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Current approaches to modelling the fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment have evolved in response to four dominant characteristics of these substances; namely: (1) the presence of POPs in virtually all environmental phases and the ease with which they move from one to the other requires multi-compartmental modelling. Describing transport across phase boundaries becomes as, or even more, important as quantifying transport within the phases; (2) POPs may persist in the environment for many decades. For chemicals that 'have time', concepts such as equilibrium partitioning and steady-state become more important than for short-lived substances whose fate is more controlled by the rates of transformation; (3) measuring POPs is difficult and expensive and observed concentrations of POPs are not available in high spatial or temporal resolution. Consequently, high resolution tends not to be a high priority in POP models; and (4) detrimental effects of POPs often manifest themselves in top predators, which has led to a focus on modelling biotic uptake and transfer within food chains. The task of building a POPs model is viewed as combining the four 'building blocks' of partitioning, transport, transformation and source data with the help of the law of the conservation of mass. Process models, evaluative models, models of real local, regional and global fate, as well as biological uptake models are presented and references to numerous examples are provided. An attempt is made to forecast future directions in the field of POPs modelling. It is expected that modelling techniques that do not rely on quantitative emission estimates as well as approaches that take into account spatial, temporal and climatic variability as well as parameter uncertainty will increase in importance. Finally, the relationship between modelling POPs and models of other pollutant issues is addressed, as are potential interactions between POPs and pollutant issues such as eutrophication, acidification and global climate change.  相似文献   
The Minicontainer-test, first described by Eisenbeis (1993), was designed to study the kinetics of organic residue decomposition at a microsite level. It is derived from the litterbag technique and consists of polyethylene minicontainers (volume about 1.5 cm3) filled with a test substrate (litter, straw, cellulose, etc.). The minicontainers (MCs) are closed at either end with