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偏远地区大气中持久性有机污染物研究进展 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
持久性有机污染物(POPs)在偏远地区大气中的分布与迁移已经成为大气POPs研究的热点.基于被动采样技术的大尺度POPs监测网络已经应用于偏远地区大气POPs的研究之中.其研究成果显示,最近50~60年以来,大气中POPs浓度的最大峰值出现在80年代左右,而80年代之后大气中POPs的浓度日趋减小.这说明各国陆续禁用POPs之后,大气中POPs的浓度有显著降低的趋势.受温度和季节性使用的影响,大气POPs的浓度呈现明显的季节性变化特点:有机氯农药的浓度主要表现为夏季高而冬季低;多环芳烃的浓度则主要表现为冬季高而夏季低.基于POPs高挥发性和长距离大气传输的特点,POPs可以在全球范围内广泛分布,而高海拔地区由于气温较低,使其相对于低海拔地区成为了POPs的"接收器".大气POPs分布和迁移受温度、降水、气候事件的影响.而且POPs在大气与不同下垫面之间的界面交换的方向、速度和通量也主要受环境温度和POPs的挥发能力的制约.综合大气POPs迁移与气候因素、界面特点之间的关系建立了多介质、大尺度的大气POPs归趋模型.模型的建立和POPs来源的明确使大气POPs传输机制的研究逐渐深入.此外还讨论了目前大气POPs研究中存在着的一些亟待解决的问题,并提出该领域未来可能的发展趋势. 相似文献
Anaerobic tapered fluidized bed reactor for starch wastewater treatment and
modeling using multilayer perceptron neural network 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Anaerobic treatability of synthetic sago wastewater was investigated in a laboratory anaerobic tapered fluidized bed reactor(ATFBR) with a mesoporous granular activated carbon(GAC)as a support material.The experimental protocol was defined to examine the effect of the maximum organic loading rate(OLR),hydraulic retention time(HRT),the efficiency of the reactor and to report on its steady- state performance.The reactor was subjected to a steady-state operation over a range of OLR up to 85.44 kg COD/(m~3.d).The COD removal efficiency was found to be 92% in the reactor while the biogas produced in the digester reached 25.38 m~3/(m~3·d) of the reactor. With the increase of OLR from 83.7 kg COD/(m~3.d),the COD removal efficiency decreased.Also an artificial neural network(ANN) model using multilayer perceptron(MLP)has been developed for a system of two input variable and five output dependent variables. For the training of the input-output data,the experimental values obtained have been used.The output parameters predicted have been found to be much closer to the corresponding experimental ones and the model was validated for 30% of the untrained data.The mean square error(MSE)was found to be only 0.0146. 相似文献
珠江三角洲4种代表性土壤/沉积物中自由态与结合态有机氯农药的含量与分布特征 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
有机氯农药在土壤/沉积物中主要以自由态和结合态存在.本研究选取珠江三角洲地区4种代表不同沉积环境的典型土壤/沉积物样品,先采用碱萃取、盐酸/氢氟酸去矿物等方法对样品进行了组分分离,再采用有机溶剂萃取法对不同组分中自由态和结合态有机氯农药进行了系统分析.结果显示,4种土壤/沉积物总有机氯农药含量为20.96~134.22 μg·kg-1,其中HCHs总含量为5.66~22.87 μg·kg-1,DDTs总含量为1.51~11.70 μg·kg-1,β-HCH、七氯、艾氏剂、异狄氏剂、硫丹硫酸盐和甲氧滴滴涕等6种农药为主要成分,占总有机氯农药的53.56%~77.26%.自由态有机氯农药含量为8.46~88.45 μg·kg-1,占总有机氯农药的40.37%~65.90%.结合态有机氯农药含量为11.46~45.77 μg·kg-1,占总有机氯农药的34.10%~59.63%,主要存在于土壤/沉积物的腐殖酸和胡敏素组分,反映了环境中结合态有机氯农药的大量存在.自由态DDT和HCH类有机氯农药的分布情况表明,4种样品均没有新鲜HCH类农药输入而部分样品仍有新鲜DDT类农药输入.结合态有机氯农药在腐殖酸和胡敏素间的分布与有机质碳含量相关,占总有机碳57.71%~80.55%的胡敏素结合了94.78%~97.48%的结合态有机氯农药.风险评价结果表明,部分游离态有机氯农药如γ-HCH、艾氏剂、异狄氏剂、DDT类农药可能存在一定的生态风险.由于单个化合物的总量要比自由态高出约1~30倍,同时结合态农药在一定条件下有释放到环境的可能,因此有机氯农药的环境风险评价和环境标准建立均需考虑结合态有机氯农药. 相似文献
