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在对美国水质标准经济分析研究的基础上,结合我国环境管理的实际情况,构建湖泊营养物标准的技术经济评估框架。计算标准建议值条件下的湖泊营养物容量及入量湖,得到削减量。通过不确定性优化模型对削减量进行分配,核算湖泊富营养化控制成本,并假设标准执行后,对流域经济造成的影响进行评估。将该方法应用于抚仙湖营养物标准的技术经济评估系统,结果表明,通过优化模型对削减量进行分配的削减成本较原规划低,通过构建的技术经济评估框架对该成本进行评估,标准执行后,对流域经济影响适中。  相似文献   
根据2012—2016年大鹏湾近岸海域的监测资料,采用单因子污染指数法和有机污染指数法对海域海水水质状况进行评价;采用富营养化指数和潜在性富营养化指数对海域富营养化水平进行分析,并探讨其与环境因子盐度的相关性。结果表明:2012—2016年,大鹏湾近岸海域水质状况良好,满足GB 3097—1997《海水水质标准》中第二类海水水质标准,水质年际变化呈波动状态,无明显规律,空间分布上仅沙头角湾受到明显污染;富营养化水平基本表现为低营养,年际变化呈上升趋势,空间分布上仅沙头角湾和南澳湾分别呈现富营养和高富营养状态;潜在性富营养化主要集中在Ⅰ级(贫营养);大鹏湾近岸海域富营养化指数与盐度呈负相关,表明海域受河口冲淡水和陆源带来的低盐、高浓度的污染物影响较大。  相似文献   
真空便器噪声问题是影响负压排水用户使用体验的重要因素。通过改变真空便器系统的冲水量、气液比、真空度等工作参数,探究了各因素对真空便器产生噪声大小的影响,并据此提出了参数调整建议。结果表明:增加冲水量可降低真空便器的噪声,且冲水量的改变对真空坐便器噪声的影响更显著,冲水量增加1 L可使真空坐便器噪声最大值降低约5 dBA;真空便器噪声随气液比的增大而增大,气液比降低15可使真空便器噪声最大值降低约12 dBA;系统真空度越高,真空便器噪声越大,将系统真空度调低0.03 MPa,可使真空便器噪声最大值降低5~8 dBA;在相同条件下,真空坐便器噪声高于真空蹲便器。建立了便器噪声与冲水量、气液比和真空度的定量关系模型,得出系统真空度为-0.04 MPa、冲水量为1.7 L、气液比为2.5时噪声最小。此时,真空蹲便器噪声最大值降为79.8 dBA,真空坐便器噪声最大值降为81.9 dBA,噪声得到显著降低。本研究可为降低负压排水真空便器的冲水噪声、提升使用体验提供参考。  相似文献   
为明确酸雨条件下飞灰基胶凝固砷体的长期稳定性,模拟2种酸度的酸雨对3种粒径状态下的固砷体进行动态淋溶实验,并运用改进多级连续提取法(Sequential Extraction Procedure, SEP)和潜在风险评估指数对固砷体进行长期稳定性风险评价。结果表明,随着浸出时间的增加,固砷体中的Al3+溶出并与溶液中的OH反应生成Al(OH)3胶体,且废渣中的硫化矿物氧化生成H2SO4、Fe2(SO4)3等氧化剂,进一步加剧硫化物的氧化溶解,使得浸出液pH呈下降趋势;而且,由于飞灰固砷体粒径大小不同,表面积大小和吸附位点变化,使砷浸出过程呈现出初始、快速释放和慢速释放3个阶段的浸出特征,最高浸出质量浓度为2.42 mg·L−1,累计释放量达133.78 mg·kg−1,累计释放率为2.32%。SEP实验发现,原渣中的还原态砷大幅度降低,酸可提取态砷和残渣态砷增加,有利于降低固砷体的风险。潜在生态风险评价表明,在Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类建设用地筛选值为背景时,潜在生态危害程度由中等危害转为轻微危害。本研究结果可为飞灰固砷体在不同侵蚀作用下的安全处置提供参考。  相似文献   
为提高水质自动监测数据质量,在地表水水质自动监测系统实际监测运行环境中,基于统计分析方法,探讨水质自动监测日常运行维护质控手段对运行维护质量监督考核结果的影响,探索提高水质自动监测质控考核结果合格率的运行维护质控技术要求。结果表明:零点漂移检查、量程/跨度漂移检查对水质自动监测质控考核结果虽无显著影响,但却是保障水质自动监测数据质量的基础;水质自动监测仪标准物质核查结果相对误差的合格判定标准由±10%加严至±6%时,水质自动监测仪标准物质核查、实际水体样品比对测试、实际水体样品加标回收率测试及盲样考核结果的合格率均显著提升;标准物质核查合格率由74.6%~77.9%提升为98.4%~100%,实际水体样品比对测试的合格率由62.5%提升为75.9%,实际水体样品加标回收率测试的合格率由75.0%提升为87.5%~100%,盲样考核合格率由75.0%提升为100%;标准物质核查及实际水体样品比对测试相对误差均不服从正态分布,且数据分布为正偏态分布;实验所用水质自动监测仪器可能存在负偏离的系统误差,手工比对实验环节对实际水体样品比对测试结果也可能存在一定干扰。综合上述结果,在进行水质自动监测仪器设计和选型时,应消除可能的系统偏差;在开展实际水体样品比对测试过程中,应加强对比对实验相关环节的质量监督和检查;在水质自动监测系统运行维护时,应采用更严格的标准物质核查结果相对误差合格判定标准,以提高和保障自动监测数据质量。相关研究成果可为水质自动监测系统运行维护采取的质量控制措施和评价标准的制定提供技术支持。  相似文献   
A shortened version of Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged, and Safe method (QuEChERS) for determining the dissipation and residue of imidacloprid present in Zizania latifolia and purple sweet potato was established by using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The average recoveries of imidacloprid in the two crops ranged from 82.12 to 113.79%, with relative standard deviation (RSD) of <7.32%. The dissipation dynamics of imidacloprid in Z. latifolia plants and purple sweet potato plants followed first-order kinetics, with half-lives of 3.2–5.5?days in each of sampling locations. The terminal imidacloprid residues in Z. latifolia and purple sweet potato at each of location were <0.005–0.120?mg kg?1. According to the risk assessment results, both the acute dietary risk quotient and chronic dietary risk quotient values were <1, indicating that imidacloprid is unlikely to pose health risks to humans with normal recommended use. The present study may serve as a valuable reference for the safe and reasonable use of imidacloprid in Z. latifolia and purple sweet potato fields.  相似文献   
