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探讨无回流间歇曝气系统 (简称 NBIAS) ,处理城市污水的污泥龄 ( SRT)对脱氮除磷及有机物去除效果的影响。通过原污水流程试验和人工合成污水静态模拟实验 ,试验结果表明 :在水温为 2 0℃~ 30℃ ,污泥负荷为 0 .2 5~0 .45kg CODcr/ kg MLSS· d,SRT为 1 8~ 2 2 d,HRT为 8~ 1 0 h时 ,利用原污水作为碳源 ,NBIAS在保持较高的 CODcr去除率的同时 ,总氮和总磷的去除率均在 80 %以上。 相似文献
Melanie D. Harrison Andrew J. Miller Peter M. Groffman Paul M. Mayer Sujay S. Kaushal 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2014,50(6):1365-1382
Although wetlands are known to be sinks for nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), their function in urban watersheds remains unclear. We analyzed water and nitrate (NO3?) and phosphate (PO43?) dynamics during precipitation events in two oxbow wetlands that were created during geomorphic stream restoration in Baltimore County, Maryland that varied in the nature and extent of connectivity to the adjacent stream. Oxbow 1 (Ox1) received 1.6‐4.2% and Oxbow 2 (Ox2) received 4.2‐7.4% of cumulative streamflow during storm events from subsurface seepage (Ox1) and surface flow (Ox2). The retention time of incoming stormwater ranged from 0.2 to 6.7 days in Ox1 and 1.8 to 4.3 days in Ox2. Retention rates in the wetlands ranged from 0.25 to 2.74 g N/m2/day in Ox1 and 0.29 to 1.94 g N/m2/day in Ox2. Percent retention of the NO3?‐N load that entered the wetlands during the storm events ranged from 64 to 87% and 23 to 26%, in Ox1 and Ox2, respectively. During all four storm events, Ox1 and Ox2 were a small net source of dissolved PO43? to the adjacent stream (i.e., more P exited than entered the wetland), releasing P at a rate of 0.23‐20.83 mg P/m2/day and 3.43‐24.84 mg P/m2/day, respectively. N and P removal efficiency of the oxbows were regulated by hydrologic connectivity, hydraulic loading, and retention time. Incidental oxbow wetlands have potential to receive urban stream and storm flow and to be significant N sinks, but they may be sources of P in urban watersheds. 相似文献
铜绿微囊藻、斜生栅藻生长的磷营养动力学特征 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
在无磷培养基中添加不同质量浓度的磷,对经过磷饥饿的铜绿微囊藻Microcystisaeruginosa和斜生栅藻Scendesmusobliquus进行一次性培养,比较研究磷饥饿下两种藻对外源磷的生长反应,并应用Monod方程计算了两种藻的营养动力学参数(Umax、Ks)。结果表明,铜绿微囊藻现存量快速增加的磷质量浓度在0.020~0.200mg·L-1之间,比生长速率快速增长的磷质量浓度在0.00~0.200mg·L-1之间,斜生栅藻现存量快速增加的磷质量浓度在0.02~4.00mg·L-1之间,比生长速率快速增长的磷质量浓度在0.020~0.500mg·L-1之间。无论在现存量上还是在生长速率上,铜绿微囊藻适宜的磷质量浓度都比斜生栅藻的低。铜绿微囊藻的最大生长速率和半饱和常数分别为0.229/d、0.026mg·L-1;斜生栅藻的最大生长速率和半饱和常数分别为0.395/d、0.031mg·L-1。生长动力学参数表明:当磷缺乏的情况下,铜绿微囊藻容易形成优势,当磷丰富的情况下,斜生栅藻容易形成优势。 相似文献
几种植物对潜流型湖滨湿地中氮磷的处理效果比较 总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6
湖滨带是连接湖泊水域生态系统与陆地生态系统的一个功能过渡区,是湖泊的最后一道保护屏障。在河流的入湖口建造湖滨湿地,可有效净化入湖水中携带的部分有机污染物、营养盐等。湿地净化污染物的机理极为复杂,其中植被起着重要的作用。选择适当的植物是构建湿地系统的关键。以云南省抚仙湖北岸的湖滨湿地——马料河潜流型湿地为研究对象,探讨了美人蕉(Cannaindica),菖蒲(AcoruscalamusLinn),伞竹(Cyperusalternifolius),香蒲(Typhaelatifolia)四种不同植被系统的潜流型湖滨湿地去除污水中营养盐的效果,为抚仙湖湖滨带人工湿地的合理优化选择植物提供一定的依据。结果表明,四种植被系统的潜流湿地对总氮和总磷均有一定的去除效果。但是由于湿地长期运行而疏于管理,植物没有定期收割翻新,四种植物的氮磷去除率差别不太大,去除效果均不太佳。其中,美人蕉对总氮和总磷的去除效果较好,其去除率分别是30.4%,19.13%,其次为香蒲和伞竹,效果较差的是菖蒲。并且实验表明,暴雨对四种植物湿地氮的去除效果有很大的影响。连续几天的暴雨情况下,四种植物系统氮的去除率都很低。 相似文献
宁南黄土高原不同土地利用模式对土壤的影响研究 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5
宁南黄土高原采取退耕、还林、还草措施5年后,区域局部生态环境发生了较大变化。文章针对退耕后的典型土地利用方式,阐述了自然撂荒坡地、柠条(CaraganakorshinskiiKom.)灌木林地、坡耕地产生的土壤水热、养分效应,其结果对减少宁南黄土高原土壤养分流失、提高土地生产力和合理农业布局具有重要的意义。利用径流小区试验方法,研究结果表明:不同土地利用方式下土壤储水量的变化为单峰型,与雨量峰值相比,对应储水量略有滞后现象。土壤储水量整体表现为农耕地>自然荒坡>柠条林地。受植被类型影响,坡面土层温度为荒坡草地>柠条林地>农地。随坡度增加,自然荒坡土壤有机质有降低的趋势,相同坡度下(25°)自然荒坡土壤有机质平均为12.76g/kg,是农耕地、柠条林地的1.2倍和1.94倍。在3种土地利用方式下,全磷含量没有明显差异,坡耕地土壤速效磷、速效钾含量较高,柠条林地和自然荒坡速效磷、速效钾含量没有明显差异。不同土地利用方式下,Ca-P(钙结合态的磷酸盐)占无机磷总量的比例,达29.6%~59.07%,O-P(闭蓄态磷酸盐)最少,仅占4.73%~22.45%。土壤过氧化氢酶、与土壤全氮、有机质、碱解氮呈显著正相关。 相似文献