利用根际土壤溶液的原位抽提和微量样品分析技术,比较了喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和香蒲(Typhalatifolia)2种水生植物根际土壤溶液磷素含量的时空变异和根系分泌有机酸种类及数量的差异,从植物吸收磷素、根系分泌有机酸和根际土壤pH值变化等角度探讨了植物磷素高效净化的根际调控机制.结果表明,2种水生植物的根际溶液磷素含量均明显低于非根际溶液;喜旱莲子草的根际溶液磷酸根离子质量浓度(2.53 mg.L-1)显著低于香蒲的根际溶液(5.43mg.L-1)(p<0.05),且喜旱莲子草根系对土壤溶液磷酸根的影响范围大于香蒲.与香蒲相比,喜旱莲子草分泌了较多的苹果酸(浓度27.33μmol.L-1),在活化土壤磷素、促进根系对磷素的吸收方面起了更大的作用.喜旱莲子草吸收磷素的根际效应强于香蒲. 相似文献
Liangliang Wei Kun Wang Qingliang Zhao Junqiu Jiang Chunmei Xie Wei Qiu 《环境科学学报(英文版)》2010,22(5):641-647
In order to characterize the organic properties of waste activated sludge in a wastewater treatment plant,organic matter within sludge was extracted with NH 3 ·H 2 O preferentially,and subsequently fractionated into five fractions using XAD-8/XAD-4 resins.Up to a 63.8%-71.1% of organic matter within the sludge could be efficiently extracted by NH 3 ·H 2 O.Fractionation results showed that hydrophobic acid and hydrophilic fraction were two main components among the sludge organic matter (accounting for 32.2% and 48.0% of the bulk organic matter,respectively),whereas transphilic acid,hydrophobic neutral and transphilic neutral were quite low (accounting for 9.2%,5.8% and 4.8%,respectively).Despite that the extractant of NH 3 ·H 2 O showed a relatively higher extraction efficiency of the aromatic components,the relatively low aromaticity of the organic fractions implied that those non-aromatic components could also be effectively extracted,especially for neutral and hydrophilic fractions.In addition,acidic fractions contained more aromatic humic-like components,whereas the neutral fractions had a greater content of aromatic proteins and soluble microbial byproduct-like components.Extraction of sludge organics with NH 3 ·H 2 O and subsequential fractionation using XAD resins could be a novel method for further characterization of sludge organics. 相似文献
黄河口及邻近海域溶解态无机磷、有机磷、总磷的分布研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
于2003年8月下旬对黄河口及邻近海域进行了十船连续同步27h采样调查,分析了调查区域的溶解态无机磷、有机磷、总磷的平面分布、断面分布、时间分布特征.结果表明,在调查区域内,溶解态无机磷浓度很低,而溶解态有机磷浓度较高(占溶解态总磷的85%以上),是溶解态总磷的主要组成部分.各形态磷的平面分布、断面分布均呈现出由河口向邻近海域降低的趋势,溶解态总磷、溶解态有机磷梯度变化较溶解态无机磷更为明显;潮汐对河口浅水区的各形态磷浓度影响较大,对邻近调查海域的影响不明显. 相似文献
Tropospheric ozone is a secondary air pollutant produced in the presence of nitrogen oxides (NO_x),volatile organic compounds (VOCs),and solar radiation.In an urban environment,ground-level vehicular exhaust is the major anthropogenic source of ozone precursors.In the cases of street canyons,pollutant dilution is weakened by the surrounding buildings that creates localized high concentration of NO_x and VOCs,and thus leads to high potential of ozone formation.By considering the major physical and chemica... 相似文献
官厅水库和永定河沉积物中多氯联苯和有机氯农药的污染 总被引:56,自引:2,他引:54
利用气相色谱-电子捕获检测(GC-ECD)方法对官厅水库-永定河流域沉积物中26种多氯联苯(PCBs)同系物和13种有机氯农药进行了分析测定,在4个采样点均检出多氯联苯和部分有机氯农药.其中PCBs和有机氯农药总量的最高点均出现在永定河下游的三家店,分别为9.7ng*g-1和26.7ng*g-1,按照国际关于沉积物质量的同类研究结果,判定为轻度污染水平.HCH最高仅为4.50ng*g-1,属轻度污染,DDT浓度以八号桥和三家店样点最高,分别为23.2ng*g-1和26.7ng*g-1,属中度污染.有机氯农药总量分布为三家店>八号桥>官厅大坝>雁翅,表明永定河下游多氯联苯和有机氯农药不仅来自官厅上游,也来自下游地区. 相似文献