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China has developed more than 20 water pollution control plans for river basins (RBWPs) since 1996. However, the implementation has generally lagged. This paper proposes a three-step, post-evaluation methodology to analyze the implementation result of a RBWP and its influential factors. First, a multi-attribute evaluation method based on an index system is established to score the enforcement results of a RBWP. Indicators measure how well a RBWP has achieved its objectives, which include water quality compliance, pollution load control, project construction, financial inputs, and related management requirements. Second, an interpretive structural model is used to detect the significant factors that affect RBWP implementation. This model can effectively analyze the cause-effect chain and hierarchical relationship among variables. Five groups of factors were identified, namely, plan preparation, water resource endowment, policy, institution, and management. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed in the third step to evaluate the extent to which these factors have influenced the execution result of a RBWP, including pre-post contrast, scenario analysis, and correlation analysis. This research then post-evaluated the implementation of the Huai River Basin water pollution control plans (H-RBWPs) over a period of 10 years as a case study. Results showed that the implementation of the H-RBWPs was unsatisfactory during 2001–2005, although it improved during 2006–2010. The poor execution of these plans was partially caused by the underestimation of regional economic development in combination with ineffective industrial structure adjustment policies. Therefore, this case study demonstrates the feasibility and flexibility of the proposed post-evaluation methodology.  相似文献   
城市生态资源定量评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市生态资源定量评估对区域可持续发展具有重要意义. 以城市特色明显的深圳为例,在分析其生态系统特征基础上,提出了深圳市生态资源测算指标体系和分级标准. 该指标体系包括植被覆盖指数、水面覆盖指数、建设用地指数、未利用地指数和污染物排放指数五大类二级指标,以及林地等17个三级指标. 运用所构建的指标体系对深圳市2007年生态资源状况进行了评估,结果表明,罗湖、盐田、龙岗3个区生态资源优秀,福田、宝安、光明3个区生态资源良好,南山生态资源中等,全市生态资源总体表现良好. 该研究结果与深圳市资源环境实际状况基本一致.   相似文献   
Taihu Lake is one of the five biggest lakes in China. Surface water samples from 26 sampling sites of Taihu Lake were collected. Furthermore wet chemical analysis (CODCr and BOD5) and measurement of three dimensional excitation-emission matrix (3DEEM) spectra in the laboratory have been conducted. Using parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) model, three components of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) have been identified successfully, based on the analysis of 3DEEM data. The characteristics of the three components also have been described by comparing them to some components of CDOM, identified in earlier researches. Meanwhile, spatial variations of concentration for the three components in Taihu Lake have been analyzed, and the result indicates that the concentration of component 1 depends more on the situation of wastewater pollution and can be used as the indicator of wastewater pollution. The relationship between the concentrations of the three components and results of the wet chemical analysis show that none of the three components can be used as indicators of gross organic matter in water. However, the concentrations of all the three components have obvious linear relationships with the BOD5 value, especially for component 1 (r = 0.72878). Finally, the potential applications of the composition analysis based on 3DEEM and PARAFAC model in water quality monitoring have been illuminated.  相似文献   
食物消费是居民消费的最基本内容。论文基于分层抽样,通过近1个月实地入户3 d跟踪调研称重获得粮食主产区山东省207户农村家庭食物消费的一手数据,定量分析现阶段我国典型区域农村家庭的食物消费结构与特征,并比较不同地区、不同收入水平及不同家庭规模下居民食物消费的特征。结果表明:1)蔬菜在山东农村居民家庭食物消费中占据最高比重(41.0%),粮食消费中以面粉及制品为主(59.0%),肉类消费以猪肉为主(71.9%)。2)三个案例地中,济南地区较德州和潍坊地区在酒水、食用油和调味品等非粮食食物上的消费量较高,而对粮食的消费量较低;收入水平较高的家庭,在蔬菜、面粉等粮食、调味品和食用油上的消费比经济水平低的家庭要少,而在肉类、水果、水产类和奶类上较多;人口规模较小的家庭比规模较大的家庭的人均食物消费量大。3)通过与中国营养学会推荐的中国居民平衡膳食宝塔建议的食物摄入量数据比较发现,山东农村地区居民油和盐的消费量略高,对奶及奶制品、水产品、蛋类和水果的消费明显不足。新时代乡村振兴背景下,改善农村地区居民食物消费结构,提高营养水平是改善农村地区生活水平最基本而迫切的工作。本研究为进一步提高我国居民食物消费需求基础数据的准确获取提供了参考,并为相关政策的制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   
