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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a method for determining locations of observation wells to be used in conducting pumping tests in unconfined aquifers. Sensitivity coefficients, the distribution of relative errors, and the correlation coefficients between four aquifer parameters (horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities Kr and Kz, storage coefficient S, and specific yield Sy) are used as the criteria for the design of observation well networks and the interpretation of pumping tests. The contours of the relative errors over a vertical profile are very useful in selecting the “best” location of an observation well. Results from theoretical analyses suggest that a wide range of locations is suitable for the determination of Kr and that good locations for the determination of Kz and S may be poorly suited for the determination of Sy. Consideration must be given to the position and lengths of the pumping well screen in the selection of observation well locations. For a given location, the quality of test data can be improved by using high pumping rates and frequent sampling of drawdowns. We found that a minimum of two and preferably three observation locations are needed along a given transect. Results of the four parameters from a single well analysis may contain higher uncertainties. However, composite analyses of multiple observation wells can reduce the correlation between the four aquifer parameters, particularly between Kr and Sy, thus, improving the quality of parameter estimation. Results from two pumping tests conducted at sites located in Nebraska were examined with regard to the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
Hydrogen (H2) explosion effects recently examined, are confirming the devastating loss scenarios to humans, environment, assets, and associated business interruption. H2 production is a core process in refineries used in further process steps. Steam reforming of natural gas or a mix with naphtha or LPG is a common hydrogen production technique, where the latest technologies have adopted enhanced metallurgies to minimize explosion risk and the associated maintenance cost following plant degradation owing to corrosion effects. However, corrosion rates are still high in specific areas of piping and process equipment. The aim of this paper is to present a methodology based on semi-quantitative RBI modeling according to regulations by API and recent EN standards, adopting a family of linear regression forecasting models that depict the yearly corrosion rate (per corrosion loop) of a hydrogen production steam reforming unit; this is done under different operating conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure, and fluid speed), metallurgy and other related physicochemical variables. The model is based on the examination of both ultrasonic wall thinning measurements and the examination of quantitative crosslinking total corrosion effects along with the physicochemical properties prevailing in different plant corrosion loops. The outcome of the regression analysis is an expansive family of multivariable equations describing, with a defined accuracy, the yearly corrosion rate and associated lifespan forecast per corrosion loop, and per examined part. These equations were further utilized in a custom-made database that can be used as an additional loss prevention tool by the hydrogen production unit management team. Evaluation results regarding the tool efficiency are presented in the following of this paper.  相似文献   
The particle characterization from the influent and effluent of a chemical-biological flocculation (CBF) process was studied with a laser diffraction device. Water samples from a chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) process and a primary sediment tank process were also analyzed for comparison. The results showed that CBF process was not only effective for both the big size particles and small size particles removal, but also the best particle removal process in the three processes. The results also indicated that CBF process was superior to CEPT process in the heavy metals removal. The high and non-selective removal for heavy metals might be closely related to its strong ability to eliminate small particles. Samples from different locations in CBF reactors showed that small particles were easier to aggregate into big ones and those disrupted flocs could properly flocculate again along CBF reactor because of the biological flocculation.  相似文献   
