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介绍了流化床富氧焚烧含油污泥技术的流程和优势,计算了富氧焚烧含油污泥系统主要设备的电耗和技术经济指标。流化床富氧焚烧含油污泥技术可实现烟气及其他污染物零排放,产生的蒸汽可直接供应油田生产和生活使用,产生的液态CO2可直接用于油井驱油,烟气中的SO2和NOx可转化为硫酸和硝酸。采用日处理200 t含油污泥的流化床锅炉年处理含油污泥量约73 kt,每年减少排污费7 300万元;锅炉年产蒸汽量约177 kt,每年节约蒸汽费用1 380.6万元,合计每年节约成本8 680.6万元。回收得到质量分数为40%的稀硫酸5.56 t/d,质量分数为37%的硝酸0.708 t/d,年回收CO2约99 kt。  相似文献   
青岛地铁苗岭路站是在土岩组合地层下开挖的狭长型换乘车站,深基坑两侧既有建筑物众多且临近基坑,施工中采用龙门吊运输材料。为探究龙门吊移动荷载作用下基坑围护结构和土体的空间变形规律,建立三维有限元数值模型,对比分析了加载前后基坑围护桩侧移变形和坑外地表沉降,并探讨了起吊物与边跨的距离对基坑变形的影响。结果表明:龙门吊移动荷载作用下基坑产生明显的动态响应;围护桩桩体侧移变形比竖向变形响应明显且沿深度有所不同,嵌岩点处侧移响应最明显,土岩交界面处响应最小;受基坑阴角效应的影响,动载作用下角隅处土体沉降变形保持不变,坑外土体最大变形位置由距坑边2 m处转移至基坑边;起吊物的移动在基坑边产生明显的变形动态响应区域,随着起吊物远离边跨,桩周土体的沉降量逐渐减小,动态响应区域向远离坑角方向增大;加强冠梁连接、适当增大阴角处桩间距或减少锚杆施作可以保证基坑的稳定性,经济有效。  相似文献   
A new bioreactor on the basis of a dynamic fluidized bed was designed, which combines advantages of the fluidized bed and a biological contactor. The experiments of start up, normal operation and parameter adjustment are carried out. The results show that the bioreactor can be quickly started up in the condition that the fill is 50%, the hydraulic retention time is 72 min, aerate speed is 2.5 m3/h, rotation-cage rotated speed is 1.5 r/min, and the removal rates of chemical oxygen demand (CODcr) and Ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) are 75.34% and 80.98% respectively. The influence of the operation parameter on removal rates of the bioreactor is analyzed, and an appropriate operation parameter is provided.  相似文献   
内循环生物流化床处理丙烯酸废水的试验   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
周平  钱易 《环境科学》1995,16(1):58-61
介绍内循环三相生物流化床处理丙烯酸废水的中试研究。当进水COD为710—992mg/L时,平均去除容积负荷NV=4.0kgCOD/(m3·d),污泥负荷NS=1.6kgCOD/(kgVSS·d);进水COD为1277—2276mp/L时,NV=6.8kgCOD/(m3·d),Ns=2.8kgCOD/(kgVSS·d);氧利用率约17%。同时对流化床出水进行了后处理试验,提出了丙烯酸废水的治理方案。  相似文献   
在双层滤料颗粒床模型试验台上对粒径为300~400目的粉状活性焦进行了脱硫试验,研究了温度、O2和水蒸气体积分数、气体流速、再生次数对脱硫效果的影响.试验结果表明.温度为120℃、O2体积分数为8%、水蒸气体积分数为10%条件下,脱硫效果最好;粉状活性焦在双层滤料颗粒床中经过7次重复吸附.达到硫饱和吸附量为66.2 mg/g.粉状活性焦再生试验表明,随着再生次数的增加.粉状活性焦的脱硫性能呈下降趋势.  相似文献   
根据废弃印刷线路板中材料密度不同,采用水介质流化床对印刷线路板粉末中的金属进行回收,对0.25~0.177、0.177~0.104、0.104~0.074和-0.074 mm 4个粒级范围内的物料进行分选试验。试验结果表明,在上述4个粒级范围内,随介质流速的增大,金属回收率降低;金属回收率η与实际操作速度(ua)和颗粒终端沉降速度(ut)的比值φ(ua/ut)存在一定线性关系,分析模拟了η与φ之间的相关性方程,外推试验的结果证明了相关性方程的可靠性;在合适的操作条件下,各粒级范围内金属的回收率分别为95.02%、90.07%、87.5%和92.68%。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The effects of a moving rainstorm on flood runoff characteristics were investigated. A flood hydrograph simulation model called “FH-Model” and a natural watershed were used. A hypothetical rainstorm of 50 years recurrence interval, 75 mm depth, and 4 hours duration was used to show the effects of velocity and direction of the moving rainstorm on the runoff characteristics. Compared with an equivalent stationary rainstorm (ESRS), the peak flow caused by a rainstorm moving in a downstream direction with a speed equal to channel velocity, V, was 27.5 percent higher and the peak flow caused by the same rainstorm moving in an upstream direction was 21.7 percent smaller. These percentages reduced to 10.5 percent and 8.6 percent for storms moving downstream and upstream, respectively, at three times the channel velocity, 3V. There were negligible differences in the time of peak, Tp between runoff caused by storms moving downstream and runoff produced by ESRS. However, Tp for a storm moving upstream at V velocity was 82 percent higher than that produced by ESRS, but was reduced to 27 percent higher when the storm velocity was 3V.  相似文献   
A two-stage process for the chemical recycling of plastics is proposed. In this process, which consists of two reactors, plastics are converted into hydrogen and carbon. In the first reactor, plastic chips are thermally decomposed into hydrocarbons. In the second reactor, the hydrocarbons formed in the first reactor are catalytically decomposed into carbon and hydrogen. In this study, in order to obtain basic data for the second reactor, propene was catalytically decomposed in a laboratory-scale spouted-bed reactor (600mm high, 21.6mm internal diameter, made of SUS304). The effect of the type of spouting medium used on the decomposition behavior of propene was investigated using four types of spouting medium (nickel-plated -alumina, palladium-plated -alumina, nickel-impregnated -alumina, and -alumina). The nickel-impregnated -alumina gave the best propene conversion and hydrogen yield.  相似文献   
厌氧生物技术能在无氧条件下,通过厌氧微生物的新陈代谢将废水中的有机物转化为无机物,同时产生具有能源回收价值的甲烷,并减少温室气体(CO2)的排放,符合节能环保的原则和发展趋势.在回顾厌氧技术以及厌氧反应器发展的基础上,从现代厌氧反应器的发展理念角度分析了新型厌氧反应器-降流式厌氧悬浮填料床(DASB)的工艺特性.降流式厌氧悬浮填料床在生物量的保持、微生物的多级多相和推流流态等方面较好地符合了新型现代厌氧反应器的发展要求,结构、运行简单,具有较好的处理效果,是中国农村污水处理或预处理的较佳选择.  相似文献   
氮磷在阶式水生植物床中的去除效果及组成变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用串联运行的阶式水生植物床净化富营养化河水。考察了不同形态的氮磷在处理前后的浓度变化,在此基础上阐述水生植物床去除富营养化水体中氮磷的过程与机理。在水力负荷为74cm/d的条件下,总磷和总氮的去除率分别达73.1%和64.5%。植物根系对悬浮物的截留对去除河水中的氮磷起关键作用。采用多级串联的运行方式能有效克服一般湿地运行一段时间后因沉积物释放作用而引起处理水溶解性营养盐浓度上升的难题。  相似文献   
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