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偏远地区大气中持久性有机污染物研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
王小萍  龚平  姚檀栋 《环境科学》2008,29(2):273-282
持久性有机污染物(POPs)在偏远地区大气中的分布与迁移已经成为大气POPs研究的热点.基于被动采样技术的大尺度POPs监测网络已经应用于偏远地区大气POPs的研究之中.其研究成果显示,最近50~60年以来,大气中POPs浓度的最大峰值出现在80年代左右,而80年代之后大气中POPs的浓度日趋减小.这说明各国陆续禁用POPs之后,大气中POPs的浓度有显著降低的趋势.受温度和季节性使用的影响,大气POPs的浓度呈现明显的季节性变化特点:有机氯农药的浓度主要表现为夏季高而冬季低;多环芳烃的浓度则主要表现为冬季高而夏季低.基于POPs高挥发性和长距离大气传输的特点,POPs可以在全球范围内广泛分布,而高海拔地区由于气温较低,使其相对于低海拔地区成为了POPs的"接收器".大气POPs分布和迁移受温度、降水、气候事件的影响.而且POPs在大气与不同下垫面之间的界面交换的方向、速度和通量也主要受环境温度和POPs的挥发能力的制约.综合大气POPs迁移与气候因素、界面特点之间的关系建立了多介质、大尺度的大气POPs归趋模型.模型的建立和POPs来源的明确使大气POPs传输机制的研究逐渐深入.此外还讨论了目前大气POPs研究中存在着的一些亟待解决的问题,并提出该领域未来可能的发展趋势.  相似文献   
Glyphosate has become the most commonly used herbicide worldwide and is reputedly environmentally benign, nontoxic, and safe for use near wildlife and humans. However, studies indicate its toxicity is underestimated and its persistence in the environment is greater than once thought. Its actions as a neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor indicate its potential to act in similar ways to persistent organic pollutants such as the organochlorines dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and dioxin. Exposure to glyphosate and glyphosate‐based herbicides for both wildlife and people is likely to be chronic and at sublethal levels, with multiple and ongoing exposure events occurring in urban and agricultural landscapes. Despite this, there has been little research on the impact of glyphosate on wildlife populations, and existing studies appear in the agricultural, toxicology, and water‐chemistry literature that may have limited visibility among wildlife biologists. These studies clearly demonstrate a link between chronic exposure and neurotoxicity, endocrine disruption, cell damage, and immune suppression. There is a strong case for the recognition of glyphosate as an emerging organic contaminant and substantial potential exists for collaborative research among ecologists, toxicologists, and chemists to quantify the impact of glyphosate on wildlife and to evaluate the role of biosentinel species in a preemptive move to mitigate downstream impacts on people. There is scope to develop a decision framework to aid the choice of species to biomonitor and analysis methods based on the target contaminant, spatial and temporal extent of contamination, and perceived risk. Birds in particular offer considerable potential in this role because they span agricultural and urban environments, coastal, inland, and wetland ecosystems where glyphosate residues are known to be present.  相似文献   
典型持久性有机污染物在翅碱蓬中的分布特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
碱蓬是潮间带的常见优势种群,为了解其在持久性有机污染物从陆域向海洋迁移中所起的作用,利用GC-MS研究了东营和营口潮间带盐沼植物翅碱蓬不同器官及根系土中有机氯农药(OCPs)、多环芳烃(PAHs)、十溴联苯醚(BDE209)和多氯联苯(PCBs)的含量和分布特征.结果表明,4类持久性有机污染物在翅碱蓬中的污染水平依次为ΣPAHsΣOCPsBDE209ΣPCBs(96~1506ng/g、14~577ng/g、1.8~33ng/g和399~2161pg/g).营口潮间带沉积物中OCPs、PAHs和PCBs的污染水平高于东营,但这3类污染物在两地潮间带翅碱蓬叶子中的含量水平相当.OCPs在两地翅碱蓬各器官中的分布相同,即茎根叶,PAHs和PCBs2种污染物受根系土中有机质含量的影响,在翅碱蓬器官中呈现不同的分布.BDE209在东营潮间带的污染水平(19.7ng/g)高于营口(2.36ng/g),在碱蓬器官中呈现不同分布.  相似文献   
针对目前电子废弃物中持久性有机污染物(POPs)尚未形成有效快速分析检测方法的问题,介绍了溶剂萃取、固相萃取、微波萃取和超临界流体萃取等POPs前处理技术的研究进展,总结了POPs的分析方法,如:气相色谱、液相色谱、气相色谱-质谱法、高分辨率气相色谱-高分辨质谱法等化学分析方法,以及生物传感器测定法、表面胞质团共振检测法、酶联免疫检测法等生物分析方法。分析了各方法的优劣,并提出了展望。  相似文献   
张绪超  陈懿  胡蝶  赵力  王琳  吴敏 《中国环境科学》2019,39(6):2644-2651