松嫩草甸不同退化程度生境土壤磷素动态研究 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对松嫩草甸不同退化程度生境的几种代表植物群落土壤磷素状况的研究表明,各群落相同土层的全磷含量没有显著的差异,说明土壤磷库具有较强的弹性,土壤退化落后于地上植物群落的退化.各群落土壤全磷的季节变化相似,均经历迅速累积,达到峰值后下降,之后又有一个缓慢积累的过程.羊草、寸草苔和碱茅群落全磷含量随土层的加深而减少,虎尾草群落土壤全磷聚集于10~20cm土层.随退化程度的加重,土壤速效磷含量增加,虎尾草群落土壤速效磷占全磷的比重最高(2.8%),表明退化生境植物群落对速效磷素的利用并不充分.各群落土壤微生物量磷含量均高于速效磷含量,其季节动态均为单峰曲线,峰值出现在8月.虎尾草群落土壤微生物量磷在10~20cm的土层最多,其他群落土壤微生物量磷在0~10cm土层的含量最多.灰色分析的结果表明,土壤速效磷的形成主要受到土壤养分,尤其是碳、氮养分的影响;而土壤温度、水分状况、酸碱状况和盐化程度等因素对土壤微生物量磷的影响较强.图2表3参26 相似文献
附生假单胞菌存在下不同光照时间对铜绿微囊藻生长与磷代谢的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过设置8/16、12/12、16/8不同光暗比,分析了附生细菌存在下不同光照时间对铜绿微囊藻(M icrocystis aeruginosa)生长及其与附生假单胞菌(Pseudom onassp.)磷代谢之间关系的影响。结果表明:光照时间越长,铜绿微囊藻生长越快,16 h光照下的比增长速率为8 h光照下的1.6倍。铜绿微囊藻的快速生长促进了附生细菌中磷的释放;藻细胞增殖越快,附生细菌释放的磷越多。铜绿微囊藻对数生长期末,8、12、16 h光照下附生细菌磷含量分别降至对数生长初期的87.8%、78.6%和64.9%。铜绿微囊藻对附生细菌磷释放的促进作用是由藻细胞生长对磷的消耗再吸收导致的。 相似文献
George N. Zaimes Richard C. Schultz Thomas M. Isenhart 《Journal of the American Water Resources Association》2008,44(4):935-947
Abstract: Phosphorus and sediment are major nonpoint source pollutants that degrade water quality. Streambank erosion can contribute a significant percentage of the phosphorus and sediment load in streams. Riparian land‐uses can heavily influence streambank erosion. The objective of this study was to compare streambank erosion along reaches of row‐cropped fields, continuous, rotational and intensive rotational grazed pastures, pastures where cattle were fenced out of the stream, grass filters and riparian forest buffers, in three physiographic regions of Iowa. Streambank erosion was measured by surveying the extent of severely eroding banks within each riparian land‐use reach and randomly establishing pin plots on subsets of those eroding banks. Based on these measurements, streambank erosion rate, erosion activity, maximum pin plot erosion rate, percentage of streambank length with severely eroding banks, and soil and phosphorus losses per unit length of stream reach were compared among the riparian land‐uses. Riparian forest buffers had the lowest streambank erosion rate (15‐46 mm/year) and contributed the least soil (5‐18 tonne/km/year) and phosphorus (2‐6 kg/km/year) to stream channels. Riparian forest buffers were followed by grass filters (erosion rates 41‐106 mm/year, soil losses 22‐47 tonne/km/year, phosphorus losses 9‐14 kg/km/year) and pastures where cattle were fenced out of the stream (erosion rates 22‐58 mm/year, soil losses 6‐61 tonne/km/year, phosphorus losses 3‐34 kg/km/year). The streambank erosion rates for the continuous, rotational, and intensive rotational pastures were 101‐171, 104‐122, and 94‐170 mm/year, respectively. The soil losses for the continuous, rotational, and intensive rotational pastures were 197‐264, 94‐266, and 124‐153 tonne/km/year, respectively, while the phosphorus losses were 71‐123, 37‐122, and 66 kg/km/year, respectively. The only significant differences for these pasture practices were found among the percentage of severely eroding bank lengths with intensive rotational grazed pastures having the least compared to the continuous and rotational grazed pastures. Row‐cropped fields had the highest streambank erosion rates (239 mm/year) and soil losses (304 tonne/km/year) and very high phosphorus losses (108 kg/km/year). 相似文献
碳氮磷比失调对污水生物脱氮除磷的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
我国南方城市污水普遍存在低碳相对高氮磷特征,本文介绍了同时生物脱氮除磷的机理、对碳源的需求与竞争,以及一些针对此类污水生物脱氮除磷的改进工艺及其在实际运用中的效果,并对此类污水的处理方向进行了展望。 相似文献