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水田施用硝态氮肥,长期以来被人们视为禁区.我们于1990—1991年在中国农业科学院红壤实验站的田间试验结果表明:和铵态氮肥(氯化铵)相比,水田施用硝态氮能够提高土壤pH及速效磷和有效钾的含量,有利于晚稻收获后冬季绿肥作物的生长。但在水稻生长期间,钾和氮的流失较多,易于污染生态环境,也不利于土壤肥力的进一步提高.  相似文献   
暗管排渍改良低产稻田的试验结果表明,暗管排水显著降低地下水埋探,提高了土壤通透性,减少了土壤中的有毒物质,改善了水稻生长的土壤环境。在宾阳试区和环江试区采用不同水稻品种试验结果表明。与改良前的1989年相比,分别增产53.8%和36.5和36.5%;比同年农艺措施相同的明沟排水田分别增产11.15%和19.93%。  相似文献   
The agricultural non-point source pollution by nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loss from typical paddy soil (whitish soil, Bai Tu in Chinese) in the Taihu Lake region was investigated through a case study. Results shown that the net load of nutrients from white soil is 34.1 kg ha–1 for total nitrogen (TN), distributed as 19.4 kg ha–1, in the rice season and 14.7 kg ha–1in the wheat season, and for total phosphorus (TP) 1.75 kg ha–1, distributed as 1.16 kg ha–1 in the rice season and 0.58 kg ha–1 in the wheat season. The major chemical species of N loss is different in the two seasons. NH4-N is main the form in the rice season (53% of TN). NO3-N is the main form in wheat season (46% of TN). Particle-P is the main form in both seasons, (about 56% of TP). The nutrient loss varied with time of the year. The main loss of nutrients happened in the 10 days after planting, 64% of TN and 42% of TP loss, respectively. Rainfall and fertilizer application are the key factors which influence nitrogen and phosphorus loss from arable land, especially rainfall events shortly after fertilizer application. So it is very important to improve the field management of the nutrients and water during the early days of planting.  相似文献   
不同养分和水分管理模式对土壤生态环境影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
室内盆栽培养下 ,通过对土壤pH、Eh、有机质、Fe形态、容重和结构等主要理化性质指标的测定和分析 ,比较和研究了不同养分和水分管理模式对土壤生态环境的影响。结果表明 ,在连续淹水下 ,施用有机肥料 ,特别是厩肥 ,降低了土壤Eh ,加剧了土壤的还原状态 ,同时也使土壤无定型态铁氧化物含量上升 ,对改善土壤物理环境效果也明显削弱 ;在干湿交替下 ,有机无机肥料配施不但可提高土壤有机质 ,而且可明显改善土壤氧化还原状况和物理特性  相似文献   
The saline water intruded zone in paddy fields near the seashore can be diagnosed accurately by joint exploration with geophysical and geochemical methods. Using the electromagnetic (EM) sounding technique, the weakly consolidated zone which introduces saline water into such an area of near seashore paddy fields in Korea was detected from the variation of electrical conductivity distribution following field irrigation. Vertical electrical sounding (VES) with Schlumberger array and chemical analysis of top soils, and groundwater in the study area verified the intruded zone near the surface. The VES results showed that the intrusion of seawater occurred in the form of a channel down to 30 m below sea level. Geochemical analysis of the top soil samples for the six major elements found in seawater indicated that the region showing high concentrations is concordant with the weakly consolidated zone near the surface. The degree of contamination in the study area was investigated by comparing the soil data with those from a nearby old reclamation field. If remediation work is not done for this intrusion zone, the sodicity degree in the paddy soil is expected to increase compared with the reference site data.  相似文献   
观察了不同水稻品种对绿磺隆的敏感性,发现“9325”、“9-92”、“9380”等3品种对绿黄隆高度敏感。采用添加法试验,证实绿磺隆残留对水稻株高、分蘖、干物质积累、产量影响明显,残留致使“9-92”水稻减产2.32%~23.58%。建议在镇江市沿江、孟河平原和丘陵非重草害田块,应停止使用绿磺隆或通过复配方式,降低绿磺隆用量。  相似文献   
锶同位素在沉积学中的应用新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着分析测试技术的不断提高 ,锶同位素研究取得了重大进展。近年来 ,显生宙以来海水锶同位素的变化曲线不断得以补充和修正 ,已建立起具有全球一致性、可对比的海水锶同位素变化曲线背景值 ,为锶同位素的应用奠定了基础。现在 ,锶同位素不仅在示踪岩浆及成矿热液的来源和演化、计算晚期成岩改造作用的规模和程度及流体 /岩石比等方面已趋于成熟 ,并且越来越广泛运用于海平面变化、板块活动、海底扩张、成岩演化等方面的研究。此外 ,在一些热点研究上 ,如全球变化、生态环境等方面 ,也逐渐显现出重要性  相似文献   
酸性水稻土有效硒提取剂的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采集12种肥力水平和含硒量差异较大的酸性土壤,连续两季(次)用盆栽方法种植水稻,测定植株含硒量(mgkg-1)、硒累积量(mg /盆)以及7种提取剂浸提的土壤硒量,检验两者间的相关程度。结果表明,0.1 molL-1 KH2PO4浸提土壤硒的操作简便,提取量较多,与植株含硒量间有极显著的相关性,适合作稻田土壤有效硒的提取剂;0.2 molL-1 K2SO4对土壤硒的浸提量低,与植株含硒量间的相关性不显著,不适宜作水稻土有效硒的提取剂。  相似文献   
镉(Cd)、砷(As)是稻田土壤的主要重(类)金属污染物,稻田土壤Cd、As的释放与其氧化还原电位(Eh)密切相关,但Eh耦合的稻田土壤砷、镉释放机制仍不清楚.本实验利用高精度土壤微反应器模拟Eh梯度变化过程(-250、-50、170 mV),研究其耦合的土壤Cd、As及相关元素(Fe、Al、Ca、S、P、DOC)的释放特征,并结合同步辐射微区X射线荧光光谱技术(μ-XRF)探讨了不同Eh(-250、-50、170 mV)条件下稻田土壤As释放机制.结果表明:随着供试体系Eh从-250 mV升高至170 mV,土水混合液中DOC和pH值逐步下降,但Cd、As及相关Al、S、P、Fe元素浓度则同时升高.其中,Cd与S、Al增长均呈先缓后快特征,而As与P、Fe增长则呈先快后缓趋势,说明在Eh升高过程中Cd与S,以及As与Fe间密切相关.同步辐射μ-XRF分析发现,在低Eh条件下,土壤颗粒上As、Fe和S的高含量点信号重合,As-S及As-Fe的可决系数分别在Eh为-250 mV和170 mV条件下最高,说明在低Eh条件下As很可能主要受硫化铁控制,但在高Eh条件下则受铁氧化物影响.综上可知,低Eh条件下,As、Cd主要受到硫化铁的控制.随着Eh的升高,土壤Cd的活性逐渐升高,As的活性则受到铁氧化物控制.本研究结果可为理解土壤Cd、As共同释放机制及调控土壤Cd、As活性提供重要理论依据.  相似文献   
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