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A monitoring program was carried out in bathing waters along the sea-coast of the Adriatic Sea. The investigation was aimedat obtaining a quali-quantitative picture of microorganisms ofanthropic origin and of a more strictly autochthonous origin and at verifying the existence of possible reciprocal correlations and combinations of relationship between them. Results showed that the concentrations of indicators of faecal contamination, whether within or over the values established by legislation, are not always related to the presence and density of microorganisms of environmental origin but the regression modelsused can help to describe how these latter microorganisms can bein relation to levels of the other parameters. The difficultyis evident of the predictability of health effects swimming-associated; for this reason more complex models that are currently used should be taken into account for minimising the risk for bathers.  相似文献   
Toxicity of some organic and inorganic chemicals to microorganisms is an important consideration in assessingtheir environmental impact against their economic benefits.Microorganisms play an important role in several environmentalprocesses, both natural and engineered. Some organic and inorganics at toxic levels have been detected in industrial discharges resulting in plant upsets and discharge permit violations. In addition to this, even though in some cases the effluent wastewater does not exceed the discharge limits,the results of toxicity tests show potential toxicity. Toxicityknowledge of effluents can benefit treatment plant operators inoptimising plant operation, setting pre-treatment standards, and protecting receiving water quality and in establishing sewer discharge permits to safeguard the plant. In the Turkish regulations only toxicity dilution factor (TDF) with fish is part of the toxicity monitoring program of permissible wastewater discharge. In various countries, laboratory studiesinvolving the use of different organisms and protocol for toxicity assessment was conducted involving a number of discharges.In this study, it was aimed to investigate the acute toxicity of textile and metal industry wastewaters by traditional and enrichment toxicity tests and emphasize the importance of toxicity tests in wastewater discharge regulations. The enrichment toxicity tests are novel applications and give anidea whether there is potential toxicity or growth limiting and stimulation conditions. Different organisms were used suchas bacteria (Floc and Coliform bacteria) algae (Chlorella sp.), fish (Lepistes sp.) and protozoan (Vorticella sp.) to represent four tropic levels. The textile industry results showed acute toxicity for at least one organism in 8 out of 23 effluent samples. Acute toxicity for at least two organisms in 7 out of 23 effluent sampling was observed for the metal industry. The toxicity test results were assessed with chemical analyses such as COD, BOD, color and heavy metals. It was observed that the toxicity of the effluents could not be explained by using physicochemical analyses in 5 cases for metal and 4 cases for the textile industries. The results clearly showed that the useof bioassay tests produce additional information about the toxicity potential of industrial discharges and effluents.  相似文献   
对克拉玛依采集的部分石油污染土壤进行了筛选,得到了5组石油烃高效降解混合菌,其中混合菌KL9-1在45℃的条件下,通过7 d的降解,稀油的降解率达到43.27%,稠油的降解率达到20.09%。混合菌KL9-1经过多次分离纯化后,获得3株具有石油烃降解能力的优势单菌,3株单菌对稀油的降解率都在30%以上。结合分离单菌株的形态、生理生化特征和16S rDNA基因序列的分析结果,初步鉴定KL9-1-1为Pseudomonas putida,KL9-1-2和KL9-1-3为Pseudomonas sp.。  相似文献   
利用中国唯一的稻麦轮作臭氧FACE(free-air O3 concentration enrichment,开放式空气臭氧浓度增高)试验平台,研究近地层臭氧浓度升高对稻田不同生育时期植株氮吸收量、土壤氮含量与脲酶活性、土壤氨氧化细菌与反硝化细菌数量以及成熟期土壤硝化与反硝化作用强度的影响。结果发现,臭氧浓度升高条件下,单株水稻(Oryza sativaL.)的氮吸收量趋于升高,土壤全氮含量趋于下降、脲酶活性趋于增强,在成熟期土壤全氮与对照相比平均下降9%,土壤脲酶活性与对照相比平均升高13%。在水稻整个生长季节,土壤氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌的数量均呈现出先增多后减少的趋势,且均在开花期达到峰值,但臭氧熏蒸土壤与对照相比趋于升高;在水稻成熟期,土壤中单个氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌的活性均趋于下降,土壤硝化强度和反硝化强度与对照相比也平均下降17%和24%。结果表明,近地层臭氧浓度升高条件下,稻田土壤氮素转化因为水稻氮素吸收增强而加快,土壤氨氧化细菌和反硝化细菌的数量均趋于增多,但它们的生理代谢活性均趋于下降。  相似文献   
耐低温混菌降解苯系物的特性及菌种鉴定研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周月明  刘娜  张兰英  刘鹏  高松 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1893-1900
