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Defining stream reference conditions is integral to providing benchmarks to ecological perturbation. We quantified channel geometry, hydrologic and environmental variables, and macroinvertebrates in 62 low‐gradient, SE United States (U.S.) Sand Hills (Level IV ecoregion) sand‐bed streams. To identify hydrogeomorphic reference condition (HGM), we clustered channel geometry deviation from expectations given watershed area (Aws), resulting in two HGM groups discriminated by area at the top of bank (Atob) residuals <0.6 m2 and >0.6 m2 predicted to be HGM reference/nonreference streams, respectively. Two independent partial least squares discriminate analyses used (1) hydrologic/environmental variables and (2) macroinvertebrate mean trait values (mT) on 10 reference/nonreference stream pairs of similar Aws for classification validation. Nonreference streams had flashier hydrographs and altered flow magnitudes, lower organic matter, coarser substrate, higher pH/specific conductivity compared with reference streams. Macroinvertebrate assemblages corresponded to HGM groupings, with mT indicative of multivoltinism, collector‐gatherer functional feeding groups, fast current‐preference taxa, and lower Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera richness and biotic integrity in nonreference streams. HGM classifications in Sand Hills, sand‐bed streams were determined from channel geometry. This easily implemented classification is indicative of contemporary hydrologic disturbance resulting in contrasting macroinvertebrate assemblages.  相似文献   
We test the use of a mixed‐effects model for estimating lag to peak for small basins in Maine (drainage areas from 0.8 to 78 km2). Lag to peak is defined as the time between the center of volume of the excess rainfall during a storm event and the resulting peak streamflow. A mixed‐effects model allows for multiple observations at sites without violating model assumptions inherent in traditional ordinary least squares models, which assume each observation is independent. The mixed model includes basin drainage area and maximum 15‐min rainfall depth for individual storms as explanatory features. Based on a remove‐one‐site cross‐validation analysis, the prediction errors of this model ranged from ?42% to +73%. The mixed model substantially outperformed three published models for lag to peak and one published model for centroid lag for estimating lag to peak for small basins in Maine. Lag to peak estimates are a key input to rainfall–runoff models used to design hydraulic infrastructure. The improved accuracy and consistency with model assumptions indicates that mixed models may provide increased data utilization that could enhance models and estimates of lag to peak in other regions.  相似文献   
The legacy of mining continues to affect stream water quality throughout the western United States. Traditional remediation, involving treatment of acid mine drainage from portals, is not feasible for the thousands of abandoned mines in the West as it is difficult and expensive. Thus, the development of new methods to address acid mine drainage is critical. The purpose of this study was two fold; to identify and test new tools to identify sources of metal pollution within a mine and to identify low-cost treatment alternatives through the use of these tools. Research was conducted at the Mary Murphy Mine in Colorado, a multiple-level underground mine which produced gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc from 1870 to 1951. Source waters and flowpaths within the mine were characterised using analysis of hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of water (water isotopes) in combination with solute analysis and hydrometric techniques. Hydrometric measurements showed that while discharge from a central level portal increased by a factor of 10 during snowmelt runoff (from 0.7 to 7.2 Ls–1), Zn concentrations increased by a factor of 9 (from 3,100 to 28320gL–1). Water isotopes were used as conservative tracers to represent of baseflow and snowmelt inputs in a hydrologic mixing model analysis. The results showed that less than 7% of peak discharge was from snowmelt. Within the mine, approximately 71% of the high-flow Zn loading was caused by a single internal stream characterised by extremely high Zn concentrations (270600gL–1) and low pH (3.4). Somewhat surprisingly, hydrologic mixing models using water isotopes showed that new water contributed up to 79% of flow in this high-Zn source during the melt season. Diversion of this high-Zn source within the mine resulted in a decrease in Zn concentrations at the portal by 91% to 2,510gL–1, which is lower than the base-flow Zn concentration. The results suggest that in some mines remediation efforts can be concentrated on specific areas within the mine itself. Using the characterisation techniques demonstrated in this study, problem areas can be identified and contaminated flows diverted or isolated. The results also suggest that it may be possible to dewater contamination areas, greatly reducing costs of remediation.  相似文献   
Chemical and isotopic investigations indicate that the recharge source for the groundwater in the Tahta district, adjacent to the Nile, is mainly from the Nile water seeping from irrigation channels. The water's chemical type is sodium bicarbonate, with values of oxygen-18 and deuterium close to that of Nile water. Another minor source of recharge to the far west of the Nile bank is palaeowater. This water's chemical type is sodium sulphate and sodium chloride. The change of water quality in some groundwater samples could be due to the extensive use of fertilizers to improve soil characteristics in new reclamation projects. In addition, these wells are slightly depleted in oxygen-18, deuterium and tritium. Recommendations for the periodic monitoring of groundwater quality for proper use are given.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated annealing (SA), two global search techniques, are coupled with MODFLOW, a commonly used groundwater flow simulation code, for optimal management of ground water resources under general conditions. The coupled simulation-optimization models allow for multiple management periods in which optimal pumping rates vary with time to reflect the changing flow conditions. The objective functions of the management models are of a very general nature, incorporating multiple cost terms such as the drilling cost, the installation cost, and the pumping cost. The models are first applied to two-dimensional maximum yield and minimum cost water supply problems with a single management period, and then to a multiple management period problem. The strengths and limitations of the GA and SA based models are evaluated by comparing the results with those obtained using linear programming, nonlinear programming, and differential dynamic programming. For the three example problems examined in this study, the GA and SA based models yield nearly identical or better solutions than the various programming methods. While SA tends to outperform GA in terms of the number of forward simulations needed, it uses more empirical control parameters which have significant impact on solution efficiency but are difficult to determine.