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李吉刚 《环境技术》2006,24(6):31-32
我国正在建设的青藏铁路是世界上海拔最高、线路最长的高原铁路.其气候特点对橡胶制品提出了新的技术要求,为适应在该气候条件下的运用需要,进行了针对空气弹簧胶囊用橡胶的耐紫外线老化试验研究工作,试验表明随着紫外线老化时间的增加,其硬度和300%定伸强度均提高,但拉伸强度和扯断伸长率随着紫外线老化时间的增加而降低;通过与胶料的耐臭氧试验和大气老化试验比较,基本可以认为引起空气弹簧胶囊表面龟裂的主要原因是受力状况、臭氧和大气老化的作用,而紫外线对橡胶的表面龟裂影响作用不大,因此,为提高空气弹簧胶囊的耐老化性能,主要考虑降低橡胶的受力,提高耐臭氧和耐大气老化性能.  相似文献   
IntroductionAt present, several types of organic pollutantsreferred to as environmental endocrine disruptors(ED) have been suggested to be associated withabnormal sexual development (Hu, 2000). It wasreported that the ED led to the decline of reproductive…  相似文献   
采用臭氧法水处理系统对地上游泳池的循环水进行灭菌消毒,研究了臭氧用量、循环水流量和运行时间等因素对臭氧法灭菌效果的影响。结果表明,3组PEM臭氧发生器应用于21.2 m3的地上游泳池,在4 m3/h的循环水流量下运行12 h后,水中的细菌总数与大肠杆菌群数达到国家标准,去除率均在99%以上。与盐电解法水处理系统相比较,臭氧法水处理系统的优势在于:杀菌快速高效、出水水质的理化指标较好和运行费用低廉。  相似文献   
Seven species from two contrasting wetlands, an upland bog and a lowland rich fen in North Wales, UK, were exposed to elevated ozone (150 ppb for 5 days and 20 ppb for 2 days per week) or low ozone (20 ppb) for four weeks in solardomes. The rich fen species were: Molinia caerulea, Juncus subnodulosus, Potentilla erecta and Hydrocotyle vulgaris and the bog species were: Carex echinata, Potentilla erecta and Festuca rubra. Senescence significantly increased under elevated ozone in all seven species but only Molinia caerulea showed a reduction in biomass under elevated ozone. Decomposition rates of plants exposed to elevated ozone, as measured by carbon dioxide efflux from dried plant material inoculated with peat slurry, increased for Potentilla erecta with higher hydrolytic enzyme activities. In contrast, a decrease in enzyme activities and a non-significant decrease in carbon dioxide efflux occurred in the grasses, sedge and rush species.  相似文献   
Malondialdehyde (MDA), a product of lipid peroxidation and biomarker of oxidative stress, is measured over the long term in spruce Picea abies needles under real conditions in three Czech mountain border areas. The trends presented collate the MDA content in spruce needles with ambient ozone, temperature and precipitation as casual, and defoliation as a subsequent factor for the period 1994-2006. We have found the overall decreasing trends in MDA and defoliation. The highest MDA and defoliation are recorded in the Jizerske, the lowest in the Krusne hory Mts. Out of the examined variables the MDA is predicted best by mean temperature in vegetation season, median of O3 concentrations and AOT40; these three variables account for 34% of MDA1 and 36% of MDA2 variability. Our hypothesis that higher ambient O3 exposure results in higher MDA contents in P. abies needles under real conditions has not been approved.  相似文献   
Probabilistic material flow analysis and graph theory were combined to calculate predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in Swiss rivers: 543 river sections were used to assess the geographical variability of nano-TiO2, nano-ZnO and nano-Ag, and flow measurements over a 20-year period at 21 locations served to evaluate temporal variation. A conservative scenario assuming no ENM removal and an optimistic scenario covering complete ENM transformation/deposition were considered. ENM concentrations varied by a factor 5 due to uncertain ENM emissions (15%-85% quantiles of ENM emissions) and up to a factor of 10 due to temporal river flow variations (15%-85% quantiles of flow). The results indicate highly variable local PECs and a location- and time-dependent risk evaluation. Nano-TiO2 median PECs ranged from 11 to 1′623 ng L−1 (conservative scenario) and from 2 to 1′618 ng L−1 (optimistic scenario). The equivalent values for nano-ZnO and nano-Ag were by factors of 14 and 240 smaller.  相似文献   
New data are reported on the concentrations, isotopic composition and speciation of americium, plutonium and uranium in surface and ground waters in the Sarzhal region of the Semipalatinsk Test Site, and an adjacent area including the settlement of Sarzhal. The data relate to filtered water and suspended particulate from (a) streams originating in the Degelen Mountains, (b) the Tel′kem 1 and Tel′kem 2 atomic craters, and (c) wells on farms located within the study area and at Sarzhal. The measurements show that 241Am, 239,240Pu and 238U concentrations in well waters within the study area are in the range 0.04–87 mBq dm−3, 0.7–99 mBq dm−3, and 74–213 mBq dm−3, respectively, and for 241Am and 239,240Pu are elevated above the levels expected solely on the basis of global fallout. Concentrations in streams sourced in the Degelen Mountains are similar, while concentrations in the two water-filled atomic craters are somewhat higher. Suspended particulate concentrations in well waters vary considerably, though median values are very low, at 0.01 mBq dm−3, 0.08 mBq dm−3 and 0.32 mBq dm−3 for 241Am, 239,240Pu and 238U, respectively. The 235U/238U isotopic ratio in almost all well and stream waters is slightly elevated above the ‘best estimate’ value for natural uranium worldwide, suggesting that some of the uranium in these waters is of test-site provenance. Redox analysis shows that on average most of the plutonium present in the microfiltered fraction of these waters is in a chemically reduced form (mean 69%; 95% confidence interval 53–85%). In the case of the atomic craters, the proportion is even higher. As expected, all of the americium present appears to be in a reduced form. Calculations suggest that annual committed effective doses to individual adults arising from the daily ingestion of these well waters are in the range 11–42 μSv (mean 21 μSv). Presently, the ground water feeding these wells would not appear to be contaminated with radioactivity from past underground testing in the Degelen Mountains or from the Tel′kem explosions.  相似文献   
根据污染源头控制和废水回用的要求,对典型棉针织染整厂的不同生产过程废水排水水质特征进行了统计分析,提出了较实用的废水源头清浊分流方案。在此基础上重点研究了混凝-臭氧组合工艺对清废水处理效果,确定了最优的工艺条件。结果表明,清废水主要为洗水,占废水总量的25%~30%;混凝-臭氧组合工艺的最优工艺条件为:pH为6~9,PAC投加量为48 mg/L,PAM投加量为1.0 mg/L,臭氧接触时间为12 min(臭氧浓度为14.5 mg/L),这时,清废水COD、色度去除率分别为71%和98%,实践证明,出水水质完全能够满足染整生产。  相似文献   
臭氧-BAF组合工艺对石化行业废水深度处理的中试研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用臭氧-曝气生物滤池(BAF)组合工艺对中石化九江分公司二级生化出水进行深度处理中试实验。探讨了臭氧投加量、进水水质冲击负荷等因素对该组合工艺出水COD、NH4+-N的影响。中试结果表明,在该水质条件下,臭氧最佳投加量为20~25 mg/L;组合工艺处理后出水COD低于40 mg/L,NH4+-N低于5 mg/L,达到中水回用设计标准;该组合工艺能够经受一定冲击负荷。  相似文献   
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