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The amount of extruded polystyrene (XPS) waste has increased in recent years due to the increase of its use in the thermal insulation of buildings, transport vehicles, and refrigerators, among others. Dissolution with suitable solvents to achieve a volume reduction of more than 100 times without degradation of polymer chains is one of the cheapest and most efficient methods of recycling XPS. Several environmentally friendly solvents have been tested as dissolution agents for XPS volume reduction; the action of these solvents does not produce any degradation of polymer chains. The solubility of the polymer in such solvents at different temperatures was investigated. The solvent can be easily recycled by distillation, obtaining a high-quality recycled polymer. Chemical Feedstock Recycling & Other Innovative Recycling Techniques 6  相似文献   
微波催化燃烧技术将微波辐照与吸波型催化剂相结合,可用于对挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)进行催化燃烧处置。研制了Pt/CuMnCeOx/堇青石和Pt/CuMnCeOx/纳米陶瓷整体式蜂窝状催化剂,并开发了微波催化燃烧VOCs的装置,将其应用于印刷包装行业的VOCs治理。通过操作条件的优化,考察了微波催化燃烧技术对VOCs的实际处理效果。同时,对催化剂表面形貌、比表面积和晶体结构等进行了测试分析。结果表明:Mn3O4/Mn2O3、CeO2/Ce2O3、CuMn2O4和PtO等尖晶石的存在降低了反应温度、提高了储氧释氧能力和催化剂活性;催化剂的介孔结构和较大的比表面积有利于VOCs在孔隙内部的扩散,并可延长VOCs在催化剂上的停留时间。在催化剂床层体积330 L、微波功率13.6 kW、进气质量浓度1 520 mg·m-3和进气量440 m3·h−1的条件下,床层温度可达到420 ℃,此时催化剂床层温度及VOCs去除率保持稳定。当进气质量浓度分别为约4 500 mg·m−3和2 800 mg·m−3时,VOCs的去除率分别为90%和96%。考察燃烧热量发现,大气量的VOCs在催化剂表面的停留时间短且带走热量多,从而导致VOCs去除率下降;高浓度VOCs在燃烧时会因释放出更多热量,从而提高床层温度和VOCs去除率。在确保催化剂表面活性位点充足的条件下,微波催化燃烧工艺适合处理中高浓度的印刷包装行业VOCs。同时,利用VOCs燃烧释放的热量来保持床层高温,还可达到节能降耗的目的。本研究可为印刷包装行业的VOCs治理提供参考。  相似文献   
地下水中潜在危害有机物识别与筛选方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对地下水中频繁检出的各类有机物,运用理论方法定量计算污染物对地下水的危害系数,对有机物的污染调查、地下水污染防治具有一定的指导意义。为研究有机物对地下水的危害性,汇总了535项有机物,目前这些指标在国内外水质标准中均没给出标准值。从有机物的自身属性入手,假定所有物质处于相同的外界环境中,经过包气带吸附、降解、挥发等作用,分析其进入地下水的难易程度。利用美国环保局的软件EPI Suit4.10,获取了指标的有机碳吸附系数(Koc)、半衰期(DT50)和亨利常数(KH),并结合毒性参数基于健康的评价基准值,构建了污染物潜在危害参数体系。运用3种方法计算有机物的危害系数H、污染指数G和衰减系数K,对比3种计算结果,筛选出100项潜在危害有机物。分析表明,所筛选出的100项指标毒性较大、难挥发,并且有机物的Koc对污染指数(G)和衰减系数(K)的贡献比DT50、KH更大。  相似文献   
2015年2月16—28日,采用APS-3321空气动力学粒径谱仪在天津市环境监测中心站连续监测0.5~10 μm间不同粒径大气颗粒物数浓度,并同步记录气象参数,研究了大气颗粒物的数浓度变化和粒径分布特征,运用Spearman统计分析方法初步探讨了气象因素对大气颗粒物数浓度的影响。结果表明,该地区大气颗粒物5 min平均数浓度为285 个·cm-3,其中0.5~1.0 μm粒径颗粒物对总粒子数浓度贡献较大,约占96.7%。观测期间共出现颗粒物数浓度显著增高的9个污染事件,不同粒径中污染事件颗粒物数浓度最大值的主导气象因素不同:对于0.5~1.0 μm,其与相对湿度呈明显的正相关性;对于1.0~2.5 μm,其与气象因素无明显相关性;对于2.5~10 μm,其与相对湿度呈明显负相关性、与风速呈明显正相关性。颗粒物数浓度受气象条件影响较大,其中相对湿度影响最为显著,当相对湿度小于70%时,颗粒物数浓度随着湿度的增加而增加;当相对湿度大于70%时,颗粒物数浓度随着湿度的增加而减少。此外,烟花爆竹燃放对颗粒物数浓度短暂上升贡献突出,主要集中在0.5~1.0 μm粒径的亚微米颗粒物。  相似文献   
管制疲劳是影响民航安全的重大隐患,准确检测疲劳状态是进行疲劳预警、降低疲劳风险的关键。提出应用支持向量机模型融合多生理参数和眼动指标进行管制疲劳检测,通过MP150多导生理记录仪与眼动仪,采集模拟管制试验中正常与剥夺睡眠状态下被试的试验数据,同时记录其Karolinska疲劳等级和操作绩效。结果表明,RR间期、LF/HF、快慢波比值、PERCLOS和扫视速度均与管制疲劳呈较强相关,利用支持向量机融合五项指标构建管制疲劳检测模型,对于五级疲劳度的识别准确率为78. 1%,判断正常组与剥夺睡眠组的准确率为94. 2%。  相似文献   
The study aimed to explore if changes in crown defoliation and stem growth of Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) could be related to changes in ambient ozone (O3) concentration in central Europe. To meet this objective the study was performed in 3 Lithuanian national parks, close to the ICP integrated monitoring stations from which data on meteorology and pollution were provided. Contribution of peak O3 concentrations to the integrated impact of acidifying compounds and meteorological parameters on pine stem growth was found to be more significant than its contribution to the integrated impact of acidifying compounds and meteorological parameters on pine defoliation. Findings of the study provide statistical evidence that peak concentrations of ambient O3 can have a negative impact on pine tree crown defoliation and stem growth reduction under field conditions in central and northeastern Europe where the AOT40 values for forests are commonly below their phytotoxic levels.  相似文献   
城市固体废弃物的堆肥化处理已经成为各国越来越重视的方法。堆肥化处理是通过控制堆腐过程条件,使废弃物在短时间内最有效地达到稳定,杀灭病原菌,使产品可以安全地使用。本文对堆肥的原理及基本机理进行了介绍,同时对堆肥过程的重要参数( 水分含量、有机质含量、 C/ N 比、p H 值、通气量等) 进行了综述。  相似文献   
