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海河下游塘沽段生态堤岸设计导则   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对海河下游塘沽段堤岸现状,提出该河段堤岸设计导则。该导则适用于从城市高密区到城乡结合区、滨河约15~80m宽度范围,便于城市规划人员在具体地块设计中选用并衍生发展。导则内容包括:(1)导引表;(2)9种堤岸和滨水道路断面推荐设计,根据近岸有无防洪缓冲带、近岸道路特征及护岸形式划分;(3)7种推荐护岸做法,如石笼沉排柔性缓坡护岸、连根树桩与截柳杆柔性缓坡护岸等。导则所推荐的亲水型生态堤岸,可兼顾防洪和河流水质改善作用,有效降低堤防高度,提高河滨人居质量。  相似文献   
采用自主研发的漂浮水槽,对两种常用于水体净化与修复的漂浮植物(凤眼莲和水浮莲)在水质净化效果和生长特征等进行了比较研究.结果表明,水浮莲对水体氮磷浓度有更高的要求,对水体中浮游藻类和叶绿素a去除率分别高达94.38%和95.06%,优于凤眼莲;凤眼莲对水体TN的去除率(82.08%)以及其叶片净光合速率(20.28~27.90μmol CO2/(m2·s))和叶绿素a含量(1.05~1.08mg/g鲜重)均显著高于水浮莲(分别为71.82%、8.64~16.50μmol CO2/(m2·s)和0.25~0.31mg/g鲜重)(P<0.05).与凤眼莲共存情况下,水浮莲有更强的扩繁能力,但后者在实际工程应用中更具逃逸风险.为使两种漂浮植物的优势得到充分发挥,我们提出了基于这两种水生植物水体净化的“三明治”模式,为今后选用水生植物进行水体净化与修复的工程实践提供借鉴.  相似文献   
水资源短缺严重制约着北京21世纪世界城市宏伟目标的实现.在引入基于自然与人然良性互动基础上的成水构造、蓄水构造与用水构造等跨学科概念之后,提出区域水生态“供需构造链条说”.进一步,本研究对半个世纪来北京水循环数据分析发现,水资源总量随降水量而变化,相对多年平均量均减,北京水资源生态系统呈弱化态势;2001~2012年用水总量超过水资源总量,水生态系统失衡.循上述发现,对北京区域水生态系统供需数据进行回归分析、揭示北京气候变化与人然活动水文关联效应,指出水循环动态失衡机理的行为贡献因子.最后,基于用水增长有行为上改进空间的思想,提出北京水循环动态失衡在短期运用行为矫正机制,采用总量管理和水市场调节合理用水,长期上运用水环境动态均衡修复原理,启动北京和周边地区的地下水位复升工程的政策建议.  相似文献   
为分析蠡湖沉水植物恢复的光补偿深度和透明度条件,根据2012年4月和2013年4月蠡湖水下PAR(光合有效辐射)强度、ρ(SS)、透明度等监测数据以及沉水植物相关资料,探讨了沉水植物光补偿深度的空间分布特征及其影响因素. 结果表明:水下PAR强度随水深呈指数递减,α(光衰减系数)在0.97~6.04 m-1之间变化;光补偿深度空间分布格局均表现为西蠡湖大于东蠡湖、沿岸大于湖心的趋势,并且与水体透明度呈显著正相关;狐尾藻、金鱼藻、菹草、黑藻、苦草的光补偿深度及水体真光层深度分别是透明度的1.83、1.92、2.05、2.12、2.57和3.04倍. 回归分析表明,光补偿深度主要受ρ(SS)影响,其次为ρ(Chla). 以沉水植物群落光补偿深度(水体真光层深度)与水深的比值作为划分沉水植物群落恢复区域的参考依据,将蠡湖水域初步划分为“适宜区”“过渡区”和“暂不适宜区”,其中“适宜区”占蠡湖水域面积的29%.   相似文献   
In order to explore the characteristics and species diversity of the vegetation growing in the provenance slope with high-frequency debris flow, we selected the slopes on the north and south sides of the valley in the Jiangjiagou watershed as the research object. The structural characteristics and quantitative compositions of the communities of vegetation growing on different positions of the slopes were investigated. The species composition, important value, species diversity, and ground and underground biomass of the different communities on the slope were statistically analyzed, and the correlations of the ground and underground biomass with the diversity were determined. The results showed that: of the total 49 species found, the herbs were the dominant flora, of which 33 were found on the northern slope and 23 were found on the southern slope. There were significant differences in the species composition and composition of the important values along the different positions on the slope, being mainly affected by the pioneer herbaceous plants. We found that Heteropogon contortus, Eulaliopsis binata, Arthraxon hispidus, and Sesbania cannabina were highly adaptable to debris flow. These four species are common to the area and can be used as the main configuration species for future ecological restoration. There were differences in the community characteristics and species diversity at different positions on the slope. For the southern slope of the valley, the Shannon-Wiener diversity index was in the order: stable zone (2.311) > instable zone (2.161) > deposit zone (2.036), and in the order: deposit zone (2.626) > stable zone (1.338) > instable zone (1.057) for the northern slope. There were significant differences in the biomass, being in the order: stable zone > instable zone > deposit zone, with higher values in the northern slope than in the southern slope. Based on the aforementioned results, we suggest that the restoration of vegetation in the area of the provenance slope having high-frequency debris flow should focus on the prevention and protection of the instable zone of the slope by natural processes of recovery. The deposit zone needs rational remediation measures. We should introduce local shrub and arbor to increase the species composition and promote the development of plant communities with vertical structures. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
