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为探究北京地区不同季节大气O3浓度垂直分布特征,于2010年12月1日—2011年3月31日(冬春季)和2011年5月7日—6月9日(夏初),在北京北部地区的中国环境科学研究院内,利用第三代移动式大气环境激光雷达系统,对$\varphi $(SO2)、$\varphi $(NO2)以及$\varphi $(O3)和气溶胶后向散射系数垂直方向和垂直剖面进行试验观测,并结合天气要素的变化进行了分析研究.结果表明:①$\varphi $(O3)存在明显的季节变化,表现为夏季>春季>冬季,同时晴天、微风、逆温条件等气象背景是O3污染过程出现的主要气象因素,在微风和南风的情况下,会出现高$\varphi $(O3)带,在北风影响情况下,$\varphi $(O3)相对较低,雨水冲洗的作用对$\varphi $(O3)分布也有明显的影响;②$\varphi $(O3)的日变化曲线呈单峰单谷型,$\varphi $(O3)峰值一般出现在14:00—18:00之间,谷值则出现在22:00—翌日09:00之间;③$\varphi $(O3)垂直分布呈现单峰、双峰、多峰型分布等多种垂直分布特征,10 km以上高空这3种分布特征均有出现,但是在5 km以下的近地面$\varphi $(O3)垂直和斜程分布基本呈现多峰型,斜程方向上$\varphi $(O3)的高低与下垫面及其所排放的O3前体物有密切的关系;④$\varphi $(O3)垂直分布呈现一定的不均匀性,其数值范围浮动比较小,最大值之间相差30×10-9.研究显示,$\varphi $(O3)垂直规律主要表现出两种分布特征,一种是在3~5 km处有高浓度的堆积区,另一种则没有明显高值堆积区.   相似文献   
The present study deals with the application of self-organizing maps (SOM) in order to model, classify and interpret seasonal and spatial variability of 210Po, 238U and 239+240Pu levels in the Vistula river basin. The data set represents concentration values for 3 alpha emitters (210Po, 238U and 239+240Pu) measured in surface water samples collected at 19 different sampling locations (8 in major Vistula stream while 11 in right or left Vistula tributaries) during four seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn) in the framework of a one-year quality monitoring study. The advantages of an SOM algorithm, its classification and visualization ability for environmental data sets, are stressed. The neural-network based classification made it possible to reveal specific patterns related to both seasonal and spatial variability. In the middle and upper part of Vistula catchment as well as in the right-shore tributaries, concentrations of 210Po and 238U during summer and winter are the lowest. Concentrations of 210Po and 238U increase significantly during spring and autumn in the Vistula river catchment, especially in the delta of Vistula river. High concentration of anthropogenic originated 239+240Pu indicates “site-specific” character of pollution in two large left-shore tributaries located in the middle part of the Vistula drainage area. Efficient classification of sampling locations could lead to an optimization of river radiochemical sampling networks and to a better tracing of natural and anthropogenic changes along Vistula river stream.  相似文献   
银川活动断层卫星遥感图像解译   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用对地表具有一定穿透能力的合成孔径雷达数据(ENVISAT ASAR)和光谱信息丰富的常规光学遥感数据(Landsat-7 ETM)作为主要数据源,综合了雷达遥感与光学遥感的成像优势,利用图像预处理、图像增强处理与多源遥感信息融合突出了银川研究区的活动断裂遥感影像特征。根据活动断层遥感解译标志,共解译出8条主要活动断层,分别为银川-平罗断裂、芦花台断裂、镇北堡断裂、黄河-灵武断裂、贺兰山东麓断裂带、黎家新庄-南泉子断裂、三关口断裂与青铜峡断裂,并对其影像特征与空间分布规律进行详细分析。银川活动断裂的解译分析为该地区的地震安全性评价与地震活动性分析奠定了基础。  相似文献   
Abstract:  Central America is exceptionally rich in biodiversity, but varies widely in the attention its countries devote to conservation. Protected areas, widely considered the cornerstone of conservation, were not always created with the intent of conserving that biodiversity. We assessed how well the protected-area system of Central America includes the region's mammal diversity. This first required a refinement of existing range maps to reduce their extensive errors of commission (i.e., predicted presences in places where species do not occur). For this refinement, we used the ecological limits of each species to identify and remove unsuitable areas from