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: The effects of changes in the landscape and climate over geological time are plain to see in the present hydrological regime. More recent anthropogenic changes may also have effects on our way of life. A prerequisite to predicting such effects is that we understand the interactions between climate, landscape and the hydrological regime. A semi-distributed hydrological model (SLURP) has been developed which can be used to investigate, in a simple way, the links between landscape, climate and hydrology for watersheds of various sizes. As well as using data from the observed climate network, the model has been used with data from atmospheric models to investigate possible changes in hydrology. A critical input to such a model is knowledge of the links between landscape and climate. While direct anthropogenic effects such as changes in forested area may presently be included, the indirect effects of climate on landscape and vice versa are not yet modeled well enough to be explicitly included. The development of models describing climate-landscape relationships such as regeneration, development and breakup, water and carbon fluxes at species, ecosystem and biome level is a necessary step in understanding and predicting the effects of changes in climate on landscape and on water resources. Forest is the predominant land cover in Canada covering 453 Mha and productivity/succession models for major forest types should be included in an integrated climate-landscape-water simulation.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Transport of agricultural chemicals in runoff and recharge waters from snowmelt and soil thawing may represent a significant event in terms of annual contaminant loadings in temperate regions. Improved understanding of the melt dynamics of shallow snowpacks is necessary to fully assess the implications for water quality. The objective of this study was to measure the energy balance components of a corn (Zea mays L.) stubble field during the melting of its snowcover. Net radiation (Rn), soil (G), sensible (H), and latent (Q) heat fluxes were measured in a field near Ames, Iowa, during the winter of 1994–1995. Energy consumed by melting including change in energy storage of the snowpack was determined as the residual of the measured energy balance. There was continuous snowcover at the field site for 71 days (maximum depth = 222 mm) followed by an open period of 11 days before additional snowfall and a second melt period. The net radiation and snow melt/energy storage change (5) terms dominated the energy balance during both measurement intervals. Peak daily sensible and latent heat fluxes were below 100 W m?2 on all days except the last day of the second melt period. There was good agreement between predicted and measured values of H and Q during the melting of an aged snow layer but poorer agreement during the melt of fresh snow. Both snowpacks melted rapidly and coincident changes in soil moisture storage were observed. Improved estimates of Q and H, especially for partially open surfaces, will require better characterization of the surface aerodynamic properties and spatially-representative surface temperature measurements.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Optimization formulations for hydraulic control that take the form of linear programs possess a corresponding dual linear program. The economic and physical interpretations of the dual linear program are examined for formulations in which hydraulic head in groundwater systems is constiained. In each case it is shown that the dual linear program has a physically meaningful interpretation. For a hydraulic gradient control formulation used for remedial analysis it is shown that the dual variable can be interpreted as the remedial benefit due to each gradient control constraint. The dual linear program maximizes the remedial benefit. The value of the dual variable can be used to compute such useful properties as the total remedial benefit of pumping at a specific location. For a formulation that optimizes aquifer yield while constraining drawdown the dual variable can be used to measure the total cost of drawdown capacity consumption per unit of pumping at a specific location. The dual program minimizes the cost of drawdown capacity consumption. By examining the meaning of the dual linear program an alternate statement of the problem under study is revealed. Quantities arising from the dual program add to the value of the optimization approach. Significant new information can be derived from existing linear optimization formulations with minimal additional computational effort.  相似文献   
黄河径流序列标度不变性分析及趋势预测研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长期以来,影响黄河干流梯级电站可持续发展的因素,除了关键技术因素、经济因素和环境因素,还有对未来径流趋势的认知不足。可见研究黄河干流径流变化趋势,对于黄河干流梯级电站可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。论文利用非趋势的波动分析法,对黄河干流贵德、头道拐和花园口3个水文站径流的标度不变性和未来变化趋势进行了分析和预测。结果显示,3个水文站的径流量将会减少,这将对黄河干流梯级电站可持续发展不利。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: Precipitation and streamflow data from three nested subwatersheds within the Little Washita River Experimental Watershed (LWREW) in southwestern Oklahoma were used to evaluate the capabilities of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to predict streamflow under varying climatic conditions. Eight years of precipitation and streamflow data were used to calibrate parameters in the model, and 15 years of data were used for model validation. SWAT was calibrated on the smallest and largest sub‐watersheds for a wetter than average period of record. The model was then validated on a third subwatershed for a range in climatic conditions that included dry, average, and wet periods. Calibration of the model involved a multistep approach. A preliminary calibration was conducted to estimate model parameters so that measured versus simulated yearly and monthly runoff were in agreement for the respective calibration periods. Model parameters were then fine tuned based on a visual inspection of daily hydrographs and flow frequency curves. Calibration on a daily basis resulted in higher baseflows and lower peak runoff rates than were obtained in the preliminary calibration. Test results show that once the model was calibrated for wet climatic conditions, it did a good job in predicting streamflow responses over wet, average, and dry climatic conditions selected for model validation. Monthly coefficients of efficiencies were 0.65, 0.86, and 0.45 for the dry, average, and wet validation periods, respectively. Results of this investigation indicate that once calibrated, SWAT is capable of providing adequate simulations for hydrologic investigations related to the impact of climate variations on water resources of the LWREW.  相似文献   
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