Shrub invasion has a serious effect on the structure and function of grassland ecosystems and understanding vegetation dynamics is of great significance to control shrub invasion and recover shrub invaded grassland. In the Ordos Plateau, we selected representative communities in transition process from Stipa bungeana to Artemisia ordosica. By sampling, cutting, and root-drilling methods, plant coverage, density, biomass, litter, root, and species diversity of different communities were investigated and analyzed. The results showed the following: (1) the succession process had six vegetation types, S. bungeana communities, S. bungeana + Cleistogenes squarrosa communities, S. bungeana + Artemisia ordosica communities, A. ordosica + C. squarrosa communities, A. ordosica + Lespedeza davurica communities, and A. ordosica communities. (2) The community coverage decreased initially, and then increased. Whereas, the total density decreased initially, then increased, and then decreased. The aboveground, underground, and total biomasses, and the dry weight of litter showed an increasing trend. (3) The coverage, density, and biomass of S. bungeana decreased gradually, whereas A. ordosica showed an opposite trend. (4) With the increase in soil depth, the dry weight of root showed a decreasing trend. The roots were mainly distributed in the 0-30 cm soil layer. At VI stage, the root distribution of Artemisia community initially increased, and then decreased, and the root depth reached 80-90 cm. (5) The species richness, Simpson, Shannon-Winner, and Pielou evenness indexes initially increased, and then decreased. In summary, shrub encroachment is severe in the Ordos Plateau. Although the community coverage, biomass, and biodiversity during the moderate shrub encroachment stage were high, the shrub-invaded grassland should be restored to S. bungeana grassland due to the decreased grazing value of grassland after shrub invasion. Keywords. © 2018 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
甲醛(HCHO)是大气光化学重要污染物之一,为研究西南地区郊区大气夏季甲醛污染特征选取了四川省成都市新津区进行大气甲醛观测,结合NOx、O3、PAN、J-value、温湿度、风速风向、天气数据进行分析.观测期间成都市新津区夏季甲醛浓度为0.76×10-9~12.50×10-9V/V),均值为3.47×10-9±2.05×10-9V/V),呈现明显的日变化规律.结合数据分析可知,一次人为排放源在成都郊区夏季日间甲醛贡献中占比较低.观测期间甲醛受光照的影响较大,与O3、PAN、J-value普遍呈现一致的变化规律,因此成都市夏季日间甲醛主要来源为甲醛前体物的二次光化学反应.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Aluminum sulfate and sodium aluminate were utilized as sediment phosphorus inactivants to improve the water quality of a northeastern eutrophic lake. A four-year monitoring program has provided an extensive lake-database utilized to evaluate the short-and long-term effectiveness of sediment phosphorus inactivation as a lake restoration technique. An immediate impact of treatment was marked by a reduction in hypolimnetic BOD and dissolved oxygen deficit, lower chlorophyll-a and phosphorus concentrations, improved transparency, and the elimination of obnoxious blue-green phyto-plankton blooms. For two to three years after treatment, these pa-rameters continued to exhibit both less variability and improved values over the pre-treatment conditions. The improved water quality conditions warranted an upgrade of the lake trophic status from eutrophic to mesotrophic. Four years after the treatment, the mean hypolimnetic total phosphoru.s and chlorophyll-a have increased and transparency has decreased from initial post-treatment levels. Although long-term trends show water quality decreasing since the treatment, the water quality has stabilized at a level suitable for recreation. A major benefit is an increase in the average attendance at the lake by almost 2,000 people per summer.  相似文献   