本研究选用大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)和脊髓灰质炎病毒(poliovirus)分别作为典型的细菌和病毒,利用培养和定量PCR的检测技术,对比研究紫外线消毒和次氯酸钠消毒对细菌和病毒的作用特点.结果表明:脊髓灰质炎病毒比大肠杆菌更难被灭活,达到1-log所需的氯剂量分别为19.2 mg·L~(-1)·min和10.14 mg·L~(-1)·min;所需的紫外线剂量分别为6.37 m J·cm~(-2)和1.81 m J·cm~(-2).定量PCR方法检测大肠杆菌和脊髓灰质炎病毒达到1-log的核酸损伤所需的紫外线剂量和氯剂量要比培养法高出1~2数量级,紫外线消毒对脊髓灰质炎病毒的RNA损伤量明显大于对大肠杆菌的DNA损伤,病毒的单链RNA对紫外线的敏感性更强,该结果与培养法正好相反.达到1-log核酸损伤脊髓灰质炎病毒所需的紫外线剂量为135 m J·cm~(-2),大肠杆菌所需的剂量为270.3 m J·cm~(-2),核酸损伤需要更多的消毒剂量,可能由于消毒过程微生物进入活性但处于非可培养状态(VBNC),以及灭活对微生物其他分子的损伤和微生物死后核酸的持续性.  相似文献   
植物硫含量法监测大气污染数量模型   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
运用MINITAB程序研究承德市5个常年大气监测点不同季节的10种木本植物硫含量和大气SO2之间的一元回归和多元回归模型。一元回归模型叶以珍珠梅最好,r=0.8695(P<0.001),枝以油松和珍珠梅、垂柳为好,相关系数0.8(P<0.001);树皮以刺槐为佳,r=0.8615(P<0.001);复相关模型以刺槐最好,相关系数达0.987。植物叶片硫含量与大气SO2和气孔阻力的回归模型说明,以污染状态进入植物体的硫,主要通过气孔进入;家榆表现为极显著相关,复相关系数达0.990。用植物含污指数法可以综合评价大气质量,其中总污染指数可以有效地评价总的大气质量,硫复合污染指数和重金属复合污染指数可以评价不同地点SO2和TSP污染状况,与直接用大气SO2浓度法和TSP浓度法结果基本相同。  相似文献   
Petroleum hydrocarbon suppliers affect a mine's goals for environmental performance because of the extensive reach of petroleum hydrocarbon products into the mining and minerals product life cycle, their impact on operational efficiencies, cost, and mine viability, and their potential for leaving negative environmental as well as safety legacies. The supplied petroleum hydrocarbon life cycle is a framework that enables structured engagement between supplier and customer on a range of environmental performance issues because it is an example of input into the mining industry that affects the entire mining and minerals processing value chain. Engagement with suppliers in a proactive manner can be a risk management strategy. Questions for businesses to ask in relation to suppliers and their role in minimizing business risks and creating new value are offered.  相似文献   
煤层注CO2促排瓦斯主要包含气体置换和流动驱替两种作用机理,但在注气过程中哪种机理占主导地位,能否将这两种机理剥离开还需要进一步研究。为了研究注CO2促排煤中甲烷的机理及其主导地位,进行了低应力载荷条件下分层预压成型煤样注CO2置换/驱替煤层甲烷的实验。实验结果表明:在置换和驱替最初246 min内,出气口没有检测到CO2气体,注入的CO2气体全部驻留在煤体中,没有随气流排出,宏观表现为仅有置换作用而没有驱替作用。在之后的1 180 min内,注入的CO2气体一部分继续驻留在煤体中,另一部分随气体流出,宏观表现为既有置换作用又有驱替作用,置换作用减弱,驱替作用增加的过程。在注气实验后期,随着注气时间的增加,煤体中CO2逐渐吸附平衡,驱替作用开始逐渐占据主导地位。截止到实验结束时,整个阶段过程中,置换作用累计贡献率为53.32%,驱替作用累计贡献率为46.68%,置换作用累计贡献率大于驱替作用累计贡献率,随着注气不断进行驱替作用累计贡献率会逐渐上升,会出现超过置换作用累计贡献率的现象。  相似文献   
The amidoximated polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber Fe complexes were prepared and used as the heterogeneous Fenton catalysts for the degradation of 28 anionic water soluble azo dyes in water under visible irradiation. The multiple linear regression (MLR) method was employed to develop the quantitative structure property relationship (QSPR) model equations for the decoloration and mineralization of azo dyes. Moreover, the predictive ability of the QSPR model equations was assessed using Leave-one-out (LOO) and cross-validation (CV) methods. Additionally, the effect of Fe content of catalyst and the sodium chloride in water on QSPR model equations were also investigated. The results indicated that the heterogeneous photo-Fenton degradation of the azo dyes with different structures was conducted in the presence of the amidoximated PAN fiber Fe complex. The QSPR model equations for the dye decoloration and mineralization were successfully developed using MLR technique. MW/S (molecular weight divided by the number of sulphonate groups) and NN=N (the number of azo linkage) are considered as the most important determining factor for the dye degradation and mineralization, and there is a significant negative correlation betweenMW/S or NN=N and degradation percentage or total organic carbon (TOC) removal. Moreover, LOO and CV analysis suggested that the obtained QSPR model equations have the better prediction ability. The variation in Fe content of catalyst and the addition of sodium chloride did not alter the nature of the QSPR model equations.  相似文献   
水体病原微生物定量风险评价:历史、现状与发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
环境风险评价是成型于1970年代的多学科交叉新兴领域,为环境风险管理提供决策的科学依据.环境风险评价研究的发展经历以意外事故为风险源的事故风险评价,以化学品为风险源和人体健康为风险受体的健康风险评价,以生态系统为风险受体的生态风险评价.以微生物污染为风险源和人体健康为风险受体的定量微生物风险评价(QMRA)也于1990年代开始发展.QMRA确定微生物的摄入量及其对人体产生不良作用概率之间关系的数学描述.作为一种前沿的微生物健康风险评估手段,QMRA为公共卫生政策和标准制定、采取可行的健康干预决策提供有力支撑,已被美国、加拿大、荷兰、澳大利亚等多个国家应用于环境管理.本文梳理了环境风险评价的发展历史,系统详细综述水媒传播病原微生物定量风险评价的研究与应用,同时指出当前QMRA面临的问题并提出针对性的建议.  相似文献   
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