the range. We then compared these maps with the locations of protected areas to measure the habitat protected for each of the region's 250 endemic mammals. The species most vulnerable to extinction—those with small ranges—were largely outside protected areas. Nevertheless, the most strictly protected areas tended toward areas with many small-ranged species. To improve the protection coverage of mammal diversity in the region, we identified a set of priority sites that would best complement the existing protected areas. Protecting these new sites would require a relatively small increase in the total area protected, but could greatly enhance mammal conservation.  相似文献   

Old cadastral maps represent a historical reference dataset for long-term land-use reconstructions. This study presents identification of inconsistencies in the nineteenth century Franziscean cadastre, one of the largest sets of old cadastral maps worldwide, by comparing three versions of the maps and written documents created in the same period. We identified all parcels and their land-use in the four sub-sources in six study areas. The overall share of inconsistencies among 5 771 identified parcels is 7.4%, with the biggest share of inconsistency in agroforestry and forestry classes. The most frequent inconsistencies are of ‘Not differentiable land use’ (n = 212) and ‘Different land-use’ categories across the sub-sources (n = 113). We conclude that the frequency of uncertainties in old cadastral maps may limit the validity of historical land-use reconstructions, affecting the eventual restoration and management efforts based on such data. We provide a summary for the use of Franziscean cadastre.  相似文献   
目的 优化以经验为主的船载雷达结构设计流程,缩短设计周期,提高设计的准确性。方法 提出基于模态分析和PSD法的新的设计流程,利用ANSYS软件对雷达天线和转台结构进行系统的随机振动分析,得到其模态、应力分布、位移云图及响应谱曲线,验证设计的准确性、合理性。结果 得到雷达系统在1σ下的最大应力值和最大变形量分别为14.847 MPa和0.367 mm。结论 新的设计流程可以得到可靠性更高的产品,能有效缩短产品的设计周期,具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
雷达电磁环境的联合建模与仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着雷达灵敏度、精度的提高,对电磁环境的依赖性也越来越大.首先分析了美军的联合建模与仿真系统(JMASS),指出建立一个综合的、可重用的雷达电磁仿真环境是电子战仿真的关键;重点研究了基于球不变随机过程(SIRP)的K分布杂波模型,以及地面/海面的多路径效应模型;最后建立了雷达电磁环境的模型并进行了仿真.  相似文献   
通过室外试验的方法、从二维角度入手并将排桩参数与瑞利波波长建立联系研究了几何参数变化时隔振半径的变化。结果表明:单排桩可取得整体性的隔振特点,并且隔振效果最佳的区域在桩后较近的距离;桩长增加可使其隔振效果提升且隔振半径随桩长与波长比值的增加而增加,当桩长与波长比值小于0.320时,隔振半径为0;随比值增加到0.820左右,隔振半径增加到约0.680 m。桩间距的增加可使其隔振效果变差,隔振半径随桩间距与波长比值增加而降低,当比值达到0.300~0.430时,隔振半径长度降为0。振源距离增加可使得排桩隔振效果增强,而隔振半径随振源距与波长比值增加而增加,当比值在0.165~0.305的范围内时,隔振半径为0;随比值增加到0.808左右,隔振半径的长度增加到约0.512 m。  相似文献   
多普勒天气雷达综合防雷安全措施研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为保证用于提升气象服务能力的新一代多普勒天气雷达安全可靠运行,其综合防雷十分重要。本文通过对雷达楼及其信息系统的防雷安全环境理论计算确定其防雷等级,雷达塔楼主体建筑按二类防雷建筑物设计,其信息处理、传输系统按信息系统雷击电磁脉冲防护分级划为A级。结合巴彦淖尔市雷达工程实例分析了当地的地理地质、气候环境和雷电活动规律,及根据被保护物的特点详细研究了防雷装置的形式,提出了多普勒天气雷达综合防雷保护体系;分别从雷达天线直击雷防护、侧击雷防护、等电位和屏蔽措施、接地装置、电源信号系统浪涌保护及生活附属设施防雷设计等方面进行了综合论述。工程经实践证明其防雷措施是行之有效的,这对新一代多普勒天气雷达安全运行具有较好的指导意义。  相似文献   
目的 分析一种雷达吸波隐身涂层在海洋大气自然环境下性能的变化规律。方法 对12个月不同阶段涂层的常规物理性能和电性能进行检测,其中常规物理性能包括宏观形貌、金相形貌、微观性能、附着力、抗冲击强度和红外光谱。结果 从宏观形貌看,涂层明度和色差值呈上升趋势,12个月明度增加1.22,色差值增加2.91,颜色向绿色和蓝色发展,失光率先增大、后减小,最大失光率为9个月时的34%。涂层附着力和试验时间呈现非线性关系,6个月时,附着力降低了18%,12个月时增大了24%。涂层在2~18GHz的频率范围内,吸波曲线大体呈“U”形,最低反射率随时间向低频方向偏移。涂层金相形貌、微观性能、抗冲击强度和红外光谱特征总体变化不明显。结论 在1a内,自然海洋大气环境对雷达吸波隐身涂层常规物理性能和电性能产生了一定影响,但在试验时间相对较短情况下,海洋大气环境对涂层老化的影响作用尚未充分显示,需要结合更长周期的试验数据进一步分析。  相似文献   
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