GOAL, SCOPE AND BACKGROUND: Orimulsion (stable emulsion of natural bitumen and water) is a new imported industrial fuel in Lithuania. No data on its toxicity to fish is freely available. The aim of this study was to investigate sensitivity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to acute and chronic toxicity of orimulsion and to estimate the Maximum Acceptable Toxicant Concentration (MATC) of orimulsion to fish. METHODS: Laboratory tests were conducted on rainbow trout in all stages of development (embryos, larvae, adults). Acute toxicity (96-hour duration) and long-term (28 or 60-day duration) tests evaluating the wide range spectrum of biological indices were performed under semi-static conditions. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Median lethal concentration (96-hour LC50) values and their 95% confidence intervals derived from the tests were: 0.1 (0.09-0.12) to embryos, 0.06 (0.05-0.07) to larvae and 2.22 (2.02-2.43) to adult fish, and 28-day LC50 to adult fish was found to be 0.26 (0.21-0.32) g/l of total orimulsion respectively. The acute toxicity of orimulsion to rainbow trout can be characterised by a narrow zone of toxic effect and a sharp boundary between lethal and sublethal concentrations. The lowest 'safe' or 'no-effect' concentration values of total orimulsion obtained in long-term tests were equal to 0.09 g/l to adult fish, 0.019 g/l to embryos, and 0.0017 g/l to larvae. Proposed value of 'application factor' for orimulsion was found to be equal to 0.03. Since orimulsion has the property to disperse in all water volume, its toxic effect on fish can be characterised by the combined effects of dispersion and water-soluble-fraction. CONCLUSIONS: Maximum Acceptable Toxicant Concentration (MATC) of 0.0017 g/l of total orimulsion to fish was derived from long-term tests based on the most sensitive parameter of rainbow trout larvae (relative mass increase at the end of the test). According to substance toxicity classification accepted for Lithuanian inland waters, orimulsion can be referred to substances of 'moderate' toxicity to fish. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: For prediction and evaluation of toxic impact of orimulsion accident spills on fish, some recommendations should be given. Since orimulsion has the property to disperse in all water volume during short time periods, the amounts of both spilled orimulsion and polluted water should be ascertained. Once both parameters are known, the real concentration of orimulsion in the water body must be determined. Then this concentration must be compared with 'safe' concentration to fish. By use of 'application factor' 0.03, approximate MATC for other fish species can be estimated when only acute toxicity data (96-hour LC50 value) is available.  相似文献   

Urochloa decumbens plants may be reached by herbicide drift from applications of glyphosate from neighboring areas or by variations during applications. Considering the different phenological stages and size of plants in these areas, the amount of active ingredient that reaches the plants probably varies. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the application of different doses of glyphosate on U. decumbens plants. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted with two replications at different times. The first experiment evaluated the biological response of U. decumbens plants to glyphosate doses (0, 2.81, 5.63, 11.25, 22.5, 45, 90, 180, 360, 720, and 1,440?g a.e. ha?1), with six replications. The second experiment evaluated the response of U. decumbens plants to the application of a selected low dose of 11.25?g a.e. ha?1. Evaluations of injury were performed at 0, 7, 14, and 21?days after application, and dry weight of plants was determined for each evaluation period. U. decumbens plants increased in dry weight when using the glyphosate dose of 11.25?g a.e. ha?1. However, plants had different responses to the application of this low dose. It can promote both stimulation and inhibition of plant growth.  相似文献   
炼油厂轻污染水回用试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对某炼油厂轻污染废水水质情况,选用了BAF(生物曝气滤池)工艺+SF(砂滤)工艺对该废水进行净化处理。通过试验研究,得到了BAF工艺合适的运行参数,取得了满意的试验结果。经BAF工艺处理后,出水COD和油平均浓度分别为9.78mg/L和0.24mg/L,再经SF工艺进一步去除SS后,出水SS平均浓度为3.8mg/L,系统处理出水完全达到工业回用水水质要求。试验证明:BAF工艺是一种高效的处理方法,适合炼油厂轻污染水的净化处理。  相似文献   
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