plastic gauze discs of variable mesh size (e.g. 20 μm, 250 μm, 500 μm or 2 mm). A definite number of such units are inserted into PVC-bars, which can be implanted into the soil horizontally or vertically, or be exposed on the soil surface horizontally. The bars are very stable and can be exposed in different environments for months to years. If required, the bars can be removed temporarily and stored, e.g. during soil cultivation. Should fresh litter be used, two phases of decomposition can be distinguished: a fast initial phase, which can be mainly related to the effect of leaching, and a second slow phase depending mainly on the activity of soil organisms and litter quality. Several questions can be addressed to investigations using MCs, e.g. 1) parts of the soil fauna which are involved in decomposition (nematodes, microarthropods, and smaller specimens of the macrofauna, e.g. enchytraeidae, diplopods and dipteran larvae) can be extracted from the litter substrate using a miniscale high gradient extractor, 2) the organic mass loss of litter can be determined, 3) microbial biomass (Cmic, Nmic) can be assessed by fumigation extraction and 4) microbial activity (respiration) in the test substrate can also be assessed by use of standardised methods. Compared to litterbag studies, the larger number of small replicate units improves the statistical evaluation. Until today the Minicontainer-test has been applied in forestry and agriculture, e.g. studying the effects of liming, soil restoration and the application of insecticides, e.g. Diflubenzuron (Dimilin) and Btk (Bacillus thuringiensis var.kurstaki).  相似文献   
快腐剂对畜禽粪便堆肥过程中腐熟度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以牛粪、菌糠和鸡粪等为材料按照两种比例调配为混合基质,在添加或不添加快腐剂的条件下在发酵桶中进行为期38 d的堆肥发酵实验,通过对发酵产物的温度、pH值、总有机碳、C/N、硝铵态氮含量和种子发芽指数等指标变化的研究,揭示了快腐剂对发酵过程的影响。结果表明,虽然快腐剂对有机物料的温度、C/N比无显著的影响,但可以促进铵态氮向硝态氮的转化,在16 d时使发酵产物NH4+-N/NO3--N比值降为0.15,达到腐熟标准(0.16);提升种子发芽指数,在腐解29 d时使种子发芽指数达到82.76%,达到完全腐熟指标(0.8),比不添加快腐剂的处理提前了4 d左右。快腐剂的作用效果受腐解物料配比的影响。  相似文献   
研究了从东南景天(Sedum alfredii)的根系分离和纯化的内生菌荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)R1(菌株R1)在溶解氧化锌(ZnO)和氧化镉(CdO)过程中的生长代谢特征,分析了代谢产物中有机酸的组成及含量;通过盆栽实验,进一步探讨了土壤接种菌株R1对东南景天的生长、吸收和积累锌、镉的影响。结果发现,菌株R1在生长代谢过程中分泌苹果酸、琥珀酸、乙酸、柠檬酸、草酸等有机酸是导致ZnO和CdO溶解的主要原因,且反应体系中增加ZnO和CdO能够提高有机酸的分泌量,加速ZnO和CdO的溶解。菌株R1接种到未灭菌或灭菌的锌、镉污染土壤中均能在一定程度上促进东南景天的生长和吸收Zn、Cd。在未灭菌ZnO土壤上,接种菌株R1使东南景天根系和地上部的干物质质量、地上部Zn积累量分别增加了15.56%、9.74%和29.84%;在灭菌ZnO土壤上,接种菌株R1使东南景天地上部的干物质质量和Zn积累量分别增加9.56%和8.97%。在未灭菌CdO土壤上,接种菌株R1使东南景天根系和地上部的干物质质量、地上部Cd积累量分别增加30.30%、6.15%和27.21%;在灭菌CdO土壤上,接种菌株R1使东南景天根系和地上部的干物质质量、地上部Cd积累量分别增加5.08%、8.82%和26.14%。  相似文献   
