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An info-tech complex is proposed for 286 acres (116 ha) of land within the East Calcutta wetlands. The proposed site is 15 km east of Kolkata city and only 8 km south of Dum Dum airport. The site is vacant, with pockets of agricultural land and a few degrading water-logged areas. In order to assess the likely impact of the proposed development on the environment, a rapid environmental impact assessment of an area of 10 km radius from the centre of the project site was carried out. The present status of the environment with respect to ambient air, surface water, groundwater, soil, landuse, noise, and socio-economics of the core and buffer zone has been documented and correlated with 24 project activities during construction, development and operational phases. The frequency of adverse impacts is greater than that of beneficial impacts. Out of the total adverse impacts 20 are short term, reversible and have a low magnitude. The total impact score for the proposed project is (–)468.75 and as per the Assessment Value Index Scale the environmental impact of the proposed project activities is no appreciable impact. But there are certain sectors where the environment will be adversely impacted. Therefore, appropriate measures have been suggested to ameliorate the adverse impacts. It is envisaged that if these measures are implemented then there will be an improvement in the quality of the environment, as well as life, by 687.5 units.  相似文献   
We describe the development of a bird integrity index (BII) that uses bird assemblage information to assess human impacts on 13 stream reaches in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA. We used bird survey data to test 62 candidate metrics representing aspects of bird taxonomic richness, tolerance or intolerance to human disturbance, dietary preferences, foraging techniques, and nesting strategies that were affected positively or negatively by human activities. We evaluated the metric responsiveness by plotting each one against a measure of site disturbance that included aspects of land use/land cover, road density, riparian cover, and stream channel and substrate conditions. In addition, we eliminated imprecise and highly correlated (redundant) metrics, leaving 13 metrics for the final index. Individual metric scores ranged continuously from 0 to 10, and index scores were weighted to range from 0 to 100. Scores were calibrated using historical species information to set expectations for the number of species expected under minimally disturbed conditions. Site scores varied from 82 for the least disturbed stream reach to 8.5 for an urban site. We compared the bird integrity index site scores with the performance of other measures of biotic response developed during this study: a fish index of biointegrity (IBI) and two benthic macroinvertebrate metrics. The three assemblages agreed on the general level of disturbance; however, individual sites scored differently depending on specific indicator response to in-stream or riparian conditions. The bird integrity index appears to be a useful management and monitoring tool for assessing riparian integrity and communicating the results to the public. Used together with aquatic indicator response and watershed data, bird assemblage information contributes to a more complete picture of stream condition.  相似文献   
关于环评中的景观影响评价问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环境影响评价制度对控制环境污染和防止生态破坏取得明显的成效。随着社会的进步和人们对环境质量的高要求,景观环境影响评价已成为旅游资源、森林资源、矿产资源开发以及交通运输等建设项目环境影响报告书中的重要内容。但由于目前尚缺乏评价规范和评价标准,在开展景观影响评价中存在着不少的困难,评价标准和评价等级的缺乏,使评价的深度和广度以及景观污染的界定上难以满足评价结果的要求;评价方法的不确定,又使评价过程难以统一,难以预测项目建设对景观的影响程度,而人才的缺乏则是困扰持证单位的主要问题。所以目前急切需要解决问题的办法是尽快制定景观评价的标准和规范,研究评价的方法,以加速人才的培养,使景观影响评价真正能达到保护景观的目的。  相似文献   
Environmental assessment of supercritical water oxidation of sewage sludge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Environmental aspects of using supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) to treat sewage sludge were studied using a life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. The system studied is the first commercial scale SCWO plant for sewage sludge in the world, treating sludge from the municipal wastewater treatment facility in Harlingen, TX, USA. The environmental impacts were evaluated using three specific environmental attributes: global warming potential (GWP), photo-oxidant creation potential (POCP) and resource depletion; as well as two single point indicators: EPS2000 and EcoIndicator99. The LCA results show that for the described process, gas-fired preheating of the sludge is the major contributor to environmental impacts, and emissions from generating electricity for pumping and for oxygen production are also important. Overall, SCWO processing of undigested sewage sludge is an environmentally attractive technology, particularly when heat is recovered from the process. Energy-conserving measures and recovery of excess oxygen from the SCWO process should be considered for improving the sustainability potential.  相似文献   
有机物好氧生物降解性的综合测试评价方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综合考虑有机物好氧生物降解过程中的耗氧量,最终产物量和微生物活性3个影响生物降解性的因素,以BOD5/COD作为耗氧指标,以CO2作为降解产物量指标,以ATP作为微生物活性指标,根据这3个指标提出模糊聚类综合 加权综合评估2种综合评价有机物生物降解性的方法,综合评价了22种有机化合物和有机废水的生物降解性,并比较了这2种综合评价方法的优劣,同时也提出了采用这2种综合评价方法所需进行了具体步骤。  相似文献   
In modern environmental risk analysis, inferences are often desired on those low dose levels at which a fixed benchmark risk is achieved. In this paper, we study the use of confidence limits on parameters from a simple one-stage model of risk historically popular in benchmark analysis with quantal data. Based on these confidence bounds, we present methods for deriving upper confidence limits on extra risk and lower bounds on the benchmark dose. The methods are seen to extend automatically to the case where simultaneous inferences are desired at multiple doses. Monte Carlo evaluations explore characteristics of the parameter estimates and the confidence limits under this setting.