A model of multiple domino scenarios and the risk of the domino effect, which is a sequential chain escalating from the primary unit to the last unit, is presented in this paper. The trajectories of fragments from all units, the ground distribution of projectiles, and the risk of the sequential chain of the domino effect were calculated using Monte Carlo simulations. The results showed that the range affected by the fragments from each tank included the other tanks, meaning that fragments from one tank could hit the other tanks and cause multiple accidents, and that the sequential chain of the domino effect could indeed happen. The distributions of ground impacts showed that tank fragments were projected over long distances, up to 1200 m from the source. The spatial distribution of the kinetic energy at ground impact for tank fragments was also obtained. Moreover, the magnitudes of the probabilities of the primary, secondary, third, and fourth accidents in the domino chain were respectively about 10−7, 10−11, 10−15, and 10−19. These results showed that for neighboring domino effect units in the same accident chain, the risk of the most recent domino effect was 104 times that of the following domino effect.  相似文献   
Facility Siting is an important phase of project development. A critical stage is plot plan optimisation, where significant potential hazards are eliminated due to equipment spacing. In addition to ensuring appropriate compliance with minimum spacing requirements, occupied building studies to achieve compliance with the requirements of API 752 and API 753 could also be undertaken to optimise safety outcomes. The studies are done in three stages, where the first stage is hazard identification, second stage is consequence assessment and the third stage is risk assessment. Third stage assessments are only carried, if the consequence based siting recommendations are not practical to implement.This paper presents the challenges in estimating risk due to process hazards with a focus on selecting right event likelihood data. A comparison is presented on the variation in predicted risk levels based on equipment failure rates and leak frequencies.Case study of a plot plan optimisation study is undertaken with DNVGL Phast Risk and the variation in risk levels up to two orders of magnitude are recorded. Challenges such as adaption of data for local conditions, consistent definitions of failure, sample size of data, applicability of data play a significant role in identifying and correctly quantifying the risk levels. Such challenges and its impact on risk quantification are presented in this paper as well as its impact on facility siting.  相似文献   
仙女湖富营养化特征与水环境容量核算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以典型的亚热带大型水库——江西省仙女湖为例,于2011~2013年季节性监测了仙女湖水体理化指标。采用综合营养状态指数法对其富营养化状态进行了评价,并采用沃伦威德尔模型(Vollenweider)和狄龙模型(Dillon)计算了COD、NH3-N、TN和TP的水环境容量。结果表明:仙女湖水质总体处于地表水Ⅱ类~Ⅲ类标准,TN 0.32~0.91 mg/L、平均0.59 mg/L,NH3-N 0.012~0.59 mg/L、平均0.31 mg/L,TP 0.017~0.080 mg/L、平均0.028 mg/L,CODMn 1.61~5.59 mg/L、平均2.85 mg/L,Chl-a 0.37~0.95 μg/L、平均0.56 μg/L。从湖区上游到下游,各指标尤其是总氮、总磷、透明度和氨氮呈现明显的趋优变化特征,除TP出现Ⅲ类水质外,其余指标多年持续处于Ⅱ类水质状态;从单因子状态指数来看,采用透明度评价的营养状态最高,大部分湖区持续处于轻度富营养状态;TN和TP评价的营养状态次之,处于中营养水平。仙女湖COD、NH3-N、TN和TP水环境容量分别为21 208.0、3 528.8、4 991.2和248.1 t/a,分别剩余容量比率56.88%、68.25%、62.89%和13.67%,影响仙女湖水环境容量最突出的环境因子为TP。同时,基于对水环境容量影响因素的分析,最后提出了提高仙女湖区水环境容量的建设性方案。  相似文献   
王东梅  王文勇 《四川环境》2007,26(1):103-105
本文提出了进行室内空气品质评价的一个系统,其中的评价方法选用综合评价方法。  相似文献   
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