为了保障再生水水质生物稳定性,控制再生水在储存、输配和利用过程中微生物生长,对再生水臭氧氧化处理工艺水质生物稳定性进行了研究。研究发现,臭氧氧化对再生水厂二级出水的溶解性有机碳(DOC)去除效果有限,对UV254和荧光强度有较好的去除效果,但可导致水样AOC水平升高,水质生物稳定性降低。分析臭氧氧化后不同有机物组分的变化情况,发现臭氧氧化对分子量为0.5~20 kDa有机物有较好的去除效果,而分子量小于0.5 kDa有机物没有明显变化。  相似文献   
郝晓地  唐兴  曹达啓 《环境工程学报》2016,10(12):6809-6818
污水处理厂碳中和运行目标使得剩余污泥厌氧消化产CH4途径重获新生。然而,剩余污泥量取决于进水中有机物(COD)浓度,而我国污水碳源低的特点决定了不可能仅靠剩余污泥转化能源便完全满足碳中和运行目标。研究显示,多种外源有机废弃物与剩余污泥厌氧共消化可以取得“1+1>2”的能量转化效果,这就为我国污水处理厂碳中和运行提供了一种潜在能量来源。在简述剩余污泥厌氧共消化技术特性的基础上,对7种典型外源有机废弃物与剩余污泥共消化试验研究进行了归纳,同时列举国外6个业已实现碳中和运行的污水处理厂共消化应用实例,充分说明外源有机废弃物与剩余污泥共消化的工程应用前景。虽然我国目前环境政策限制了污泥厌氧共消化的工程化进程,但污泥与餐厨垃圾、市政修剪花草/树木、旱厕粪便等几种基质共消化将会是共消化的未来研究方向,更是综合解决市政有机固体废弃物的现实需要。  相似文献   
采集了上海地区8家不同类型的涂料制造企业中不同生产环节有组织排放的废气样本,分析其VOCs组分特征和活性VOCs物种,并应用3种实际排放量核算方法计算企业的VOCs年排放量,分析了其与排污许可排放量的关系。结果表明:1)涂料制造行业排放废气的特征组分为芳香烃、OVOCs、卤代烃,占全部VOCs质量浓度的56.2%~99.1%,乙酸乙酯、乙酸丁酯、4-乙基甲苯、间/对二甲苯、甲苯、甲乙酮是涂料制造行业VOCs排放的典型物种;2)基于MIR值法的计算结果,芳香烃和OVOCs是涂料制造行业排放VOCs的主要活性组分,累计OFP贡献率达36.0%~99.8%,其中,4-乙基甲苯(52.1%)、氯乙烯(48.1%)、乙酸丁酯(47.9%)、乙酸乙酯(42.6%)、间/对二甲苯(41.3%)是各类涂料工艺废气中OFP贡献率最高的物质,除苯系物、乙酸酯类化合物外,氯乙烯、甲乙酮、四氢呋喃也是涂料制造过程中值得关注的活性物质;3)涂料制造企业车间的有组织废气VOCs排放量占全厂VOCs排放量的75.0%以上,其次是实验室废气,VOCs排放量为3.5%~16.8%。在VOCs实际排放量核算中,使用实测法的核算结果与物料衡算法接近,且计算简便,在正常运行时均低于许可排放限值;而产污系数法所核算数值较许可排放限值更高,在现阶段可作为一项惩罚性计算方法。  相似文献   
有机废物产量巨大,具备较高的资源化利用潜力。以有机废物厌氧发酵液为底物,通过链延长工艺生产中链脂肪酸,可有效提升产物的经济价值,因而是一种极具潜力的有机废物资源化方法。梳理了有机废物厌氧发酵液链延长的机理以及影响因素,分析了不同有机废物在厌氧发酵链延长中的作用,并提出了今后研究的方向。学术界已获得的研究结果表明,以混合有机废物作为底物进行厌氧发酵,可以实现氮源和碳源的相互补充,其获得的发酵液中挥发性脂肪酸浓度更高,这对后续的链延长产中链脂肪酸具有良好的促进作用。  相似文献   
污染场地原位热脱附过程不可避免地产生尾水尾气,其处理技术普遍存在工艺设计不成熟、污染物脱附规律认识不明晰、二次污染控制措施薄弱等问题,缺乏具有针对性的技术装备研发和应用指导。通过分析污染场地原位热脱附工程尾水尾气处理技术的应用现状、污染物脱附规律和现有专利情况,总结归纳实际工程应用中应注意的问题,进而提出原位热脱附工程尾水尾气处理工艺的设计和设备选型建议,并展望进一步的应用及研究,以期为我国有机污染土壤原位热脱附修复技术的推广和应用提供参考。  相似文献   
垃圾渗滤液是一种高浓度难降解废水,含有大量有毒物质和溶解性有机质(dissolved organic matter, DOM),可生化性差。Fenton试剂(Fe2++H2O2)能产生活性极强的羟基自由基(·OH),能快速氧化渗滤液中DOM和微量有机物质。本研究采用Fenton法处理垃圾渗滤液,结果表明,在优化的处理条件下,渗滤液COD和TOC去除率分别为65%和42%,其中混凝作用去除的COD和TOC分别为20%和21%。进一步通过紫外可见光谱扫描、SUVA254、E3/E4等指标评价,发现Fenton法可以有效降低渗滤液中的DOM含量,大分子有机物的含量明显减少,而分子量小的有机物含量相对增加,反应体系中溶解性有机物分子量随着反应的进行而降低,腐殖化程度降低。利用GC-MS定性出渗滤液原液中47种有机物,该类有机物在Fenton反应后上清液中未再检出,但5种物质(邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己)酯、植酮、角鲨烯、麥角甾烷醇和二氢胆固醇)在沉淀的铁泥中检出。研究发现不同pH值、H2O2和Fe2+浓度条件下,残留的COD与DOM、TOC和UV254存在显著的相关关系(R2> 0.9)。本研究结果为改进垃圾渗滤液处理工艺和探索DOM在Fenton过程中的降解行为提供科学依据。  相似文献   
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