弹射和拦阻冲击试验是舰载机机载设备必要的考核试验之一,而目前相关标准并未明确试验具体量值,且国内缺少试验经验,这会影响试验工作的开展。基于此,从GJB 150.18A—2009规定的阻尼正弦波出发,结合项目研制过程数据,提出波形频率和振幅的确定方法。波形频率可根据类似机型的地面共振试验数据或全机振动模态分析结果确定,这里利用弹性缩比模型地面动响应试验和带通滤波法来预计瞬态波振幅,并说明了阻尼正弦波实施案例和对试验设备冲程的要求。从累积损伤角度出发,认为采用随机振动试验替代弹射和拦阻冲击试验是可行的,而不能采用常规冲击试验进行替代。根据随机振动3σ响应谱和冲击响应谱的对比分析,提出了采用振动功能试验替代弹射和拦阻冲击试验的前提条件——设备安装频率应高于要求值。  相似文献   
对舰船装备进行冲击试验的目的是检验战时环境下装备承受核武器和常规武器产生的冲击载荷的能力。论述了冲击环境效应,舰船装备的抗冲击级别、安装类别、冲击试验类型、安装部位分类、冲击试验设备与试验、冲击试验用安装架、抗冲击设计和安装等要求。  相似文献   
为实现山地建筑结构土-结相互作用体系的动力分析,基于粘弹性人工边界理论,利用Matlab编写了用于Abaqus自动施加粘弹性人工边界与外源波动等效节点力的程序,采用该程序模拟的地基无限域外源波动模型的动力响应符合波动理论,验证了该程序的准确性.将采用粘弹性人工边界的土-结相互作用体系与底柱固接的刚性地基分别应用于山地地...  相似文献   
影响北京地区沙尘天气的源地和传输路径分析   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
利用1980—2005年的地面气象观测资料和沙尘天气过程的卫星遥感资料,逐次分析了影响北京地区沙尘天气过程的演变规律.借助地理信息系统,确定影响北京地区沙尘暴过程的源地和移动路径.结果表明:北京地区沙尘暴主要发生在春季和初夏, 4月最多;从历年统计资料看,北京地区沙尘次数总体呈逐渐减少趋势,但20世纪90年代后期,浮尘日数有所增加.根据沙尘源地的起沙情况,将沙尘源地划分为初始源地和加强源地.境外初始沙尘源地位于蒙古国中部和东南部地区,境内位于中国与蒙古国边界;境内加强源地位于我国内蒙古中西部的沙漠、戈壁和沙化草原地区,以及甘肃河西走廊和农牧交错带大面积的开垦地.影响北京地区沙尘天气的传输路径主要包括北路、西路和西北路,其中以西北路和偏北路为主.   相似文献   
目的探究某型飞机液压泵安装座固定螺栓断裂原因。方法通过观察多组螺栓的断口形貌,以及对其进行力学性能测试和材料组织分析。结果螺栓断口边缘无明显的腐蚀氧化特征,有较为明显的氢脆断裂断面特征,螺栓的硬度均超过标准,并未发现有害的夹杂物和磷化物。结论螺栓在制造时可能存在缺陷,硬度超标和除氢不完全是造成断裂的主要原因。并根据分析结果对生产商提出相关建议和检查方向。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTION: In this paper a sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate how big the impact would be on the current ranking of crash locations in Flanders (Belgium) when only taking into account the most serious injury per crash instead of all the injured occupants. RESULTS: Results show that this would lead to a different selection of 23.8% of the 800 sites that are currently considered as dangerous. CONCLUSIONS: Considering this impact quantity, the researchers want to sensitize government that giving weight to the severity of the crash can correct for the bias that occurs when the number of occupants of the vehicles are subject to coincidence. Additionally, probability plots are generated to provide policy makers with a scientific instrument with intuitive appeal to select dangerous road locations on a statistically sound basis. Impact on industry Considering the impact quantity of giving weight to the severity of the crash instead of to all the injured occupants of the vehicle on the ranking of crash sites, the authors want to sensitize government to carefully choose the criteria for ranking and selecting crash locations in order to achieve an enduring and successful traffic safety policy. Indeed, giving weight to the severity of the crash can correct for the bias that occurs when the number of occupants of the vehicles are subject to coincidence. However, it is up to the government to decide which priorities should be stressed in the traffic safety policy. Then, the appropriate weighting value combination can be chosen to rank and select the most dangerous crash locations. Additionally, the probability plots proposed in this paper can provide policy makers with a scientific instrument with intuitive appeal to select dangerous road locations on a statistically sound basis. Note that, in practice, one should not only rank the crash locations based on the benefits that can be achieved from tackling these locations. Future research is also needed to incorporate the costs of infrastructure measures and other actions that these crash sites require in order to enhance the safety on these locations. By balancing these costs and benefits against each other, the crash locations can then be ranked according to the order in which they should be prioritized.  相似文献   
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