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河流为人类提供了多样的生态服务功能,然而城市化对河流生态系统健康状况造成严重的影响。随着点源污染的有效管理控制,非点源污染降雨径流己成为造成城市地表水环境污染的主要原因。为了改善河道水质,引调清水激活城市内河水体,提高河道的水环境自净能力,有效改善城市水环境。文章以南京河西水系为例,利用Saint-Venant方程组对水系建立一维水动力模型,并通过汇流结点水位法对方程组进行数值求解;对WASP5水质模型进行二次开发用于水质模拟;建立水质模型和一维河网水动力模型的耦合模型,将水动力模型计算所得到的水动力参数耦合到WSAP5水质模型中,模拟降雨过程以及引调清水过程的河网各河段的水质变量浓度,得出降雨径流对河流的污染程度以及引清冲污措施对河流水质改善的效果并优化调水过程。  相似文献   
Spatial pattern analysis is the core component in landscape ecology research. We analyzed the landscape pattern and dynamic process of the Kubuqi Desert by using a typical region as a study area. This study area includes four towns: ShuLinZhao, WangAiZhao, BaiNiJing and JiGeSiTai. The area of cropland, fixed sand dune, woodland, residential area and wetland increased and centralized gradually, while the area of semi-fixed sand dune, drifting sand dune, meadow and washland decreased and dispersed gradually from 1987 to 2003. On the landscape level, the patch shape tended to be regular, and the landscape pattern tended to be simple, causing the fragmentation degree, heterogeneity and diversity of the landscape to decrease. Fixed sand dune, Semi-fixed sand dune, drifting sand dune, meadow and river flood plains were the five main export classes, and residential area, cropland and wetland were the three main import classes. The classes that had a relatively large total area and large average patch area had a smaller extent of gravity center migration, whereas the classes with small total area and small average patch area had a larger extent of gravity center migration; this is because the small patches are easily influenced by human activities or natural factors. In addition, the desertification area and desertification degree reduced gradually in the study area during the period from 1987 to 2003.  相似文献   
以北京北护城河周边区域为例,探讨了降雨和土地利用对地表径流的影响。选取了2011-2012 年4-11 月的15 场降雨,分别代表小雨、中雨、大雨、暴雨、大暴雨和特大暴雨这6 个雨量级。利用校准的雨洪管理模型(Storm Water Management Model, SWMM)分别模拟每次降雨事件下研究区7 个控制断面的地表径流深度。结果表明,地表径流深度随降雨量的增加显著线性增加。当降雨量在不同量级之间变化时,地表径流深度的变化幅度不尽相同。在不同的降雨事件中,降雨量和地表径流深度随时间的动态变化趋势可能有很大的差异,但地表径流深度在某一时刻的值的高低均决定于之前1~2 h 的降雨量,而地表径流深度的总体上升或下降趋势均决定于前期累积的降雨量。地表径流深度随渗透面积比例的增加显著下降,且变化曲线存在临界阈值(为15%~20%)。在暴雨、大暴雨和特大暴雨时,渗透面积比例对地表径流的影响更大。研究结果可为控制汛期城市地表径流量和洪峰流量、减少城市内涝提供土地利用和管理方面的理论依据和决策建议。  相似文献   
在GIS平台和Fragstats 4.1软件的支持下,本文以1989年和1999年的TM影像,2012年的资源三号卫星影像为数据源,利用景观/斑块类型面积、斑块所占景观面积的比例、斑块密度、最大斑块指数、总边缘长度、边缘密度、香农多样性指数、蔓延度指数等景观特征指标,对呼伦贝尔市某煤矿区的景观特征动态变化进行分析。结果显示:该煤矿区20多年来景观格局有了很大变化,景观类型由1989年的水域、草地、未利用地为主导变为2012年以未利用地、草地、耕地为主导,其中因人类工业活动和人工复垦导致工矿景观、道路景观、林地景观和耕地景观面积增加,而原来占绝对优势的水域景观面积则大幅减小。  相似文献   
生态经济城市通过城市生态、经济与社会系统的动态协调,形成一个生态高度有效保护、经济良性高效发展、人与自然和谐相处的整体功能系统,代表了现代和未来城市发展的方向.作为全国首批六个生态文明建设试点地区之一和广东省的生态发展区,韶关市加快生态经济城市建设符合这一发展潮流和趋势.根据SWOT分析方法,对韶关市生态经济城市建设面临的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行分析,不仅为韶关生态经济城市建设提供策略依据,而且为其它类似地区的生态经济城市建设提供借鉴.  相似文献   
Acidobacteria is one of the most dominant and abundant phyla in soil,and was believed to have a wide range of metabolic and genetic functions. Relatively little is known about its community structure and elevational diversity patterns. We selected four elevation gradients from 1000 to 2800 m with typical vegetation types of the northern slope of Shennongjia Mountain in central China. The vegetation types were evergreen broadleaved forest,deciduous broadleaved forest,coniferous forest and sub-alpine shrubs. We analyzed the soil acidobacterial community composition,elevational patterns and the relationship between Acidobacteria subdivisions and soil enzyme activities by using the 16 S rRNA meta-sequencing technique and multivariate statistical