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CO2捕集与封存是减缓气候变化的一种关键的碳减排选择方案。将CO2注入油藏作为一种碳埋存方式引起广泛关注。作为判断某一国家、某一区域或某一具体储层是否适合CO2地质封存开展的重要依据之一,有必要在规划碳捕集与封存(CCS)项目前,对潜在的封存库进行封存潜力评估。本文在已有可公开的地质资料的基础上,评估了中国陆上216个油田实施CO2地质封存的潜力,并与相关研究结果进行了比较。结果表明:在满足埋存深度大于800 m的筛选条件下,当假设我国陆上油田全部用于CO2-EOR时,CO2封存潜力约3.6 Gt;当陆上油田全部视为废弃油藏处理时,CO2理论封存潜力约4.6 Gt。其中,东北和华北地区油藏封存CO2潜力巨大,占陆上油田CO2封存总量的60%以上;同时这里CO2集中排放源分布密集,排放源和封存地间的匹配性良好,可以减少CO2运输和封存成本。在这两个地区可以优先考虑实施油藏封存CO2项目。  相似文献   
以土地生产潜力与承载力理论为基础,以南水北调中线工程主要淹没区和水源地——丹江口库区耕地为研究对象,在遥感影像、DEM、气象、土壤等数据支持下建立模型,利用潜力递减法估算丹江口库区的土地生产潜力,同时对土地资源人口承载力进行研究。估算结果表明:研究区不同作物、不同耕作制度下的最大生产潜力与现实生产力有很大差距,在现有粮食生产水平下,库区未淹没耕地的情况下,库区的人口承载力现状已经很差,当水位达到170 m后,库区人口承载力将进一步恶化。但是,研究区作物的现实生产力还有很大的提高余地,若在移民的前提下,深入挖掘土地生产潜力,因地制宜的选择合适的耕作制度,库区的土地承载力还可以有所提高。  相似文献   
An environmental assessment of six scenarios for handling of garden waste in the Municipality of Aarhus (Denmark) was performed from a life cycle perspective by means of the LCA-model EASEWASTE. In the first (baseline) scenario, the current garden waste management system based on windrow composting was assessed, while in the other five scenarios alternative solutions including incineration and home composting of fractions of the garden waste were evaluated. The environmental profile (normalised to Person Equivalent, PE) of the current garden waste management in Aarhus is in the order of −6 to 8 mPE Mg−1 ww for the non-toxic categories and up to 100 mPE Mg−1 ww for the toxic categories. The potential impacts on non-toxic categories are much smaller than what is found for other fractions of municipal solid waste. Incineration (up to 35% of the garden waste) and home composting (up to 18% of the garden waste) seem from an environmental point of view suitable for diverting waste away from the composting facility in order to increase its capacity. In particular the incineration of woody parts of the garden waste improved the environmental profile of the garden waste management significantly.  相似文献   
For natural resource science, resource productivity studying is an important subject. But researches on tourism resource productivity are limited. The most significant influencing factor on tourism resource productivity is the potential market scale of tourist locations, and second most important influencing factor is the resource endowment. Regional urban population is significantly correlated with region tourist numbers, being the decisive factor of region potential tour market scale. In tourism development, the dual model should be adopted: on one hand to enhance tour spot attractiveness, on the other hand to cultivate the potential market by improving urbanization level and other means. In the situation of tourism development fever spreading, the dual model for improving tourism productivity helps to avoid the "Great Leap Forward" which means that too rapid tourism construction divorces from actual market demand.  相似文献   
介绍了小隐孢子虫卵囊的特点及其对人体的危害,分析了pH、混凝剂种类与投加量、电导率和天然有机物含量等对小隐孢子虫卵囊的Zeta电位的影响,总结了混凝-沉淀-过滤和直接过滤对小隐孢子虫卵囊的去除效果,探讨了水温、水质、混凝剂种类与投加量、滤料层组成和滤速等对去除效果的影响。  相似文献   
于2014年夏季,通过观测海淀公园不同区域沿道路不同宽度处PM2.5浓度,研究PM2.5浓度日变化规律、水平梯度分布规律、净化效益及其影响因素。结果表明,海淀公园内PM2.5浓度日变化规律呈白天低晚上高的趋势,09:00-15:00时PM2.5浓度达到国家标准Ⅱ类功能区浓度质量要求,05:00时PM2.5浓度最高。不同观测区域一定宽度范围内出现PM2.5浓度积聚,之后开始下降。总体上,海淀公园在13:00时对PM2.5浓度净化效益最显著,09:00时净化效益最差。环城高速路区域与城市主干道区域165 m以上宽度处、城市次干道区域60 m以上宽度处为正净化效益,并维持正净化效益。海淀公园内PM2.5浓度与气象因子之间相关关系表明,PM2.5浓度与平均温度、相对湿度呈显著相关,与其他气象因素没有显著相关性。  相似文献   
