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Gebremichael, Mekonnen, Emmanouil N. Anagnostou, and Menberu M. Bitew, 2010. Critical Steps for Continuing Advancement of Satellite Rainfall Applications for Surface Hydrology in the Nile River Basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(2):361-366. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00428.x. Abstract: Given the increasingly higher resolution and data accessibility, satellite precipitation products could be useful for hydrological application in the Nile River Basin, which is characterized by lack of reasonably dense hydrological in situ sensors and lack of access to the existing dataset. However, in the absence of both extreme caution and research results for the Nile basin, the satellite rainfall (SR) products may not be used, or may even be used erroneously. We identify two steps that are critical to enhance the value of SR products for hydrological applications in the Nile basin. The first step is to establish representative validation sites in the Nile basin. The validation site will help to quantify the errors in the different kinds of SR products, which will be used to select the best products for the Nile basin, include the errors in decision making, and design strategies to minimize the errors. Using rainfall measurements collected from the unprecedented high-density rain gauge network over a small region within the Nile basin, we indicate that SR estimates could be subject to significant errors, and quantification of estimation errors by way of establishing validation sites is critically important in order to use the SR products. The second step is to identify the degree of hydrologic model complexity required to obtain more accurate hydrologic simulation results for the Nile basin when using SR products as input. The level of model complexity may depend on basin size and SR algorithm, and further research is needed to spell out this dependence for the Nile basin.  相似文献   
以惠阳城区为研究对象,选取4种具有代表性的典型城市功能区类型:工业区、商业区、住宅区、交通区,对其地表堆积物进行样品采集和实验分析.结果表明:地表堆积物细粒部分(粒径<149舯)所占比例为51%,粗粒部分(粒径>2 000um,)所占比例仅4.1%;重金属含量的粒径分级特性和质量分数相似,即粒径越细的部分重金属含量越高;Pb,Zn,Cu.Cr之间的相关系数较高;重金属的浸出浓度在不同的功能区基本遵循同样的规律,即细粒部分重金属浸出浓度最高,随粒径的增大浸出浓度逐减,细粒部分重金属的浸出浓度:w(Pb)为59.1 rag/kg/kg,w(Zn)为93.5 mg/kg,w(Cu)为37.7 ms/ks,w(Cr)为23.9 ms/kg,w(Cd)为0.07 mg,kg.  相似文献   
珠江流域下游地区降水空间分布规律研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
剧烈人类活动和全球气候持续变化双重影响下流域水文气象要素特征研究是目前水文水资源领域热点问题之一。论文以珠江流域下游地区为研究区域,根据该地区125个雨量观测站1956—2005年50 a逐月降水资料,利用信息论中有向信息传输指数定量分析各观测站点之间降水的信息传递,并结合聚类分析方法判断各观测站的所属关系,研究珠江流域下游地区降雨的空间分布规律。研究表明:受地形条件和沿海季风气候的共同作用,珠江流域下游地区降水具有自相似性特点,在空间分布上存在7个相似区域。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: An extensive research program in hydrometeorology was recently initiated in the Chicago region. Major objectives are to 1) develop a real-time, prediction-monitoring system for storm rainfall using a combination of weather radar and telemetered raingage data, 2) determine precipitation measurement requirements for hydrologic design, operation, and modeling purposes, 3) define the time-space characteristics of heavy