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魏红  李克斌  李娟  陈经涛  张涛 《环境科学》2013,34(6):2271-2276
以磷钨酸(H3PW12O40,PW12)为光催化剂,异丙醇(Isopropanol)作为电子给体的条件下对偶氮染料直接大红4BE进行均相光催化还原脱色研究,考察PW12用量、IS浓度、直接大红4BE和盐浓度等因素的影响,结果表明杂多蓝(PW1-2)对直接大红4BE具有明显的还原脱色作用.pH=2.0,直接大红4BE初始浓度50 mg·L-1,PW12浓度为600 mg·L-1,IS浓度为0.13mol·L-1,50 min直接大红4BE的脱色率可达到90.39%.4BE的光催化还原脱色速率随PW12和IS浓度的增加而增加,最后趋于恒定;直接大红4BE初始浓度增加,其光反应一级速率常数降低;PW12、IS和4BE浓度之间存在交互影响.离子强度增加,4BE脱色速率减小,表现为负的盐效应,推测4BE与光反应生成的杂多蓝(PW1-2)进行复合,然后发生电子转移引起偶氮染料还原脱色和杂多蓝氧化复原.本研究结果表明PW12/IS/UV能够有效用于偶氮染料直接大红4BE的还原脱色处理.  相似文献   
Continuous visibility monitoring has been carried out inKwangju, Korea since May 1999. The total light extinctioncoefficient b ext measured by a transmissometer andreveals seasonal trends in urban visual air quality,especially under hazy conditions with a visual range of lessthan 15 km. Seasonal atmospheric visibility under lowrelative humidity during the winter was observed to be betterthan during any other seasons. Summertime visibility wasseverely degraded due to highly increased light scattering byhygroscopic particles under high humidity atmosphericconditions. Visibility during spring and fall was alsomoderate. However, yellow sand in spring caused the lowestvisibility conditions over the measurement area for a fewdays. With continuous monitoring using the transmissometer,the daily average seasonal visual range was measured to be13.1, 9.2, 11.0, and 13.9 km in spring, summer, falland winter, respectively. Under the atmospheric humiditycondition less than 60%, visual range was observed tobe 16.1, 13.9, 15.1, and 16.6 km in spring, summer,fall, and winter, respectively. The mean light extinctionbudget by sulfate and nitrate aerosols was determined to bethe highest value of 63.71% during the summer and thelowest value of 27.08% during spring. During the `yellow sand dust' period, a mean light extinction budget by soil particles was estimated to be at an unusually high value of 44.22%.  相似文献   
红壤稻田系统有机物循环再利用潜力及增产作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
10年田间试验结果表明:红墩妥田系统有机养分循环再利用潜力大,水稻收获,年均从稻田系统中输出NPK的总量最大可达到224.7,53.0和271.4kg/hm^2,有机物循环再利用,年均可归N,P,K量最大分别为115.1,35.8和231.5kg/hm^2,占系统输总量的51.2%,67.5%g和85.3%,保持稻田系统内有机物循环再利用可提高系统生产力,在不施化肥的情况下,增产3056kg/hm^2,增施N肥,增产2753kg/hm^2,增施N,P肥,增产1543kg/hm^2;NPK配合,增产984kg/hm^2;有机物循环再利用还可增强稻田系统的稳产性能,降低稻谷产量的年际变异系数;有机物循环再利用对水稻的增产有着明显的残效叠加作用,在施用N,P,K化肥基础上圾机物养分循环再利用水稻增产率在试验期间的前5年为7.2%,后5年平均为9.4%。  相似文献   
为了解白鹤滩蓄水运行前黑水河下游鱼类资源的现状、受到的主要威胁及其保护措施,于2014年1~12月在黑水河下游干支流江段采用电捕法进行了渔获物调查。结果显示:12个月共调查发现鱼类28种,隶属于3目8科23属,其中喜流水生境、产粘沉性卵、以着生藻类或/和底栖动物为食物的鱼类种类较多;调查区域鱼类个体规格普遍较小,其中齐口裂腹鱼Schizothorax prenanti、短体副鳅Paracobitis potanini、红尾副鳅Paracobitis varigatus、短须裂腹鱼Schizothorax wangchiachii、前鳍高原鳅Triplophysa anterodorsalis、中华纹胸鮡Glyptothorax sinense和凹尾拟鲿Pseudobagrus emarginatus为调查区域的主要经济鱼类;上半年和下半年的渔获物结构在统计学上差异显著(R=0.81,p=0.1%0.05),鱼类在金沙江干流和黑水河下游之间的相互迁徙比较明显;CPUE呈现先波动下降然后逐月上升的趋势,其中10月份的CPUE最低;丰度生物量比较曲线显示2014年各月的渔获物结构均处于严重干扰状态。黑水河下游河道采砂以及过度捕捞是白鹤滩蓄水前影响黑水河下游鱼类资源的主要因素,建议通过控制采砂的江段、采砂的时间以及全面禁捕保护该区域的鱼类资源。  相似文献   
降雨过程中红壤团聚体粒径变化对溅蚀的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为揭示团聚体粒径动态变化对溅蚀的影响,通过室内人工模拟降雨试验,以第四纪粘土、泥质页岩发育红壤为研究对象,研究了酒精预湿润后的2~5 mm团聚体在降雨过程中粒径动态变化及溅蚀率的变化。试验结果表明:在60 mm/h雨强下,团聚体受雨滴机械打击破碎主要发生在降雨的最初阶段,团聚体>0.25 mm百分含量(P>0.25)及平均重量直径(M)均随降雨时间(T)增加呈幂函数减小,溅蚀率(Dr)随降雨时间(T)增加呈幂函数增加,而溅蚀率(Dr)随团聚体平均重量直径(M)减小呈幂函数增大。为揭示不同土样在降雨溅蚀过程中溅蚀率的变化规律,利用团聚体稳定性特征参数-机械破碎指数(R)及降雨时间(T),建立了不同团聚体稳定性土样溅蚀率随降雨时间变化的经验方程,且方程可决系数较高(R2=0.82),揭示出团聚体稳定性越好,其破碎过程越缓慢,溅蚀率越小。研究结果为红壤区土壤侵蚀的防治及侵蚀机理研究提供了新思路  相似文献   
国际环境保护公约中技术转让障碍问题的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着世界各国对全球资源与环境问题认识的逐步提高 ,发展中国家必将签署越来越多的国际环境公约 ,参与到国际环境保护合作中。尽管许多国际环境公约都明确规定了发达国家在资金和技术上支持发展中国家保护环境履行国际公约的义务 ,但是实际履约过程中技术转让的问题并未得到良好的解决。论文将讨论国际环境公约履约中的技术转让障碍问题 ,并以中国履行《关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》 ,实施臭氧层保护行动过程中所存在的实际问题为例 ,对国际环境公约履行中技术转让障碍的原因及其后果进行分析 ,最后对发展中国家所应采取的立场和对策提出建议。  相似文献   