Goal, Scope and Background In order to evaluate the estrogenic activity of sediments and XAD water extracts of selected sites of the catchment area of the River Neckar, a river system in Southern Germany, an integrative assessment approach was used to assess the ecological hazard potential of endocrine-disrupting compounds in sediment and water. Methods The approach is based on estrogen receptor-mediated vitellogenin synthesis induced in isolated hepatocytes of rainbow trout and quantified in a non-radioactive dot blot/RNAse protection-assay in parallel to comprehensive chemical analyses of estrogenic substances. Results and Discussion Numerous investigated extracts revealed an estrogen activity comparable to that of the positive control (1 nM 17?-estradiol corresponding to 270 ng/L in the test medium). Based on a concentration factor of 30 in the extracts and a recovery of XAD resins of approximately 80 %, 17?-estradiol equivalent concentrations between 20 and 26.7 ng/L could be calculated downstream of a sewage treatment plant (< 0.1 ng/L for a reference site). A comparison of the bioassay-derived Bio-TEQs (toxicity equivalents) and the Chem-TEQs revealed a high correlation with a Pearson coefficient of 0.85, indicating that the same ranking of the samples could be obtained with respect to the endocrine disrupting potential with both chemical and bioanalytical analysis. However, the TEQ concentrations computed from chemical analyses were significantly lower than the bioassay-derived TEQ concentrations. In fact, in none of the samples, more than 14 % of the vitellogenin-inducing potency could be attributed to the substances (steroids, alkylphenols, bisphenol A, diethylstilbestrol) analyzed. A comparison of the endocrine disrupting potential of sediments extracted by the solvents acetone and methanol revealed lower biological effects for acetone-extracted samples. Possible reasons may be a masking of endocrine effects in acetone extracts by cytotoxicity, a low extraction efficiency of the solvent acetone, or anti-estrogen potencies of some extracted sediment compounds. Using a mass balance approach, the contribution of the compounds analyzed chemically (Chem-TEQs) to the total endocrine activity (Bio-TEQs) was calculated. Based on the very low detection limits, particularly of the steroids with their high TEF factors, results revealed that a calculation of the Chem-TEQs is associated with considerable scale inaccuracy: Whereas only 7-15 % of the biological effectiveness (Bio-TEQs) could be explained by endocrine substances identified above the detection limits, the assumption of concentrations slightly below the given detection limits would result in a significant over estimation (137-197 %) of the Bio-TEQs. Even the interassay variation of the dot blot assay with different fish donors for primary hepatocyte (factor 2 - 2.5) is relatively low, when compared to the large range of the Chem-TEQ concentrations (factor 20) obtained when applying different modes of calculation. Conclusions and Outlook Overall, only a minor portion of the endocrine activity detected by bioassays could be linked to compounds identified by chemical analysis. In vitro assays for assessment of endocrine activities are useful as sensitive integrating methods that provide quantitative estimates of the total activity of particular receptor-mediated responses. Although discrepancies may also result from different bioanalytical approaches, it is overall likely that bioanalytical and not chemical analytical approaches give the correct estimate of endocrine disrupting potencies in environmental samples. As a conclusion, assessment of endocrine disruption based on chemical analysis alone does not appear sufficient and further research into the spectrum of substances with potential endocrine activity as well as into additive or even synergistic effects in complex environmental samples is urgently needed.  相似文献   
城市生活垃圾的成分及特性随着季节和人类在不同季节的生活习惯而变化,针对我国北方城市研究了一年中不同季节的城市生活垃圾成分特点,对影响厌氧发酵过程的相关成分如总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)、蛋白质、脂肪和还原糖等进行了测定分析。通过厌氧消化实验,测得不同季节城市生活垃圾pH值、日产气量、沼气甲烷含量、甲烷累积量、挥发性脂肪酸(VFAs)和氧化还原电位(ORP)等参数的变化规律,分析相应变化的影响因素。结果表明,二、三季度的含水率分别为64.81%和67.50%,高于一、四季度,一季度发酵原料中蛋白质和脂肪含量分别为12.56%和8.86%,明显高于其他3个季度。一季度甲烷累积量最高,达到17616mL,单位发酵原料的产气量为204.8mL/g,也是4个季度中最高的,说明蛋白质、脂肪等有机成分含量对厌氧发酵过程及结果影响比较明显。为进一步的城市生活垃圾厌氧消化制取生物燃气的工艺条件提供依据。  相似文献   