analysis. The result found that 19 known subdivisions as well as an unclassified phylotype were presented in these forest sites,and Subdivision 6 has the highest number of detectable operational taxonomic units(OTUs). A significant single peak distribution pattern(P 0.05) between the OTU number and the elevation was observed. The Jaccard and Bray–Curtis index analysis showed that the soil Acidobacteria compositional similarity significantly decreased(P 0.01) with the increase in elevation distance. Mantel test analysis showed the most of the soil Acidobacteria subdivisions had the significant relationship(P 0.01) with different soil enzymes. Therefore,soil Acidobacteria may be involved in different ecosystem functions in global elemental cycles. Partial Mantel tests and CCA analysis showed that soil pH,soil temperature and plant diversity may be the key factors in shaping the soil Acidobacterial community structure.  相似文献   
滩涂围垦与开发是海岸带地区特有的土地利用模式,揭示新中国成立以来滩涂已开发围垦区土地利用类型结构能够为该地区未来土地利用与规划提供一个标尺。论文以江苏省如东县为例,从土地利用类型结构与土地利用类型综合指数两部分探讨新中国成立以来不同围垦年限滩涂围垦区土地利用类型结构变化特征,揭示土地利用变化过程,对该地区土地可持续利用具有重要意义。结果表明:新中国成立以来,如东县不同年限围垦区土地利用类型变化存在阶段性特征。从围垦时间序列来看,农用地占比在30 a 围垦区最高,其变化呈现“S”型特征;建设用地呈现间歇性增长,周期为20 a,其中村庄用地在围垦10 a 逐步出现;未利用地一直下降,在40 a 围垦区保持稳定,主要类型为河流用地。滩涂围垦区土地利用强度在30 a 围垦区达到最高,呈现“S”型变化特征。土地利用多样性指数在30 a 围垦区达到最高值,呈现倒“U”型特征。滩涂围垦区土地利用类型演变存在三个阶段。江苏省沿海滩涂淤长为滩涂围垦奠定了自然基础条件,围垦初期,受到盐分的限制,只有耐盐植物和改良作物能够在滩涂土壤上生存,随着土壤不断脱盐,滩涂围垦区土地利用类型逐步多样化,在未来滩涂资源开发利用过程中,需要重点开展滨海盐土的开发复垦工作,严格审批新增建设用地,积极保护自然生态环境,实现沿海滩涂地区可持续发展。  相似文献   
研究了昆明市主城区3种温室气体浓度的最新变化情况,采用2009年、2010年和2011年的月份和小时平均浓度数据,结合昆明市气候特点,对3种温室气体浓度的月份和干、湿季的小时变化规律及原因进行了分析。  相似文献   
在对西藏雅鲁藏布板块缝合线西段北亚带达机翁蛇绿岩的地质构造、岩石组合等进行野外考察的基础上,首次对该蛇绿岩的主量元素、微量元素、REE及Sr、Pb、Nd同位素进行了较系统的测试分析和综合研究,并由此探讨了该蛇绿岩的构造环境。提出该蛇绿岩为新特提斯东段岛海格局中的岛派成国,为已消亡的中生代新特提斯洋岩石圈的残片。  相似文献   
Due to relatively strong human activities in the hilly area of Loess Plateau,the natural vegetation has been destroyed,and landscape pattern based on agricultural land matrix was land use mosaic composing of shrub land,grassland,woolland and orchard.This pattern has an important effect on soil moisture and soil nutrients.The Danangou catchment,a typical small catchment,was selected to study the effects of land use and its patterns on soil moisture and nutrients in this paper.The results are as follows:The comparisons of soil moisture among seven land uses for wet year and dry year were performed:(1)the average of soil moisture content for whole catchment was 12.11% in wet year,while it was 9.37% in dry year;(2)soil moisture among seven land uses was significantly different in dry year,but not in wet year;(3) form wet year to dry year,the profile type of soil moisture changed from decreasing type to fluctuation-type and from fluctuant type to increasing type;(4)the increasing trend in soil moisture from the top to foot of hillslope occurred in simple land use along slope,while complicated distribution of soil moisture was observed in multiple land uses along slope.The relationships between soil nutrients and land uses and landscape positions were analysed:(1)five nutrient contents of soil organic matter(SOM),total N(TN),available N(AN),total P(TP) and available P(AP) in hilly area were lower than that in other areas.SOM content was less than 1%,TN content less than 0.07%,and TP fallow land and cropland,and higher level in soil fertility was found in crop-fruit intercropping land among croplands;(3)soil nutrient distribution and responses to landscape positions were variable depending on slope and the location of land use types.  相似文献   
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