以吉化双苯厂被硝基苯、苯系物(BTEX)污染的土壤为菌源,经过筛选驯化得到一组在低温条件(10℃)下可降解苯系物(BTEX)的混菌。室内研究表明,在10℃,pH=6.8,苯系物(BTEX)总质量浓度200mg·L^-1的条件下,84h后该菌对苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯的降解率依次为93.2%、95.6%、91%、88.4%、对6种质量浓度的苯系物(BTEX)污染物中最难降解的苯进行降解动力学曲线模拟,当苯质量浓度小于17.48mg·L-1时,降解符合一级降解动力学,当苯的质量浓度为17.48~195.30mg·L^-1时,降解符合零级降解动力学、该混菌降解效果稳定、适应环境能力强,经80次传代后仍能保持良好的降解效果,且在6个不同地区含有不同背景组成的地下水中降解效果稳定、应用Biolog细菌自动鉴定系统和16SrDNA序列分析方法对降解率较高的3株菌B2、B4、B6作菌种鉴定,B2为嗜麦芽糖寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia),B4为斑生假单胞菌(Pseudomonas maculicola),B6为多刺假单胞菌(Pseudomonas spinosa)。  相似文献   
光合细菌处理淀粉废水的中试研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
利用光合细菌连续处理工艺,在适宜条件下进行淀粉废水处理的中试研究。中试系统日处理量为4m3,CODCr最大容积负荷6.71kg/(m3·d),COD去除率为95.7%。该法所得菌泥可作为饲料添加剂,具有较好的经济效益。  相似文献   
In an acid mining lake (pH 2.6) enclosure experiments wereperformed with the addition of different concentrations oforganic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. SSCP-communityfingerprints, based on 16S rRNA gene amplicons, were performed tomonitor changes in the structure of the total bacterialcommunity and the sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) in themesocosms. Total bacterial cell counts, as assessed byepifluorescence microscopy, were increased in the mesocosmsamended with organic carbon. The addition of carbon alsoincreased the number of abundant bacterial taxa substantiallyalong depth. Sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) could be detected inall enclosures and all parts of the water column. These SRBbelonged to genus Desulfobacter as indicated bycoroborating molecular data.  相似文献   
To elucidate the role of Fe(III) reduction in mining lake sediments amended with organic substrates, we performed a large (10 m diameter) enclosure experiment in which sediments were amended with Carbokalk, a waste product from sugar industry containing organic carbon and lime. Fe(III) reduction rates were determined monthly by measuring the accumulation of Fe(II) in the sediments in the field. Fe(III) reduction rates were also determined by incubating sediment samples with synthetic Fe(III) oxyhydroxide under in situ temperature in the laboratory. Sulfate reduction was selectively inhibited in the Fe(III) reduction experiments by addition of sodium molybdate. Sulfate reduction was measured by accumulation of reduced inorganic sulfides in the field and by 35S radiotracer using a core injection technique. Sediment incubation and determination of sulfate reduction rates with radiotracer showed that sulfate reduction and direct microbial Fe(III) reduction occured simultaneously in the upper centimeters of the sediments and that both processes contributed to alkalinity generation. However, Fe(III) reduction was the initial process and rates were at least 3.5 fold higher than sulfate reduction rates. The results indicate that the presence of suitable anions for Fe(II) precipitation as carbonate or sulfide is needed in order to prevent loss of potential alkalinity by Fe(II) diffusion and reoxidation in the water column.  相似文献   
中小镁厂清洁生产初探   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
魏婷  吴长年  王勇  侯文胜 《四川环境》2005,24(4):89-91,96
以小型镁厂为例,分析其设备选型、生产工艺、原材料和能源消耗、污染防治,提出中小镁厂进行清洁生产的建议和措施。以期为中小镁厂今后的工程设计、技术改进及工程投运后的环境管理决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The effects of washing treatments on removal rates of some pesticides residues (acetamiprid, chlorpyrifos and formetanate hydrochloride) on pepper were investigated. Method verification was conducted through spiking pepper samples at 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 × MRL. QuEChERS method produced average recovery of 104.91% with relative standard deviation (RSD) of 13.41%. LOQ values of acetamiprid, chlorpyrifos and formetanate hydrochloride were estimated as 2, 10 and 5?µg/kg, respectively. Capia peppers grown in open fields were sprayed three times with pesticides. Peppers were harvested after 1st, 2nd and 3rd day of the treatments. Then the peppers were subjected to tap water, acetic acid and citric acid washing and ultrasonic cleaning treatments (for 2 and 5?min). Based on three different harvest times and two different washing durations, processing factors (PFs) and reduction rates were calculated for each washing treatment. The residues gradually decreased during washing treatments with increasing process duration. Similarly, a gradual reduction was noted with the progress of harvest times. This in turn corresponded to an increase in PF. Ultrasonic cleaning and citric acid (9%) washing were more effective than the others. Non-systemic pesticides (chlorpyrifos) were more readily removed than the systemic ones (acetamiprid). Similarly, highly soluble pesticides exhibited higher reduction.  相似文献   
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