Goals, Scope and Background It has been observed that hydrocarbon treated wastewaters still contain high COD and a number of intermediates. This suggests that the required catabolic gene pool for further degradation might be absent in the system or, that its titer value is not significant enough. By providing the desired catabolic potential, the overall efficiency of the treatment system can be improved. This study aims to demonstrate this concept by bioaugmentation of a lab-scale reactor treating refinery wastewater with a consortium having the capacity to complement the alkB genotype to the available microbial population. Methods Two reactors were set up using activated biomass collected from a refinery treatment plant and operated at a continuous mode for a period of 8 weeks. The feed to both reactors was kept constant. Crude oil was spiked regularly. One reactor was bioaugmented with a consortium previously described for crude oil spill remediation. The efficiency of the bioaugmented reactor was demonstrated by reduced COD. The changes in the microbial population over a period of time were analyzed by RAPD. Catabolic activity of the biomass in both reactors was monitored by PCR. The presence of the catabolic loci was confirmed by Southern Hybridization. Results and Discussion 52.2% removal of COD was observed in the bioaugmented reactor while only 15.1% reduction of COD was observed in the reactor without bioaugmentation. The change in microbial population can be seen from the 4th week, which also corresponds to improved catabolic activity. The presence of the bedA locus was seen in all samples, which indicates the presence of aromatic degraders, but the appearance of the alkB locus, from the 6th week onwards, which was observed only in the samples from the bioaugmented reactor. The results suggest that the gene pool of the bioaugmented reactor has catabolic loci that can degrade accumulated intermediates, thus improving the efficiency of the system. Conclusions In this study, improvement of efficiency of bioremediation was demonstrated by addition of catabolic loci that are responsible for degradation. Bioaugmentation was carried out in biomass that was collected from an ETP (effluent treatment plant) treating hydrocarbon containing wastewater to study the strategies for improvement of the treatment system. Biostimulation, only marginally improved the efficiency, when compared to bioaugmentation. The improved efficiency was demonstrated by COD removal. The presence of the alkB locus suggests the importance of a catabolic gene pool that acts on accumulated intermediates. It is well documented that straight chain aliphatics and intermediates of aromatic compounds after ring cleavage, accumulate in refinery wastewater systems, thereby hindering further degradation of the wastewater. Supplementation of a catabolic gene pool that treats the lower pathway compounds and alkanes will improve the overall efficiency. In this study, results suggest that the alkB locus can also be used to monitor the degradative mode of the activated biomass. Recommendations and Perspective . Pollution from petroleum and petroleum products around the globe are known to have grave consequences on the environment. Bioremediation, using activated sludge, is one option for the treatment of such wastes. Effluent treatment plants are usually unable to completely degrade the wastewater being treated in the biological unit (the aerator chambers). The efficiency of degradation can be improved by biostimulation and bioaugmentation. This study demonstrates the improved efficiency of a treatment system for wastewater containing hydrocarbons by bioaugmentation of a consortium that supports degradation. Further experiments on a pilot scale are recommended to assess the use of bioaugmentation on a large scale. The use of molecular tools, like DNA probes for alkB, to monitor the system also needs to be explored.  相似文献   
介绍生物免疫识别模式,分析事故预防过程的实质是抑制潜在危险转化成事故的控制过程,分析比较事故预防与生物免疫识别模式在作用、生存环境、动作触发源等的共性,构建了基于免疫识别模式的事故预防系统并建立了事故预防数学模型;定义事故预防系统的识别率、失效率、误判率并给出了数学表达式,指出监测生产系统各环节状态信息是否符合系统的安全要求就是识别潜在危险的过程,是事故预防的关键,基于人工免疫原理的事故预防数学模型具有较强的健壮性、自适应性和动态防护性等特点。  相似文献   
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