Net environmental benefits are gains in value of environmental services or other ecological properties attained by remediation or ecological restoration minus the value of adverse environmental effects caused by those actions. Net environmental benefit analysis (NEBA) is a methodology for comparing and ranking net environmental benefits associated with multiple management alternatives. A NEBA for chemically contaminated sites typically involves comparison of several management alternatives: (1) leaving contamination in place; (2) physically, chemically, or biologically remediating the site through traditional means; (3) improving ecological value through onsite and offsite restoration alternatives that do not directly focus on removal of chemical contamination; or (4) a combination of those alternatives. NEBA involves activities that are common to remedial alternatives analysis for state regulations and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, post-closure and corrective action permits under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, evaluation of generic types of response actions pertinent to the Oil Pollution Act, and land management actions that are negotiated with regulatory agencies in flexible regulatory environments (i.e., valuing environmental services or other ecological properties, assessing adverse impacts, and evaluating remediation or restoration options). This article presents a high-level framework for NEBA at contaminated sites with subframeworks for natural attenuation (the contaminated reference state), remediation, and ecological restoration alternatives. Primary information gaps related to NEBA include nonmonetary valuation methods, exposure–response models for all stressors, the temporal dynamics of ecological recovery, and optimal strategies for ecological restoration.Published online  相似文献   
During the last 200 years, many rivers in industrialized countries have been modified by canalization. In the last two decades, the philosophy of river management has changed considerably, and restoration of ecological integrity has become an important management goal. One appealing restoration approach is to create “river widenings” that permit braiding within a limited area. This study presents a new and efficient framework for rapidly assessing such widening projects and offers a novel method to comparing restored sites with near-natural stretches (stencil technique). The proposed framework evaluates spatial patterns of riparian habitat types using landscape metrics as indicators. Three case studies from river restoration (river widening) in Switzerland are presented for demonstration purposes.The method compares restored sites with prerestoration conditions and near-natural conditions, which are assumed to represent the worst and best case states of a river system. To take into account the limited spatial extent of the restored sites, the so-called “stencil technique” was developed, where the landscape metrics of the near-natural reference sites are calculated for both the entire study area and smaller sections (clips). The clips are created by using a stencil that has the exact shape and size of the restored area (random window-sampling technique). Subsequently, the calculated metrics for the restored sites are compared to the range of values calculated for the near-natural data subset. Our studies show that the proposed method is easy to apply andprovides a valid way to assess the restoration success of river widenings. We found that river widenings offer real opportunities for establishing riparian habitats. However, they promote mainly pioneer successional stages and the habitat mosaic of the restored section is more complex than at the near-natural reference sites.  相似文献   
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