为了评价生物炭的使用对生态系统,尤其是对土壤无脊椎动物的毒性影响,使用模式生物秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans,C.elegans)来评估生物炭的环境风险.观察了生物炭原样、生物炭颗粒物和生物炭浸提液对线虫神经行为学评价指标(身体摆动频率、相对运动长度、排泄间隔时间、碰触反应率和化学感知行为指数)的影响;并结合生物炭的理化性质、非金属元素组成和重金属元素含量以及环境持久性自由基(EPFRs)的强度,评估生物炭对线虫的生物毒性.结果显示,EPFRs信号强的生物炭和颗粒物对秀丽隐杆线虫有一定的毒物兴奋效应,EPFRs信号微弱的浸提液无显著性影响.因此,生物炭中的EPFRs对秀丽隐杆线虫有潜在的神经毒性作用.  相似文献   
武汉月湖和莲花湖表层沉积物中持久性有机物的污染状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用气-质联用技术分析了武汉汉阳月湖和莲花湖的4个表层沉积物样品中的有机污染物,探讨了两湖沉积物受持久性有机物污染的程度。月湖中共检测出124种有机物,其中属环境优先控制污染物和美国EPA筛选的内分泌干扰物19种;莲花湖中共检测出186种有机物,环境优先控制污染物和美国EPA筛选的内分泌干扰物34种。主要污染物包括:酞酸酯、酯类、酚类、杂环和苯及其衍生物等。污染物浓度顺序为L1>L2>Y2>Y1,莲花湖中有机物浓度明显高于月湖。两湖邻苯二甲酸酯的含量最高,占了污染物总量的96%~98%,邻苯二甲酸乙基己基酯(平均值 17 59903 ng/g 干重)和邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(平均值 2 515.76 ng/g 干重)是两湖沉积物中的主要酞酸酯类污染物。  相似文献   
Weed control by herbicides has helped us to create the green revolution and to provide food for at least the majority of human beings living today. However, some herbicides remain in the environment and pose an ecological problem. The present review describes the properties and fate of four representative herbicides known to be presistent in ecosystems. Metabolic networks are depicted and it is concluded that removal of these compounds by the ecologically friendly technique of phytoremediation is possible. The largest problem is seen in the uptake of the compounds into suitable plants and the time needed for such an approach.  相似文献   
Franke R  Franke C 《Chemosphere》1999,39(15):219-2659
A laboratory scale flow-through model reactor for the degradation of persistent chemicals using titanium dioxide (TiO2) as photocatalyst immobilized on glass beads is presented. In the test system with a volume of 18 L contaminated water is pumped to the upper part of the floating reactor and flows over the coated beads which are exposed to UV-radiation. The degradation of two dyes of different persistance was investigated. Primary degradation of methylene blue did not fit a first order kinetic due to coincident adsorption onto the photocatalyst and direct photolysis, resulting in a half-life of 6 h. A filtrate of a green algae suspension accelerated the colour removal. In contrast, reactive red 2 was degraded only by photocatalysis; neither adsorption nor direct photolysis led to a colour removal. The course of primary degradation followed a first order kinetic with a half-life of 18 h and a rate constant of 0.04 h−1. Analysis of the degradation products indicated mineralization by detection of NO2 and NO3, accompanied by a decrease of pH and an increase of conductivity. A successful adaptation of the model reactor (scale 1:10) to dimensions required for surface waters and waste water treatment plants would be a costefficient and environmentally sustainable application of photocatalysis for the treatment of industrially polluted water and could be of relevance for third world contries, particularly those favoured by high solar radiation.  相似文献   
用丙酮作溶剂将三油酸甘油酯分散到醋酸纤维(CA)基体中,采用悬浮聚合的方法制备出了一种兼具亲水性,又能高倍富集持久性有机污染物的球形复合吸附剂。通过对分散剂的种类及其用量、悬浮介质的种类及其用量的研究,获得了球形复合吸附剂的最佳合成路线与工艺.球形吸附剂粒径为1~2mm。通过荧光分析和电镜扫描分析,表明三油酸甘油酯已被包埋到醋酸纤维基体中,并得到了均匀分散。采用七氯、狄氏剂、异狄氏剂、灭蚁灵为代表性的持久性有机污染物(POPs)。动力学吸附实验表明,当初始浓度为1μg/L时,在快速吸附阶段,溶液中80%的氯、狄氏剂、异狄氏剂可得到有效去除,但并没有达到吸附平衡。快速吸附完后,还在持续地进行慢速吸附。而对于灭蚁灵,吸附速度远远低于其他几种POPs。实验证明了吸附速度不仅与辛醇/水系数有关,而且还与有机污染物的分子结构有关。  相似文献   
胰岛素抵抗综合症目前在全世界以惊人的速度增长,成为21世纪公共健康的严重挑战。多例流行病学调查结果已经显示持久性有机污染物与胰岛素抵抗的关联。胰岛素信号传递受损是胰岛素抵抗的本质原因。考察机制发现,可在机体脂肪组织中贮存积累的持久性有机污染物,如二噁英、多氯联苯、溴代阻燃剂、有机氯农药等,可干扰细胞内受体如环芳烃受体、过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体、导致氧化损伤、线粒体功能障碍并通过慢性炎症介质TNFα的释放及其相关信号调控;进而可能阻扰胰岛素信号传递中关键蛋白InsR或IRS-1/2正常磷酸化,导致胰岛素抵抗。  相似文献   
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