rainstorms in the Chicago urban area, and 4) establish methods for applying the Chicago findings in other cities. Basic components of the field measurement program are a network of over 300 recording raingages in 4000 mi2 in and around Chicago, plus two sophisticated weather radar systems for obtaining real-time information on storm parameters pertinent to optimizing operation of urban water resources systems. The raingage networks are to be used to compile information relevant to both design and operational aspects of urban hydrology. Radars are to be used primarily in developing the real-time operational techniques. Testing and evaluation of the real-time operational system will be done in cooperation with the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Chicago, operator of one of the most complex urban water control systems among major metropolitan areas.  相似文献   
简要统计了2007年5-6月国内发生的各种环境事件123起,包括沙尘天气10起,污染事件23起,地震15起,山体滑坡和泥石流13起,旱灾5起,以及其他自然灾害57起.对自然灾害进行了讨论.  相似文献   
上海地区降雨清除PM2.5的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析2012—2016年上海徐家汇站的雨量和颗粒物(PM_1、PM_(2.5)、PM_(10))观测数据发现,降雨对PM_(2.5)的湿清除作用明显,降雨日的PM_(2.5)质量浓度较非降雨日平均降低约30%,在污染季节降低更加显著约50%.降雨时PM_1在PM_(2.5)中的占比明显下降,PM_1质量浓度下降幅度占PM_(2.5)下降幅度的84%,表明降雨对PM_1的有效清除是PM_(2.5)质量浓度下降的主要原因.降雨过程结束后PM_(2.5)质量浓度是否下降和降雨前PM_(2.5)的初始质量浓度关系密切,当初始浓度在冬季大于70μg·m~(-3)、在其他季节大于45μg·m~(-3)时,80%以上的降雨过程结束后PM_(2.5)质量浓度较降雨前下降,因此可作为研判降雨过程对PM_(2.5)湿清除影响的预报因子.  相似文献   
尾矿库能否安全运行的影响因素之一就是渗流问题。而降雨又是影响尾矿库渗流场的一个重要因素。运用ANSYS有限元软件的热力学模块建模,计算了3种干滩长度、3种降雨量及7种雨型,共计63种组合工况。分析计算发现,降雨时干滩长度越长,尾矿库出口节点渗透压上升越高。由此可知降雨时,如果尾矿库干滩面未做防渗排水防护措施,那么干滩长度越长对坝体的稳定越不利。建议尾矿库工程设计过程中考虑在干滩面设置防渗排水设施。  相似文献   
在湖北农村 10个地点 ,利用澳大利亚集雨器自 1996年 1月至 1998年 6月 ,按季度采集大气降水样品测定SO2 - 4浓度 ,并对数据进行统计分析。研究结果表明 ,各地 1997年降水中SO2 - 4浓度年均值比 1996年显著升高 ;大多数地点 1996、1997、1998年 1季度和 2季度降水中SO2 - 4浓度呈逐年升高趋势 ;大多数地点每年 1、4季度降水中SO2 - 4浓度高 ,2、3季度降水中SO2 - 4浓度低 ,说明湖北农村降水中的硫对秋冬作物影响比对春夏作物影响大 ;湖北农村降水中SO2 - 4浓度近两年不仅有时间变化规律 ,而且同一季度内的地区差异也很明显 ,在 1996年和 1997年 8个季度 10个点的降水SO2 - 4浓度最大值中 ,有 4个最大值出现在襄樊 ,它是目前湖北继宜昌市区、恩施市区之后又一个酸雨发展较快的地区  相似文献   
过去300a长江中下游异常丰梅事件变化与洪涝灾害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2016年6—7月,长江流域发生重大洪涝灾害,给社会生产和人民生活带来严重损失。而该时段内梅雨因其强降水过程频繁、持续时间长、雨量集中等特点成为主要致灾因子。论文利用历史文献和观测资料,构建了1736年以来异常丰梅事件年表,分析了其长期变化特征及与El Ni?o事件的统计关系,并诊断了El Ni?o造成异常丰梅事件的大气环流背景。结果表明:1736—2016年间共发生44次异常丰梅事件(含21次特大梅雨事件),其中1900年代、1910年代、1990年代是异常丰梅事件最为频繁的3个时段;与2016年梅雨特征相近的特大梅雨事件有21次。过去300 a间,异常丰梅事件与El Ni?o存在较好的对应关系,44次异常丰梅事件中37次发生在El Ni?o的当年或次年;在21次特大梅雨事件中16次伴随El Ni?o出现。伴随El Ni?o事件而发生的异常丰梅事件环流特点是中高纬经向环流偏强,我国境内水汽输送通道偏西、偏北,大量水汽滞留在长江流域,并与南下的冷空气交汇,从而形成持续性降水;而在El Ni?o次年,低纬存在较强且稳定的副热带高压,水汽输送路径偏北,长江中下游水汽输送通量显著增强,更容易导致异常丰梅事件的发生。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Storm runoff as calculated by the runoff curve number method is shown to be of varying sensitivity to both input rainfall and curve number. Using an assumed input error of 10%, a runoff error chart is given. Up to about 9 inches of rainfall, runoff is more sensitive to curve number than to rainfall. The importance of accurate curve number selection in this range is stressed.  相似文献   
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