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The quantity and biochemical composition of organic matter (OM) in the sediments underlying and below oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the Arabian Sea were studied to provide information on the diagenetic processes of organic carbon under different environmental conditions. Concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) and total hydrolysable amino acids (THAA) were significantly higher in sediments within rather than below OMZ, while those of total carbohydrates (TCHO) were slightly lower in the latter, suggesting the presence of a larger supply of labile compounds into the sea bottom at the shallower site (i.e. within OMZ). Hydrolysable amino acid and carbohydrate contribution to TOC were even lower (about 10% in surficial sediments) than the values obtained from the abyssal oligotrophic North Pacific, suggesting that OM food availability in the Oman Margin sediments within OMZ was lower than that observed at abyssal depths. The presence of the highest THAA and TCHO concentrations in the top 40 mm of the sediment core at both sites reflected the presence of bioturbation processes. In contrast with the general view of the deep sea as a stable and constant system, below OMZ in the Arabian Sea sediments, some differences were observed in the two investigated cores indicating the presence of a certain spatial variability in OM content and diagenesis.  相似文献   
长江三角洲是我国沿海规模最大的经济区 ,上海市、江苏沿江的南京、镇江、扬州、泰州、苏州、无锡、常州、南通等八市、浙江省的嘉兴、湖州、杭州、宁波、绍兴、舟山等六市都属于长江三角洲经济区的范围 ,土地总面积 996 87.5km2 ,占全国土地总面积的 1%。 1998年全区人口 74 4 5 .6 9万人 ,GDP总量 12 70 1.39亿元。长江三角洲是我国经济最发达 ,人口分布最密集 ,城市化水平最高的地区之一。阐明了长江三角洲开发区建设和发展的基本特征。指出 ,长江三角洲是我国对外开放最早 ,开发区建设数量最多 ,类型最齐全的地区 ,它拥有经济技术开发区、高新技术开发区、农业现代化园区、旅游度假区和保税区等多种类型。经过多年来的开发建设 ,长江三角洲开发区投资的基础设施环境和社会软环境都很好 ,在招商引资方面取得了巨大成就。这些开发区已经成为了其地方经济新的增长点 ,新的制造业基地 ,高科技发展基地 ,外商投资和跨国公司的集聚地。通过对上海、江苏、浙江各种类型开发区的外商投资规模、产业经济结构、城市建设功能和外向型经济格局的比较 ,揭示了长江三角洲开发区建设和发展的区域差异。明确了上海开发区建设在长江三角洲的龙头地位 ,分析了浙江省开发区建设落后于江苏省的主要原因 ,总结出了愈靠近  相似文献   
大巴山区野生腊梅资源的保护与开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
达州市是我国野生腊梅三大主产区之一,野生腊梅资源极具开发价值.介绍了大巴山野生腊梅资源的研究状况,提出了加强资源保护、制定开发战略、强化基础研究、集成科研创新的建议.  相似文献   
Although the coastal ecosystem of Bangladesh contains a highly functional and structurally diverse ecology, this ecology is gradually being degraded. As a consequence, the quality of life of a large section of the coastal community is in economic decline. This poses a daunting challenge to the sectoral coastal management programmes, active since the 1960s, aiming at simultaneously ameliorating people's livelihood and supporting the ecosystem. These programmes have been reasonably successful in managing the ecosystem, but in many cases, the situation has become worse. The limitations of these programmes include the tendency to adopt an exclusionist approach, a narrowly departmentalized administration and weak management. Currently, the integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) approach is espoused as the main strategy. With the adoption of Bangladesh's Coastal Zone Policy of 2005, the foundation for integrated management was laid. The next realistic target will be to bring about changes in culture and mandate among coastal institutions in favour of integrated management.  相似文献   
Riparian ecosystems are designated for special protection from development and disturbance at Lake Tahoe. The Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) required protection of Stream Environment Zones (SEZs) in its Regional Plan for the Lake Tahoe Basin in 1987. These zones are identified by the presence of key indicators such as the evidence of surface water flow, riparian vegetation, near‐surface ground water, designated floodplain, and alluvial soils. They are mapped on each potential building site and assigned a setback that is also off limits to building construction. The SEZs are protected to maintain their functions and values, including flood attenuation, water quality enhancement, and wildlife habitat. Strict regulations control use or disturbance of SEZs on public and private property throughout the watershed. The TRPA has set restoration targets to increase the acreage of naturally functioning SEZs in the Tahoe Basin. Many SEZ restoration projects have been designed and implemented, but SEZ restoration targets have not been met. More SEZ restoration projects are being designed and funded each year. Restoration designers would benefit from increased effectiveness monitoring of completed projects and Web‐based dissemination of monitoring results.  相似文献   
巷道围岩温度分布及调热圈半径的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
