims to broaden the coastal knowledge (not only by means of coastal data) on behalf of all stakeholders been implicated into sustainable spatial planning, integrated coastal management and the strategic environmental assessment along coastal areas.
John KiousopoulosEmail:
广州帽峰山林区空气负离子动态及与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用定位连续观测方法,研究了广州帽峰山森林公园负离子含量近5年的年、季、月变化及不同天气的变化规律,并以此对帽峰山森林公园的空气质量进行了计量评价.分析了空气负离子含量与环境因子的相关关系.结果表明:林区不同观测区的负离子含量差异较大,山下瀑布空间负离子含量最高.平均水平达达2l 729 ions.cm-3;林内负离子含量年间及月间变化不大,沟谷小溪和山中部瀑布空间由于人为干扰,负离子含量年动态呈现降低趋势,山下瀑布空间年负离子含量维持在20000 iotis·cm-3左右;负离子含量的季节差异显著,春夏季大于冬秋季,夏季最高、冬季最低.空气质量评价系数CI的最低在2月份、最高在8月份.不同天气条件下负离子含量大小顺序为下雨>晴天>阴天.负离子含量与空气温度呈正相关,与空气湿度呈正相关.与空气气压呈负相关.  相似文献   
Sharp boundaries typically separate the salinity tolerant mangroves from the salinity intolerant hardwood hammock species, which occupy the similar geographical areas of southern Florida. Evidence of strong feedback between tree community-type and the salinity of the unsaturated (vadose) zone of the soil suggests that a severe disturbance that significantly tilts the salinity in the vadose zone might cause a shift from one vegetation type to the other. In this study, a model based upon the feedback dynamics between vegetation and salinity of the vadose zone of the soil was used to take account of storm surge events to investigate the mechanisms that by which this large-scale disturbance could affect the spatial pattern of hardwood hammocks and mangroves. Model simulation results indicated that a heavy storm surge that completely saturated the vadose zone at 30 ppt for 1 day could lead to a regime shift in which there is domination by mangroves of areas previously dominated by hardwood hammocks. Lighter storm surges that saturated the vadose zone at less than 7 ppt did not cause vegetation shifts. Investigations of model sensitivity analysis indicated that the thickness of the vadose zone, coupled with precipitation, influenced the residence time of high salinity in the vadose zone and therefore determined the rate of mangrove domination. The model was developed for a southern Florida coastal ecosystem, but its applicability may be much broader.  相似文献   
采用缩尺度试验方法对有风条件下室内火灾自然排烟过程准稳态进行研究,分析不同补气口、排烟口位置和风向对排烟效果的影响。试验结果表明:将补气口设在迎风面,排烟口设在背风面或侧风面时将获得比没有环境风时更好的自然排烟效果;而在其他情况下,环境风将通过减小排烟口处内外压差以及对室内烟气层产生扰动来降低自然排烟效果。在设置建筑自然排烟系统时,应综合考虑火灾具体情况以及当地风速条件,选择对自然排烟有利的排烟口与补气口位置组合,以提高自然排烟的效果。  相似文献   
一次雷暴天气发生发展的水汽图和红外云图特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过MTSAT的水汽图和红外云图,结合天气图、NCEP资料、地闪实况资料和探空数据对在高空急流影响下的暗区雷暴实例进行了对比分析。结果表明:暗区雷暴在卫星云图上表现为经过白天太阳辐射对晴空区(水汽图暗区)近地面的加热作用,大气不稳定能量增加,在一定条件下,午后强雷暴时常发生发展于高空急流左侧的晴空区中;而在水汽图上,高空急流与水汽图上的干区、湿区间有明显的联系,而这些联系又与强雷暴的发生发展有密切的关系,是雷暴发生发展的重要条件;在雷暴云发展过程中,地闪时空分布在卫星云图上有着明显的对应。  相似文献   
地质灾害高危险坡段的识别对山区城镇防灾减灾具有重要意义.以山西省石楼县城区为例,采用层次分析法对石楼县城区斜坡开展地质灾害危险性评价,初步确定出14处高危险坡段.再利用Geostudio软件对初定的高危险坡段开展稳定性计算,进一步识别高危险坡段范围,最终将11处斜坡段内出现整体不稳定或局部不稳定的坡体定为高危险坡段.经...  相似文献   
为了解消落带土壤有机污染物邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)的环境行为,采用静态淹水法研究了三峡库区消落带土壤向上覆水迁移释放规律以及上覆水温度、光照、含氧量等外界环境条件对其影响.结果表明,消落带土壤中DBP在淹水前期由土壤向上覆水中迁移释放,该过程分为短暂但是释放速率较快的快速释放阶段和释放时间较长但释放速率较慢的慢速释放阶段,其中慢释放是主要控速步骤,此过程可以很好地用二室一级动力模型拟合.在淹水中期释放达到最大值,继续淹水后,释放到水体中的DBP转而由水体向土壤中迁移,最终在淹水后期上覆水DBP含量达到平衡状态.随着温度的升高,DBP向上覆水释放的强度增大,同时增加了DBP快速释放的速率,降低了慢速释放速率.不同光源照射下,DBP向水体释放浓度不同,采用自然光照的处理中上覆水DBP的浓度高于采用UVB、UVA光源处理;DBP在上覆水达到最大浓度后,UVB、UVA处理中上覆水DBP含量减少比较快速,而自然光处理相对要缓慢.上覆水中的含氧量对DBP的最大释放量与达到最大释放的时间有影响,总体上来看,上覆水中含氧量越高,上覆水DBP含量越高;上覆水高氧处理和低氧气处理,上覆水中DBP最大浓度提前至淹水第8d出现,自然状态下DBP在淹水第12 d达到最大值.土壤中共存的邻苯二甲酸双(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)对DBP的释放有明显影响:在淹水第4~12 d,添加DEHP组分试验的DBP释放量要明显大于单一组分的DBP释放量,而且快、慢释放速率均要比单一DBP组分处理的大.微生物活性对消落带土壤淹水过程中邻苯二甲酸二丁酯迁移释放存在一定的影响但效果并不明显,添加微生物活性抑制剂处理后DBP的迁移量要略小于对照组.  相似文献   
秦岭北坡旅游资源的可持续发展研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
秦岭北坡是陕西省旅游资源密集带之一,由于开发和管理中存在诸多问题,近年发展较缓慢。本文在综合分析其开发优势和存在问题的基础上,提出了要全面规划、合理开发,走可持续发展之路,以实现秦岭北坡经济、社会和生态效益的协调统一  相似文献   
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