LNAPL在砂质含水层中动态迁移的电阻率法监测试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在海滨潮间带采集细砂,通过室内柴油泄漏模拟试验,利用自制电阻率监测系统对轻非水相液体在砂土-地下水系统垂向渗透过程进行电阻率变化动态监测;通过配制不同含油率砂土测定其静态电阻率变化规律,探讨电阻率变化的影响因素;最后取样分析测定污染含水介质稳定后含水率及含油率,对监测结果有效性进行了验证;并利用显微成像法对污染砂土进行了微观形态分析.结果表明,柴油污染砂土微观形态上胶结现象明显;柴油渗透海滨砂土过程电阻率大小同含水饱和度,比电阻率和含油饱和度之间存在良好的相关性,均可用Archie公式拟合,n值分别为2.36和0.15;通过电阻率测定可以有效估算柴油透镜体厚度;电阻率随深度的变化可以反映含油率和含水率的垂向分布.本研究为轻质油品储罐或者海上油品输运过程泄露造成的海滨砂土地下污染扩散过程监测及机制研究提供了一种有效的方法,也可为其他典型石油泄漏污染场地的电阻率法探测或监测提供参考.  相似文献   
Different urban air pollution problems deal with complex structure of air flows and turbulence. For such problems the Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods become widely used. However, this approach despite a number of advantages has some problems. Experience of use of CFD tools for development of models and suggestions of their applications for a local scale air pollution over a complex terrain and stable stratification are discussed in this paper, including: Topography and complex geometry: choose of the co-ordinate system and computer grid; Turbulence closure for air pollution modelling: modified k- model for stable stratified ABL; Boundary conditions for vertical profiles of velocity for stable-stratified atmosphere; Effects of the radiation and thermal budget of inclined surfaces to dispersion of pollutants; Artificial sources of air dynamics and circulation.Some examples of CFD applications for air pollution modelling for a flat terrain, mountainous area, mining open cast and indoor ventilation are discussed. Modified k- model for stably-stratified ABL is suggested. Due to the isotropic character of the k- model a combination of it in vertical with the sub-grid turbulence closure in horizontal can be more suitable for ABL. An effective scheme of boundary conditions for velocity profiles, based on the developed similarity theory for stable-stratified ABL, is suggested. Alongside with the common studies of atmospheric dispersion, the CFD methods have also demonstrated a good potential for studying anthropogenic and artificial-ventilation sources of air dynamic and circulation in local-scale processes of air pollution.  相似文献   
<正>To control land surface subsidence caused the underground mineral exploitation and the catastrophic phenomena such as serious damage of buildings, waterbodies, cultivated lands, railways, bridges caused by land subsidence, bed separation grouting technology of overburden is put forward. To provide theoretical support for the technology, the characteristics and the mechanics mechanism of mining overburden from layer-split to formation of bed separation are studied. On the basis of elastic sheet board theory, calculation formula of rock sheet deflection is presented, and the mechanics criteria of the separation formation and the calculation formula of bed separation volume are set up. Finally, the applications and technics of bed separation grout technology of mining overburden to control land subsidence in china are introduced.  相似文献   
以壳聚糖和十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)为改性剂,制备了复合改性膨润土,并利用傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)和X射线衍射(XRD)对其进行表征,研究了该改性膨润土对活性红X-3B的吸附效果.结果表明:壳聚糖能插入CTAB改性膨润土层间;当复合改性膨润土投加量为5 g·L~(-1),pH为3时,其对活性红X-3B的去除率可达99.15%;吸附过程符合拟二级动力学方程;吸附行为适于用Langmuir吸附等温方程描述.由吸附热力学方程计算得到,吸附焓变ΔH0,吸附自由能变ΔG0,吸附熵变ΔS0,表明吸附为放热和熵减少的自发过程.复合改性膨润土稳定性受搅拌时间和温度的影响不明显,pH较低(pH3)时稳定性会降低.通过Zeta电位分析认为,静电作用为吸附的主要机理.经过6次吸附/再生后,改性膨润土对活性红X-3B的去除率仍在60%以上,表明复合改性膨润土具有较好的重复利用性.研究表明,该复合改性膨润土是一种对水体中活性红X-3B具有良好吸附能力的吸附剂.  相似文献   
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