分析了巷道壁面水分蒸发情况下通风时间、岩石的热物理性质、巷道几何尺寸、巷道风流与围岩壁面的对流换热系数、壁面湿度系数与风流相对湿度的变化对围岩温度分布及调热圈半径的影响。随着通风时间的延长 ,围岩冷却范围逐渐向围岩内部推移 ,推移速度逐渐降低 ;巷道壁面水分蒸发和风流相对湿度对靠近壁面处围岩温度分布影响很大 ,但对深部围岩温度分布的影响逐渐变小 ,所以对调热圈半径的影响很小 ;岩石导温系数对调热圈半径及其内部的温度分布影响较大。巷道壁面风流与围岩的换热系数和巷道的几何尺寸对巷道围岩的冷却范围影响非常小。  相似文献   
Characteristics of worker accidents on NYSDOT construction projects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
INTRODUCTION: This paper aims at providing cost-effective safety measures to protect construction workers in highway work zones, based on real data. Two types of accidents that occur in work zones were: (a) construction work area accidents, and (b) traffic accidents involving construction worker(s). METHODOLOGY/RESULTS: A detailed analysis of work zone accidents involving 36 fatalities and 3,055 severe injuries to construction workers on New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) construction projects from 1990 to 2001 established that five accident types: (a) Struck/Pinned by Large Equipment, (b) Trip or Fall (elevated), (c) Contact w/Electrical or Gas Utility, (d) Struck-by Moving/Falling Load, and (e) Crane/Lift Device Failure accounted for nearly 96% of the fatal accidents, nearly 63% of the hospital-level injury accidents, and nearly 91% of the total costs. These construction work area accidents had a total cost of $133.8 million. Traffic accidents that involve contractors' employees were also examined. Statistical analyses of the traffic accidents established that five traffic accident types: (a) Work Space Intrusion, (b) Worker Struck-by Vehicle Inside Work Space, (c) Flagger Struck-by Vehicle, (d) Worker Struck-by Vehicle Entering/Exiting Work Space, and (e) Construction Equipment Struck-by Vehicle Inside Work Space accounted for nearly 86% of the fatal, nearly 70% of the hospital-level injury and minor injury traffic accidents, and $45.4 million (79.4%) of the total traffic accident costs. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this paper provide real statistics on construction worker related accidents reported on construction work zones. Potential preventions based on real statistics have also been suggested. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The ranking of accident types, both within the work area as well as in traffic, will guide the heavy highway contractor and owner agencies in identifying the most cost effective safety preventions.  相似文献   
吉林省平原区是我国传统的粮食主产区,村庄空心化聚落形态具有特殊性。以村落空心化为特征的乡村衰落是实施我国乡村振兴战略的主要阻碍。采用实地调研与问卷调查的方法,分析吉林省平原区空心村的时空扩展和空心化特征,结果发现:吉林省平原区村落空心化起始晚,但发展快;人口和宅基地空心化严重,耕地质量具有"空心化"趋势。在研究基础上,提出建议:在村庄整治中,应完善农村土地产权制度和土地流转机制,中心村实心化发展与零散空心化村落治理相结合,建设与农业产业化相适应的中心村落职能结构,建立新型职业农民培育体系,重点发展农牧业一体化的产业模式。  相似文献   
武汉东湖高新技术开发区是首批国家级高新技术产业开发区之一,产业基础好,发展条件佳.近十年是其经济和社会发展的重要时期,是进行经济结构战略性调整和改革开放的重要时期,也是减轻环境污染和遏制生态恶化趋势的重要时期.但由于开发区建设初期注重经济建设,忽视环境保护,使环境问题日趋严峻.因而,紧紧抓住新世纪的历史机遇,下大力气解决开发区突出的环境问题,调整产业结构,合理产业布局,制定切实可行的生态规划和环保措施迫在眉睫,以期实现长期快速增长,持续、均衡发展.  相似文献   
The paper presents a 1D mathematical model for the simulation of the percolation fluxes throughout a landfill for municipal solid waste (MSW). Specifically, the model was based on mass balance equations, that enable simulation of the formation of perched leachate zones in a landfill for MSW. The model considers the landfill divided in several layers evaluating the inflow to and outflow from each layer as well as the continuous moisture distribution. The infiltration flow was evaluated by means of the Darcy’s law for an unsaturated porous medium, while the moisture distribution evaluation has been carried out on the basis of the theory of the vertically distributed unsaturated flow. The solution of the model has been obtained by means of the finite difference method. The model has been applied to a semi-idealized landfill located in Palermo landfill (Bellolampo). Specifically, field measurements were conducted to determine the relationship between waste density and applied vertical strain. This relationship was then used to relate vertical strain to waste porosity. The inflow rate to the system was simulated via a synthetic hyetograph whose characteristics have been identified in a previous hydrologic study.Three simulations, each with a different initial moisture content, were conducted. The model results showed a different response of the landfill in terms both of flow rates throughout the landfill and moisture profile. Indeed, the initial moisture content drastically influenced not only the formation of perched leachate zones but also their extension. The model can be a useful tool in predicting potential for the formation of perched leachate zones.  相似文献   
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