R. Webster WestEmail:
A primary objective in quantitative risk assessment is the characterization of risk which is defined to be the likelihood of an adverse effect caused by an environmental toxin or chemcial agent. In modern risk-benchmark analysis, attention centers on the “benchmark dose” at which a fixed benchmark level of risk is achieved, with a lower confidence limits on this dose being of primary interest. In practice, a range of benchmark risks may be under study, so that the individual lower confidence limits on benchmark dose must be corrected for simultaneity in order to maintain a specified overall level of confidence. For the case of quantal data, simultaneous methods have been constructed that appeal to the large sample normality of parameter estimates. The suitability of these methods for use with small sample sizes will be considered. A new bootstrap technique is proposed as an alternative to the large sample methodology. This technique is evaluated via a simulation study and examples from environmental toxicology.
R. Webster WestEmail:
灾后重建土地利用规划环评重点内容解析与实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对四川汶川灾后重建土地利用规划环境影响评价区域与评价对象特征进行分析的基础上,对规划实施的主要资源环境制约因素进行了识别与分析,进而分析并确定了其评价要点;结合灾后重建土地规划环评实践工作,对评价重点内容与要点进行了初步应用。  相似文献   
Prognostic vegetation models have been widely used to study the interactions between environmental change and biological systems. This study examines the sensitivity of vegetation model simulations to: (i) the selection of input climatologies representing different time periods and their associated atmospheric CO2 concentrations, (ii) the choice of observed vegetation data for evaluating the model results, and (iii) the methods used to compare simulated and observed vegetation. We use vegetation simulated for Asia by the equilibrium vegetation model BIOME4 as a typical example of vegetation model output. BIOME4 was run using 19 different climatologies and their associated atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The Kappa statistic, Fuzzy Kappa statistic and a newly developed map-comparison method, the Nomad index, were used to quantify the agreement between the biomes simulated under each scenario and the observed vegetation from three different global land- and tree-cover data sets: the global Potential Natural Vegetation data set (PNV), the Global Land Cover Characteristics data set (GLCC), and the Global Land Cover Facility data set (GLCF). The results indicate that the 30-year mean climatology (and its associated atmospheric CO2 concentration) for the time period immediately preceding the collection date of the observed vegetation data produce the most accurate vegetation simulations when compared with all three observed vegetation data sets. The study also indicates that the BIOME4-simulated vegetation for Asia more closely matches the PNV data than the other two observed vegetation data sets. Given the same observed data, the accuracy assessments of the BIOME4 simulations made using the Kappa, Fuzzy Kappa and Nomad index map-comparison methods agree well when the compared vegetation types consist of a large number of spatially continuous grid cells. The results of this analysis can assist model users in designing experimental protocols for simulating vegetation.  相似文献   
The paper presents a method to determine the most influencing stressors and the most susceptible resources for complex assessment problems involving multiple stressors impacting multiple resources over a region. The method is based on the concept of limiting priorities in a square matrix which capture the transmission of influence along all paths between stressors and resources in the matrix. The proposed method allows the relationship between stressors and resources to be looked at in both univariate and multivariate fashion, taking into account the interactions among the variables. Hypothetical and case study examples are given for illustration purpose. It shows that the proposed method is suitable for the determination of the most important stressors and the most susceptible resources, a common (but often uneasy) task in integrated environmental assessment.  相似文献   
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